Monday, 2017-04-10

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Rework the CLI Guide
kongd0ugal, mgershen1, please take a look at (Support region for openstack actions), we will see if we could land it in Pike-1 :)04:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Replace six.iteritems() with .items()
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tuan_Morning guys07:01
tuan_if someone has time, could you please review this bp07:02
tuan_once it is approved, i will start writing specs for it07:02
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rakhmerovtuan_: hi07:14
rakhmerovplease write a spec, I'm interested in more details07:14
rakhmerovtuan_: the idea looks right07:15
tuan_Hi Renat, i am going to do it now, after a coffee07:15
rakhmerovok, good07:15
rakhmerovtuan_: this is one of the very important things that has been in our debt for a very long time, I'm glad you're paying attention to it07:15
rakhmerovwe'll help you with it07:15
rakhmerovit's very much needed07:16
tuan_rakhmerov: yep, and it is also important for us too, i mean CBAM07:16
rakhmerovtuan_: did you already hit this limitation in CBAM?07:16
tuan_rakhmerov: yep07:16
rakhmerovas a temporary workaround you may consider increasing token expiration time in Keystone07:17
tuan_and this limitation should be solved as a feature in CBAM07:17
tuan_rakhmerov: yep, WR is what you said07:17
tuan_nothing else07:17
tuan_or write in the doc that: do not wirte any action/wf that lasts too long07:17
tuan_sooner or later, we have to solve it07:18
d0ugalrakhmerov: does this really need a spec?07:18
d0ugalit is just a bug IMO07:18
rakhmerovd0ugal: good question, I don't insist. I'd rather see the code asap07:18
d0ugali.e. why not just use ?07:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1595084 in Mistral "Workflow execution lifespan is limited by auth token expire time" [High,Confirmed]07:18
rakhmerovthen we could think how to improve it07:18
d0ugalI guess I should read the blueprint :P07:19
rakhmerovd0ugal: yes, this bug is the same07:19
rakhmerovtuan_: I think d0ugal is actually right, you can close this BP and proceed with the bug07:19
d0ugaltuan_: why did you create a blueprint rather than use that bug? :)07:19
rakhmerovd0ugal: my assumption: he just missed it..07:20
d0ugalrakhmerov: I showed him the bug last week07:20
rakhmerov(wrong theory)07:20
tuan_well, ah07:20
tuan_i did not pay attention to that07:20
tuan_since no one seems active on that bug, then i created a bp07:21
tuan_otherwise, the solution for this one is not trivial,07:21
rakhmerovtuan_: in its nature it's really a bug, not a blueprint07:21
tuan_rakhmerov: agree07:21
rakhmerovtuan_: bugfixes are not always trivial07:21
rakhmerovok, we're on the same page I think07:21
rakhmerovare you going to proceed with the implementation?07:22
tuan_ok, and then forget about specs07:22
tuan_i still need more ideas than what me and Steve (shardy) discussed07:22
tuan_maybe some one has more ideas07:22
tuan_that is so sad that we have not enough people to review all the things07:23
tuan_OK, let's treat it as a bug and i am now doing implementation07:23
rakhmerovtuan_: don't worry about reviews, try to come up with a good patch07:23
tuan_rakhmerov: Ok07:24
rakhmerovtuan_: you can write the impl, we'll look at the code (even if it's not complete) and propose our improvements07:24
rakhmerovsounds ok?07:24
tuan_rakhmerov: yep, let's start with it07:25
rakhmerovd0ugal: I guess this one is done, isn't it?
rakhmerovd0ugal, sharatss: guys, how much of this do you think is left?
