Monday, 2025-03-03

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:55
Luzi#startmeeting image_encryption13:03
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Mar  3 13:03:17 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is Luzi. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:03
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'image_encryption'13:03
Luzi#topic Roll Call13:03
Luzihi fungi13:03
Luzi#topic Image Encryption Patches13:03
Luzii saw you edited the glance patch13:03
fungiand another one too, for cinder?13:04
fungijust some minor fixes for test failures and linter expectations13:04
Luzithank you very much13:04
fungiwanted to make sure they were passing so reviewers would have fewer excuses for ignoring them13:04
Luziagain thank you for this13:05
fungii think at least one change under that topic some unresolved comments from a core reviewer, but i forget which it was at the moment13:05
LuziI think Markus also wanted to take a look into the patches last week. I will talk to him lates13:06
LuziAs this whole topic will not make it into this release: I would really like to avoid another situation like this in the next release again.13:07
LuziUnfortunately we still have not much time, we can currently put into upstream work13:09
Luziwe hope that this might change, but... right now it is not possible13:09
Luzido you have any idea, how we can get a better start for the next cycle?13:10
LuziI remember there were long pauses, when no one reviewed... this is unfortunate for a cross-project feature :/13:11
fungiunfortunately, openstack has been very siloed/balkanized since its inception, and getting more than a handful of developers to care about project-wide issues and efforts has been challenging13:12
Luzii know13:12
fungithose who do, usually end up in "horizontal" teams like release management, quality assurance, and so on, as well as on the tc13:13
fungii and others have pushed repeatedly for leadership to promote a "one openstack" vision, but really bringing that to fruition would probably require dissolving the current team-based governance structure that serves only to reinforce boundaries between components13:14
Luzii see13:15
Luzimy fear is, that we end up like today at the end of the next release, too.13:15
fungithe idea of having a pop-up team and the cross-project goals framework were attempts to solve it through an overlay sort of model, but they don't seem to solve the division13:16
Luziyeah, you were the only regular participant here :D13:16
Luzieverything has upsides and downsides...13:17
fungiyeah, and i lack deep knowledge of the services involved, mostly trying to help promote it from the project-wise security angle, but i'm spread really thin too13:18
Luzii appreciate that13:18
Luzii will think about, how we can get more attention for this feature in the next cycle.13:19
fungii'm trying to help address some of the deeper challenges with review focus and making things a little better for casual contributors with the "bridging the gap" effort13:19
fungibut that's a more general attempt to find ways to improve review efficiency and catch more that might fall through the cracks otherwise13:20
fungiit's not an easy problem to solve, unfortunately, and something that a majority of large open source community projects struggle with, not just openstack13:21
fungia lot of the underlying problem with implicit/unconscious reviewer time priorities comes down to human nature and the strength of social connections13:23
Luzi:D I also have learned so much more about human nature, communication and sociology than I've ever thought :D13:24
Luzijust by trying to work here13:24
LuziWell, I think that was it for todays meeting, do you have anything else?13:25
fungiwhich means that more active participants (i.e. those paid full-time to work upstream on the project, and usually a specific subcomponent in a specific team) have greater social capital and so their changes tend to garner an outsized amounnt of reviewer time, leaving lower-volume participants mostly ignored13:25
mheno/ sorry for being late (I had the IRC chat open but forgot to take a look in time)13:26
mhenI did look at the patchsets last week13:26
fungii did not, unfortunately, other than trying to keep a closer eye on those changes and helping find more people to review them to get them over the finish line13:26
Luzithat is really helping us fungi :)13:26
mhenI integrated some minor suggestions and addressed questions where applicable.13:27
mhenfrom my point of view nothing major popped up in the comments yet13:27
fungilooks like 926295 had questions from cyril, that's what i was thinking of13:27
fungiand you replied to them13:28
fungianyway, i didn't have anything to bring up13:29
fungithanks for hanging in there!13:30
Luziokay do you have anything else mhen?13:30
mhenNova's patchset is in merge conflict right now, gotta rebase some time but it's really tiny so just a formality I guess13:30
mhenother than that not really, just waiting for feedback on my responses13:31
Luziif that's all, tahnk you for joining this meeting and have a nice week13:31
Luzi#endmeeting image_encryption13:31
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Mar  3 13:31:58 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:31
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fungiyou too!13:32

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