Monday, 2011-04-18

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sorenHi, guys. I just stopped by to let you know that I won't be able to attend. I have the day off and is about to head elsewhere.18:56
jbrycethanks soren18:59
jbryceenjoy your day18:59
openstackMeeting started Mon Apr 18 19:00:11 2011 UTC.  The chair is jbryce. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.19:00
jbryceagenda is on the bottom of
jbrycelooks like 4 of us here so far....we'll give the others a couple of minutes to straggle in19:01
jbrycedid you make it out of dfw finally vishy?19:03
vishy11 hours from sat to sfo19:03
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jaypipesvishy: not in Canada?19:04
ewanmellorHi, sorry I'm late -- had trouble getting on freenode.19:04
jaypipesewanmellor: no worries, mate.19:04
jbryceok...let's get going19:05
jbryce#topic "sessionizing" blueprints for summit19:05
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jbryceso josh was interested in this one...i think he's planning on joining in a minute, but i've heard this question from a couple of people as well19:05
ttxjbryce: ok19:05
jbrycei saw vishy sent out an email that touched on it a little bit for nova19:06
vishyjosh will be here in a few19:06
ttxjbryce: what was the question exactly ?19:06
jbrycethe questions i've gotten have been around the use of blueprints for design summit + they need to create 2 blueprints (one for session and one for code) or just one that will then be used going forward19:07
ttxthe same one will be used, if its reusable.19:07
ttxsometimes the session ends up spawning multiple smaller blueprints19:07
ttxin which case it cas be set as a prereq so that the link is preserved19:08
ttxideally 1 session = 1 feature = 1 blueprint19:08
dendrobatesttx isn't all this pretty well documented?19:08
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jbrycedendrobates: apparently not19:08
jbrycedendrobates: there are a couple of wiki pages, but people still have questions19:09
ttxwe have too many sessions and not enough slots, so we try to regroup them19:09
ttxI agree it's not documented very well.19:09
jbryceand i think the docs cover the happy path19:09
ttxWe always discover a few days before the summit that we have 60 sessions for 50 slots19:09
jbrycewhich is the other question i hear. if my blueprint doesn't get discussed...what next?19:10
ttxso we play a grouping game... which ends up screwing the 1=1=1 rule a bit :)19:10
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jaypipesI've now read all the proposed blueprints. There are quite a few overlaps.19:10
ttxjbryce: you mean if the BP doesn't get a session at the summit ? or is refused for the summit ?19:10
ttxthere are 3 steps...19:11
ttxone is the session at the summit19:11
ttxthe other is formal acceptation in the "diablo plan"19:11
ttxthe last one is the merge proposal19:11
ttxonly the last one is *necessary*19:11
ttxbut the previous two usually help the last one a lot19:12
ttxespecially if you don't want to star tworking on something that will get rejected in the end19:12
dendrobatesor duplicate work19:12
ttxI think vish's email is good19:12
jaypipesttx: but as vishy eloquently wrote on his ML post, people can certainly work on stuff without a blueprint... and just propose code for merging.19:13
jbrycejoshuamckenty_: we're talking blueprints...did you have other q's?19:13
ttxjaypipes: certainly. It's just more risky.19:13
jbryceand blueprints are nice for bubbling information up through ttx's releasestatus script for people who don't see every merge proposal19:14
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vishyI was carrying my laptop open so it didn't disconnect and I managed to hold in the power and hard reboot it19:15
comstudepic fail!19:15
jbrycei might take a stab at updating some of the wiki pages about blueprints19:16
jaypipesvishy: we were just discussing that your explanation of th eblueprint process (and that someone doesn't *have* to use blueprints) was a good explanation.19:16
jbrycejoshuamckenty_: last chance before we move on to next topic if you've got any remaining questions19:16
joshuamckenty_I'll mail em19:16
jbrycehaha...focus on that then19:16
jaypipesyes, please :)19:16
jbryce#topic openstack-common19:16
ttxjbryce: keep me posted, I'll help19:16
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vishyjaypipes: thanks, that helps.  I lost scrollback19:17
jbrycettx: thanks...i'll definitely want you to review19:17
jaypipesnotmyname: here?19:17
jbrycewe had some good discussion on the list already around this19:17
jaypipesnotmyname: cool, just wanted to make sure you were here for the openstack-common discussion..19:17
vishyso i think the discussion on the ml was that openstack-auth should be separate19:17
vishyso i think there is a good potential start for openstack-common which is prep for splitting out NaaS and Vaas19:18
vishyso we can start moving some common nova code there that will be shared by the services19:19