rakhmerovit's not easy to track it (my fault) so I'm trying to understand what to do with it07:27
sharatssrakhmerov, this is pending07:28
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sharatssrakhmerov, DSL and API v2 documentation fixes pending07:29
rakhmerovsharatss: is it the full answer to my question? :)07:29
jenner_guys, mistral YAQL dosn't support conditional branches, right?07:30
sharatssrakhmerov, i am still going through all the points one by one07:30
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jenner_oh, disregard that, I found
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rakhmerovsharatss: ok07:53
rakhmerovjenner_: just to clarify: YAQL is not Mistral's :), it's an independent project07:53
rakhmerovjenner_: answering your question: if I understand you correctly, then no, it doesn't because it's just a query language (similar to XPATH or LINQ)07:54
rakhmerovbut maybe you could clarify what you mean exactly (by example)07:55
rakhmerovjenner_: aah, just saw your link to Dougal's article07:55
rakhmerovyep, it describes it well07:55
rakhmerovddeja: hi Dawid, can you pls take a look at again?08:05
rakhmerovand answer to Sharat08:05
rakhmerovddeja: we're getting close to Pike-1 release and would like to make sure to merge all long hanging patches to have as much clear picture as possible08:06
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rakhmerovsharatss: I added a comment in, I think it's easy to mention Debian-based systems08:11
rakhmerovfor now08:11
rakhmerovplease address it and we'll merge this patch08:11
d0ugalrakhmerov: sorry, will reply in a bit, dealing with a sick dog.08:19
rakhmerovno worries08:19
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ddejarakhmerov: sure08:20
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rakhmerovddeja: I just replied too, I think we should mention about Debian for now08:20
ddejarakhmerov: That's fine for me08:22
rakhmerovddeja: I'd ask you to review also this week if you find 15-20 mins, it's a very cool patch and slightly related to what you did08:23
ddejarakhmerov: sure, I will08:27
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d0ugalrakhmerov: btw you need to +1
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rakhmerovhm, I thought I did it already...08:31
d0ugalrakhmerov: there was another08:31
rakhmerovprobably it was a different patch08:31
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rakhmerovd0ugal: I also found an answer to my question about commands08:32
* d0ugal is reading the backlog08:33
rakhmerovthere's a patch that you need to complete08:33
rakhmerovit's mostly done08:33
d0ugalrakhmerov: yeah, I need to address the last comments. I'll try and do that today.08:33
rakhmerovd0ugal: please also try to make other cores pay attention to lots of other patches you sent08:34
d0ugalrakhmerov: regarding the large docs patch, I have no idea where it is at :) it is possibly a bit too vague.08:34
rakhmerovwhere I already +2ed08:34
rakhmerovd0ugal: yes, agree. I'm actually thinking what we could do with it08:34
d0ugalthe docs can always be improved :)08:35
rakhmerovmaybe close this never-ending one and break what's left into new patches08:35
d0ugaloops, s/large docs patch/large docs blueprint/08:35
d0ugaljenner_: glad the post was useful, let me know if you have any questions/feedback :)08:36
rakhmerovd0ugal: nice post btw, maybe one thing I would add is "why it's done this way in Mistral" :)08:36
rakhmerovbut it may be a good question for a different post or a larger article08:36
rakhmerovtopic rather..08:36
d0ugalI'm not sure I know the answer!08:37
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d0ugalrakhmerov: why was Mistral designed so that people would do it this way?08:39
rakhmerov1. Workflow is discrete (a number of well-defined states) unlike regular PLs. Because of that those if-then-else clauses would always look like if "something" then "state/task A" else "state/task B", we can't really put code under 'if' and 'then'08:43
rakhmerov2. Parallelism. We may want to run tasks in parallel so switch-like constructs make more sense here rather then exclusive choices08:44
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rakhmerov3. We decided to rely on an expression language (YAQL or something similar) which itself doesn't have conditions similar to regular PLs08:45
rakhmerovbut which is convenient for querying08:45
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kongd0ugal: need your +2 :)08:46
kongour gate is broken now08:46
rakhmerovd0ugal: yes, please..08:47
konghi, guys (btw)08:47
d0ugalhi kong!08:47
d0ugalDo we know what caused the gate to break?08:47
d0ugalHave the service_catalog actions always been broken?08:48
d0ugaloh, I broke it!08:48
kongyes, your patch just found that issue08:48
d0ugalI see08:48
rakhmerovddeja: do you know if this is done?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1664612 in Mistral "tasks with a hyphen in their name don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] - Assigned to Dawid Deja (dawid-deja-0)08:48
d0ugalWe really need to make this gate voting, then I would have noticed before :(08:48
rakhmerovddeja: I thought you worked on it (seemingly even I remember the patch)08:49
rakhmerovkong: thanks for fixing it08:49
kongrakhmerov: np08:49
kongrakhmerov: what do think of making the tempest tests voting?08:49
d0ugalI think we should make the gate voting, then resolve any issues that come up quickly. Otherwise we will never do it :)08:49
kongalthough it's not so stable enough08:50
kongbut it's important though08:50
d0ugalDo we know why it isn't stable? Maybe we need to work on that.08:50
rakhmerovkong: we've discussed it many times already but every time made a conclusion that it was too early :)08:50
rakhmerovjust because how much pain it causes us all the time08:50
rakhmerovd0ugal: that makes sense (what you said)08:50
kongrakhmerov: make it voting will force us pay more attention to fix the potential issue08:51
kongrather than ignore that08:51
rakhmerovone more thing I'd like to have is a simple step-by-step instruction in our docs on how to run tempest tests easily on a local dev machine08:51
rakhmerovbecause it really scares people to even write those tests08:51
rakhmerovthey can't run them locally08:52
d0ugalThat would be useful.08:52
rakhmerovkong, d0ugal: i'd  ok with making it voting08:52
d0ugalSo it isn't disruptive, maybe we should aim to make it voting after Pike-1 is released?08:52
d0ugalThat is soon, right?08:52
rakhmerovbut really, my small wish: let's write that guide that I mentioned first..08:52
rakhmerovd0ugal: indeed, yes, not now08:52
d0ugalThe guide would be useful, otherwise I will struggle to help fix it :)08:53
rakhmerovnext week, yes08:53
rakhmerovyeah, it's one of the most painful things for development process08:53
rakhmerova bottleneck08:53
rakhmerovit's not easy to write these tests and to run them08:53
d0ugalI guess they are difficult to run because you need to run them in an OpenStack environment?08:54
rakhmerovkong, d0ugal, ddeja, sharatss: does anybody know if this is done?
