Tuesday, 2015-03-10

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anteaya#startmeeting third-party08:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 08:00:50 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is anteaya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.08:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.08:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'third_party'08:00
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anteayasay hello if you are here for the third-party meeting08:01
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jyuso1hi anteaya:)08:08
anteayajyuso1: hello08:09
anteayahow are you?08:09
jyuso1anteaya: I'm fine,thanks:)08:10
anteayaglad to hear it08:10
anteayahow is your system functioning?08:10
jyuso1anteaya: Yes,it's working good after fixing some issue:)08:11
jyuso1anteaya: thanks:)08:11
anteayagood glad to hear it08:11
anteayais there anything you would like to discuss today?08:11
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nuritvHi anteaya08:13
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anteayahello nuritv08:13
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anteayanice to see you08:13
anteayahow have you been?08:14
nuritvthank you :) i have been good.08:14
jyuso1anteaya: we have 2 CI already online,and i want to update the email address of those.Could you help if you have time:)08:14
anteayanuritv: glad to hear it08:14
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anteayajyuso1: well you created the account credientials on launchpad correct?08:14
nuritvsorry. i also have a question regarding Nova CI08:15
jyuso1anteaya: not yet.I think it should be disable first?08:15
anteayajyuso1: so you should be able to change the email on launchpad08:15
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anteayajyuso1: that would be a good idea, yes08:15
anteayanuritv: sure go ahead08:15
jyuso1anteaya: no,the account of PCI CI is only used for 3rd part CI and it's working without a password,so it looks like i can't change it myself:)08:16
anteayajyuso1: ah we moved to a self-serve system some time ago08:17
anteayajyuso1: I was pretty sure you had a self-serve account08:17
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nuritvanteaya: thank you. so, as you remember we've mistakenly voted on the nova branch. since then we ran silently on our own machine, and i would like to step ahead and start showing our CI in a non voting mode (“voting:0” ). what is the procedure for that?08:18
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anteayaon which projects?08:20
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anteayajyuso1: okay the accounts became self serve on december 3rd: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/third-party-announce/2014-December/000130.html08:21
anteayaor shortly before08:22
anteayaso your pci account was probably created by us08:22
jyuso1ananteaya: yes,that's true.08:22
anteayaso if it is really really important for you to change your email addresses, you need to create a new account yourself08:22
anteayaI'll get you some guidelines08:22
anteaya#link http://ci.openstack.org/third_party.html#creating-a-service-account08:23
jyuso1anteaya: yes,our boss think it is important.:)08:23
anteaya#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OldtoNewGerritCIAccount08:23
anteayawell you need to create a new account then08:24
anteayaand once it is created switch to the new account08:24
anteayathen email the infra list with the details of the old account, username, Full Name and email address of the old account, and we will disable it08:24
anteayanuritv: which projects do you want to comment on?08:25
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jyuso1anteaya: OK,thanks.08:25
anteayaso is this you, nuritv? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems/Mellanox_CI08:26
anteayajyuso1: sure08:26
anteayaso neutron and nova08:27
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anteayawell if you want permission to comment on nova, and I recommend that so they get to know who you are and start my asking you in irc if their problems with your system08:27
nuritvthis is a mistake. we are already voting on cinder as well08:27
anteayaI see two accounts08:28
nuritvyes. there are only 2 accounts, because we've decided that we will ran nova on the same account as neutron.08:29
nuritvsince it is actually the same features08:29
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anteayagerrit only seems to know about Mellanox CI with the email address mlnx-openstack-ci@dev.mellanox.co.il08:30
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anteayagerrit accounts need to have a unique email address mlnx-openstack-ci@dev.mellanox.co.il08:30
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anteayathe mellanox cinder ci account has the email address mawawdeh@asaltech.com associated with it08:31
anteayaand there are two accounts08:31
anteayaso that needs to get cleaned up08:31
nuritvyes. this email is the group of our CI team (both cinder and neutron). we will fix that.08:32
anteayagerrit accounts need to have one full name and a unique email address08:32
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anteayaso yes once north america is awake again please send someone with the ability to make decisons about the accounts to the infra channel so we can disable the extra account08:33
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anteayaso to comment on nova patches08:33
anteayaspend time in nova irc channel08:33
anteayaand ask mikal for permission to comment08:33
anteayashow a history in the sandbox of commenting with full logs in accordance with requirements08:34
anteayayour system is in a disabled state right now?08:34
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nuritvno. it is fully working on cinder and Neutron, and slience on nova08:34
anteayawell it is a different account for cinder08:35
anteayaso you have to show the history of the account you want to ask permissions for08:35
anteayashow mikal the history for neutron08:35
anteayaand ask permission to comment on nova patches08:36
anteayait is his decision08:36
anteayaalso please update your wikipage to your current status: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ThirdPartySystems/Mellanox_CI08:36
anteayaand update it whenever it changes08:36
nuritvthanks. We can also show history for nova from our local machine, since we are running it for over 2 weeks now08:36
nuritvthanks. i will08:37
anteayaand please update the cinder account with the correct email08:37
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anteayaokay well talking to mikal is your next step08:37
anteayahe is in au08:37
anteayaso a similar timezone to you08:37
nuritvyes. i'll contact him today. thanks08:38
anteayathank you08:38
nuritvthank you!08:38
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anteayawrapping this up now08:57
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anteaya#startmeeting nova-net-to-neutron-migration09:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 09:00:23 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is anteaya. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.09:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.09:00
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anteayaobondarev mikal gus09:01
obondarevanteaya:hi, how are you?09:02
anteayaobondarev: good thanks09:02
anteayaand yourself?09:02
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obondarevme too, thank you :)09:02
anteayamight just be you and I09:03
anteayamikal had told me he expected to be here for this meeting09:03
obondarevlooks so09:03
anteayaperhaps he will be here before the end09:03
anteayaso onward09:03
anteaya#topic the state of the Neutron spec (obondarev)09:03
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anteayaanything new?09:03
anteayanext then09:04
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anteaya#topic the state of implementation (obondarev)09:04
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obondarevno changes on db patch which is expected as jlibosva is unavailable till April09:04
obondarevas we agreed, the patch is ready for testing09:04
obondarevI put a comment on the patch with the steps which allowed me to migrate data for FlatDHCP model09:04
obondarevnova-net proxy patch is ready for testing as well, except floating ips and security groups09:05
obondarev#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/150490/09:05
gusobondarev: I saw that, that was a nice amount of detail.09:05
obondarevso in fact the two patches may be tested together: migrating data first and enabling proxy mode on nova-api and nova-compute09:06
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anteayaso nice work09:06
obondarevI post a comment on the proxy patch with the steps for testing as well09:06
obondarevnext plans are to test more cases - add/remove fixed ips for vms09:06
obondarevthe more important is to get feedback09:06
obondarevhowever I didn't ask dansmith to review is since we retarget it for Liberty09:07
anteayaobondarev: yes09:07
obondarevand nova folks may probably have more important reviews at this stage of the cycle09:07
anteayawell I had a long discussion with dansmith last week09:07
obondarevso I hope he'll take a look when has time for it09:08
obondarevanteaya: interesting09:08
anteayaand though you still want to pursue this direction, he indicated to me that he doesn't support it09:08
anteayaand I had talked to mikal afterwards09:08
anteayawho I had hoped would be here09:08
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anteayabut we have to proceed with what we have09:09
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anteayaand you have done a lot of work and have something to test09:09
anteayawell done09:09
obondarevanteaya: I'd ask Dan to post the comment with his thoughts and concerns on the review09:09
obondarevas now I'm unsure what exactly he doesn't like09:09
anteayaso do you want ot get some feedback first or keep working on it09:10
anteayathe whole approach09:10
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anteayawas what I heard him say09:10
anteayaso since we don't have mikal09:10
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anteayaI leave the choice to you09:10
anteayawhat do you want ot do now?09:10
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obondarevwell, I remember Dan was concerned that the approach will not work for complex cases09:11
obondarevlike allocate_for_instance09:11
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anteayaoh you heard that09:11
anteayaoh good09:11
obondarevnow the patch allows is09:11
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obondarevI'd really like to know what problems do folks see with the approach09:13
anteayawell it sounds like you have made a decision09:13
anteayago get some feedback09:13
anteayaand I just got an email from mikal, he is at a conference and won't be attending this week09:13
anteayabut it was nice of him to email09:13
obondarevyes, because I'm probably missing something09:13
anteayaokay so you have a way forward for next week09:14
anteayaanything else under this topic?09:14
obondarevsorry, which way do you mean?09:14
obondarevask Dan for feedback?09:14
anteayagetting feedback on your work thus far09:14
obondarevanteaya: ok, thanks09:14
anteayaokay to move to the next topic?09:15
anteaya#topic documentation09:15
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anteayaI have nothing new here09:15
anteayathe patch hasn't changed09:15
anteaya#topic testing09:15
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anteayaso can we talk about testing the patches we have?09:16
obondarevwe can09:16
anteayayou have been successful with a flat network setup obondarev?09:16
obondarevflatdhcp actually09:16
anteayaso I think we should get some addition testers09:17
obondarevhad to disable floating ips migration though09:17
obondarevas it's not ready09:17
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anteayagus: are you in any position to be able to test the current patches?09:17
obondarevin both patches09:17
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gusI can run through a basic devstack scenario, but it's probably a repeat of what obondarev has already performed.09:18
anteayaobondarev: is the fact you had to disable floating ips migration in your notes on the patches?09:18
gusI don't have any larger/different setups that I can test unfortunately.09:18
anteayagus: I see value in that09:18
anteayaI'm fine if we can confirm obondarev's findings09:19
obondarevanteaya: yes it is, in the comment on the db migration patch09:19
gusanteaya: sure, I'll give it a go.09:19
anteayaobondarev: the proxy patch doesn't mention the db migration patch in the commit message09:19
gus(It won't be until next week however - I'm out helping high school kids with robots for the rest of this week)09:20
anteayado you think it should?09:20
anteayagus: thank you09:20
anteayagus: oh cool, that sounds like a lot of fun09:20
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anteayagus: how are they doing with them/09:20
obondarevanteaya: actually no, it is not dependent09:20
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anteayaobondarev: I didn't say dependent, but if you don't have a link to the db migration patch in the notes on the proxy patch, how should a reviewer or potential tester find it?09:21
anteayalet's make it easy for people09:21
obondarevanteaya: so testing proxy may be independent from testing db migration09:21
anteayayou just said you tested them together09:22
obondarevyeah, but that's not necessary09:22
anteayaso testing them together is a scenario, is it not?09:22
anteayaI am fine with it not being necessary09:22
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anteayabut I would like to make it possible for people who would like to, to find the db migration patch from the proxy patch09:23
obondarevok, I can add a note to the commit message that it can be tested together with db migration09:23
anteayawonderful thank you09:23
obondarevanteaya: sure, np09:23
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anteayaanything more on testing this week?09:23
anteayamoving on09:24
anteaya#topic open discussion09:24
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anteayaso sdague and others are at the ops meetup09:24
anteayaapparently there are about 180 people there09:24
anteayathey had a good first day09:24
anteayathe migration didn't come up yet09:24
anteayabut about 75% of the people in attendance are already running neutron09:25
anteaya#link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PHL-ops-tags09:25
anteayathis is based upon someone asking the question what service are they running and then guesstimating the show of hands09:25
obondarevwould be nice to know how many of those who're using nova net is still interested in neutron migration09:25
anteayaI found the etherpad informative09:26
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anteayathough we can't take the folks who show up to the meetup in the states as definitive of what our users need09:26
anteayaas we know some folks in some countries can't get to the states09:27
anteayabut yes, as much info as possible would be good09:27
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anteayaI trust sdague will do his best to gather as much info as he can from the group on the topic09:27
anteayaI wouldn't have any ability to contact him now anyway09:27
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anteayaI could email but couldn't guarentee he would read it before he presents09:28
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anteayaanything more for open discussion?09:28
anteayaI'll go with no09:28
anteayathanks for all your hard work obondarev09:29
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anteayait is awesome09:29
anteayaand thanks gus09:29
obondarevanteaya: thanks09:29
anteayafor just being you09:29
anteayaobondarev: :)09:29
anteayahappy roboting09:29
anteayasee you next week!09:29
gusyes, thanks obondarev09:29
* gus waves09:29
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openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_net_to_neutron_migration/2015/nova_net_to_neutron_migration.2015-03-10-09.00.txt09:29
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mesteryGood morning folks!13:58
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mesteryOR afternoon, evening, wherever you may be.13:59
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mesteryCourtesy ping: salv-orlando markmcclain amotoki garyk obondarev14:00
mestery#startmeeting networking14:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 14:01:05 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mestery. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.14:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'networking'14:01
mesteryWe've got a packed meeting today, so lets get to it!14:01
mestery#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Network/Meetings Agenda14:01
mestery#topic Announcements14:01
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mesteryWe passed FPF last week, and only a handful of BPs had no code. So, the good news is we have a lot to review! The bad news is, we have a lot to review.14:01
mestery#info Feature, String, and Dependency Freeze: March 1914:01
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mestery#info RCs: April 9-2314:02
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mestery#info Kilo release: April 3014:02
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mestery#link https://launchpad.net/neutron/+milestone/kilo-314:02
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mesteryAny questions on dates for the end of Kilo?14:02
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mesteryI also wanted to highlight the OpenStack Client weekly meeting14:02
mestery#info OpenStack Client weekly meeting Thursdays at 19:00 UTC in #openstack-meeting14:02
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mestery#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/OpenStackClient#Next_Meeting_Agenda14:03
mesteryIt would be great if we could get someone to represent Neutron there as we look to deprecate the client in Liberty14:03
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mesteryOK, lets move on as we have a packed agenda today.14:03
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mestery#topic Bugs14:03
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mesteryenikanorov: Hello!14:03
mesteryenikanorov_: Also hello14:04
enikanorov_mestery: hi14:04
enikanorov_not much of updates from me this week. we have one critical issue14:04
enikanorov_not this one!14:04
openstackLaunchpad bug 1323658 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Nova resize/restart results in guest ending up in inconsistent state with Neutron" [Critical,Confirmed]14:04
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enikanorov_that is hanging for quite a while now...14:04
mesteryenikanorov_: Yes, it's been around for a long while, and unfourtanetly I had no time to dig into this the past week, I should have some time later this week yet.14:05
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salv-orlandoenikanorov_: what's the gate hit rate in the past 7 days?14:05
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enikanorov_salv-orlando: i didn't look at it, sorry14:06
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1382064 in neutron "Failure to allocate tunnel id when creating networks concurrently" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Eugene Nikanorov (enikanorov)14:06
salv-orlandoenikanorov_: np. I was just considering whether it was serious enough to preempt our current work and jump on it14:06
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enikanorov_for this one I've updated the fix with oslo.db wrapper introduced in 1.5.014:07
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mesteryenikanorov_: Nice!14:07
enikanorov_hopefully this will allow us to merge multiple API/RPC workers patch14:07
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enikanorov_that's all from me14:07
mesteryenikanorov_: Thanks! Any other bugs anyone wants to bring up with the broader team here?14:08
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mesteryOK, lets move along.14:08
mestery#topic Docs14:09
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mesteryemagana: Hi there, you here this morning?14:09
markmcclainmestery: he's the ops summit right?14:09
mesterymarkmcclain: Good call14:09
openstackRemoving item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x96a5310>14:09
mesteryLets move on14:09
emaganaI am here!14:09
mestery#topic Docs14:09
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mesteryemagana: Ha! Hi there! :)14:10
mesteryQuick docs update?14:10
emaganasorry,... at the operators meetup14:10
mesteryemagana: OK, so no docs update?14:10
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emaganagerrit review on the nova-network to neutron migration: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155947/14:10
mesteryemagana: Nice!14:11
mestery#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155947/14:11
emaganafunny, we just discussed at the operators two things:14:11
emagana1. more volunteers for the networking guide!  We got four or five volunteers!!!!  yeah!!14:11
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markmcclainemagana: awesome14:11
anteayaemagana: the nova-net to enutron migration docs patch is on hold, yes?14:11
mesteryemagana: That is great!14:12
anteayaemagana: pending anne's approval to move ahead once networking docs transistion to rst files?14:12
emagana2. how positive is nova-network to neutron migration for production cloud operators... These are the bad news...  No good feedback yet.14:12
anteayaemagana: is this not true?14:12
anteayaemagana: what do you mean bad news14:12
emaganaanteaya: Yes, it is in hold but just based on the location and format... so, yes you are correct14:12
anteayaemagana: what feedback have you gotten?14:13
anteayabtw I wasn't expecting _any_ good news on the migrtion to come from the ops meetup14:13
emaganaanteaya: I will love to provide it right now but it will consume a lot of time, mestery should I go ahead?14:13
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anteayaso the fact you haven't gotten any is in line with my expectations14:13
anteayait is kind of important to me14:13
anteayaunless mestery disagrees14:13
emaganaanteaya: we can discuss offline!14:13
anteayaand the point wasn't really to get feedback14:13
anteayait was to inform them of our work14:14
mesteryanteaya: Ack14:14
emaganaanteaya: bottom line is that even with a easier migration neutron still needs to provide 100% parity and people running IPv6 multihost are not seeing it yet14:14
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anteayaso this is a neutron parity issue corrent?14:15
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anteayabased on what you are hearing from those still running nova net?14:15
salv-orlandoI knew about the multihost things... but what's specific about ipv6?14:15
mesterycarl_baldwin: For IPV6 multihost, we'll need IPV6 support in DVR I believe14:15
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mesteryarmax: ^^^14:15
anteayaand scine when did nova net grow ipv6 ability?14:15
emaganamestery: that is correct!14:15
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carl_baldwinmestery: ack14:16
salv-orlandoanteaya: my recollection as well14:16
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carl_baldwinmestery: obviously not there yet14:16
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mestery#info Operators asked about IPV6 DVR support at the Ops Mid-Cycle14:16
anteayaemagana: so please get some names if you can from your feedback14:16
armaxmestery: there may be issues with DVR and IPv6, but at least from a a testing perspective, what works for legacy routing works for DVR too14:16