jaypipesvishy, notmyname: do we agree that openstack-common is the place to put duplicated "utility" code and stuff like common WSGI handling code, etc?19:19
jbrycebesides the specific items, does everyone think the PTLs co-manage openstack-common makes sense?19:19
vishyit doesn't get us that far when it comes to glance/burrow/swift, but at least it starts getting some visibility19:19
ttxjbryce: I think it's OK. If they disagree they should call the PPB to decide.19:19
vishyjaypaipes: yes19:19
jaypipesvishy: so, should we just propose pieces of code for openstack-common?19:20
vishyjbryce: yes i think it will get its own ptl eventually19:20
jaypipesvishy: on the ML or just to the PTLs? (I would prefer the main ML, I think)19:20
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jbryce++ for ML19:20
notmynameit's not clear to me if the proposed -common project is for smaller subprojects or more or a common code library19:21
jaypipesnotmyname: the latter I believe.19:22
jbrycenotmyname: i think the latter19:22
notmynamevishy: ? same view?19:22
dendrobatesi agree19:22
jaypipesnotmyname: for "smaller common subprojects", could you elaborate? an example?19:22
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vishyjaypipes: I think it going to have to be one big move on the nova-side to support the split of NaaS and VaaS19:23
vishyI made a blueprint for it19:23
notmynamenot sure I have one yet, but I think it would be things like the start of the auth projects. they would eventually grow to need their own structure, but could start in a -common project19:23
notmynamebasically, anything that is an internal service that all projects can use19:23
jaypipesvishy: sorry, are you talking about openstack-cmmon stuff?19:23
notmynameperhaps stats or map/reduce tools19:24
notmynamelog processing, etc19:24
ttxvishy: note there already is a "NaaS project" BP, maybe that duplicates it ?19:24
jbrycejaypipes: he's talking about splitting out some things that are in nova that would be shared by compute, network and volumes and putting it in -common19:24
ttxnotmyname: config file parsing / options processing ?19:24
jaypipesnotmyname: I would say if the project has some standalone service, it would go into its own project, but if it is only *library* code that can/should be used by all projects, it would go into openstack-common. I would say log processing would go into openstack-common, but a map-reduce project would be a separate project?19:25
jaypipesjbarratt: ah, sorry.19:25
notmynamettx: those are less stand-alone, so I would say no (using the model of subprojects vs code library)19:25
ttxnotmyname: oh right19:26
jbryceok...let me see if we've got consensus around a proposal here19:26
jaypipesnotmyname, vishy: there's a lot of code (usually found in files called that is duplicated across the projects. Those would be a good first start I think?19:26
jmckentyjaypipes and vishy - without being the crazy guy to point out the elephant, doesn't this drift back into the "coding standards" discussion that stalled openstack-common the first time?19:27
notmynamemy opinion on a -common project is a place for smaller projects that can stand alone but aren't (or aren't yet) complex enough to need their own governance structure. IMO, -common should be a place where these smaller things can live without neglect from not having PTLs etc19:27
jaypipesjmckenty: yep. ;)19:27
jmckentynotmyname: I would try and avoid cramming the "incubator" projects (DUPLO) into common19:28
jmckentybut I agree we need a "common" area for them19:28
vishynotmyname: if that is the case, we need a different place to put shared code19:28
jmckentyI like the semantics of -common for shared libraries19:28
ttxjmckenty: +119:28
jbryceopenstack-common will be made up primarily of library code that may be used by multiple projects. initially, it will be co-managed by the other projects' PTLs who will determine the best options for inclusion and the process for code acceptance. at some point, it will make sense for openstack-common to have its own PTL.19:28
jmckentyand -duplo for subprojects that aren't yet distinct19:28
jaypipesjmckenty: DUPLO?19:29
jmckentybut really, -duplo projects are still going to have their own repos, right?19:29
vishyjmckenty: right19:29
jmckentyah, sorry. DUPLO is big, baby lego19:29
jaypipesheh, ok.19:30
jmckentyif openstack == lego, openstack incubation == duplo19:30
jaypipesgotcha :)19:30
ewanmellorCouldn't we have "incubator" projects just stand on their own?  A map-reduce project, for example, can just live on Launchpad/github somewhere.  It doesn't need to be openstack- anything.19:30
jaypipesjmckenty, vishy: yes, I would assume DUPLO projects would get their own repo entirely19:30
ttxyes, I expect -duplo projects to be separated when they start. And lead by their original PTL untli they get their own19:30
jmckentyright, that's what I meant19:30
jmckentyso back to -common19:30
jbrycei think incubation and common are distinct19:30