d0ugalrakhmerov: I think jaosorior might have done that.08:55
rakhmerovseems like it's not but someone seems to have being working on it..08:55
d0ugalor, at least, jaosorior added support for KeyStone sessions.08:55
rakhmerovd0ugal: trying to figure out how to check that..08:55
jaosoriorwhat's up?08:55
rakhmerovdid you work on it?08:55
rakhmerovI just want to update the status of it..08:56
rakhmerovat LP08:56
jaosoriorlol, no idea, I updated a bunch of projects08:56
jaosoriorlet me check08:56
d0ugaljaosorior: I think you maybe just done something related.08:56
d0ugalbut I don't think it does everything that blueprint needs.08:57
sharatssrakhmerov, use-keystoneauth is not over yet08:57
sharatssi need some help in that08:57
rakhmerovsharatss: ooh, it was you who decided to work on it!08:57
rakhmerovwhat kind of help do you need?08:57
jaosoriord0ugal, rakhmerov so, I made it be able to use sessions, since that wasn't possible at any point. And it can take sessions from OSC (which are keystoneauth sessions)08:58
rakhmerovjaosorior: ok, yes08:58
sharatssrakhmerov, we have to get rid of the client fuction of keystoneclient08:58
sharatssjaosorior, any idea how we can use token and password class of keystoneauth instead of client?08:59
sharatsspls help if u have any idea08:59
jaosoriorsharatss: lets see09:00
sharatssjaosorior, thanks09:00
jaosoriorsharatss: well, if you already have a token set up, then can instantiate the auth.Token plugin, and build a session from there. If there is no token, then you can try instantiating the auth.Password class and use that to build the session09:01
rakhmerovwell, it seems like we just shouldn't use Client from keystoneclient to authenticate09:02
rakhmerovif I'm not mistaken09:02
rakhmerovwe need to use keystoneauth only for authentication09:03
rakhmerovyes, auth.Password09:03
jaosoriorwell that's a bummer. Client was pretty useful09:03
rakhmerova better link:
rakhmerovjaosorior: as far as I understand (and remember) that's what they suggested09:04
jaosoriorrakhmerov: what, using the auth plugins to authenticate instead?09:05
rakhmerovin my understanding they'll remove this authentication directly through keystoneclient at some point09:05
rakhmerovagain, not 100% sure but that's what I remember..09:06
rakhmerovsharatss: is it clear now what to do?09:06
rakhmerovcan you try to finish it today-tomorrow?09:06
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rakhmerovsharatss: and would it be right to assign you to this task?09:07
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Use keystoneauth plugins and session instead of keystoneclient
jaosoriorrakhmerov, sharatss: So, something like this? ^^09:14
jaosoriorit's a quick and untested commit though. But just to check that it's what folks are looking for.09:14
rakhmerovyes, that's it )09:15
openstackgerritJuan Antonio Osorio Robles proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Use keystoneauth plugins and session instead of keystoneclient
rakhmerovsharatss: can you please further work on this patch (link to BP, formatting, testing etc.) ?09:17
jaosoriorhope it helps09:18
jaosoriorI need to fix a CI job before digging deeper into anything09:18
jaosoriorif when I fix it, you need some help, let me know09:18
rakhmerovsure, thanks09:18
openstackgerritRenat Akhmerov proposed openstack/mistral master: WIP: Change workflow lang schema to support advanced publishing
sharatssrakhmerov, sure09:27
sharatssjaosorior, thanks09:27
sharatssjaosorior, we should be completely eliminating the usage of keystoneclient09:30
ddejarakhmerov: about I think I didn't fix this09:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1664612 in Mistral "tasks with a hyphen in their name don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] - Assigned to Dawid Deja (dawid-deja-0)09:30
sharatssjaosorior, so line 109 should be changed again09:31
jaosoriorsharatss: well, there is only one instance of keystoneclient, what do you suggest switching that one for?09:31
jaosoriorsharatss: can you fix that? I really don't have time to work much on that commit at the moment until I fix some other stuff first.09:31
sharatssjaosorior, sure.. thanks for the help09:31
rakhmerovddeja: ok09:33
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sharatssrakhmerov, u can assign to me. I will be finishing it by tomorrow09:35
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ddejarakhmerov: and I'm unassigned myself from it09:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/mistral master: Fix gate failure
openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/mistral master: Changed the README.rst and added debug guide
openstackgerritRenat Akhmerov proposed openstack/mistral master: WIP: Change workflow lang schema to support advanced publishing