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anteayaas right now what you are saying makes no sense to me14:16
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emaganathere was an interesting conversation about how Ipv6 works with nova-network and sc68cal had interesting questions about it.. Internet2 project is the operator asking for it14:17
mesteryThose blasted internet researchers14:17
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mesteryOK, this is all good data emagana, but it looks like you and anteaya should sync up post Ops Meetup.14:18
salv-orlandoemagana: that's good to know the requirement. I still wonder however whether is a requirement for neutron or a lack of parity14:18
salv-orlandobut I guess that's just pointless speculation14:18
mesteryOK, anything else emagana?14:18
ajosalv-orlando: it's a good question14:19
emaganamestery: not really!14:19
anteayayeah, we need to follow what the tc said on this, not just make somtehting up based on what one person said or is doing14:19
mesteryemagana: Thanks, and enjoy the rest of the Ops Meetup!14:19
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emaganaI think we should have a session Ops with Neutron team14:19
mestery#action emagana and anteaya to sync post Ops Meetup around nova-network to neutron migration discussions14:19
mesteryemagana: Also makes sense14:19
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mesteryOK, lets move along, thanks emagana!14:20
emaganamestery: my feeling is that they may do not have all the information and maybe confused on how they work with Neutron  ;-)14:20
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mestery#action Team to look at having an Ops/Neutron session in Vancouver at the Design Summit14:20
mestery#topic Should the *aas repos be depending on neutron HEAD?14:20
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mesteryNot sure who put this on the agenda ...14:20
ihrachyshkamarun, ?14:21
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dougwigmarun added this.14:21
mesterymarun: Floor is yorus!14:21
dougwighis idea was to pin the unit tests to specific commits of neutron, to prevent them from constantly breaking with breaking neutron commits.  this  moves the break further away from the break, but also doesn't randomly break the *aas gates.14:21
HenryGSame question applies to the vendor repos?14:21
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mesteryHenryG: Good point14:21
ihrachyshkaHenryG, even more relevant there since neutron team does not track them14:22
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marunI mainly wanted to raise the profile of this idea.14:22
armaxHenryG: pinning on a specific hash is only feasbile once the decomp is complete14:22
salv-orlandoHenryG, dougwig: I deliberately decided to not pint stackforge/vmware-nsx on any neutron commit, because this would make the whole point of 3rd party CI vain.14:22
amullerIf Neutron is now a library, well, you normally use a specific version of a library and not just pull it from Git14:22
salv-orlandonot sure if that can apply also to the *ass repos14:22
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marunsalv-orlando: there should be a difference between pinning and 3rd party ci14:22
dougwigdoing this would require an automated job (possible via mechanical turk at first) to keep bumping the commit revision.14:23
marunsalv-orlando: 3rd party ci *should* test against latest14:23
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armaxsalv-orlando: you can have the CI determine whether you can move the pin forward14:23
pc_mdougwig: +114:23
ajoCI may test against HEAD14:23
marunsalv-orlando: but I would expect repos to pin so that development and stabilization could proceed independently14:23
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dougwigif jenkins and 3rd party test against different commit revisions, people will ignore 3rd party even more than they do today.14:23
mesterydougwig: ++14:23
dougwigwe have to eat our own dogfood, not set up those CIs for failure.14:23
marundougwig: everyone ignores non-voting ci, except when they have a reason not to14:24
salv-orlandomarun: the thing is that the goal of CI for a plugin is to detect breakages induced in your system from the dependent library. And indeed should test against latest, as you say. Now... if I pin neutron I won't be able to test against latest anymore.14:24
marundougwig: non-voting is delibertatly non-forcing - it's just communication14:24
dougwigheck, i even ignore the voting ones.  and as a third-party CI operator, I should know better.14:24
salv-orlandomarun: ignore my point, finish first your discussion with dougwig. No need to cross wires.14:24
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mesterymarun: I see your point here, but I think salv-orlando's point is valid as well and I don't know how to reconcile the two.14:25
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marunit's simply an option14:25
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dougwigmestery - i would assume that the 3rd party CIs would test against the same revision as jenkins, via the tox.ini setting.14:25
mesterymarun: OK14:25
salv-orlandoIf I had a chance to run two jobs I might be ok with having a "stable" voting job against a pinned neutron14:25
marunif folks in any given dependent project want to conjoin development and stabilization against dependencies, they can continue to do so.14:26
salv-orlandoand another non-voting job against latest neutron14:26
marunI think it sucks, personally.14:26
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dougwigi'm really quite torn on this idea. on the one hand, it reduces the gate breakages that happen pretty often.  on the other, it just moves the problem away further in time.14:26
mesteryI like marun's idea of separating development and stabilization here14:26
mesteryIt's a solid idea14:26
marunIt does require dedicated resources to stabilize, though.14:26
mesteryIt does kick the can down the road, but it has a lot of benefits as well14:26
salv-orlandomarun: I think marun has a good point. We can work around that. At the end of the day is trying to make people developing *asses easier14:27
marunIt doesn't make less work, it just partitions it.14:27
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dougwighopefully, something like proposal bot can keep that commit hash pretty current.14:27
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marundougwig: that would be the hope.14:27
marundougwig: falling permanently behind isn't an option.14:27
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dougwigright.  by 'hopefully', i meant, 'dougwig is going to make sure there is a bot, for his own sanity.'14:27
marunI would hope we could experiment with this in the small, here.14:28
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marunWith an eye towards doing it for all of openstack in the very distant future.14:28
marunWe have the same problem between the 'integrated core'14:28
ajosounds good14:28
mesterySo, lets try it out with LBaaS or VPNaaS, taht would be my proposal14:28
mesteryAnd see how it goes14:28
dougwiglbaas can be the guinea pigs.14:28
dougwigi'm curious how it turns out myself.14:29
mestery#info LBaaS to try out the new pinning approach presented here14:29
salv-orlandonope, I am happy to extend the experiment to stackforge/vmware-nsx14:29
marunI would like to participate, to see how we can structure things to make it work.14:29
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mestery#info stackforge/vmare-nsx to try pinning from a vendor side as well14:29
marunGetting down and dirty is the only real way to see how to make it work.14:29
mesterymarun: Can you work with dougwig and salv-orlando then?14:29
marunmestery: definitely.14:29
mestery#info marun to work closely with dougwig and salv-orlando on the pinning strategy14:29
dougwigi think.  :)14:29
mesteryConsensus! :)14:29
mesteryGroup hug14:29
ajomarun++, dougwig++, salv-orlando++14:30
mesteryShall we move on in the agenda?14:30
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mesterymarun: Do we need to discuss Xen and OVS support still?14:30
marunmestery: maybe?14:30
salv-orlandomestery: one of us could be byzantine. You need a fourth person to establish a consensus ;)14:30
mestery#topic The Future of Xen and OVS Support14:30
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mesterysalv-orlando: lol14:30
mesterymarun: Go ahead please!14:30
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marunDoes anyone know of dedicated resources maintaining/testing Xen support?14:31
marunBob Ball seems to be working on 3rd party CI14:31
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marunBut I haven't seen any developers working on the project.14:31
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marunAnyone else?14:31
mesteryMe either14:31
marunThe question is, how can we justify Xen support without someone stepping up to work on it?14:32
ihrachyshkamarun, on FOSDEM, I talked to someone from Xen, and they were not that happy about the idea of voting for all neutron patches at that time. is it changed now?14:32
anteayabobball works with xen14:32
anteayadoes ops on the ci system14:32
ihrachyshkathough I also think manual check trigger would be enough14:32
anteayahas anyone talked to him?14:32
marunanteaya: I'm not sure that's enough14:32
anteayaoh I'm not saying it would be14:32
mesteryanteaya: Yes, he replied to the thread on the ML14:32
marunanteaya: there was a conversation on the mailing list14:32
anteayamestery: great14:32
marunanteaya: But only on the issue of 3rd party ci14:33
mestery#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-March/058211.html14:33
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marunEven if we did have 3rd party CI, I'm not sure that Xen support belongs in-tree.14:33
mesterySo, I think unless someone steps up soon and a CI starts running validating patches (especially on the OVS agent), we may need to look at deprecating support for Xen.14:33
marunThere's nothing stopping it from being done out-of-tree.14:33
mesterymarun: ++14:33
marunThe support is mainly at the agent level anyway14:33
mesterymarun: Can you reply on that thread again with this info? Lets start moving it in that direction.14:34
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salv-orlandomestery, marun: there isn't. the only point is... does nova's xenapi driver still work with nova-network14:34
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salv-orlandootherwise we should look at a combined deprecation14:34
salv-orlandoand see also what's johnthetubaguy opinion on it is14:34
mesterysalv-orlando: Good call, that can be on the ML thread as well14:34
marunsalv-orlando: hmmm, more questions...14:34
* johnthetubaguy wonders if he can help, reads scrollback14:35
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mesteryI do see Xen CI running against nova nad devstack14:35
mesteryBut not neutron patches14:35
salv-orlandojohnthetubaguy: we realized XenAPI + OVS support has not been maintained for ages in Neutron. We're considering deprecation.14:35
johnthetubaguyah, right, gotcha14:35
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johnthetubaguyI think Citrix are working on a CI for that, the current CI is testing nova-network14:36
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marunjohnthetubaguy: CI is fine, but in the absence of development resources it's not clear how detected breakage would get fixed14:36
* mestery sees BobBall join the channel now14:36
johnthetubaguyI think its passing, but it has all the neutron related races libvirt used to have, because its missing the event callback logic in Nova, I think, it could be something else14:36
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salv-orlandojohnthetubaguy: good. As long as we're still sure the nova-network support still works we can keep our discussion contained to neutron.14:36
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johnthetubaguyBobBall: howdy, XenAPI neutron CI, hows that going?14:37
salv-orlandojohnthetubaguy: since I know the guy who did that support I was highly skeptical it worked ;)14:37
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johnthetubaguysalv-orlando: :)14:37
anteayaBobBall: thanks14:37
BobBallYou're right that we're seeing races that we haven't been able to resolve yet - so we don't have a stable environment we can then convert to a CI14:37
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anteayaBobBall: I think the bigger question is can neutron expect more resources in addition to yourself14:38
marunBobBall: Did you happen to read my most recent reply on the ml?14:38
BobBallThose may be, as John said, similar to those that were seen in libvirt, but we've not yet tested that theory.14:38
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anteayasince I admire what you do and think you do great work, but you are on ly one person14:38
johnthetubaguysalv-orlando: my take is, as long as deprecation is reversible, it could be the right thing to do14:38
BobBallAbsolutely 100% yes in the medium term, but in the short term we don't have additional resources to add on it.14:38
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BobBallI did marun - but didn't have much more to add.14:39
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BobBallMy perspective is that I agree that a CI is a pre-requisite to being able to ensure continued support of XenAPI+OVS in Neutron14:39
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marunBobBall: Do you think continued support for Xen in Neutron is justified under the current circumstances?14:39
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johnthetubaguyI want to get the quark plugin that we use with XenServer more tested against upstream, etc, but honestly, that effort has not started yet, but its something I want to make happen if possible14:39
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BobBallI don't want Neutron to drop this support, but I can't justifiably argue for it until we have an automated way of testing it upstream.14:40
johnthetubaguymarun: its an interesting twist with the nova-network deprecation talk, but that shouldn't change things14:40
mesteryI'm sensing we may need to deprecate it in the short term then, or at least move it out of tree into a stackforge repo.14:40
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mesteryIt coudl exist in stackforge in it's current state until someone takes it up and fixes it. Thoughts?14:41
johnthetubaguymastery: thats my take on this too14:41
marunI think if Citrix/the Xen community wanted to provide Xen support for Neutron, they could do so out of tree relatively easily.14:41
BobBallIn terms of nova-network deprecation it is understood that XenAPI will have to work with Neutron+OVS, including an upstream CI, and we are aware of that as a requirement moving forward.14:41
salv-orlandomestery: I seem to recall that the XenAPI support for OVS is tightly coupled with the OVS agent. I'm not sure if it can be split out, but it's surely worth trying14:42
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mestery#info Xen Support in Neutron to move out of tree into stackforge if possible14:42
mesteryOK, I think we can close on this subject here now.14:42
mesteryBobBall johnthetubaguy, thanks for attending with us here!14:42
mesteryLets move on in the agenda now, 17 minutes left14:42
johnthetubaguyno worries, sorry its not a better answer, but sounds like a good way forward14:42
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amotokiperhaps out of tree development allows xen folks to avoid continueous CI posting and they can pin neutron version to stabilize their developemnet14:42
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mestery#topic Report on progress of "MTU selection and advertisement" blueprint implementation.14:42
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mesteryDoes anyone know who put this on the agenda?14:43
amotoki(though it is tihgtly coupled with ovs-agent)14:43
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mesteryHenryG: ^^^^14:43
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salv-orlandoijw-ubuntu, I thin?14:43
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HenryGI would say the implementation is going fine. It will not be a lot of code.14:44
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mesteryHenryG: OK, is that the updatE? :)14:44
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mesteryHenryG: Have we merged the spec patch yet? That's been there for at least 10 days I think14:44
HenryGI don't have +A on specs.14:44
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mesteryHenryG: I'll take care of that post-meeting14:44
mesteryThanks for the update HenryG!14:45
mesteryMoving right along ...14:45
mestery#topic Proposal to remove py3* from the default tox envlist for now to address "fail blindness"14:45
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mesterygus: This is you I think :)14:45
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mesteryAnd maybe dougwig too14:45
ihrachyshkawell, just +1 on making 'tox' actually pass. Is it controvercial?14:45
mestery#link https://review.openstack.org/13751614:45
markmcclainthe target exists for everyone else right?14:45
mesteryihrachyshka: I think so, thus why gus put it here14:45
mesterymarkmcclain: Yes, I think so14:46
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dougwigi am about +20000000 on this.  i hate that we put something in broken, to attempt social engineering.  when it actual fact, it trains the opposite behavior, and frustrates newbies.14:46
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markmcclaindougwig: agreed14:46
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markmcclaingenerally we've gotten push back from the folks that really want py3 support now14:47
mesteryI am +2 on that patch until it works as well dougwig.14:47
dougwigit is like this is all the integrated projects, so i'm not sure if we should do this in neutron (heck yes we should) or if we need to fight a larger battle.14:47
ihrachyshkamarkmcclain, we're like ~3-4 cycles from there I guess.14:47
mesterydougwig: We control our own destiny in neutron, we can win that battle then fight the larger war :)14:47
salv-orlandodougwig: I think we're in control of our own tox.ini14:47
dougwigif they want it now, submit the code to support py3.  i'd like it to work...  that's not my beef.14:47
dougwigthen here comes a +a14:47
mesterydougwig: Well said14:47
markmcclainihrachyshka: I know.. wish we were much closer14:47
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ihrachyshkamarkmcclain, we're blocked by eventlet. main obstacle.14:48
salv-orlandoI think this change is doing nothing. Just avoiding failures for tests people probably don't even expect to run14:48
markmcclainihrachyshka: eventlet has py3 support14:48
salv-orlandoso it's harmless, imho14:48
markmcclain(it's brand new)14:48
markmcclainI'm +2 on this14:48
ihrachyshkamarkmcclain, well, not for long (it's very fresh, and afaik still bugs are found)14:48
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salv-orlandoihrachyshka: so do reckon it's not feasible to achieve 3.x compatibility in Liberty?14:49
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ihrachyshkasalv-orlando, hah, in dreams - maybe14:50
dougwigeven if it's reachable in two weeks, shouldn't the tox env be added in the patch that enables py3?14:50
dougwigif we submitted code to enable something broken for *anything else*, would anyone here approve it?14:50
ihrachyshkaI don't know why we discuss the matter for 5 mins already14:50
markmcclainsalv-orlando: it's going to take a good deal of work dive into the dependency hole and fix the odd cases where it doesn't work14:50
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marundougwig: nope14:50
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dougwigihrachyshka: because religion.14:50
ihrachyshkaok, the patch is +A'd, no way back, can we move on? :)14:51
mesteryOK, shall we move on?14:51
mesteryLets move on.14:51
salv-orlandoihrachyshka: there is always a way back!14:51
mestery#topic Open Discussion14:51
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salv-orlandounless you jump off a cliff. In that case there isn't14:52
mestery8 minutes left, Open discussion time!14:52
ihrachyshkaI have oslo.log patch for kilo that breaks all CI for split vendors14:52
ihrachyshkaI wonder whether we're ok with merging it as-is, knowingly breaking them14:52
armaxihrachyshka: link?14:52
ihrachyshka(breakage is because they use neutron.openstack.common.log)14:52
ihrachyshka#link https://review.openstack.org/15963814:53
markmcclainihrachyshka: can we not leave a shim there?14:53
amotokiwe need to remove logging from oslo-incubator.14:53
marunmarkmcclain: via sys.modules hacks?14:53
salv-orlandoihrachyshk, armax: I think one of the reasons of the decomposition is to not waste time with vendor incompatibilities14:53
ihrachyshkamarkmcclain, libraries are mutual exclusive14:53
ihrachyshkamarkmcclain, because of conflicting options14:53
marunmarkmcclain: it may break pylint though ;)14:53
markmcclainmarun: haha14:53
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sripriyaarmax: mestery: May I request you to please take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/159056/ for brocade vyatta vendor decomposition and provide your review.14:53
salv-orlandoso what do you reckon if we just send a warning on the mailing list, wait 48 hours for vendor repos to adapt, and then merge it?14:54
salv-orlandowithout going into hacks.14:54
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ihrachyshkaall in all, vendors should follow some kind of guidelines for their code and packages released, and I started a new wiki page for that14:54
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ihrachyshka#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/VendorSplitPackaging#Neutron_Vendor_split:_Packager_perspective14:54
ihrachyshkaplease take a look and review14:54
ihrachyshkasalv-orlando, I'm ok with sending the email14:54
armaxsalv-orlando, ihrachyshka: I think we whould not delete openstack/common log14:54
armaxihrachyshka: until everyone is moved over14:54
ihrachyshkasalv-orlando, we just need to review the patch quickly enough because of dep freeze14:55
armaxihrachyshka: if we can avoid breaking the world, I think we should14:55
marunMaybe we need a dedicated communication mechanism for intentional breakage?14:55
ihrachyshkaarmax, I already mentioned conflicting options, that's a common issue for oslo graduations14:55
amotokihttp://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-March/058610.html (oslo.log information)14:55
ihrachyshkaamotoki, right, that's what I would expect them to see if they use both versions14:56
dougwigthis is the "problem" with putting oslo in non-leaf nodes of the dependency tree, really.  you start having the same kind of backwards compatibility issues that we have with other neutron entry points that are being used in a library like fashion.14:56
ihrachyshkamarun, + for communication channel. some [new-tag] for openstack-dev?14:56
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armaxihrachyshka: ok14:56
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marunihrachyshka: either that or a wiki page/file in tree that lists successive, timestamped breaking changes14:57
marunihrachyshka: so when breakage is detected, that is the first thing to check14:57
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marunihrachyshka: rather than having to search ml14:57
ihrachyshkaunderstood. wiki is probably more dynamic for the use case14:58
amotokisingle entry point for information is nice.14:58
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ihrachyshkaI'll create the page and give a heads-up in ML14:58
marunihrachyshka: sounds good14:58