ttxfor example, vish would lead a separated "volumes" projetc until it gets its own PTL, but it would have its own repo as soon as it's split19:31
jmckentycan we agree that PPB can own -common as far as coding standards?19:31
jaypipesnotmyname: OK, so would you go along with openstack-common being for common library code, not stand-alone projects?19:31
jmckentyand we can hope that those standards would drift back into the distinct projects as well go along19:31
vishyttx: yes but splitting is a challenge unless we have  a place to put common code19:31
vishydoes openstack-volumes import nova to get shared files such as / etc.?19:32
vishyor do we put it into openstack-common?19:32
jmckentyI think it goes into common19:32
ttxvishy: both options are valid. I'd prefer it to go to -common ultimately19:32
jmckentybut that means we need to prioritize any merge prop related to -common19:32
jmckentyso that we don't block multiple projects19:32
vishymy thought is that we put it into common and nova / NaaS / VaaS imports it19:32
jmckentyer, subprojects19:32
jaypipesvishy: I would prefer that code that is shared go into openstack-common, I mean that's what it was intended for. The issue is going to be agreeing on the coding standards and style of code that goes in there :)19:32
jaypipesvishy: that was precisely the intent of openstack-common, yes.19:33
jaypipesso, from openstack.common import logging...19:33
vishyjmckenty: i think the subprojects can subclass / override common code so they don't have to be blocked19:33
jmckentyright, I meant factoring OUT the common code19:33
jmckentyto make it available19:33
vishyah right19:34
ewanmellorAnd also we'll have to be stricter on the interface for things like  The interface to that probably isn't well enough defined to be split out yet.19:34
jmckentythat's a tough Order of Ops problem19:34
vishyewanmellor: all this stuff is vital to prepare for separate projects though19:34
jmckentywe need to factor it out first, so we can start prototyping against it in multiple projects, so we end up with the right data points on what the interface needs to be19:34
ewanmellorvishy: I agree entirely.19:35
jmckentybut of course, we'll have more points of impact if we change it later19:35
vishywe also need good tooling to make it easy for devs to work with multiple projects19:35
vishysomething like svn-externals19:35
jmckentyCan I suggest stronger version promises for openstack-common19:35
jaypipesOK, so can we agree on a process for getting stuff into openstack-common? Do we just use merge proposals?19:35
jmckentye.g., rather than supporting just a few versions back, we need to support at least <N>?19:36
vishyso I have a blueprint for this work, but the scope is a little undefined at the moment19:36
jmckentyvishy: I think something like externals is a first step, but I can feel the arguments for paste building...19:37
ttxjaypipes: who is responsible for the -common merge proposals ? All -core teams combined ? A subgroup of interested dudes ?19:37
dendrobatesI vote for all -core teams19:37
jmckentyttx: I would vote for just PPB for the time being19:37
jaypipesfine by me.19:37
jaypipeseither way.19:37
jmckentyall of -core is a lot of developers19:37
jmckentyI think arguing over the standards bit will be easiest with a subset19:38
ttxjmckenty: yes that's what I was thinking.19:38
jaypipeswell, it's the developers who will have to use and be comfortable using the code in openstack-common. The last thing we want is people bitching about the code in a common library.19:38
jmckentybut maybe go to all of -core if it's disputed?19:38
dendrobatesif we limit the group too much, reviews will be hard to come by19:38
jmckentyhence my proposal that they get bumped in priority19:38
jaypipeshow about this: goes to PPB devs. If not a consensus agreement, throw it to ML for discussion on best practice/code style?19:40
ttxor maybe, two approvals including one PPB review ?19:40
jmckentyttx: +119:40
jmckentyWith a goal to document the approved coding standards and turn it back over to -core within 3 releases?19:40
jaypipessounds like a plan.19:41
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ttxright, I don't expect the standards to become an issue after a few cycles19:41
jbrycemember:openstack-common will be made up primarily of library code that may be used by multiple projects. initially, it will be co-managed by the other projects' PTLs who will determine the best options for inclusion. at some point, it will make sense for member:openstack-common to have its own PTL. code will be accepted using the standard merge proposal process with a requirement of 2 reviews including at least one from a m19:41
jbryceof the PPB19:41
vishyyes,  and we can use the design summit discussion to scope the initial move of code / tooling and select a team to start working on it19:42
jmckentyI would amend co-managed to be by the PPB, rather than just PTLs, only so that we have a good mechanism to talk about -common support of upcoming subprojects19:42