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d0ugalrakhmerov, ddeja - I'll take a look at
openstackLaunchpad bug 1664612 in Mistral "tasks with a hyphen in their name don't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] - Assigned to Dougal Matthews (d0ugal)11:02
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rakhmerovd0ugal: ok11:03
rakhmerovit should be pretty simple (a matter of fixing a regex)11:04
d0ugalI think I fixed something similar before11:04
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ddejad0ugal: thanks11:10
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openstackgerritXieYingYun proposed openstack/mistral master: Add Apache License Content in index.rst
openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Optimize the link address
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openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/mistral-dashboard master: Optimize the link address
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openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/mistral-specs master: Optimize the link address
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akuznetsovaWinson, are you here?11:43
openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/mistral-extra master: Optimize the link address
openstackgerritRenat Akhmerov proposed openstack/mistral master: WIP: Change workflow lang schema to support advanced publishing
openstackgerritSharat Sharma proposed openstack/mistral master: Optimize the link address
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xavierhardyOK, I've looked at the custom authentication, it will be sufficient for us to work with. The problem is policy enforcement is supported only with Keystone :(12:24
xavierhardythe authentication layer should set the context user ID and project ID, since it might not rely on the Keystone headers12:25
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openstackgerritKupai József proposed openstack/mistral master: Limit the number of finished executions.
sharatrakhmerov, d0ugal i have drafted this BP for remaining doc items. Please review12:45
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openstackgerritXavier Hardy proposed openstack/mistral master: Use Jinja2 sandbox environment
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openstackgerritKevin Pouget proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Add CLI for event trigger operations
warfacerakhmerov: is there any early preview of the mistral GUI you mentioned :) or any ETA ?14:10
jenner_some screenshots would be awesome :)14:12
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rakhmerovwarface: we'll demo it in 1-2 weeks on a weekly meeting14:49
rakhmerovdidn't decide on the exact date yet14:49
rakhmerovmy colleague who is going to demo it is on vacation now14:50
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warfacegreat thanks, looking forward to it14:52
rakhmerovyes, I'll send an email in openstack-dev and a message here, stay tuned14:58
rakhmerovd0ugal, rbrady, thrash|bbl, toure and others: weekly IRC meeting at #openstack-meeting-315:00
rakhmerovddeja: may be you're interested too15:01
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openstackgerritKevin Pouget proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Add CLI for event trigger operations
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openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/mistral master: Enable WSGI under Apache in devstack
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openstackgerritKevin Pouget proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Add CLI for event trigger operations
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/mistral master: Enable WSGI under Apache in devstack
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openstackgerritluong tuan proposed openstack/mistral master: Refactor mistral context using oslo_context
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openstackgerritKevin Pouget proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Add CLI for event trigger operations
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/mistral master: Enable WSGI under Apache in devstack
openstackgerritKevin Pouget proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Add CLI for event trigger operations
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openstackgerritToure Dunnon proposed openstack/mistral master: [WIP] Workflow Error Analysis
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openstackgerritKevin Pouget proposed openstack/python-mistralclient master: Add CLI for event trigger operations
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack/mistral master: Enable WSGI under Apache in devstack
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