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yasufum | Hi, tacker team. | 08:01 |
takahashi-tsc | hi | 08:02 |
w-juso | hi | 08:02 |
yasufum | #startmeeting tacker | 08:03 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Tue Mar 11 08:03:06 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yasufum. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 08:03 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 08:03 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'tacker' | 08:03 |
yasufum | #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tacker-meeting | 08:03 |
yasufum | So, let's start the meeting. | 08:04 |
yasufum | Thanks all for the comments on the etherpad last week. I've read all comments and added mine. | 08:05 |
yasufum | I'd like to discuss about it later, but start from the first item. | 08:06 |
yasufum | The first item is about the rest of patches for the topic. | 08:07 |
yasufum | There are two topics waiting for review and one from shivam needs some more discussion. | 08:08 |
yasufum | However, another one is ready to be merged after fixing some tiny comments. | 08:09 |
yasufum | #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/939386 | 08:09 |
yasufum | I guess there is no comment for the patch any more here. | 08:11 |
yasufum | So, move on to the next item. | 08:11 |
yasufum | The second item is also about a proposed patch. | 08:12 |
yasufum | I've already add tiny comments, but it's OK to be merged after fixing them. | 08:13 |
yasufum | Please you guys also join reviewing. Thanks. | 08:13 |
yasufum | Let's move on to the third topic. | 08:14 |
yasufum | I've roughly understood the first discussion point was the period of periodic jobs and nothing decided yet. | 08:16 |
yasufum | Is that correct? | 08:16 |
shivam | yes | 08:17 |
yasufum | thx | 08:17 |
yasufum | I agree running as daily job is too noisy, but have no idea which of weekly or monthly is better actually. | 08:19 |
takahashi-tsc | I personally agree that to move some tests to weekly. monthly seems to be too long... | 08:20 |
yasufum | Do you guys think monthly is enough for checking as hi-koba suggested? | 08:20 |
yasufum | takahashi-tsc: sure | 08:21 |
yasufum | I changed the jobs to weekly quickly for the reason. | 08:21 |
takahashi-tsc | Current your patch (https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tacker/+/942762) looks good to me, I think we can discuss this direction in the gerrit patch comments. | 08:23 |
yasufum | yeah | 08:24 |
yasufum | However, here is a compromise, we can run less prioritized ones as monthly. | 08:25 |
takahashi-tsc | Yes, I also think it is "first step", and need to discuss more improvement. | 08:26 |
yasufum | OK | 08:27 |
yasufum | We should this patch ASAP since there are several patch updates expected, | 08:28 |
yasufum | because it's RC1 week. | 08:28 |
yasufum | So, it's OK to merge at once and continue to the discussion? | 08:29 |
takahashi-tsc | Ah... w-juso and shivam, is it OK to merge it? | 08:29 |
w-juso | yes | 08:30 |
shivam | yes | 08:30 |
yasufum | thanks | 08:30 |
yasufum | One more thing. Is it also OK to change v1 tests to monthly jobs? | 08:31 |
takahashi-tsc | which tests? tacker-ft-v1-userdata-vnflcm ? | 08:32 |
yasufum | I mean the four v1 tests listed on my commit message. | 08:33 |
yasufum | - tacker-ft-v1-userdata-multi-tenant | 08:33 |
yasufum | - tacker-ft-v1-userdata-separated-nfvo | 08:33 |
yasufum | - tacker-ft-v1-k8s-multi-tenant | 08:33 |
yasufum | - tacker-ft-v1-tosca-vnflcm | 08:33 |
takahashi-tsc | Ah OK, hmm... personally I think OK. | 08:33 |
takahashi-tsc | Should we also decide it today? | 08:35 |
takahashi-tsc | At least, they are moved to weekly. | 08:36 |
yasufum | Any other comment? | 08:37 |
yasufum | OK | 08:39 |
w-juso | I would like to confirm if there is a possibility that the multi tenant test will not be able to confirm Keystone early. | 08:39 |
yasufum | sorry, what do you mean? | 08:41 |
takahashi-tsc | I guess, he think "xxx-multi-tenant-xxx" have a different testing point of view, such as keystone integration, so need to check affects. | 08:43 |
takahashi-tsc | Some v2 testing might include this points, so I think we should also investigate if v2 are enough from keystone integration point of view. | 08:44 |
yasufum | hmm | 08:45 |
yasufum | Good point. I think it might be enough only run v2, but not sure. | 08:48 |
takahashi-tsc | so... Should we also decide it today? We can once merge current your patch now. We can discuss it later and if required, will submit patch to change them to monthly. | 08:50 |
yasufum | No need to do today, but sooner is better. | 08:51 |
yasufum | But we don't have so many time left today, so I'd agree. | 08:52 |
takahashi-tsc | Thanks, then, is my understanding correct? 1. merge yasufumi-san's patch soon (weekly periodic) 2. merge current other patches 3. (RC1 fix) 4. discuss if making some monthly and if required | 08:55 |
yasufum | yes | 08:55 |
takahashi-tsc | 4. discuss if making some monthly and if required submit patch for maonthly | 08:55 |
takahashi-tsc | OK, thanks | 08:55 |
yasufum | Can I confirm the second point in last week next, a concern from shivam? | 08:56 |
yasufum | says "if we divide testcases (vnflcm_userdata and compliance) it will increase number of testcases in check queue which will increase node consumption again" | 08:58 |
yasufum | and there is no good way to ease the bad situaion. | 08:59 |
yasufum | Is it correct? | 09:00 |
shivam | yes, because that way we will again come to the problem of high resource consumption | 09:01 |
yasufum | If so, I think we should consider to drop some of tests from zuul after all. | 09:03 |
yasufum | Although I appreciate if there are some more good strategies... | 09:04 |
yasufum | My comment added to the last of your thread, drop five v1 tests, is just an idea. | 09:06 |
yasufum | In the case we drop some tests. | 09:06 |
shivam | ok | 09:07 |
yasufum | Anyway, let's continue to discuss about the issue. | 09:07 |
yasufum | It's over the end of this meeting. | 09:08 |
yasufum | So, let's close the meeting if no more comments. | 09:09 |
yasufum | good | 09:10 |
yasufum | Thank you for joining, bye! | 09:10 |
takahashi-tsc | bye | 09:10 |
w-juso | thanks, bye! | 09:10 |
yasufum | #endmeeting | 09:10 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Tue Mar 11 09:10:34 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 09:10 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2025/tacker.2025-03-11-08.03.html | 09:10 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2025/tacker.2025-03-11-08.03.txt | 09:10 |
opendevmeet | Log: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/tacker/2025/tacker.2025-03-11-08.03.log.html | 09:10 |
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