jmckentybut I'm not attached19:42
jbrycei'm ok with that amendment if there aren't other objections19:43
* jmckenty can get vishy to represent for the disenfranchised19:43
jbrycedendrobates, notmyname?19:43
ttxhaving the PPB manage it is more coherent with the approval rule19:43
dendrobatesI'm fine with it.19:44
jbrycenotmyname: that's a lot of thinking19:44
jbrycelast call for objections19:46
notmynameI'm not a big fan of -common as a shared code library, but if that is what the consensus is, the above proposal is good19:46
* jmckenty plays jeopardy music19:46 does seem to be the consensus for now19:46
jmckentynotmyname: you can +0 it19:46
jmckentyor even -0 it19:46
jmckentyand then later you can say I told you so19:47
jbrycewe can also change the charter later or address shared services in some better way19:47
jbryce#agreed openstack-common will be made up primarily of library code that may be used by multiple projects. initially, it will be co-managed by the PPB who will determine the best options for inclusion. at some point, it will make sense for openstack-common to have its own PTL. code will be accepted using the standard merge proposal process with a requirement of 2 reviews including at least one from a member of the PPB19:48
jbryce#topic coordination between other open initiatives19:48
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jbryceso jmckenty....want to lead this one?19:48
jmckentySo I met with the Nimbus, OpenNebula and Globus folks19:48
jmckentyand told them that I thought their projects were the walking dead19:49
jmckentyand that they should join forces with OpenStack before we made them irrelevant19:49
ttxjmckenty: you know how to please them.19:49
jbrycei have a hard time imagining you saying something like that, josh19:49
jmckentySo they're very interested in collaborating19:49
jmckentyI showed a chart comparing the number of users in IRC, the number of commits, etc19:49
jmckentyit was compelling19:49
jmckentySo they'd like to figure out how to work with openstack without giving up their individual branding19:50
jmckentyand, hence, their funding19:50
jmckentyThere are some logical points of collaboration, particularly the new subprojects19:50
jmckentye.g., NaaS, the queue service, some of the unified auth proposals, etc19:51
jmckentyI also see possibilities with MapReduce / computable object store, or some of the distributed filesystem support (Sheepdog, ceph)19:51
dendrobatesI have talked to opennebula and eucalyptus about collaborating on NaaS, they are interested.19:51
jmckentyso the thinking was, to put together some guidelines for "ambassadors" to these other projects19:51
notmynamettx: these are some of the issues that I was thinking of when I was talking with you the other day about release processes. I think these issues are related19:52
jmckentyOpen questions:19:52
jmckenty1. Do the relevant organizations need to join OpenStack?19:52
ttxnotmyname: how ?19:52
jmckenty(E.g. Argonne or Fermi Labs, John Hopkins, Notre Dame, etc)19:52
jmckenty2. License compatability19:53
jmckentyMy bias is that all openstack projects should continue to be Apache219:53
jmckentywhich precludes wholesale donations of code, but so be it19:53
ewanmellorDoes it preclude donations from all of those people?19:54
jmckentyjust some19:54
ewanmellorDo you know which ones?19:54
jmckentyI'd have to go back through the list19:54
notmynamejmckenty: agreed on licensing19:54
jmckenty3. Can the PPB recommend commercial partners without getting into a tricky position?19:55
jmckentyE.g., can I tell Argonne to talk to Dell and RCB about a test cloud using OpenStack?19:55
jmckenty4. Our relationship with the OCC and the Science Data Cloud project19:55
jmckentyI'm going to bring up the OCC again next week when we're talking about governance,19:56
jmckentyespecially since they're getting ready to switch the Science Data Cloud to OpenStack19:56
jmckentyBut it may be a lot easier for these organizations to structure any type of cloud collaboration within the OCC (where they're already members, and which is perceived as 'neutral' to the different projects)19:57
jmckentyIs that workable for us?19:57
notmynamettx: we can discuss at the summit (don't want to get off track here)19:57
ttxnotmyname: ok19:57
jaypipesjmckenty: #agreed19:57
jbrycejmckenty: that's a lot...19:58
* jbryce thinking like notmyname19:58
jmckentyBasically, item 4. is a more general question of "How do we make it easy for academic organizations to join/participate?", and "Should we take advantage of the OCC for it?"19:59
jmckentyI'm happy to defer this to the in-person meeting next week19:59
jmckentyjust wanted to put it under everyone's hat19:59
jbryceyeah...we're up against our hour anyway20:00
jbrycelet's defer to next week and think about it in the meantime20:00
ewanmellorCould you give me that list of potential academic collaborators again?20:00
jmckentytwo secs...