dougwigihrachyshka: this becomes a real pain for having the same out-of-tree code support both kilo and earlier releases.14:58
ihrachyshka(and reviews are welcome)14:58
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mesteryOK, thanks folks!14:59
mesteryDon't forget about Kilo-3 reviews :)14:59
mesterySee you next week!14:59
ihrachyshkadougwig, we chose our destiny...14:59
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n0ano#startmeeting gantt15:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 15:01:19 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is n0ano. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:01
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n0anoanyone here to talk about the scheduler?15:01
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ajobye :)15:02
n0anolet's get started then15:03
n0ano#topic patch status15:03
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n0anotaking things a little out of order while waiting for bauzas to join15:03
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n0anorather than talking about the patches themselves I think the better use of our time is to talk about reviews...15:04
n0anospecifically edleafe & PaulMurray do you have any patches that need reviews right now?15:04
PaulMurrayn0ano, you bet cha15:05
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edleafeme too15:05
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n0ano(it was kind of a rhetorical question), PaulMurray go ahead15:05
edleafeI added them to the etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-nova-priorities-tracking15:05
PaulMurrayThere are a bunch by me that are passing ci15:05
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PaulMurrayand a bunch by lxsli that need a rebase15:06
PaulMurrayplease look and review :)15:06
edleafePaulMurray: you should add them to the etherpad, too15:06
* bauzas waves late15:06
PaulMurrayn0ano, ok15:06
PaulMurrayn0ano, I also need to add15:06
bauzassorry was diverted by a bug15:06
n0anobauzas, np15:06
PaulMurrayone more - is that allowed while no one is looking (I mean after FPF)15:07
edleafePaulMurray: oh, wait - I see them there already15:07
n0anoPaulMurray, all but 1 of your patches on that page need a rebase, should we wait off on those?15:07
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edleafePaulMurray: if it's part of an existing patch, I believe it's ok15:07
PaulMurrayedleafe, I can spin it that way - otherwise I am sure it would be allowed as an exception15:08
n0anoPaulMurray, I just refreshed the page and that's what it says15:08
PaulMurrayn0ano, I'm looking at them now, I have a chain of 4 that all look ok to me15:09
edleafePaulMurray: it all depends on *why* you are adding it15:09
edleafen0ano: the links on the etherpad don't match his series15:09
edleafePaulMurray: you need to update the etherpad to get them in sync15:09
n0anoedleafe, ahh, that would explain it15:10
PaulMurrayedleafe, ah, I see - yes it does need updating, will do now15:10
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n0anoI think I need to create a dashboard on the wiki for patches similar to the one we have for specs, that'd be easier than the etherpad15:10
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* n0ano hates etherpads for tracking purposes15:10
PaulMurrayn0ano, is there some process I need to follow to add a patch - it is needed to complete15:11
bauzasn0ano: why ?15:11
edleafen0ano: yeah, but that's where core reviewers are supposed to be looking15:11
PaulMurrayobjects for RT - to allow online upgrade15:11
bauzasn0ano: I mean, we already have the core etherpad15:11
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n0anothe etherpad is never obvious, all the important info is always randomly located throughout the page, I can never see the forest for the trees15:12
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n0anoanyway, rather than a new wiki table I guess we can just try and make sure the tracking etherpad is up to date15:12
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edleafePaulMurray: is the patch part of an existing series?15:13
PaulMurrayedleafe, yes15:13
edleafePaulMurray: if so, just add it15:13
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PaulMurrayedleafe, I was guessing no one would notice anyway15:14
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edleafePaulMurray: it totally fits with the spirit of the FPF15:14
edleafefocusing on what needs to merge for Kilo15:14
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n0anoso is the assumption that any patch on the traking page is ready for review unless there's something specific (like needs rebase) on it?15:15
edleafen0ano: yep15:15
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n0anoOK, then we know our marching orders, review all the open patches on that page15:16
n0anois there any specific patch that is problematic that needs discussion?15:16
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edleafen0ano: I really need the early patches to merge15:17
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edleaferebase hell is killing my productivity :)15:17
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n0anoedleafe, no good answer on that, I feel your pain15:17
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bauzasedleafe: eh15:18
PaulMurrayn0ano, this one seems to be blocking things: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137817/15:18
PaulMurraylxsli has this at the head of his series15:18
PaulMurrayit belongs to sahid - are you here sahid15:19
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lxslindipanov's comments are from just yesterday15:20
n0anolooks like ndipanov has issues with it's current incarnation, sahid will have to address those concerns15:20
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edleafePaulMurray: speaking of holding things up, do you have any issue with my fix for the PciDevTracker merging before your patch for the RT compute_node change?15:20
edleafePaulMurray: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/145619/15:20
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PaulMurrayedleafe, i think its a trivial change for me to rebase - so i don't mind as long as15:21
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PaulMurrayedleafe, I get some eyes on mine to help them through15:22
edleafePaulMurray: ok, great15:22
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edleafeLet's all make sure to review PaulMurray's patches so that cores can see consensus15:22
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n0anoedleafe, +115:23
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n0anoif nothing else on specific patches let's move on15:23
n0ano#topic specs on hold15:23
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n0anobauzas, this is you, you indicated last week you have a plan?15:24
bauzasn0ano: oh was thinking you were just mentioning the reqspec BP ?15:24
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n0anobauzas, yeah, both request spec anc change select_destinations are on hold on the tracking page, what's up?15:25
bauzasn0ano: just to be clear, there is no magic bullet about any plan - just saying that we need to work in parralel on working on the migration/split while we also work on the missing BPs15:25
bauzasn0ano: and I wanted to wait for FF to happen before stating about what was missing15:25
bauzasn0ano: about the resqpec BP, that's another point15:25
bauzasn0ano: so I provided an implementation series, and I had good feedback15:26
bauzasn0ano: my point was that it was far better to work on a separate RPC method instead of modifying the select_dest() signature15:26
n0anowell, since the specs were approved does thins mean you need to change the design or is this just holding up on the implementation15:27
bauzasn0ano: and also rework on the RequestSpec object, as some fields were either unnecessary/confusing15:27
edleafebauzas: despite jaypipes' objection, this really can't fit into Kilo15:28
bauzasn0ano: I said it was far better to defer to Liberty and possibly ask for backport before FF if successful15:28
bauzasedleafe: agreed15:28
bauzasI mean, that's all about paperwork15:28
n0anoso this sounds more like implementation so we just needs a little more time to get it right15:28
bauzasa spec is just an approval step15:28
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* n0ano freezes can be a pain even if they are a great motivator15:29
bauzasso my point is to say : forget about the specs and focus on the implementation15:29
n0anobauzas, +115:29
bauzasin the meantime, I'll cover the spec stuff by asking for Liberty fast approval15:29
bauzasshouldn't be a big deal15:29
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n0anobauzas, famous last words :-)15:29
bauzasbut I'll drop the 2nd spec15:29
edleafen0ano: was just going to say the same thing :)15:30
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n0anobauzas, OK, sounds like you're driving this fine we'll just see how it goes15:30
bauzaswell, my trustness increased a lot once I had bp/isolate-sched-db merged in 3 days15:30
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n0anolet's move on then15:30
n0ano#topic opens15:30
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n0anoanything new?15:31
bauzasand bp/detach-service has good press15:31
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sahidPaulMurray: i'm here yes15:31
n0anosahid, scroll back, we were wondering about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137817/15:31
sahidi going to work on ttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/137817/15:31
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sahidwe need to talk to jay with ndipanov15:32
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sahidthe issue is alse in relation with this bp https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/allocation-ratio-to-resource-tracker15:33
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bauzassahid: hum, old story here15:34
n0anosahid, that allocation BP hasn't even been started, are you dependant upon it?15:35
bauzassahid: I mean, that BP is not started yet15:35
sahidn0ano: not dependant but should be interesting to speak about it with jay15:35
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sahidabout to think of the direction of the work done here ttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/137817/15:36
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PaulMurraysahid, the primary objective of the RT objects work at the moment15:36
PaulMurrayis to gat rid of any conductor calls from RT15:37
PaulMurrayto allow on line upgrade15:37
PaulMurraysahid, I think your change is not necessary for that - is that right?15:37
sahidPaulMurray: i think so yes15:38
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PaulMurraysahid, the changes lxsli has after you in the series are needed, lxsli do you really need sahid change to go first?15:39
lxsliPaulMurray: it made the NUMA tests considerably easier but it's possible I could rebase off15:39
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PaulMurray(n0ano, bauzas  sorry I think we have gone off topic for a moment)15:40
n0anoPaulMurray, not too much, this is important so I don't have a problem finishing this up15:40
sahidPaulMurray: the point is only few people can review the work done15:40
PaulMurraylxsli, there is still an ordering issue between your changes and mine I think because both on RT and RT-tests15:40
bauzasPaulMurray: eh that's opens15:41
n0anobut is sounds like if lxsli can make his changes independent from sahid that would be best15:41
PaulMurrayso it might be ok if we get mine through and then worry about it later?15:41
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PaulMurraylike later in the week hopefully....15:41
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lxsliwhen's the next deadline?15:41
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PaulMurrayFF is.....15:42
n0anoFF is 3/1215:42
lxsliYow. OK thanks15:42
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bauzasn0ano: nope15:42
bauzasn0ano: 3/19th15:43
n0anonote, deep freeze is 3/1915:43
PaulMurraybauzas, yes, I see 3/1915:43
lxsliRight, that's a bit easier, still I'll prio this15:43
n0anobauzas, you're right, 3/12 is oslo, my bad15:43
PaulMurrayn0ano, yes, you gave me a shock for a moment then...15:43
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n0anoPaulMurray, just making sure you heart still works :-)15:44
lxslin0ano ever worked in a match factory?15:44
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n0anolxsli, I think I almost just created a fire :-)15:44
n0anoanyway, are we good on this subject for now?15:45
sahidperhaps use the time to rework that work to review what is already done...15:45
sahidto review15:45
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sahid... i mean instead of working to separate the changes, why not to use that time to review the work already done15:46
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n0anosahid, I worry about depend patches, if we can do things independently things will go much smoother15:46
lxsliMy patches are (afaik) ready to go whereas it's unknown how long it'll take to make ndipanov happy15:46
bauzassahid: I'm an optimist, we can do both :)15:46
n0anolxsli, +1 (my thought exactly)15:47
ndipanovlxsli, which ones15:47
bauzaswell, provided someone's not hitting a bug that takes all his time :)15:47
lxslibut yes if your patch suddenly goes through I'll be happy!15:47
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n0anondipanov, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/145619/15:47
lxslindipanov: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137817/15:47
ndipanovlol those are 2 different patches15:47
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n0anondipanov, ignore me, bad paste15:47
PaulMurrayndipanov, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137817/ is blocking15:48
ndipanovI see15:48
ndipanovwell I don't know what to tell you guys15:48
sahidwell i can understand, i just say that that effort can be done to make thing moving insteadof rewrite and rewrite and..15:48
ndipanovI hate that we have that15:48
ndipanovattempt to put "ratio" into limits15:49
ndipanovthat's just like15:49
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PaulMurrayndipanov, the work it is blocking is for on line upgrade - we can reorder if that patch not likely to be resolved15:49
n0anowe're not trying to resolve 137817 here, just seeing how we can handle the dependency15:49
ndipanovn0ano, can it be dropped from the critical path15:50
PaulMurrayndipanov, so if its likely to be sorted quicly we can keep the order15:50
sahidn0ano: perhaps thinking about how to resolve can help to handle dependency15:50
PaulMurrayndipanov, if not we can reoder to get the upgrade stuff in15:50
n0anondipanov, we think so, lxsli is the one that would have to change his patch15:50
ndipanovok let me review the whole series today15:50
PaulMurrayndipanov, thanks, much appreciated15:50
ndipanov(once I'm done with some documentation(15:50
ndipanovand then I'll vote with that in mind15:51
ndipanovI mean15:51
ndipanovI don't think it's critical so if it's stopping useful work - I can just let it go15:51
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PaulMurrayndipanov, your call :)15:51
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ndipanovyeah - I wasn't too constructive on that one - I just kept looking at that patch without looking at the big picture15:52
ndipanovbut I have an idea15:52
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n0anohow about if ndipanov does a +1 on 137817 by tomorrow we'll stay the course, otherwise lxsli can rework his patch to not be dependent upon this one15:53
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PaulMurrayn0ano, +115:54
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lxslin0ano: +115:54
n0anosounds good...15:54
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n0anoanything else new in the last 5 minutes we have?15:54
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ndipanovn0ano, -1 - s/rework/re-work/15:54
* ndipanov kids15:55
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lxslitoo soon15:55
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bauzashttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/162180/ comments are welcome15:55
n0anondipanov, are you sure, I'll have to check www.m-w.com on that :-)15:55
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PaulMurraybauzas, you see my comment already?15:56
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bauzasPaulMurray: yeah15:56
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n0anoanyway, I think we can call it a meeting and move anything else over to the nova channel15:57
bauzasPaulMurray: I don't see how it could add more nodes to be checked15:57
n0anotnx everyone, talk to you next week15:57
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PaulMurraybauzas, lets ocntinue on other channel15:57
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boris-42#startmeeting Rally16:18
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 16:18:44 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.16:18
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:18
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boris-42ping meteorfox16:19
meteorfoxboris-42: hi!16:19
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andreykurilinhi all!16:20
boris-42or it is not now16:20
andreykurilinI'm here:)16:20
boris-42ah it is not now16:20
boris-42it's 16:18 now16:20
boris-42in UTC and meeting is 17:00 UTC16:20
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boris-42#startmeting Rally17:02
boris-42meteorfox: redixin andreykurilin msdubov ping17:03
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andreykurilin_boris-42: hey! again:)17:03
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boris-42okay let's wait a bit17:05
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boris-42#topic Rally python34 support finally!17:07
boris-42andreykurilin_: hi there17:07
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boris-42andreykurilin_: redixin thank you guys for working on this!17:07
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boris-42redixin: thank you for making our CI do functional tests against py34 env17:07
boris-42andreykurilin_: thank you for fixes of all issues =)17:08
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boris-42I hope somebody will use it=)17:08
andreykurilin_heh, me too17:08
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boris-42#topic Rally verify as control plane for all kinds of in tree tests17:10
boris-42I made blogpost: http://boris-42.me/rally-verfiy-as-the-control-plane-for-gabbi-tempest-in-tree-functional-tests/17:10
boris-42As well put email in mailing list17:11
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boris-42I believe that this functionality will save the world =)17:12
boris-42meteorfox: btw are you using rally verify?17:12
boris-42meteorfox: or you are using rally just to benchmark stuff?17:12
meteorfoxboris-42: I'm benchmarking things with it17:12
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boris-42meteorfox: ah ok17:13
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boris-42Heh yfried is sleeping I believe17:13
cdentboris-42: even with the addition of that blog post (which I don't think you linked from your email) I'm still not understanding quite how gabbi fits in here?17:14
meteorfoxboris-42: but, I want to use it later to check it meet certain SLAs17:14
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cdentI think the disconnect comes from the fact that I never thought of it as a way of "running all tests against your cloud". Instead its specifically for testing API correctness.17:15
boris-42meteorfox: so rally verify is running tempest *17:15
boris-42meteorfox: our you are talking not about Rally SLA?17:15
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boris-42cdent: thank you for joining meeting17:16
boris-42cdent: so let me try to expalin17:16
boris-42cdent: typical users like me=) are lazy=)17:16
meteorfoxboris-42: yeah, I was talking about Rally SLA17:16
fungijust a heads up, you did #startmeting rather than #startmeeting17:16
boris-42fungi: fail=)17:17
boris-42fungi: thank you17:17
boris-42#startmeeting Rally17:17
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 17:17:14 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is boris-42. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.17:17
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:17
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boris-42#topic Rally verify as control plane for all kinds of in tree tests17:17
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boris-42cdent: so I have somewhere real OpenStack installation17:17
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boris-42I would like to check that developers and MOS patches didn't change anything in API17:18
boris-42and would like to run in-tree tests from Ceilometer against this MOS installation17:18
boris-42how can I do this?17:18
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boris-42Download ceilometer, learn how to run gabbi, how to configure it, parse results, do some stuff17:18
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boris-42then work on script that will automate this stuf17:18
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boris-42cdent: ^ so instead of making this, let's just do this automation in Rally like we did for tempest17:19
boris-42cdent: makes sense?17:19
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cdentI see where you're coming from, and I think having a way to do that in a unified fashion across the various projects will be handy. Are you saying rally will handle even the download step?17:21
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boris-42cdent: download/install/running/parsing/storing results17:21
boris-42cdent: and future work with results17:22
boris-42cdent: like comparing/trending/generating html reports and so on17:22
boris-42cdent: this functionality is mostly implemented, but it's a bit hardcoded to tempest17:22
boris-42the idea is just to refactor a bit stuff, that will allow to use any tool17:22
boris-42like gabbit17:22
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cdentat the moment gabbi is called from within tox targets, so would you just manage a list of tox targets or do some kind of discovery?17:23
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boris-42cdent: I belive we can analyze tox.ini17:24
boris-42cdent: to discover targets17:25
boris-42cdent: or even more bruteforce17:25
boris-42cdent: have default value that can be passed17:25
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cdentOkay, this all makes quite a bit more sense now17:26
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boris-42cdent: great)17:26
boris-42Any questions?17:26
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boris-42okay let's move to the next topic17:27
meteorfoxboris-42: I wonder how cloudcafe https://github.com/stackforge/cloudroast could integrate with this17:27
boris-42meteorfox: so I talk with those guys17:28
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meteorfoxboris-42: written by Rackspace, it was intended to be better than tempest17:28
boris-42meteorfox: in integrates in the same way17:28
meteorfoxand to replace it, but never caught on, at least in the community, we use it here for everthing17:28
boris-42meteorfox: we need to do the same  changes in rally like for gabbi and other projects17:28
meteorfoxboris-42: alright, sounds good17:29
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boris-42meteorfox: great17:30
boris-42okay let's move to the next topic17:30
boris-42#topic THE NEW constant runner17:30
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boris-42We fully refactored how constant runner works17:31