ewanmellorI will ask the "how do academic orgs collaborate" question of a few people at Cambridge U who've done this many times before.20:00
jmckentyPlus Notre Dame and Fermi Labs20:01
jmckentyjbryce: sounds good20:01
jmckentyactually, can we get a quick show of hands of who'd like to be involved in this?20:01
jmckentyif it's much less than the full PPB, we can make a working group and it'll make scheduling easier20:02
jbrycei'm interested20:02
jaypipesjmckenty: sure20:03
jbryce#topic next meetings20:03
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jbryceis there a time that works for doing an in person meeting at the design summit?20:04
jmckentySomething involving beer?20:04
jbrycei know the summit sessions are already packed in, so yanking everyone out for an hour during the day may not be ideal....20:04
ttxjbryce: beer o clock, one of those days ?20:04
jbrycejmckenty: that's what i'm thinking20:04
jmckentyThe breakfast meeting last time was rough to get everyone to on time20:04
dendrobatesyeah, evenings are best20:05
jmckentythere are three sponsored parties, which night is free so far?20:05
jbrycenot sure any night is free20:05
jbrycebut we might just squeeze in some time before a party20:05
ttxthe wed night is mostly free20:05
dendrobatesparties are optional in my book, we can always arrive late20:05
jbrycewed works for me20:06
jbrycewe'll plan for wednesday evening20:06
jbryceand then for our regular time, does anyone have a pref for moving from 2000 UTC thursdays?20:07
ttxI'd prefer 1900 UTC, any day but Tuesday.20:08
ttxis this every week or every two weeks ?20:08
jmckentyevery week20:08
jmckentyunless there's nothing on the docket20:09
notmynameI'd prefer 1900 UTC20:09
jmckentyI'm fine with 190020:09
jaypipesno objections from me.20:09
jbryceworks for me20:09
jbrycei'll send a note out20:09
jbrycethat's all i've got20:09
dendrobatesone last thing20:09
jbryce#topic open discussion20:09
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dendrobatesRackspace is sponsoring a mini NaaS summit on Monday before the summit20:10
dendrobatesit will be in the summit hotel.20:10
dendrobatesI just wanted to make sure everyone knew about it.20:10
jmckentyI didn't20:11
dendrobatesAll the parties are going to try and agree on a starting point20:11
jmckentytime and date?20:11
jmckentye.g., room and start time20:11
dendrobatesErik Carlin in planning it20:11
dendrobatesIt is monday, that is all I know20:11
jmckentythat's Easter Monday, right?20:11
dendrobatesI complained about that20:11
jmckentyI've got children who will be all sugared up20:11
jmckentywill see what I can do20:12
dendrobatesme too.  I will be arriving late to the meeting.20:12
jbrycejmckenty: bring the kids20:12
ttxmy plane arrives monday evening, so will miss it20:12
jbrycettx: mine too20:12
jbryceanyone have anything else?20:12
jmckentynot for now20:13
jbrycethanks guys20:13
jbrycesee you all in a week20:13
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edaydoh, confused timezones20:16
jaypipeseday: :)20:17
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