boris-42Now it starts N workers (where N is amount of CPU) and uses in each worker threads to create load17:31
meteorfoxboris-42: do you have the link to the review?17:31
boris-42meteorfox: sure17:31
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boris-42meteorfox: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155225/17:32
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boris-42meteorfox: so now you can generate big load =)17:32
boris-42meteorfox: I tried 1000 threads and it works perfectly fine17:32
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boris-42any questions?)17:33
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meteorfoxboris-42: it uses multiprocessing.Process?17:34
arcimboldoI think it would be useful to also have a command line option or configuration option to decide how many process to create17:34
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boris-42meteorfox: yep17:34
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boris-42arcimboldo: what is the case for that?)17:34
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boris-42arcimboldo: it's easy to add, just curios17:34
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meteorfoxboris-42: so what do you mean that you tried 1000 threads then?17:35
arcimboldojust in case someone is running rally on a machine where other services are running17:35
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boris-42meteorfox: I just put concurrency: 1000 and it worked well17:35
meteorfox1000 process?17:35
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boris-42meteorfox: read the begging=)17:35
boris-42meteorfox: we refactored constant load to not use only Processes17:35
boris-42meteorfox: it starts AMOUNT_OF_CORES Processes and then make load using Threads17:36
boris-42meteorfox: I have 4 cores so it creates 4 processes each of them generated 250 threads17:36
boris-42meteorfox: and it worked well17:36
meteorfoxboris-42: ok, cool. those threads will be GIL bound right?17:36
boris-42arcimboldo: good case17:36
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meteorfoxbut not the processes17:37
boris-42arcimboldo: I will add it to wishlist this case17:37
boris-42arcimboldo: I will add this case to wishlist**17:37
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boris-42english so hard=)17:37
meteorfoxboris-42: it pretty much creates 4 interpreters, and they communicate over IPC17:37
boris-42meteorfox: yep17:38
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boris-42meteorfox: they communicated only master-worker17:38
meteorfoxboris-42: right, with the join and the queue17:38
boris-42meteorfox: so for benchmarking things that are taking > 100ms it's quite good=)17:39
boris-42meteorfox: in case of OpenStack where things are run for seconds and minutes17:39
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boris-42it's perfectly fine=)17:40
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meteorfoxboris-42: right. I understand17:41
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meteorfoxboris-42: it'd be interesting how consistent can Rally be, at high number of threads17:42
meteorfoxto see*17:42
boris-42#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/rally/+bug/143046117:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1430461 in Rally "Add to constant and rps runneres limits for maximun Core usage" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:42
boris-42arcimboldo: ^17:43
arcimboldothnx boris-4217:43
boris-42meteorfox: so actually we will integrate rally profiler17:43
boris-42meteorfox: that will answer on questions what is the overhead17:43
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boris-42meteorfox: in any case Runners are plugins they can be rewritten from scratch17:44
boris-42meteorfox: at any moment without affecting rest of the code17:44
boris-42meteorfox: like we just did=)17:44
boris-42Any other questions?17:44
meteorfoxboris-42: yeah. that's true. About the RPS runner, is that non-blocking?17:44
boris-42meteorfox: non-blocking?17:45
boris-42meteorfox: you mean will it create more and more threads?)17:45
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meteorfoxboris-42: say I want to model an open workload, that is I want a consistent injection rate, that regardless if the cloud is slowing down, it will keep that rate17:46
meteorfoxboris-42: usually I've seen that implemented with async io, where the request is decoupled from the response/result17:46
boris-42meteorfox: yep17:46
boris-42meteorfox: that is why we did rps runner17:46
boris-42meteorfox: it just runs every second more "rps" threads17:47
boris-42meteorfox: actually every interval where interval is 1/rps17:47
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meteorfoxboris-42: ok, that sounds a little heavy though.17:48
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boris-42meteorfox: actually aix is working on finish patch from jlk17:48
boris-42meteorfox: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/140150/17:49
boris-42meteorfox: that limits maximum amount of concurrent working threads17:49
boris-42meteorfox:  as well you have --stop-on-sla-failure key for rally task start17:49
boris-42meteorfox: http://boris-42.me/rally-tricks-stop-load-before-your-openstack-goes-wrong/17:49
boris-42meteorfox: ^ so if things go mad it will stop load at all17:49
meteorfoxboris-42: ok ok17:50
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meteorfoxboris-42: anyway, that's all I had thanks17:50
boris-42meteorfox: great let's move to next topic17:50
boris-42#topic Rally in tree-specs17:50
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boris-42Recently we merged patch that adds Rally in-tree specs and test them17:50
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boris-42#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162433/17:51
boris-42^ we will use them for all big refactoring of Rally17:51
boris-42or new features17:51
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boris-42https://review.openstack.org/#/c/159065/ this is the first spec17:51
boris-42Any questions? )17:52
boris-42redixin: meteorfox andreykurilin_ msdubov_ ^17:52
msdubov_boris-42: What should be added next to the specs?17:52
boris-42msdubov_: hm?17:52
boris-42msdubov_:  you mean what specs we should add or?17:52
meteorfoxboris-42: so, are these like acceptance criteria tests?17:52
msdubov_boris-42: yes17:53
meteorfoxboris-42: or acceptance tests17:53
boris-42meteorfox: so we have unit test that checks format of new spec17:54
boris-42meteorfox: like if there are missing headers or not rst or too longs lines17:54
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boris-42meteorfox: unit test will fail17:54
boris-42msdubov_: your questions is not clear for me=)17:54
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meteorfoxboris-42: ok, so rally will just make sure the specs follows some kind of format?17:55
boris-42meteorfox: yep17:55
boris-42meteorfox: this format https://github.com/stackforge/rally/blob/master/doc/specs/template.rst17:56
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msdubov_boris-42: Should we add any specs after this patch?17:56
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meteorfoxboris-42: oh ok. I thought these were like Ruby's Capybara/Cucumber tests17:57
boris-42msdubov_: we will see17:57
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boris-42msdubov_: at least we will do discussion of new Input format17:58
boris-42in specs17:58
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meteorfoxboris-42: isn't that a little over-kill. why not a simply python script, called by a git hook?17:58
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boris-42meteorfox: unit tests are simpler17:58
boris-42meteorfox: and unifed17:58
boris-42we need to finish meeting17:59
boris-42see you in rally chat17:59
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openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/rally/2015/rally.2015-03-10-17.17.html17:59
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/rally/2015/rally.2015-03-10-17.17.txt17:59
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bretonhello keystone17:59
ayoungbreton, we are all still filing in17:59
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ayoungLet's do this!18:01
henrynashit’s that tme…18:01
topolo/  Am I an hour late???18:01
* morganfainberg lets dolphm chair. Stuck in traffic.18:01
stevedroidGo Dolph go18:02
henrynashtopol: no, you are fashionably on time18:02
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dolphm#startmeeting keystone18:03
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 18:03:44 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dolphm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.18:03
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.18:03
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'keystone'18:03
lbragstaddolphm, ayoung, dstanek, jamielennox, morganfainberg, stevemar, gyee, henrynash, topol, marekd, lbragstad, joesavak, shardy, fabiog, nkinder, lloydm, shrekuma, ksavich, hrybacki, rharwood, grantbow, vdreamarkitex, raildo, rodrigods, amakarov, ajayaa, hogepodge, breton, lhcheng, nonameentername, samueldmq, htruta, amolock, wanghong, fmarco7618:04
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lbragstadincase anyone is thrown off by dst..18:04
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dolphmlbragstad: thanks18:04
stevedroidLbragstad, i was18:05
lbragstadI think this is the first time I've actually showed up for a keystone meeting after a time change18:05
samueldmqo/ hello18:05
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bknudsonis missing CEO of IBM meeting for this!18:05
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dolphmlbragstad: =)18:05
dolphm#topic Kilo-3 deadline18:05
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dolphm#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Kilo_Release_Schedule18:05
dolphmFeature proposal freeze was last week, meaning that it's now too late to propose implementations of new features for Kilo18:05
dolphmSo now it's time for everyone to start putting review focus on what's already in review!18:05
dolphmOur next deadline is actual the feature freeze: March 19th18:06
dolphmSo the clock is ticking on polishing and merging final implementations of features for Kilo.18:06
ayoungtic tic tic booom!18:06
dolphmAnd knowing the history with our gate, we should really be aiming for March 17th18:06
dolphmBecause transient failures, gate load, etc, etc.18:06
bknudsongate has been really stable lately.18:07
bknudson(due to a lot of hard work)18:07
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dolphmIf you're looking for something to review, I'd point you to our list of release blocking reviews, but I just broke it last night and am working on getting it going again.18:07
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stevedroidI havent gotten neutroned in a while18:07
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dolphmA link is in the #openstack-keystone /topic18:07
morganfainbergbknudson: don't jinx it18:07
bknudsonfirst rule of gate failures is don't talk about gate failures.18:08
dolphmAny questions on priority for the next 7-9 days?18:08
henrynashnever mention the F word when it is within earshot18:08
bknudsonif only DB2 CI was as stable!18:08
ayoungWould like to make sure https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142573/  is on that list18:09
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dolphmbknudson: gate stability is already starting to drop though, compared it where it was a few weeks ago (around 96% of gate jobs were passing at one point!)18:09
dolphmbknudson: it's now back down to 88% and failing as far as i've seen18:09
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dolphmayoung: i'll make sure it's on the list of release blockers18:10
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dolphmany other reviews that should be considered release-blocking for kilo-3?18:10
bknudsoncan we pile on release blockers?18:10
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dolphmbknudson: hopefully only things in direct support of targeted blueprints18:11
henrynashsamueldmq, rodrigo: is the lsit_assignments performance one on the list?18:11
samueldmqhenrynash, it wasnt anymore18:11
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ayoungbknudson, +2A18:11
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dolphmbknudson: keystoneclient falls outside the release process, but that's a good one18:11
bknudsonoh, these are both keystoneclient18:11
ayoungI thought I had done that already18:11
samueldmqhenrynash, I'd like to see it on that list again ... but I talked to morganfainberg and time is short ....18:11
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henrynashsamueldmq: ok…just checking18:11
jamielennoxbknudson: but we're hoping to do a release of ksc/ksm soon18:12
rodrigodsfor kc I'd like this one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/150078/18:12
samueldmqhenrynash, and that is a long chain, but we could at least put it at the end18:12
jamielennoxwe will want to cut new versions and bump g-r before final release18:12
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bknudsonthat was it... the rest of mine are bugs.18:12
dolphmjamielennox: ++ doing two releases before kilo is final would be good. one near kilo-3 and one more around stable/kilo18:12
samueldmqhenrynash, 'Improve List Role Assignments Filters Performance' https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137202/18:12
dolphmbknudson: i guess we'll get to release blocking bugs after next week :)18:13
ayoungOK...I'll be in code reveiw mode for the next few days.18:13
dolphmayoung: ++++18:13
jamielennoxdolphm: yep, the k3 one will probably be in g-r, final probably packaged18:13
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ayoungrodrigods, can you take back your patch for whitelists and get the comments in, so I can review it18:13
dstanekyeah, i think i got patchset pushing out of my system now18:13
rodrigodsayoung, yes18:14
ayoungWe really need to make sure we have a client review push scheduled in.18:14
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rodrigodsayoung, at least, I can try, will signalize otherwise18:14
dolphmsamueldmq: henrynash: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137202/ isn't targeted to kilo-3, so i'll leave that one to morganfainberg18:14
ayoungrodrigods, fair enough18:14
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henrynashdolphm: yep, understand18:14
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dolphmalright, let's move on to agenda items -- it's hard to discuss release blockers when the current list isn't available :) (sorry!)18:15
dolphm#topic JSON Home18:15
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morganfainbergIt isn't targeted because it's a nice to have.18:15
dolphmto quote the agenda summary:18:15
dolphm"Support for experimental/disabled. When we approved the spec for moving away from extensions, we specified that resources might be appear as "experimental" (if they were still maturing) or "disabled" (if that features had been turned off by a config switch) in the JSON Home response. Concern, however, has been raised as to whether this is a valid way of using JSON Home. The new domain-config-database support is the first18:15
dolphm new resources to use this....before we merge its JSON Home support, let's make sure we are still happy with this approach."18:15
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dolphmhenrynash: o/ all yours18:15
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dolphmmorganfainberg: ack18:15
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henrynashof so this is to revist the issue of how our resources/APIs are repreented via JSON Home in various sceanrios18:16
henrynashas per teh comemnt above, I’d *thought* we had agreed we would use the hints property of a resource to indicate its status18:16
bknudsonI'm ok with "hints" for deprecated.18:17
morganfainbergMy only thought is disabled is not a classification.18:17
henrynash(see paragraoh starting around line 70 in  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/133809/8/specs/kilo/replace_extensions.rst)18:17
dolphmis the question whether or not a disabled or experimental feature appears in a JSON Home response?18:17
morganfainbergExperimental and deprecated are classifiers same as stable.18:17
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henrynashmorganfainberg: well, teh json home spec actually even suggest using “gone” to indicate an API that was supported once…..18:17
ayoungdisabled seems different.18:17
morganfainbergDisabled is not.18:18
henrynashdolphm: yes….18:18
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dolphmhenrynash: Gone is an intruiging choice18:18
bknudsonI think it makes for more complicated clients to force them to check for "disabled"... they shouldn't need to do this. It should be handled by the server.18:19
topolbknudson +++18:19
dolphm#link http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-json-home-03#section-4.1018:19
dolphmwe're not going to return a proper 410 Gone for a disabled extension, i assume18:20
henrynashbknudson: well they don’t have to check disabled, (the server will return an error if they try and call the API on the resouce), but the json home hinst tells them why18:20
henrynashdolphm: no18:20
henrynashdolphm: we would retunrn 404 (I think)18:20
dolphmhenrynash: i'd support a 404, "server is oblivious of the thing you're asking for" (but i think morganfainberg disagrees?)18:21
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dolphmstevedroid: morganfainberg: i think ya'll were discussing 403, as if disabling a new API was a policy change?18:22
ayoungI would assume that the priamry use of the JSON home is to generate other operations, specifically visual web for talking to Keystone.  If the resource is gone, it should not show up in an enumeration.  Its not so much looking for the resoruce itself as it is generating a form, where that resource would be one field.  DIsabled  would be vary useful to put a greyed out button for something that was no longer there, but the user migh18:22
ayoungt be looking for18:22
ayoungbut if there is no way to enable it...18:22
henrynashI guess my larger issue is that I *thought* the point of moving aeway from the course extension mechaism, is so that we have a more robust API for which you can also get JSON HOme info about, even if the resource you want is expermimetnal/disabled/gone etc.18:22
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dolphmayoung: that's my real preference. no means of discovery + 404 if you try and skip discovery18:22
bknudsonprovide a GET /v3?disabled18:22
ayoungcan we say "gone" is "experimental"18:23
dolphmbknudson: IT'S A TRAP!18:23
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ayounglet's fail fast on this...18:23
henrynashayoung: definitely not18:23
dolphmayoung: gone has subsequent behaviors tied to it18:23
ayoungright, so if we do it, we are committed18:23
dolphmexoectation of 410 Gone18:23
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ayoungbut if we don't, people will code around us18:23
dstanek410 doesn't seem right for this18:23
bknudson410 would indicate that it used to be there.18:24
henrynashso question 1) should we use json home hints status on a per resouce basis to indicate any variance from “stable”18:24
breton410 would mean that it will never be there18:24
dolphmi'm not sure i can make an argument for 403, but does anyone want to try?18:24
morganfainbergi like 410 when we *remove* an API18:24
dolphmbreton: ++18:24
bknudsonI think we should use the hints status for deprecated. that's in the spec.18:24
henrynashmorganfainberg: ++ agreed18:25
morganfainbergwhen we disable, i'd advocate a 40318:25
morganfainbergand a 404 if it doesn't exist18:25
dolphmmorganfainberg: or soft delete an object18:25
morganfainbergand never has18:25
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dolphmwhich we don't do18:25
morganfainbergdolphm, sure18:25
bknudsonand we could use gone when it's past deprecation and removed.18:25
morganfainbergthis is specific to APIs not resources18:25
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henrynashbkndudson: if we got experimental added to the json home spec, would you support that?18:25
dolphmbknudson: you're assuming you can actually remove previously-stable APIs?18:26
ayoungLet me suggest that we code that up as a change to the API spec and document it?18:26
bknudsondolphm: right... that never happens anyways so don't need to worry about it.18:26
bknudsonhenrynash: I'm also ok with experimental...18:26
bknudsonI'd prefer /v3?experimental18:26
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dolphmbknudson: i like the opt in18:26
dolphmor even ?unstable18:26
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bknudsonwe could have a separate resource for experimental, too... e.g., versioning18:27
bknudsonI mean a separate relationship.18:27
henrynashso the specific review this is affect is: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162484/4/api/v3/identity-api-v3.rst18:27
ayoungContent type18:27
henrynash#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162484/4/api/v3/identity-api-v3.rst18:27
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henrynashwhere I had suggested that the new domain-config APIs should be marked as expermental (I;d be OK if we wanted to make them stable, but not maing that assumption)18:28
bknudsonhenrynash: what's the argument for experimental?18:29
bknudsonyou planning to change the API?18:29
henrynashbknudson: no…but in the spec for moving away from extensions we agreed that by default we would make new APIs experiemtnal for a cycle…18:30
morganfainbergbknudson, not planned but it allows us to if needed18:30
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henrynash…with an option to agree to marking as stable within a cycle if we so chose18:30
morganfainbergbknudson, basically it doesnt' lock us into a "stable" API the moment it is merged18:30
bknudsonas an example of using a relationship to indicate experimental, put a version on the rel: http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity/3/rel/domain_config/v0.118:30
morganfainbergit gives us a cycle to say "yes" or "no" or "needs more work"18:30
bknudsonthen if you come up with a new API use http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-identity/3/rel/domain_config/v1.018:31
henrynashthat certainly an option….hwoever…18:31
ayoungand it keeps us from changing the URL  from OS-TRUSTS  when we decide to promote something18:31
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morganfainbergfwiw, i think microversioning is a trainwreck.18:31
bknudsonyou want me to code up support for ?experimental ?18:31
morganfainbergbut i'm willing tochange my mind once we see more from nova on it18:32
morganfainbergand how it works out18:32
henrynashI woudl have though that as we mature Open Stack, people will want to be able to check clietns to see if tehy use expermiemental APIs, or deprecated ones….and json home seems the obvious way an automated analyser would do this18:32
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henrynashas oppsied to knowing that v0.1 meant experimental and v1.0 meant atsbale18:33
bknudsoncheck clients?18:33
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: ++ trainwreck18:33
henrynashI’m thinking “applications that talk to  the OpenStack API”…..I can envisage certains shops only allowing apps that talk to stable APIs etc.18:34
gyeejamielennox is smoking something :)18:34
henrynashok, let’s try and net this out18:34
bknudsonI think that can be done with /v3?experimental.18:34
ayoungOK...moving on?18:35
henrynashwhen we approve dthe spec for removing extensions we said we woudl use json home for disabled & experimental….18:35
jamielennoxgyee: just slow this morning18:35
henrynashdo we agree or disagre?18:35
bknudson... thought we agreed that specs aren't written in stone.18:36
ayounglet's vote it?18:36
dolphmbknudson: ++18:36
henrynashbkndison: absoilutely!!! that;s why I brought it up here!18:36
jamielennoxexperimental agree, why put disabled in home?18:36
dolphmhenrynash: want a quick vote?18:36
henrynashdolphmL sure18:36
henrynashjamielennox: the argument woudl be so a cleint coudl work out WHY an API is returning an error (oh..it;s just diabled in this installation”)18:37
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jamielennoxhenrynash: wouldn't that be the same as the resource being missing in jsonhome?18:37
henrynashbut I’d be Ok if we only wanted experimental/stable/deprecated for now18:38
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henrynashjammielennix: maybe it’s gone for ever?18:38
jamielennoxassuming you went to jsonhome first rather than use it as an error checker18:38
bknudsonwe publish all the relationships, so if you want to know just check which rels are available and which aren't.18:38
bknudsonam I supposed to call up dolphm and tell him to turn an extension on for me?18:38
henrynashdolphm: so if disabled is contentions, let’s vote on json home supporting depreacted/experimental/stable18:39
ayounghenrynash, that is kind of what I was implying before.  We can split these into two reviews, and make sure we get the first part through18:40
ayoungbknudson,  a tool needs to talk to multiple keystone servers, and needs to know what features are enabled on each18:40
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bknudsonJSON Home already shows that.18:40
dolphmhenrynash: i'm trying to figure out how to phrase the vote so that it's simple...18:41
bknudsonthere's a security concern with telling your clients too much about your server already.18:41
gyeehave to *tools guys* chime in, horizon, CLI18:41
henrynash#startvote should we refelect a status of stable(teh default), experimental and deprecated in the JSON Home response on our resources18:41
openstackOnly the meeting chair may start a vote.18:41
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dolphmhenrynash: that presumes that they should appear at all?18:42
henrynashdolphm: if so, vote no ?!!?18:42
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dolphmhenrynash: #startvote needs options to be enumerated, and voters need to match the options exactly18:43
henrynashdolphm: hinsts: {‘status’: <status>} is part of the json hom spec18:43
stevemarget out of here stevedroid you imposter18:43
dolphmhenrynash: how we advertise stable features is a given18:43
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bknudsonWe could have a vote just for deprecated... that's in the JSON Home spec.18:43
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morganfainbergbknudson, thats fine.18:44
bknudsonand a separate one for experimental.18:44
morganfainbergi'd be ok with adhering to the spec.18:44
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henrynashso question 1) : should we refelect a status of deprecated in the JSON Home response on our resources18:44
dolphmbknudson: so, yes/no, should deprecated/experimental features appear in json home at all?18:44
morganfainbergdolphm, do deprecated 1st18:44
henrynashdolphm: that;s do18:44
morganfainbergthen expirimental18:44
dolphm#startvote Should *deprecated* API features appear in JSON-Home at all? yes, no18:44
openstackBegin voting on: Should *deprecated* API features appear in JSON-Home at all? Valid vote options are yes, no.18:44
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:44
morganfainberg#vote yes18:45
bknudson#vote yes18:45
jamielennox#vote yes18:45
gyee#vote yes18:45
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lbragstad#vote yes18:45
dolphm#vote yes18:45
ayoung#vote ,18:45
henrynash#vote yes18:45
openstackayoung: , is not a valid option. Valid options are yes, no.18:45
ayoung#vote yes18:45
gyeeayoung, that , looks like a thumbs down18:45
amakarov#vote yes18:45
dstanek#vote yes18:45
openstackyes (10): gyee, lbragstad, ayoung, morganfainberg, bknudson, dstanek, dolphm, jamielennox, amakarov, henrynash18:46
dstanekthey have to be in there if we claim to be RESTful! otherwise deprecating them is the same as removing them18:46
dolphmending in 10 seconds...18:46
openstackVoted on "Should *deprecated* API features appear in JSON-Home at all?" Results are18:46
openstackyes (10): gyee, lbragstad, ayoung, morganfainberg, bknudson, dstanek, dolphm, jamielennox, amakarov, henrynash18:47
ayoung#vote        \m/_      (^^)  _\m/18:47
dolphm#startvote Should *disabled-by-deployer* API features appear in JSON-Home at all? yes, no18:47
topol#vote yes18:47
openstackBegin voting on: Should *disabled-by-deployer* API features appear in JSON-Home at all? Valid vote options are yes, no.18:47
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:47
bknudson#vote no18:47
dolphm#vote no18:47
jamielennox#vote no18:47
dstanek#vote no18:47
gyee#vote no18:47
breton#vote no18:47
henrynash#vote yes18:47
ayoung#vote maybe18:48
openstackayoung: maybe is not a valid option. Valid options are yes, no.18:48
* morganfainberg is having connection issues18:48
lbragstad#vote no18:48
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jamielennoxif nothing else if we start with them not appearing, it's much easier to add them later than try and remove them18:48
ayounghenrynash, so if we change our mind on this one, we can add it in again later.  RIght?18:48
dolphmmorganfainberg: voting on whether *disabled-by-deployer* API features appear in JSON-Home at all18:48
henrynashayoung: sure, yep…happy to adhere to teh vote18:48
openstackyes (2): henrynash, topol18:49
ayoung#vote I'm a coward18:49
openstackno (7): gyee, dstanek, bknudson, lbragstad, dolphm, jamielennox, breton18:49
openstackayoung: I'm a coward is not a valid option. Valid options are yes, no.18:49
morganfainberg#vote no18:49
dolphmending in 10 seconds...18:49
ayoung#vote no18:49
openstackVoted on "Should *disabled-by-deployer* API features appear in JSON-Home at all?" Results are18:49
openstackyes (2): henrynash, topol18:49
openstackno (9): gyee, dstanek, ayoung, morganfainberg, bknudson, lbragstad, dolphm, jamielennox, breton18:49
dolphm#startvote Should enabled-by-deployer *experimental* features appear in JSON-Home? yes, no18:49
openstackBegin voting on: Should enabled-by-deployer *experimental* features appear in JSON-Home? Valid vote options are yes, no.18:49
openstackVote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts.18:49
henrynash#vote yes18:49
breton#vote yes18:49
dolphm#vote yes18:49
morganfainberg#vote yes18:49
jamielennox#vote yes18:49
lbragstad#vote yes18:49
gyee#vote no18:50
dstanek#vote yes18:50
bknudsondoes this mean without /v3?experimental?18:50
dolphmbknudson: presentation doesn't matter yet, just starting with the boolean18:50
bknudson#vote yes18:50
henrynashI’m assuming we *would* mark it as such18:50
gyeewhat's a client going to do with experimental?18:50
henrynashgyee: use it18:50
amakarov#vote yes18:50
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gyeeat who's discretion? client or user?18:50
dolphmgyee: call it if specified to opt-into unstable features?18:50
bknudsonyou might not want your application to use experimental APIs.18:51
dolphmgyee: user, hopefully18:51
henrynashgyee: if that’s ok in teh context (i.e. in a military application, probably not)18:51
dolphmit's like calling the client with --insecure18:51
gyeearrh k18:51
gyeemake sense now18:51
gyeedolphm, yeah, make sense18:51
openstackyes (9): lbragstad, morganfainberg, bknudson, dstanek, dolphm, jamielennox, amakarov, henrynash, breton18:51
openstackno (1): gyee18:51
dolphmending it 10 seconds ...18:51
henrynashgyee: but that’s the point of giving the status..soit can know18:51
gyeechanging my vote18:51
dolphmgyee: go for it18:52
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dolphmgyee: only your last vote counts18:52
gyee#vote yes18:52
openstackVoted on "Should enabled-by-deployer *experimental* features appear in JSON-Home?" Results are18:52
openstackyes (10): gyee, lbragstad, morganfainberg, bknudson, dstanek, dolphm, jamielennox, amakarov, henrynash, breton18:52
dolphmokay so in summary:18:52
dolphmWe agree that: A) Deprecated API features should, somehow, appear in JSON-Home. B) *Disabled-by-deployer* API features should NOT appear in JSON-Home at all. C) Enabled-by-deployer *experimental* features should, somehow, appear in JSON-Home.18:53
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henrynashok, great, that gives me what I need to know - will process accordingly, thanks to all18:53
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dolphmhenrynash: the *how* for A and C are the interesting part :)18:54
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henrynashi yield the floor with 6 mins to go :-)18:54
dolphmhenrynash: maybe we can enumerate the How options in advance for next meeting?18:54
morganfainbergdolphm, ++18:54
dolphmhenrynash: stick them on the agenda18:54
henrynashdolphm: sure18:54
dolphm#agree Deprecated API features should, somehow, appear in JSON-Home.18:55
dolphm#agree *Disabled-by-deployer* API features should NOT appear in JSON-Home at all.18:55
dolphm#agree Enabled-by-deployer *experimental* features should, somehow, appear in JSON-Home.18:55
dolphmi think those will appear in the meeting notes18:55
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dolphm#topic keystone vs Keystone18:55
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dolphm#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162561/18:55
dolphmbreton: o/ all yours18:55
bretonhow do we call keystone?18:55
bretonin several reviews I saw people nitting that it should be "Keystone" and not "keystone" everywhere.18:55
bretonnow there is that patch18:55
jamielennoxhenrynash: as an early vote it would be nice if it was somehow in the json home doc so that i can cache the whole doc with one call18:55
bretonin that review there is a link to wiki.o.o which suggests to use "keystone"18:55
dolphmbreton: the official project name is lowercased, "keystone"18:55
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bknudsonI think we should stick with the doc naming convention.18:56
bknudsonmakes it easier to write the docs18:56
dolphmbknudson: is that lowercased?18:56
ayoungKeystone is a proper noun18:56
bknudsonyes, the doc convention is lowercase.18:56
bknudsonnot sure why, but that's what they document.18:56
ayoungthe English language convention is that those are capitalized18:56
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dolphmayoung: but it's also just a code name18:56
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dstaneki mentioned in the review to bring this here - because we've accepting commits to make Keystone the project and keystone the code18:57
bknudsonOpenStack Identity18:57
amakarovdolphm, ++ 'Identity' is capitalized18:57
dstaneknow patch is kinda going the other way18:57
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dolphmthe program names *are* capitalized in title case (OpenStack Identity)18:57
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bknudsonI didn't know about the style guide until it was pointed out to me.18:57
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stevemarmaybe they don't want code names capitalized for legal reasons, in case other companies have them trademarked (like quantum)18:58
dolphmbknudson: i didn't know there was a solid recommendation on the issue until recently18:58
ayoungYeah, companies never trademark things starting with lowercase letters18:59
ayoungUnless it is an i, then you need to capitalize the second letter18:59
ayoungor an e18:59
morganfainberggyee, unless it's cisco, then it was IPhone iirc18:59
dolphmmaybe we should always use the repo path, like openstack/keystone instead of Keystone or keystone18:59
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ayoungdolphm, ++18:59
ayounguse an URL18:59
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bknudsonwe could always use OpenStack Identity18:59
dolphmbknudson: but these docs are specifically referring to one project in the program19:00
ayoungtime is up19:00
gyeewhat happen to AAA?19:00
dolphmbknudson: can't escape that :)19:00
ayoungdolphm, care to clear the floor19:00
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dolphmgyee: no one outside of this group likes it19:00
morganfainbergwe're over time19:00
dolphmmorganfainberg: ++19:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Mar 10 19:00:33 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)19:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2015/keystone.2015-03-10-18.03.html19:00
morganfainbergtake this to -keystone19:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2015/keystone.2015-03-10-18.03.txt19:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/keystone/2015/keystone.2015-03-10-18.03.log.html19:00
AJaeger_good evening!19:01
jeblairhi infra folks19:01
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jeblair#startmeeting infra19:01
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 19:01:26 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.19:01
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.19:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'infra'19:01
jeblair#link agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting19:01
jeblair#link previous meeting http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-03-03-19.01.html19:01
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jeblair#topic Actions from last meeting19:01
jeblair#action jeblair nibalizer work through openstackinfra-httpd publishing19:01
jeblair#action jeblair fix openstackinfra account on puppetforge19:01
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jeblairlet's just go ahead and get those out of the way ^19:01
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jeblairi'm going to try to do password recovery on the puppetforge account19:02
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fungithanks. i agree the one in hiera is invalid19:02
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jeblair#topic Priority Efforts19:02
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jeblairlast week we established gerrit topics for each effort19:03
jeblairi'm going to link to them individually later19:03
jeblairbut also, here is a query to show you all open changes for all of our current efforts19:03
jeblair#info "status:open AND (topic:enable_swift OR topic:dib-nodepool OR topic:zanata OR topic:downstream-puppet OR topic:askbot-site OR topic: gerrit-upgrade)"19:03
nibalizerjeblair: still in progress, ya?19:04
jeblairso there's something we can all use to try to run that list of changes down to zero each week19:04
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nibalizeroop i was scrolled up19:04
jeblairnibalizer: yep, will work on that this afternoon19:04
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jeblair#topic Priority Efforts (Swift logs)19:04
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:enable_swift,n,z19:04
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jeblairi should probably change these to be status:open as well19:05
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:enable_swift,n,z19:05
clarkbfor swift logs the outstanding work is double checking that we have up to date images (we should) then I can approve those two open changes19:05
jheskethSo nothing new here as far as I'm concerned. We just need to turn on more jobs to swift and keep rolling19:05
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clarkber I guess the second needs review too19:05
jeblairclarkb, jhesketh: the outstanding issues with ux are resolved?19:06
clarkbjeblair: I think the only remaining one is how to display the devstack gate help footer19:06
clarkbjeblair: but those changes don't touch d-g jobs yet19:06
clarkbjhesketh: ^ is that correct?19:06
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jeblairclarkb: agreed, it seems like we should be able to proceed without that.19:06
jheskethYeah that's the only thing missing for parity as far as I know19:07
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jeblairfor the footer, should we have the d-g jobs generate their own index pages?19:07
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jheskethMy opinion is yes, but sdague and others disagree19:07
jeblairjhesketh: where can i view this discussion?19:07
clarkbI was starting to wonder if we could remove the help footer compeltely and instead try to link off to docs within the jobs themselves? but that may be too late in the deciphering of the logs19:08
fungias i recall there were pros and cons to having the content frozen at the time when the job was run as oppsed to up to date with some reference copy19:08
jheskethI think having them generated and stored will mean the documentation will stay correct as things may change19:08
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clarkbjhesketh: ya that is a nice benefit19:08
jheskethIt was irc a while ago but I can take that on notice19:08
fungiassuming it was correct to begin with19:08
fungiand harder to correct later if it was not19:08
jheskethfungi: yep, that's a good summary thanks19:09
* SergeyLukjanov lurking19:09
clarkbOH! I know19:09
fungii don't feel strongly either way. would just as well we flipped a coin and went with it (or chose whichever is easier to implement and moved on)19:09
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clarkbI was thinking about expiry, should we set an expiration date on these logs before uploading them?19:10
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clarkbthat way we don't have to work so hard later to clean them up19:10
jeblairclarkb: we can do that?19:10
clarkbjeblair: yes, swift objects can have expiration dates iirc19:10
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jheskethYep, it's a swift feature19:10
jeblairclarkb: and tempurl passes that through?19:10
clarkband I wanted to bring this up before we have a large amount of logs in swift19:10
fungii was wondering what the plan was for limiting retention. that's awesome!19:10
clarkbjeblair: I am not sure about that19:10
jeblairfungi, jhesketh: i think there are some things we can generate during the job run that should not change, and would be best saved with the run.  eg "nova logs are in nova.log".19:11
jheskethjeblair: I don't think it's part of the hmac, I think you just set it as an extra header when posting19:11
jeblairfungi, jhesketh: other things like "here is how to use e-r" might change over time.  those we should perhaps just link to.19:11
fungithe only down side is it might be harder to extend/shrink that later if we change our minds about retention of already existing data?19:11
clarkbjhesketh: nice and easy then. we should probably consider getting that in early then before adding to those python jobs?19:11
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jeblairso i'd propose that for the d-g footer, we generate some of it in the job itself, and for things that may change over time not related to that specific run, we provide external links.19:12
clarkbanyways don't need to spend a bunch of time here on that especially since we seem to agree it is a good idea19:12
fungibut yeah, i expect if we really want to update it later, we can do so by manually firing some mass update script19:12
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jheskethfungi: I think we can update the meta data later19:12
jeblairtwo tasks: log expiry header and d-g footer.  who want's em? :)19:13
jheskethclarkb: depends if we mind cleaning up later or having a few old logs hang around19:13
clarkbI can poke at the expiry header19:13
jheskethjeblair: I can19:13
clarkbor jhesketh :)19:13
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clarkbjhesketh: maybe we can look really quickly to see how much work expiry is and base our decision on that?19:13
clarkbjhesketh: if we can get that in today/tomorrow probably worht waiting19:13
jeblair#action jhesketh work on devstack-gate footer19:14
krtayloractually expiration metadata cannot be changed later, the object must jut be deleted19:14
jheskethclarkb: sounds good19:14
jeblair#action clarkb jhekseth set swift expiry data19:14
jeblairalso, if we delete all the infra logs in swift, i'm okay with that.19:14
jheskethkrtaylor: oh interesting, thanks19:14
krtaylorit is initially set at object creation time19:14
krtaylorafter that, it must just be deleted19:15
krtaylorbut I wrote tools to do that  :)19:15
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jheskethkrtaylor: I guess if we were desperate we could re push them19:15
fungican new objects be created (copied) from old ones without having to download and upload again?19:15
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fungianyway, i guess not critical to figure out such minutia in the meeting19:16
jeblairyeah, good questions, but lets look into them async19:16
jeblair#topic Priority Efforts (Swift logs)19:16
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:enable_swift,n,z19:16
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krtaylorjhesketh, it is just a matter of deleting anything that slips through the expire policy, once it is established, it takes care of itself19:16
jeblair#topic Priority Efforts (Nodepool DIB)19:16
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:dib-nodepool,n,z19:16
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jeblairmy interest here is getting better nodepool testing19:17
clarkbthere are several stacks of changes to nodepool up with this topic that add better testing19:17
clarkbits not comprehensive but is a good start to test some behaviors we have recently noticed19:17
jeblairi'd really like to get that in first because we keep breaking ourselves19:17
clarkbespecailly when we start thinking about moving to shade better testing will be very valuable19:18
jeblairalso, ianw was going to work on yaml validation, unsure of progress there19:18
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jeblairi know mordred has been busy; anything else on this?19:18
ianwjeblair: out for review https://review.openstack.org/161952 <- will add job when that is approved19:18
clarkbits up for review, looks large because of the yaml involved but it should be reasonable19:18
jeblairianw: neat!19:18
clarkbianw: can you update the topic too?19:18
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clarkbianw: to dib-nodepool so it shows up in the query jeblair posted19:19
yolandai was working on nodepool-shade integration but no time last week19:19
jeblairthere is a governance patch to move bindep into infra19:19
ianwclarkb: urg, i thought i specified that with -t to git review, will look into19:19
jeblairi think it will end up scheduled for next week's tc meeting19:19
clarkbianw: you can set it in gerrit ui without pushing new patchset19:19
ianwclarkb: yep, done19:20
clarkbfungi: any thing in particular we should be looking at with the bindep stuff?19:20
anteayajeblair: do you want to discuss agreeing to a downtime for that move, or wait on tc?19:20
fungijeblair: cool. i'l strive to get most of my submitted and planned features implemented before we move bindep19:20
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fungiclarkb: i haven't revisited outstanding comments on my changes since i got home19:20
fungii know i need to add some tests for some of it19:21
jeblairanteaya: let's wait19:21
anteayajeblair: very good19:21
SpamapSMy hope has been to develop a simple way to run a fake nova with a tmpfs-backed glance to point nodepool at for fast functional test runs.19:21
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jeblairSpamapS: aware of nova fakevirt driver?19:21
SpamapSBut I haven't gotten beyond writing that down in a text file and breaking it up into tasks to figure out if it is even feasible or if there are other people working on the same thing.19:21
SpamapSjeblair: yes that is the fake part I'd use. :)19:21
jeblairthought so, just checking :)19:22
jeblairSpamapS: also, ++19:22
fungiglance needs a fake-i/o19:22
SpamapSfungi: well you need to be able to retrieve the image. :)19:22
SpamapSfungi: so just throwing it in /tmp and then torching the tempdir should be fine.19:22
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fungiit could accomplish that be just feeding you something, unless we need what we upload to match what we download19:23
fungier, by19:23
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fungibut anyway, sounds cool19:23
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jeblairit should be "web scale"19:23
jeblair#topic Priority Efforts (Migration to Zanata)19:23
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:zanata,n,z19:23
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cineramahi there!19:24
jeblaircinerama: hi!19:24
cineramaso as far as zanata goes, i have a review up https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147947/ with pleia2 which has a base functional puppet module that installs zanata19:24
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cineramait needs some work. i have a further patch in the series i'm nearly done with to put an apache proxy in front19:25
clarkbcinerama: are we wanting to break that up into multiple changes or should we wait for a new patchset on the above change?19:25
cineramaother outstanding issues - zanata can use clamav to check docs for viruses, so we could add that in the mix19:25
clarkbcinerama: mostly want to avoid merging anything you think is not ready19:26
cineramaand checking stuff for graceful upgrade, redundancy, etc etc19:26
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jeblaircinerama: i don't think clamav is necessary19:26
cineramabecause i am infra n00b i will need some help with best practices and methodology19:26
cineramai was thinking to break it up just to have reviewable chunks of reasonable size19:27
jeblaircinerama: i hope you'll find we're very helpful :)19:27
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mrmartincinerama: if we have a standalone version that is running, we can focus on redundancy later19:27
fungiyeah, we're not allowing arbitrary uploads into zanata, right? this is specifically source code which has already been reviewed by humans19:27
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cineramathe other question is about migrating existing data19:28
fungiso virus scanning that seems entirely unnecessary19:28
jeblairmrmartin, cinerama: also, in general rax has such good uptime that i think we can live with zanata being singly hosted for a while.  so we can put that _waaay_ down the priority list19:28
jeblaircinerama: upgrades would be cool; we should talk about how to do those, but we can also probably get the initial version up and running without it for now19:29
mrmartinjeblair: I agree, if we have a proper backup, we can go with a standalone install19:29
jeblaircinerama: what data need to be migrated?19:29
cineramai've been super head down in "just get the thing working" mode so things like sso login etc are coming to mind19:29
jeblairthe strings themselves should be in the source code and probably should be "migrated" the first time we run new import jobs for them19:29
mrmartincinerama: would you like to use the openstackid.org for sso login?19:30
cineramajeblair: my understanding is that we need to export stuff from transifex and import it to zanata19:30
AJaeger_cinerama: correct19:30
jeblairwhat is in transifex that's not in the git repos?19:30
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AJaeger_jeblair: we do not have all translations in git19:30
cineramajeblair: good question; i'm going off the spec19:30
fungiright, zanata going offline due to server trouble will be ~= to gerrit going offline19:30
clarkbbecause we have the 75% threshold right?19:31
jeblairExport all translations (not only the 75% translated ones) from Transifex and import all the files into Zanata. Also import old versions of projects with translations (for example horizon/icehouse, horizon/havana) as reference and seed for translation memory.19:31
jeblair^ from spec19:31
AJaeger_we decided some time ago to only download files that are reasonable translated19:31
AJaeger_jeblair: correct ;)19:31
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clarkbya so there is a step but it should basically be identical to the automated tooling19:31
fungier, the chances of them going offline will be roughly equivalent i mean, because we don't have redundant gerrit either19:31
clarkbwith a small tweak to get all the files19:31
cineramawrt to sso i need to take a step back and see what zanata can support19:32
AJaeger_clarkb: just remove the limiting ;)19:32
jeblaircinerama: i think clarkb and AJaeger_ should be able to help you work through what the export/import step means19:32
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clarkbyup happy to help19:32
AJaeger_indeed, I can help19:32
jeblaircinerama: for sso, i think openstackid supports openid or oauth2, right mrmartin?19:32
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mrmartinjeblair: supports both19:32
fungicurrently those two protocols, yes19:32
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mrmartinwe are using oauth2 because it supports of retrieving of profile pictures.19:33
jeblairi think at the time we evaluated it, we were only looking at openid, so i'm fairly certain it should support that19:33
mrmartinyes, openid works well too19:33
jeblairmrmartin: when you say "we are using" you mean for sites like group and later ask, i think.19:33
mrmartingroups portal19:33
mrmartinfor the ask I think further testing required19:34
jeblaircinerama: so mrmartin can help out with sso questions.  the main thing is that we want a login button, and it should take you directly to openstackid -- so no option to log in via another method19:34
mrmartinbut the groups initially used the openid sso, so it is working well too19:34
mrmartinthe only reason I upgraded to oauth2, that openid not provides to profile pictures of users.19:34
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cineramai need to look more into what zanata/wildfly can do19:34
fungito openstackid.org that is19:35
fungi(openstackid is just the name of the software running on there)19:35
jeblaircinerama: it feels like we're getting close to being able to stand something up, which will be exciting! :)19:35
jeblairanything else on this?19:35
mrmartinfor the openstackid testing I have a vagrant: https://github.com/fremontlabs/vagrant-openstackid19:36
cineramayes. my primary focus has been on the puppet stuff, which is in a reasonably good state. i think that's all i have for now19:36
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cineramado we have a specific timeframe for this, or is it "when it's done"?19:36
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mrmartinI like to use it for groups portal translations, I have a bunch of .po files actually19:37
jeblaircinerama: i think not before the release, but if we can move over early in L that would be good19:37
clarkbhaving it for the summit would be great if possible19:37
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, up by summit, in use early in L would be good19:37
mrmartinsummit is a realistic goal19:38
cineramaokay. i'm cautiously optimistic :)19:38
* asselin_ has to go now. No updates from last week w.r.t. downstream-puppet19:38
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jeblairthe translation team gets super-busy right before release, so they will have limited bandwidth to evaluate it around that time19:38
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jeblairstarting soon, actually i think19:38
jeblaircinerama: thanks!19:39
jeblair#topic Priority Efforts (Downstream Puppet)19:39
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:downstream-puppet,n,z19:39
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nibalizeri put two reviews up this week on my part of this19:39
nibalizerhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/162830/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162819/19:39
yolandai've been sending some patches as well19:40
jeblairyolanda: for which spec?19:40
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yolandawell, related to downstream puppet19:40
* krtaylor reads19:40
clarkbyolanda: ya I think I reviewed a good chunk of them today. The cleanups in the various modules to make them reconsumable right?19:41
nibalizerclarkb: yep19:41
yolandayes, these ones19:41
clarkber s/today/yesterday/19:41
nibalizerits the great 'hey look what hp did internally, yip'19:41
yolandai had questions for https://review.openstack.org/162727 , https://review.openstack.org/161663 and https://review.openstack.org/16169519:41
nibalizerwe're gearing up for the 'Big Sync (tm)'19:41
yolandayes, i expect to be sending more of those during the week19:42
jeblairokay, so this is waiting on reviews19:42
jeblairi'm glad we're getting it moving :)19:43
jeblair#topic Priority Efforts (Askbot migration)19:43
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:askbot-site,n,z19:43
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mrmartinok, fungi made the instance for askbot19:43
jeblairfungi: hooray!19:43
fungithere's a server up and running, still need to do the data import19:43
mrmartinso I can access it on https, so need to move forward, and do the data import19:43
fungido we want a separate dev server for this too?19:43
mrmartinthat's all we have now, a good progress19:44
mrmartinfungi: we don't need that19:44
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mrmartinbecause ask comes from pip, and only the theme lives in our repos19:44
fungicool. then i'll try to work on the data import later today. you had those instructions written up somewhere righth?19:44
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mrmartinfungi here: https://review.openstack.org/16069319:44
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fungiaha, perfect. thanks19:45
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mrmartinnot a big deal, need to do a pgsql backup, static files backup, restore that on the other side, an rebuild the solr indexes19:45
fungi#link https://review.openstack.org/16069319:45
fungii think that's all for this topic at the moment19:46
jeblair#topic Priority Efforts (Upgrading Gerrit)19:46
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jeblairwe did not establish a gerrit topic for this...19:46
jeblair"gerrit-upgrade" ?19:46
zaroohh actually i used a  different one.19:46
zaroi can change it if you like19:46
fungigerrit makes that too easy19:47
zaronothing new just need to review.19:47
jeblairzaro: let's change it because it looks too hard to type :)19:47
jeblair#info gerrit topic: gerrit-upgrade19:47
jeblairearlier april 11 and may 9 were suggested as upgrade dates19:47
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jeblairshould we try to settle on one of those now?19:47
fungialso we're planning to tack a switch to utf-8 onto this, sounds like19:47
zarowould like to see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155448/ merged because it's blocking testing of gerrit/LP integration19:48
anteayaapril 11 is pycon, I'm for may 919:48
fungii don't think i have any explicit plans for either april 11 or may 919:48
zarofungi: you mean https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163104/ ?19:48
jeblairi'm a pycon then, but i think fungi and clarkb are not...19:48
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clarkbcorrect I am not19:48
funginor i, no19:48
clarkbhowever that is right during when ttx asks us to be slushy19:49
jeblairi have no plans for may 919:49
clarkbwhich was the other reason we considered may 919:49
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jeblairso let's say may 9 then?19:49
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jeblair#agreed Gerrit 2.9 upgrade Saturday May 9, 201519:49
fungizaro: yeah, not sure if we want to merge 163104 asap or wait until we're doing other changes. hopefully there's no negative impact from the encoding change19:49
jeblairand yeah, when do we want to do the utf8 change?19:50
fungi#link https://review.openstack.org/16310419:50
jeblairwith the os move, or the gerrit upgrade?19:50
fungi(or immediately)19:50
anteayamy only concern is effect on existing data19:50
zarochanging db url  seems independent of gerrit upgrade.19:50
anteayano effect, then right away19:50
zaroor am i missing something?19:51
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anteayaany chance of effect, then either upgrade19:51
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jeblairfungi: can we do it without downtime?19:51
fungijeblair: it needs a gerrit restart19:51
jeblairi suggested one of those two because we will have downtime and database backups already in place19:51
zaroyep, just a restart19:51
fungiso in theory it could be wrapped into a the bindep move for example19:51
clarkbor when we next restart gerrit to fight the memory leak :)19:52
jeblairzaro: how long does it take?19:52
jeblairdoes it involve table scans or is it just a table metadata change?19:52
fungijeblair: since it's just a config change it appears to take just as long as a normal gerrit restart19:52
fungijust a dburi change in the config is all19:52
jeblairfungi: oh wait i think i may not understand what we're talking about19:53
jeblairi thought we were changing the charset of tables19:53
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fungijeblair: apparently that was being ignored by gerrit. pelix pointed zaro at changing the dburi19:53
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fungijeblair: see 16310419:54
jeblairfungi: i thought zaro changed it on review-dev19:54
fungi(linked above)19:54
fungiyeah, he made that config change19:54
jeblairso he did not change the tables?19:54
zaroyep, just a config change.  no updates to db at all19:54
fungizaro: the table charset modification didn't actually work, right?19:54
jeblairokay, so everything about that is completely different than what we discussed before19:54
jeblairi'm not at all comfortable with that19:55
jeblairso we need to take this back for further discussion19:55
zaroi didn't make any changes to the db at all.19:55
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fungiwell, we were discussing it in #openstack-infra but i think it got lost interleaved with the zuul debugging discussion19:55
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jeblairyeah, something went really wrong there19:55
jeblairlet's work on it later19:55
jeblair#topic Open discussion19:55
fungisounds good19:55
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jeblairanything else in 5 mins? :)19:56
clarkboh the ansible puppet fixes19:56
anteayacan we discuss the election tooling?19:56
anteayawe have scalilbilty concerns and could benefit from input19:56
tristanCor onto #openstack-infra ...19:56
jeblairoh sorry19:56
jeblair#topic  Election tooling (tristanC)19:56
anteayawell stuff gets lost there19:56
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tristanCFirst questions, what changes in ATC definition ?   If ATC also means being a member of the OpenStack foundation, then we need a way to cross check gerrit list with foundation database.19:57
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anteayafungi: we were told you might ahve some deveopments here19:57
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zaroclarkb: link for that?19:57
fungiatc is already poorly defined compared to how we build the electorate19:57
jeblairtristanC: my understanding is that being an ATC has always required being a member of the foundation19:57
fungiso i think we should get some more explicit election definitions before the tc for discussion19:57
jeblairbut i'm not the foundation's lawyer19:57
anteayasorry I meant the foundation db access19:58
clarkbzaro: I will #link as soon as this topic is done19:58
anteayarather than discussing the charter here19:58
anteayafungi: do you have access to the foundation db19:58
fungianteaya: right now i have some knowledge of the backend database schema which makes it _possible_ to query whether someone is a foundation member19:58
tristanCjeblair: yes, but I guess the "resign button" from the foundation changed the rules19:58
fungiassuming they don't change it19:58
anteayasince if you don't bringing this up again, doen't change anything19:58
fungibut a proper api is preferred19:58
jeblairfungi: yes, i think if tooling is developed, it should use a proper api19:59
tristanCSecond questions, is the openstack-dev mailing list + wiki suited to gather nominations and present results ?19:59
anteayaI feel this appraoch doesn't scale19:59
fungibut also, right now we define an atc (for election purposes) based on gerrit change ownership19:59
anteayawell it didn't scale for me19:59
anteayabut I'm not doing it this round19:59
fungiwhich is not exactly analogous to how atc is defined in the bylaws19:59
anteayabut don't want to leave the election officials in the lurch19:59
jeblairi think for the election definitions, someone should propose their understanding to a mailing list, and we should ask the tc and legal folks to weigh in on it and see if they agree.20:00
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fungiyes, that seems like the best way forward20:00
fungithe infra bits are a small portion20:00
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jeblairas for nomination, perhaps we really do need an election platform for this20:00
tristanCjeblair: sounds like a plan, thanks for the guidance :)20:00
jeblairthe foundation has a nomination system for the board20:01
fungiopen governance enabling software20:01
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anteayano tc meeting this week?20:01
jeblairperhaps we could use it, or something else, to collect ptl nominations.  and maybe even run condorcet elections20:01
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jeblairand we're out of time20:01
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jeblairthanks everyone!20:01
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Mar 10 20:01:56 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)20:01
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-03-10-19.01.html20:02
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-03-10-19.01.txt20:02
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2015/infra.2015-03-10-19.01.log.html20:02
jeblairdo we have a quorum for the tc meeting?20:02
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agentle_just letting my north american pride show20:03
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devanandaagentle_: time change means I can get lunch on tuesdays again :)20:03
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sdake_I am not representing anyone, I am just waving hi :)20:05
* mestery lurks20:05
jeblairrussellb, sdague, jgriffith, jaypipes-afk, mikal, mordred, ttx: ping20:05
agentle_hi sdake_ :)20:06
jeblairthat's 720:06
jeblair#startmeeting tc20:06
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 20:06:15 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is jeblair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.20:06
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:06
ttxo/ (might drop anytime)20:06
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jeblair#agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TechnicalCommittee20:06
jeblair#topic Add IRC channel policies20:06
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/15993020:06
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jeblairso this had several +1s20:07
jeblairand agentle_ suggested adding another explanatory paragraph20:07
agentle_thanks for the revision jeblair20:07
jeblairwhich i have done (i liked it!)20:07
jeblairi did change one word20:07
jeblairagentle_: hopefully you're okay with my editing you :)20:07
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agentle_oh sure!20:08
agentle_I am _not_ the grammarian about whom your mother warned.20:08
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jeblairi think this revision should be good to go20:09
jeblairand once it merges, infra will work on implementing it for the remaining channels20:10
jeblairthough a lot have gone ahead and proactively made the switch to logging20:10
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jeblair#topic Magnum - OpenStack Containers Service20:10
jeblair#link https://review.openstack.org/16108020:10
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ttxThey crossed all the boxes on the current requirements list20:11
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adrian_ottoI am present if there are questions.20:11
ttxthe question is more, are we missing any requirement :)20:11
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jeblairit's probably worth noting there is a thread on the -dev list that suggests that many members of the tc are not ready to actually approve new projects yet20:11
russellbdon't really want to re-hash the dev thread20:11
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dhellmannjogo proposed a new requirement related to team diversity, but I think they already meet that one, too20:11
jeblairand want to work slowly through this process to make sure that we're not missing anything20:11
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ttxit's interesting to note that I asked the questoin about being ready to process applications a couple weeks ago... and everyone sais we were ready20:12
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russellbi think i was out a couple weeks ago due to travel fwiw :)20:12
jogodhellmann: I think this is very diverse http://stackalytics.com/?project_type=stackforge&module=magnum&metric=commits&release=all20:12
ttxso I guess it's precisely the fact that we received applications that triggered this whole discussion20:12
russellbttx: probably20:12
dhellmannttx: I think we're ready to see some submissions, and now that we have, I want to have a chance to look at them and consider whether they make me think we've missed anything.20:12
ttxhence my resistance to freezing.20:12
adrian_ottomy suggestion is to use the criteria set in writing, so that new project leaders do not feel as if they are trying to hit a moving target.20:12
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ttxdhellmann: ++20:12
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dhellmannso I don't want to freeze submissions,  just go slow with voting20:13
jeblairi feel like we generally are ready.  i do agree that as we go through the first few, we should introspect.20:13
ttxAlso the current set of rules is pretty powerful. Like we require open development. that may or may not translate into "diversity"20:13
jeblairand yeah, i'm okay with going slow and making sure we are doing it right.20:13
russellbi guess i'm just disappointed we have no tags ... we promised a rich navigation of the big tent, and we have nothing20:13
ttxbut that definitely translates into resisting open washing. cc:mestery20:13
russellbthat was my issue ... was curious if anyone else felt that way20:13
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russellbweak support so far20:13
dhellmannrussellb: what tags would be useful for evaluating these proposals?20:13
mesteryttx: +1000020:14
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devananda++ to going slowly and introspecting. I'd like to be sure I'm not implicitly applying standards that we've changed, simply out of habit20:14
mesteryttx: See my ODL emial on that thread on the ML20:14
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jeblairrussellb: i'm about halfway through writing a response to the thread.  i agree we probably can't hash it out here, just letting you know i do plan on engaging :)20:14
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russellbjeblair: thanks20:14
ttxmestery: we may still have to refine the "are you one of us" requirements into more precise terms, but I think the spirit is there already20:14
russellbyeah, i'll just stop now, don't want to duplicate ..20:14
devanandarussellb: I was just discussing some tags that I'd like to add with dhellmann in -dev, which seems to have stale mated in whether or not the TC should curate the list of tags ...20:14
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mesteryttx: Just watching out for OpenStack's back.20:15
devanandarussellb: but that discussion will derail this one, so let's not go there now20:15
ttxIf we think a project doesn't belong and there is no rule allowing us to keep it outside... we just add a rule20:15
jeblairdo we have any questions for adrian_otto since he's here and apparently willing to be a guinea pig? :)20:15
ttxI'm just saying.. processing applications is the pressure that will push us forward20:15
devanandarussellb: I agree that I'd like to see a richer set of tags, and i'd like to see them actually agreed on, so we all know what we're looking at as projects apply20:15
adrian_ottoI am.20:15
ttxfreezing them is the best way to stop making progress.20:15
david-lylettx, add a rule if reaction to a proposal, or in general?20:15
dhellmannadrian_otto: is it clear why we're delaying any final decision?20:16
russellbttx: fwiw proposal was to freeze approvals, not applications20:16
adrian_ottoI'm proposing to enter the git namespace, not to acquire project tags.20:16
adrian_ottoso I'd like to clear the first hurdle as the criteria for that has been set.20:16
dhellmannrussellb: ok, I misunderstood what you said then, but I thought we'd all more or less agreed to that already anyway20:16
ttxrussellb: I guess"slowly processing them and expect delays" is close to what you want then20:16
adrian_ottothen we can decide about tags later20:16
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russellbadrian_otto: yep, understood20:17
dhellmannadrian_otto: I don't think we have any tags that would apply to your project yet anyway.20:17
ttxI feel like rejecting Magnum would go contrary to the core of the big tent approach. Which is including projects that are obvisouly openstack projects and bahve like one20:17
sdake_yup tbh, affiliate companies that are considering contributing to magnum are gating on git namespace adoption, not tags...20:17
ttxdhellmann: hopefully we'll have release model tags soon :P20:18
ttxIf people stop resiting them20:18
jeblairttx: i agree -- from what i've seen, magnum is an excellent example of what i imagined would happen20:18
dhellmannttx: you could just put those in the release management readme and be done with it :-)20:18
sdake_we want contributrors, which is why we want git namespace, tagging is for a different purpose and audience then adding devs to our project20:18
ttxdhellmann: :P20:18
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russellbright, you want to be official20:18
russellband i was hoping we'd have a better system for communicating info about the official projects20:19
ttxthey want openstack design summit space to continue collaboration20:19
russellbbefore we ramped up inclusion20:19
russellbbut alas20:19
sdake_ttx ++20:19
russellbjust trying to clarify, i completely understand the difference between the namespace and the tags20:19
ttxmy new motto is "step out of the way, fix issues when they arise"20:19
devanandarussellb: ++20:19
mesteryttx: Do you run with scissors as well? ;)20:19
russellband yeah, i am a little more shy after hearing and seeing some of the problems in opendaylight20:20
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dhellmannrussellb: ++20:20
russellbit's a big mess20:20
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russellbi would have hoped ODL would have been our champion open source SDN backend by now20:21
russellbbut instead ......20:21
mesteryrussellb: Yup20:21
russellbthey're too busy infighting20:21
markmcclaintoo many cooks20:21
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mesterymarkmcclain: ++20:21
mesterymarkmcclain: And too many recipes20:21
devanandattx: in the old world, we would have two meetings for project inclusion. I'm all for going slow with the first few proposals inthe new way, and not rushing a vote today, with just one meeting20:21
ttxdevananda: oh sure, totally agree we shouldn't approve today20:22
adrian_ottowhat are the considerations specific to magnum that would delay a vote?20:22
jeblairi think no one expects us to approve this change this week, so i think it's fair to say this will also be on next week's agenda20:22
russellbi want confidence that we're not headed there, a really nice system for communicating maturity, stability, etc. would help20:22
ttxbut we should raise issues today20:22
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devanandarussellb: ++20:22
adrian_ottoif you'd like to revisit this, I'd like actionable requests to take with me20:22
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agentle_russellb: ok, that's helpful, it's messiness to avoid, sure.20:22
ttxrussellb: we had very interesting discussion at the ops summit on that20:22
dhellmannadrian_otto: I need to learn more about the project, myself, so I just need some time to read up20:23
mesteryrussellb: ++20:23
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devanandaadrian_otto: ditto what dhellmann said. I'd like to learn a bit more, review the code and arch, see what's doc and what's tested20:23
russellbttx: cool, interested to hear more20:23
sdake_is opendaylight in some way beingcompared to magnum?20:23
russellbsdake_: no20:23
russellbmore openstack20:23
sdake_i see thanks20:24
russellbbasically none of this has been magnum specific, heh20:24
devanandaotoh, I think part of the goal of opening the big tent is to not have the TC doing that -- so even though I am inclined to do that, for my own satisfaction, i'm not sure it actually has any bearing on my vote20:24
devanandawhich is why I'd like a tagging system that can represent that sort of information about a project20:24
dhellmannyeah, I'm not aware of any issues with Magnum right now, just with our own confidence that we've thought about all of the edge cases. I'd like to consider several of the applications we have right now before we start approving any of them20:24
ttxadrian_otto: I had a question on the release model you wanted to adopt20:24
ttxcurrently it's adhoc releases20:24
sdake_well we hav eabout 10 corporate affiliations and about 5 more on the fence awaiting git namesapce20:25
ttxadrian_otto: would you keep that model as far as liberty goes ?20:25
sdake_I want to accelerate the project so that is my agenda ;-)20:25
adrian_ottowe plan to tag releases upon each significant feature addition20:25
jogodevananda dhellmann: I thought the new big tent model meant not reviewing arch20:25
devanandaso as much as I want to be able to answer basic questions about the maturity of the project, how it's gated, etc, I also don't want that information to contribute to gate-keeping20:25
jeblairdhellmann, adrian_otto, ttx: would it make sense to put another application on the agenda next week and get back to magnum in 2 or 3 meetings?20:25
devanandajogo: exactly20:25
adrian_ottoand we will label these releases on the timing of our littered milestones in accordance with other projects20:25
ttxsdake: that's an interesting data point wrt: the diversity question and the chicken-and-egg a diversity requirement would create20:25
dhellmannsdake_: I reaching the point where I don't care about companies that wait to contribute until a project is official.20:25
adrian_ottomy understanding is that swift works like this.20:26
ttx"5 more on hte fence awaiting git namespace"20:26
dhellmannjeblair: I like that, sort of do a survey of what we have in front of us right now20:26
adrian_ottoAs of our Midcycle we have seen contributions from 24 engineers from 13 different affiliations. There is about 52,000 SLOC in about 100 days of development. Full time contributors from multiple companies are contributing.20:26
sdake_yes the bar is the git namespace20:26
sdake_not the tags20:26
devanandajogo: but without tags to represent that information, I feel like I'll be in a position to say "I think thisproject should part of openstack, but I don't actually know anything about it" -- and that's weird20:26
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sdake_from folks I've talked with nobody cares about tags from a "will we invest" perspective20:26
adrian_ottoI'd really like to secure design summit space, as we have a lot to talk about.20:26
ttxadrian_otto: Swift also does a "final" cycle release, would you do that ?20:26
russellbi really wish design summit space wasn't pressuring approvals20:27
jogodevananda: it sure is20:27
adrian_ottottx: yes, unless there is a good reason not to20:27
devanandattx: is summit space already set? or is there room for more projects to get designated space?20:27
dhellmannadrian_otto: I don't think we've made any promises about approving projects before this summit.20:27
mesteryrussellb: +100020:27
ttxadrian_otto: ok thx20:27
dhellmannttx: have we? ^^20:27
devanandarussellb: +100020:27
markmcclainrussellb: ++20:27
ttxdevananda: i currently have space left for 5-8 extra big-tent-entering projects20:27
russellbsurely we can solve that without governance approvals20:27
ttxthe others would have to apply for ecosystem project days space on the Monday20:27
mesteryCan't we just have existing projects give up a few slots?20:27
sdake_the design summit space is only half the issue20:28
russellbjust with our collective knowledge of "these 5-8 projects seem to make the most sense"20:28
mesteryWhy force governance just for slots in vancouver?20:28
devanandaactually, I don't want ANYTHING to be pressuring projects to join openstack. whether that's design summit space, or the perception that by changing their namespace, they'll suddenly be validated, get wide adoption, and flourish20:28
agentle_ttx: good to have a number20:28
sdake_the other half is those companieson the fence awaiting official git namespace approval20:28
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adrian_ottowe also have statements of intent from new contributors who can begin upon inclusion to the openstack git namespace.20:28
adrian_ottoso our velocity can increase if we proceed.20:28
russellbwhich is silly, of course :)20:28
ttxFor Vancouver since we are in the middle of the transition we could adopt an hybrid model to give20:28
devanandathe only reason for that perception (by joining openstack/* i get adopters) is because the TC has been cautious about who it lets in -- that signals a maturity and readiness for adoption20:28
dhellmannrussellb: ++20:28
sdake_russellb it is what it is - you know how managers think ;-)20:28
mesteryrussellb: ++20:28
adrian_ottorussellb: regardless, that's how it works.20:28
dhellmannsdake_: we need to find a way to change that, because we don't want projects from single companies -- not that that applies in your case, but in general20:29
sdake_devandanda you may have a point20:29
devanandasdake_: allowing every project that currently wants adoption into the openstack/* namespace will signal nothing, and have the opposite effect20:29
adrian_ottoour intent has been widely discussed at three public events, and I am convinced Magnum is acting in the interest of OpenStack cloud operators.20:29
mesterydevananda: ++20:30
russellbadrian_otto: "it's not you, it's me"20:30
ttxdevananda: we didn't judge maturity or readiness for adoptoin though20:30
ttxWe were notoriously bad at it20:30
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sdake_dhellmann ack - agree - although magnum has no "single major contributor"20:30
russellbttx: we sure tried20:30
ttxit's just an overloaded meaning of the integrated release20:30
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sdake_we are evenly broken up into nice little pies :)20:30
adrian_ottodevananda: we have a set list of criteria that must be met. My question is which of these criteria do I need to do more to meet?20:30
dhellmannsdake_: right, like I said, it doesn't apply in this case20:30
devanandasdake_: I'm not saying that's actually bad -- it's just going to defeat the purpose which you said that companies have in wanting to change namespaces20:30
ttxand documenting that sperataely (as separate tags) is the solution20:30
russellbthere were written requirements about testing, API stability, ...20:30
jeblairdhellmann: i don't think they are healthy, but i don't think we need to exclude them.  i think we can let new projects start up, and if they gain contributors, that will be reflected.20:30
russellbttx: agree, so let's create those :)20:31
ttxrussellb: and yet we included projects that were not ready. Because we are not the ones to judge. Downstream users are20:31
devanandasdake_: also, not disagreeing that that is the motivation many companies have. but they're not thinking "what if every project did this?"20:31
dhellmannjeblair: I don't want companies benefiting from our name without actually being a real open project20:31
adrian_ottorussellb: those should be requirements for tags.20:31
devanandadhellmann: ++20:31
* jogo wonders if there any actionable items that can be worked on for next week20:31
russellbttx: we still had a lot of useful requirements that were captured20:31
russellbadrian_otto: I know.20:31
devanandattx: we didn't judge based on that, but others perceived our judgement as having that meaning. and clearly, still do :(20:32
russellbbut i think it's a big confusing (potentiall harmful) mess to open flood gates when we haven't created a single useful tag.20:32
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adrian_ottodo you think that Magnum will harm OpenStack?20:32
ttxrussellb: nobody said they would open the flood gates20:32
devanandattx: completely opening the gates, which we're all hesitant to do, will, I think, create a raft of confusion until the ecosystem realises that openstack/* namespace doesn't mean what they think it means20:32
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devanandaso our caution right now is around that change. But honestly, didn't we all agree that opening the gates like this is A Good Thing?20:33
mesterySo, it seems to me part of the problem here is that the TC has done a poor job explaining what the openstack/* namespace means.20:33
jeblairdevananda: ripping the bandage off will cause that to correct faster.20:33
ttxmestery: that is not true. We did that20:33
mesteryFixing that may be worth doing to clear confusion here.20:33
devanandajeblair: indeed20:33
ttxmestery: the new-projects-requirements clearly says what belongs20:33
devanandajeblair: however, I had hoped we'd have some tags in place, with which to stop the bleeding :)20:33
mesteryttx: If companies are basing their participation on that fact, is ti really clear then?20:33
russellbdevananda: we did ... though for me it was qualified with "but don't worry, we're going to do a new thing that communicates useful information in an even more clear way than before"20:34
ttxIt means you follow the 4 opens and help furthuring the openstack mission20:34
dhellmannmestery: they've always done that, though20:34
mesteryttx: Also, I mean we should do a better job communicating it externally perhaps, likely most people here know.20:34
devanandarussellb: exactly. and we have'nt done that yet20:34
ttxAnd open washing is not one of the 4 opens20:34
mesteryttx: lol20:34
ttxas is open core20:34
mesteryttx: It'st he fifth open, the one we don't want. :)20:34
devanandaalso, the TC doesn't even all agree on how to do that :(20:34
russellbdevananda: *nods*  ... that's my objection20:34
jeblairrussellb: and i don't blame you for expecting that, it is the first item in the resolution.  :)20:34
dhellmannttx: oh, that's a good one, we should make sure open core is listed as a no-no20:34
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ttxdhellmann: it is patr of the 4 opens. You should read that20:35
* mestery wonders how he can get Open Washing into the governance model as a no-no as well :)20:35
devanandarussellb: based on that objection, I would say, we should block all new service project proposals until we have a suitable set of tags to communicate that information, and have applied them to existing projects20:35
* dhellmann hangs his head in shame20:35
markmcclainttx: so effectively we're describing a min-set of tags a project should have to be in the namespace20:35
ttx<<"Open source": we will not do open core.>>20:35
russellbdevananda: ++20:35
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agentle_so I _think_ I know what open core means, what does open washing mean? (I'll bite)20:35
russellbi just learned that term myself, heh20:36
dhellmannttx: Is it the bit about the libraries restricting its use?20:36
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mesteryHeh: Open Sourcing a minimal version of some proprietary item.20:36
mesteryOpen Washing: ^^^20:36
jeblairi think we need to stop thinking of the git namespace as a part of a project's evolution20:36
devanandarussellb: but also, I believe, based on my conversatoin in -dev an hour ago, that dhellmann disagrees -- which, I am guessing, is why he's hanging is head :(20:36
devanandajeblair: ++20:36
agentle_jeblair: yeah that's really strange to me, what rights/privs come with the github namespace?20:37
sdake_jeblair deifne we - tc or openstack ATCs? :)20:37
devanandajeblair: I would prefer the namespace to be a statement of intent, and a committment20:37
agentle_adrian_otto: is this a perception / education we need to understand?20:37
russellbdevananda: our lack of consensus/clarity isn't giving me a lot of confidence that all of this will just get cleared up naturally easily enough20:37
dhellmanndevananda: no, that was in response to ttx. I'm still banging my head on the desk in response to that conversation. ;-)20:37
devanandadhellmann: oh. lol :p20:37
jeblairdevananda: well put.20:37
devanandadhellmann: hey, i'm trying to create some bandages here ... I guess you'll need them, too?20:38
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jeblairsdake_: all of us :)20:38
dhellmanndevananda: I support the idea of intent, but I think we need to be more clear about what we want that intent and commitment to be. That's not the same as saying we need tags.20:38
adrian_ottoagentle_: Look, Magnum is run as if it were any of our beloved OpenStack projects. We want a way to signal that. We want to participate in the same PTL elections, the same Design summit, just as we do everything else in the OpenStack way.20:38
dhellmanndevananda: an ice pack? :-)20:38
sdake_devanda I think fence cmopanies see the openstack namespace as intent20:38
devanandaagentle_: afaik, there is now no actual (legal, governance, or otherwise) difference in the name spaces -- but in the eyes of hte community, there still is a perception of difference20:38
russellbi think companies see namespace as == official project20:38
david-lyletags or namespace, you're just shifting the place where companies will look to define openstack, if the namespace is too wide open, tags become the new namespace, you're just shifting the target. Currently nothing is really changing but terminology.20:38
russellband it is our responsibility to make consuming those projects sane20:39
dhellmannadrian_otto: please keep in mind, most of this discussion is meta, and not related to what you're doing! :-)20:39
adrian_ottoaccepting magnum is a way to kick off Big Tent in the spirit it was conceived in.20:39
jeblairbut specifically, i think the new requirements are a big step in clearing the namespace thing up.  i am hesitant to say we should create a bunch of specific tags and require them so that the net effect is that we have the same process as before.20:39
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ttxyeah, it's not the git namespace, it's being official20:39
russellbwhether that's by restricting the list, or with a rich set of info to help people figure it out20:39
adrian_ottodhellmann: ack.20:39
dtroyerthose who want a gatekeeper for committing resources will pick something to base that decision on.  If the TC does not give them something specific  they will pick something on their own.  First it was 'integrated/incubated', then openstack/* namespace.20:39
devanandaadrian_otto: practical question - has Magnum committed to maintaining API compatibilty across releases?20:39
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agentle_jeblair: +1 from me20:39
ttxOps summit wrapping up here, might have to leave wifi coverage20:39
mesterydtroyer: Lets give them a magic eightball, it will be easier for them :)20:39
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adrian_ottodevananda: we have not discussed api changes beyond the fact that that RPC messages will be versioned.20:39
devanandadavid-lyle: yes, but with tags, we can be more precise in what is communicated20:40
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devanandadavid-lyle: it's not just "in or out" with tags20:40
dhellmannjeblair: +1 to focusing on the new-projects-requirements.txt rather than tags20:40
adrian_ottoI can tell you that no API changes are contemplated.20:40
ttxrequirements say "diversity is necessary" while tags would say "here is the level of diversity"20:40
sdake_devandanda imo yes we will but as adrian has mentioned it has not been discussed20:40
david-lyledevananda: in some way it will be20:40
ttxbasically admitting that diversity is optional20:40
adrian_ottoif it would be helpful to reach a commitment on that point, our team meeting is today, I can raise it for discussion.20:40
dhellmanndtroyer: the next thing they will gate commitment on is our tag for whether or not something is allowed to use the trademark.20:41
sdake_adrian_otto ++20:41
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sdake_whatever system you create will be gamed20:41
dtroyerdhellmann: in absence of something like lsell described in the ML thread, exactly20:41
sdake_but we are not gaming - we have a legitimate project20:41
dhellmannadrian_otto: I don't think we want to lock you in to making no changes, but a statement about maintaining the old API for some period would be good20:41
russellbso, new-project-requirements == requirements, tags == optional things.  i think the optional things are just as important, as it's the set of things that helps you figure out which projects have reached a higher bar.20:41
adrian_ottoI think we can all agree to that20:41
russellbso i don't like just putting those aside20:42
mesterysdake_: Sadly, you're 100% right on the gaming thing.20:42
ttxand I insist -- the requirements are the minimal set. We still vote as humans20:42
devanandaadrian_otto: yea, REST API compatibility, and testing of an upgrade path would all be good things to be clear about20:42
jeblairrussellb, ttx: those are both good points20:42
russellband if we can't communicate useful information about varying bars projects have met, then i think the whole big tent is a disaster20:42
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ttxSo a project that does meet requirementsbut we don't feel belongs in... we reject20:42
devanandaadrian_otto: not saying you need them now - just be clear about where the project is at, and where it's committed to go20:42
ttxideally we then document that as a new requirement if we can20:42
devanandarussellb: ++20:42
adrian_ottodevananda: ok, we are < 4 months old in terms of code contribution, and about 1 year old in terms of ideation.20:43
ttxbut in the end we are elected to make the choice, not create a game where people can get what they want and what we don't want in20:43
jeblairi'd like to wrap this up in the next few mins... i think we've come as close as we can to giving adrian_otto tangible things to work on (which is very little while we continue to get our own house in order)20:43
devanandaadrian_otto: ah! that's also really helpful information - and certainly sets a background to think about API compat on :)20:43
mesteryttx: Well said20:43
jeblaircan we decide whether to put magnum on next week's agenda, or defer for at least 1 week?20:44
ttxand again, Magnum is the wrong background to have this discussion on, since they do I think belong.20:44
jogow.r.t. to the openstack git namespace, what really comes with that is non commercial trademark usage. 'Magnum a X for OpenStack' versus 'OpenStack Magnum'/'Magnum an OpenStack project' etc.20:44
ttxjogo: I don't think so, but that's the board decision20:44
devanandaadrian_otto: it also raises an intersting question to the TC: should the age of a project's codebase ,how long it may reasonably have been in use by anyone, be a critera for inclusion?20:44
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jeblairttx: agreed.  i favor deferring magnum until after next week at least partially to help remove them from the focus of our disfunction :)20:44
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agentle_jeblair:  :)20:45
ttx(right to call yourself openstack whatever)20:45
russellb+1 to defer20:45
devanandaI dont think we've discussed that before ,but it's definitely something I have thought about w.r.t. younger projects in the past20:45
markmcclainttx: through no fault of magnum's I think we should until the 24th20:45
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russellbdevananda: for inclusion no, but i think that's related to communicating maturity (optional higher bars == tags)20:45
ttx24th ?20:45
jogottx: that is how the old bylaws worked20:46
devanandarussellb: what if someone proposes a project whose first commit was one day before the proposal? :)20:46
adrian_ottonext meeting is the 17th. Can't that work?20:46
ttxAlso I'd like people complaining about lack of tags to actually statr being part of the solution20:46
russellbdevananda: heh, fair20:46
russellbdevananda: so maybe some bar there :)20:46
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russellbrequired bar i mean20:46
anteayaadrian_otto: they are saying they need time to think20:46
devanandattx: I started drafting some tags. then started talking with dhellmann ... I'll post them anyway (WIP) later today20:46
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anteayaadrian_otto: they are also saying they are trying to help you achieve your goal20:46
ttxI expect ops to start submitting some soon too20:46
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adrian_ottoanteaya: tx20:47
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anteayaadrian_otto: sure20:47
jeblairadrian_otto: yes, i personally don't think we will be in a position to approve magnum by next meeting, so we should work on getting ourselves into a position where we can.20:47
devanandaadrian_otto: everything to me says, right now, good to go -- but I am also being cautious about all our new processes20:47
markmcclainttx: I wonder if we actually need to get folks together with higher bandwidth to hash out the initial base of tags20:47
ttxI'm also considering moving tags off the "governance" repo to a project catalog repo20:47
ttxand have a motivated subgroup work on htat20:47
devanandattx: ++20:47
sarobSo congress and few others were asked to wait until after security team ran through the new incubation process20:48
ttxbecause as dhellmann syas, it's documentation, not governance20:48
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devanandattx: and I agree with dhellmann on that20:48
russellbit's documentation that makes the governance approach sane20:48
* dhellmann stops banging his head on the desk20:48
sarobShould I be submittjng a proposal now?20:48
devanandattx: but relatedly, I think the definition of what the tags are IS governance20:48
russellbwithout it, governance is a pile of fail20:48
jeblair#agreed defer vote on magnum until after next tc meeting20:48
russellbpretty tightly coupled20:48
ttxdevananda: that will be next discussion :)20:48
devanandattx: because that is how we set the direction that projects work towards, and the constraints in whch they are incentivized to communicate up-and-down-stream20:49
dhellmannrussellb: I'm looking forward to seeing a list of useful governance related tags. Only ttx's about defcore has been mentioned so far.20:49
anteayapersonally I think as long as we continue to listen to each other, we are succeeding20:49
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anteayawhat we haven't been able to do is manage the expectations of the crowd20:49
ttxdhellmann: and tags that we would actually be the right people to maintain. Quite rare beast20:49
mesteryanteaya: ++20:49
dhellmannttx: ++20:49
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jeblairi think we have conveniently run out of time to address ttx's release tags in this meeting20:50
ttxdhellmann: I'm all for the TC being called on dispute resolution if tags are misplaced, rather than being a bottleneck in the tagging process20:50
ttxhence my new motto20:50
jeblairbut as a reminder, here they are: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/157322/20:51
jeblairread the new patchset :)20:51
dhellmannttx: if a tag can be misplaced, it's not objective enough to be useful20:51
lifeless'its easier to tag than ask permission' ?20:51
ttx"step out of the way, fix issues when they arise"20:51
jogohow will next weeks discussion be different?20:51
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devanandashould we schedule some separate time to discuss tags further?20:51
ttxjogo: that is unclear to me20:51
devanandattx: you've said there's some discussio happening on that at the ops summit -20:51
ttxexcept I'll stand at my desk rather than on this uncomfortable chair20:51
jeblairlet's see where the thread and the ops summit put us at next weeks meeting20:52
ttxdevananda: yes, like "how to define maturity"20:52
jeblairand if we feel then that we need special time, let's decide then20:52
devanandattx: great. if there's a way for remote participation, consider me interested // let me know20:52
jeblairin the mean time, let's move on20:52
jeblair#topic Other governance changes20:52
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jeblair#link Add the new developer-reference repo to the TC list https://review.openstack.org/16100920:52
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jeblairoh neat that was abandoned20:53
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jeblair#link Add the new developer-reference repo to the TC list https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161451/20:53
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ttxall; please review the release tag thing again as I'd like to post a final patchset if needed for qiuck approval. Hopefully will unclog the tag tap20:54
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jeblairdhellmann: do you think we will still have things in the cross-project specs?20:54
ttxunless we ca napprove it today, which I doubt given the remaining time20:55
dhellmannthe SQL thing looks close to ready, but we're waiting for the ops event to end: https://review.openstack.org/15233720:55
devanandadhellman: AIUI, there's a difference between devref and specs, so they will coexist20:55
dhellmannthe library stable branch policy needs reviews, but Oslo is going to be using this plan: https://review.openstack.org/15507220:55
fungimight also need to be sort of careful that things in the developer-reference repo don't unnecessarily overlap with the infra-manual repo (workflow documentation for example)20:55
dhellmanndevananda: yes, separate repos20:55
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dhellmannfungi: yeah, this is about things like how not to use eventlet in bad ways20:56
ttxdhellmann: ops like dropping downgrades20:56
ttxsean commented there20:56
ttxso it's ready to go20:56
jeblair#link Remove py26 from PTI https://review.openstack.org/15993620:56
dhellmannttx: ok, then we should get everyone to vote on that one unless it has enough votes20:56
jeblair#link Remove reference to Jenkins in PTI https://review.openstack.org/15993520:56
devanandattx: wow. I'm pleasantly surprised20:56
agentle_dhellmann: is the developer-reference name a done deal?20:56
agentle_dhellmann: dont wanna bikeshed on dev-ref naming20:56
jeblairthose are two, i hope uncontroversial changes to the project testing interface20:57
dhellmannagentle_: what do you want it called?20:57
agentle_dhellmann: just worried, as always, on "contrib-dev" vs. "app-dev"20:57
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jeblairdhellmann: to be honest, i am having trouble distinguishing the things we've been putting in cross-projects specs from developer reference20:57
dhellmannagentle_: so far the content is literally stuff that only developers will care about20:57
agentle_dhellmann: "making openstack, the good, the bad, the ugly"20:57
jeblairdhellmann: they all seem like "this is a good idea and how we should do things"20:58
jeblairdhellmann: but if people feel strongly there should be two, i can go along with that20:58
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dhellmannjeblair: I originally wanted to just use the cross-project specs repo, but gave up after an hour of bikeshedding last week and created a new project. I would be very happy for the TC to vote to tell the PTLs to put those things in the existing repo.20:58
agentle_dhellmann: jeblair: honestly get the best damn review team in place you can -- so I'd opt for cross-project over tc, no hard feelings :)20:58
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agentle_dhellmann: but yeah too many cooks happens in cross-project.20:58
devanandahm. is one more "this is a good idea" and the other is more "this is a standards document everyone should follow" ?20:59
jeblairi'm not looking forward to arguing about which of those two repos something should be in :)20:59
dhellmannagentle_: so far I have not seen an overwhelming number of reviewers there, but this new repo will be managed following the same rules20:59
dhellmannjeblair: me neither20:59
agentle_devananda: hm good point20:59
dhellmannjeblair: maybe I should go vote no on my own proposal20:59
devanandawhere "good idea" becomes cross project dev-ref, and "standards document" is really a TC thing20:59
agentle_dhellmann: heh20:59
jeblairdhellmann: you have emboldened me to do so :)20:59
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jeblair1 minute left:20:59
jeblair#topic Housekeeping20:59
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devanandaalso, I see the TC as agreeing to very few official project-wide standards20:59
jeblair#link Add .pyc files to gitignore https://review.openstack.org/16102321:00
jeblair#link Update the Infrastructure project homepage URL https://review.openstack.org/15837121:00
jeblair#link Publish the extra ATCs for projects https://review.openstack.org/16146521:00
devanandawhere as we could produce a lot of "here's a better way to push a wagon" documentation21:00
jeblairi spoke with fungi and am happy with the infra homepage change we deferred last week.21:00
jeblairand we're out of time.  thanks everyone21:00
fungias long as the tc collectively is cool with the idea that not all project homepages are wiki articles21:00
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Mar 10 21:00:45 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)21:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-03-10-20.06.html21:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-03-10-20.06.txt21:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-03-10-20.06.log.html21:00
dhellmannjeblair: done21:00
agentle_dhellmann: let's go make tens of US dollars on a book deal on contributor devs :)21:01
devanandatime for me to change location again. bbi10min21:01
dhellmannagentle_: if I had a nickel for every bikeshed discussion...21:01
dhellmannwho's here for the cross-project meeting?21:01
ttxgetting kicked out of wifi21:01
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ttxo don't count on me21:01
agentle_dhellmann: you'd have ten bucks! :)21:01
* mestery waves to ttx21:01
fungidhellmann: agentle_: dollars are meatspace oldthink. cryptocurrency is now21:02
dhellmannttx: ttyl21:02
* mestery lurks while starting outside at the beautiful 70 degree MN day21:02
dhellmann#startmeeting crossproject21:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Mar 10 21:02:16 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dhellmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.21:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'crossproject'21:02
dhellmannOur agenda for today, as usual:21:02
dhellmann#link http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/CrossProjectMeeting21:02
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dhellmann#topic Hacking import change21:02
dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/159196/21:02
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dhellmannjokke_, do you want to talk about this one?21:02
jokke_So just wanted to draw bit of attention to it and get feel how people thinks21:03
jokke_I think having those renames from six on their own block would help readability a lot21:03
jokke_and help drive by contributors to identify what's going on at the overwrites21:03
dhellmannI think we recently dropped the rules to enforce separation for other types of imports, didn't we?21:03
dhellmannjogo: ^^21:04
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jokke_dhellmann: I think the test is not there as I couldn't find it21:04
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dhellmannright, I think it became too hard to determine whether a module was stdlib or not21:04
dhellmannso this would need more thought, and an implementation21:05
jogodhellmann: yeah we don't enforce sections at all21:05
jogojokke_: you are refering to putting six.* in its own section?21:05
jokke_but I think there is difference between enforcing and guideline21:05
asalkeldso this is going to be not enforced?21:05
dhellmannjogo: yeah21:05
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jokke_jogo: basically either whole six or the meta module renames from six.moves21:05
jogomy take on that is, let a few projects adopt this organically if they want21:05
asalkeldpersonally seems low value for the code churn21:05
dhellmannjogo: ++21:05
jogoand if enough do add it in.21:06
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jogobut I agree with asalkeld just seems silly honestly21:06
eglynnasalkeld: agreed also21:06
dhellmannok, please provide feedback on the review if you have an opinion and we'll see where that goes21:06
dhellmann#topic dropping SQL schema downgrades21:07
dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/152337/21:07
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jokke_well the problem seems to be that enforcing or not some people seems to be reading hacking like devil reads the bible ... so if it's not allowed there, it won't be taken in the projects21:07
dhellmannas was mentioned in the TC meeting, the folks at the Ops summit have expressed agreement with this21:07
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jokke_IMO it just clarifies a lot if for example from six.moves import range is separate so it's easy to spot being overwriten21:07
jogojokke_: each project has its own hacking file that can override/add things as needed21:07
dhellmannI think we'll be approving it after that event is done and the TC members who are there are back online21:07
dhellmannfolks, please, use the review for further discussion21:08
dhellmann#topic Library Stable Branch Management21:08
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dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155072/21:08
dhellmannWe're reaching the end of the cycle, and Oslo will be following this policy this time around.21:08
dhellmannIt would be good for the client projects to do the same, so please take a look and provide feedback if you think the policy is flawed.21:08
dhellmanndoes anyone have questions about this one?21:08
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* jungleboyj needs to read that. :-)21:09
asalkeldi haven't read that21:09
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dhellmannplease do, the intent is for it to apply to all client libraries21:09
dhellmannit's important that we coordinate how we handle them now that we're capping requirements in stable branches21:09
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jungleboyjdhellmann: Will do.21:10
dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/16265621:10
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dhellmann^^ has the caps for oslo libs so far21:10
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dhellmannthe goal is to strike a balance between releasing libraries as needed and maintaining stable branches for the app stable branches to use21:11
dhellmann#topic managing stable branch requirements21:12
dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161047/21:12
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dhellmannsomewhat related to the previous one, this spec calls for even tighter pinning of requirements21:12
asalkelddang, the spec keep rolling ;)21:12
adam_gi just pushed up a new patchset there based on lots of discussion last week21:12
dhellmannthis will also have an impact on how testing works in some cases21:13
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dhellmannadam_g: good, I need to catch up on the latest draft21:13
adam_gi think we have a good path for managing things centrally as opposed to relying on bot syncs to merge into projects21:13
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adam_gone question i had, and would ask to consider in feedback, is if we want to require developers making changes to global-requirements.txt to be responsible for keeping a corresponding .gate file up to date. this feels similar to sample config files, which have been painful for some21:14
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dhellmannyes, it is a similar issue -- things outside of your control can make that file become out of date21:15
jokke_quick question as I'm notthat familiar with pbr ... does it support something like <major>.<minor>-stable<num>?21:15
adam_galternative is to keep that entirely bot managed--not sure if we do anything similar currently, will need to check with -infra folk21:15
dhellmannjokke_: we use semver, and the patch version for that21:15
jokke_dhellmann: so does our libs support that?21:15
dhellmannadam_g: I think only by having the bot submit changes, but the infra team might know otherwise21:15
dhellmannjokke_: in what sense?21:16
jokke_dhellmann: thinking that capping for stables. Do wi cap on minor and expect that in no case the .patch will break to fix bugs affecting stable or do we need to make some circus moves on stable versioning to fix the bugs?21:17
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fungiwe don't have any jobs which automatically change contents of git repos, if that's what you're asking21:17
dhellmannjokke_: that is part of what the spec is talking about21:17
dhellmannjokke_: we currently assume that patch releases are stable21:17
adam_gfungi, yeah, essentially21:17
fungiwe only have jobs which propose new patches to git repositories and then humans need to inspect and approve them21:18
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adam_gfungi, thats what i thought21:18
fungithis is a safety valve in my opinion21:18
dhellmannfungi: ++21:18
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fungiotherwise, you risk some interesting feedback loops21:18
fungialso skynet ;)21:18
jokke_dhellmann: ok, will put the question there then as at least by first read that was not clear to me ;)21:19
dhellmannare there other questions on stable branches, libraries, and requirements?21:19
dhellmannjokke_: ok21:19
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jokke_dhellmann: in general I like both of those specs that was just the only thing left unclear, on which level we do those21:20
dhellmannjokke_: in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155072/ I am proposing that we trust our own library maintainers and in adam_g and jogo are proposing a tighter safety net21:20
dhellmannoops, in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/161047/321:20
dhellmann#topic Return Request ID to caller21:21
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dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156508/21:21
dhellmannThere was some discussion last week of making this more general.21:21
dhellmannThere is a new draft up, so it's ready for another read-through.21:21
dhellmannthe name of the file still says cinder, though, so maybe there's more work to be done21:22
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dhellmann#topic Other open specs21:23
dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack%2Fopenstack-specs+is:open,n,z21:23
dhellmannThere are a bunch of other specs that have few comments or votes.21:23
dhellmannDemocracy only works if you participate! :-)21:23
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dhellmanndoes anyone have any specs they want to highlight?21:24
asalkelddhellmann: we spend most of our day "voting" ;)21:24
dhellmannasalkeld: you have no idea :-)21:24
dhellmann#topic Oslo feature freeze21:24
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dhellmannOslo's official freeze is the 12th, thursday21:25
dhellmannhowever, we have released most of our libraries already and our goal is to make those releases the last versions for this cycle21:25
asalkeldbrb, waking kids up21:25
dhellmannwe'll be working on updating the requirements lists in projects following the process described in the spec mentioned earlier after thursday21:26
jungleboyjdhellmann: +121:26
dhellmannthat should give plenty of time to land the requirements changes in all of the other projects before the release candidate period starts21:26
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dhellmann#topic open discussion21:27
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dhellmanndoes anyone else have anything to raise this week?21:27
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asalkeldnot from me21:27
dhellmannare there issues to be addressed as we head into the feature freeze period?21:27
* devananda returns, catches up on scrollback21:27
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asalkelddhellmann: that's the 19'th ?21:28
* dhellmann would like to cut the meeting short, and end in ~3 min21:28
dhellmannasalkeld: yes, that's right21:28
asalkeldthe last scramble..21:28
dhellmannthat will be the feature, string, and dependency freeze21:28
dhellmannaccording to the schedule the feature proposal freeze, for projects that follow that, has already passed21:28
dhellmann#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Kilo_Release_Schedule21:29
jungleboyjYep.  For Cinder today is the last day to merge new features.21:29
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jungleboyjWanted some time before the official freeze to make sure nothing broke badly.21:29
dhellmannjungleboyj: nice, I didn't realize you were cutting off early, too21:29
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jungleboyjdhellmann: Yep, has caused some confusion for those trying to get bug fixes in.21:30
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dhellmannjungleboyj: I can imagine21:30
jungleboyjdhellmann: Not sure where my remaining Oslo changes will hang.21:30
jokke_glance is cutting out at Thu as well21:30
dhellmannjungleboyj: maybe early in liberty?21:31
dhellmannjokke_: that's good to know, thanks21:31
jungleboyjYeah, if people don't want them in the next couple of days.  Have been busy reviewing code for others.21:31
* dhellmann nods21:32
dhellmannunless anyone else has anything to bring up I propose that we adjourn21:32
asalkeldyip, thanks dhellmann21:32
dhellmanngo spend the extra 25 minutes reviewing patches :-)21:32
jungleboyj+2  Thanks!21:32
eglynnthanks all21:32
dhellmannthanks, everyone21:32
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