Thursday, 2011-03-10

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joshuamckentyIs there a draft of the new project process that I should review again before we start?19:57
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openstackMeeting started Thu Mar 10 20:01:02 2011 UTC.  The chair is jbryce. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.20:01
jbrycehello! who all is here?20:01
joshuamckentywhat's the date for the next election?20:02
jbryce - agenda is on this page20:02
joshuamckentyand is the PPB member list up to date?20:02
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jbryce - march 21st20:03
dendrobatesjoshuamckenty: This will be my last meeting20:03
joshuamckentyand there are no TPL members yet, right?20:03
joshuamckenty(Technical Project Lead)20:03
jbrycejoshuamckenty: correct20:04
joshuamckenty#idea can we suggest new projects post a manifesto similar to the redis manifesto?20:04
joshuamckentyAs an extension of item #3.420:05
dendrobatesand point 2 needs to be specific.  What does gather community feedback mean?20:06
jbrycegood q20:07
jbrycei'm thinking along the lines of what eday has been doing with burrow20:07
dendrobatesalsoin 3.4, the use of 'enhance value'  does not sound right.20:08
joshuamckentyWe need a time span for how often (if at all) a project can resubmit for inclusion20:08
jbrycedo you think the eday type mailing list/wiki process for community feedback works?20:09
jbrycejoshuamckenty: good point. any suggestions?20:09
jbryce6 months?20:09
joshuamckenty6 months?20:09
jesse_perhaps 3 months instead?20:09
joshuamckentyalso for migration from incubation, I would suggest we review those at the design summits20:09
dendrobatesperhaps once per release20:09
joshuamckentywell, release cycle is per project as well20:10
joshuamckentyPPB review should be consistent, I think once every 3 months is reasonable / generous20:10
jesse_joshuamckenty: I like the idea that it is presented at summits20:11
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jbryceso a project that is not accepted must wait 3 months before resubmission20:11
anotherjessejbryce: seems reasonable - since not being accepted just means it isn't part of core - it can still integrate deeply20:11
jbryceprojects in incubation will be reviewed at design summits20:11
jbryceshould all projects be reviewed at design summits?20:12
joshuamckentyI think that's a PPB scheduling question20:12
dendrobatesreviewed by whom?20:12
joshuamckentyseems like a good time, but I don't want to turn it into a giant roundtable, it'll become a popularity debate20:12
joshuamckentyPPB review, step 420:13
dendrobatesThis should not require RW meetings IMHO20:13
joshuamckentyIs there a process for a project to *leave* OpenStack?20:14
joshuamckentyJust a weird question20:14
dendrobatesI think that would be by forking it20:14
joshuamckentyWell, it still remains in OpenStack as well, technically, at that point.20:15
dendrobatesthe name does at least20:15
dendrobatesthat is the real question20:15
dendrobatesdo we own the name of an existing project after they join20:15
joshuamckentyYeah, that's not covered by this process20:15
joshuamckentyThe name is owned (by default) by the project founders, correct? Unless someone files trademark20:16
joshuamckentye.g., who own's 'nova'?20:16
dendrobatesI think it is an important question20:16
joshuamckentyI know who owns @novacc and, and it's not OpenStack20:16
anotherjessejoshuamckenty: that is me20:17
anotherjesseAlso it is called OpenStack Compute from the project perspective20:17
dendrobatesI think we need a process for a project to leave and take its name with it.20:17
joshuamckentyI still have @novacc passwords, buddy ;)20:18
anotherjesseperhaps we talk about naming separately?20:18
joshuamckentyWell, I think maybe the OpenStack name for the project should be distinct20:18
joshuamckentyk, separate agenda item?20:18
anotherjesseya, burrow might become openstack queue if accepted20:18
jbryce#todo start discussion around naming and transitions out of openstack for projects20:18
joshuamckentyjbyrce, is there a charter doc that would need to be signed by the project20:19
joshuamckentye.g., like the code of conduct doc for members20:19
jbrycethere is not...that's one of the things i was thinking about as i was putting together the process20:19
jbrycewe know how we are running nova/swift/compute but we haven't actually codified it anywhere as a coherent set of openstack development processes20:20
joshuamckentythere was the original HACKING.txt file20:20
jbrycewhich things are required, which are optional - launchpad, bzr, jenkins, release cycles - those kinds of things20:21
joshuamckentyI think we can codify that as we go, minimum PEP8 numbers, minimum test coverage, etc.20:21
jbrycethe other question that was raised is how does a project split into 2, like pulling volumes and networking out of nova20:21
joshuamckentysame criteria applies, right - size of dev team, available technical lead, etc.20:22
joshuamckentyProbably a vote from the existing core team on the split?20:22
jbrycei made updates to the wiki to try to address the points you all raised (except anything about the design summit)20:22
jbrycewho initiates?20:23
jbrycethe existing core team votes to split and the ppb ratifies?20:23
johnpurif a project splits, is there an election for PTL? does this add a seat to the PPB?20:23
jbryceif it becomes a full project, it would add a seat to the ppb20:24
joshuamckentyI think core team votes, and PPB ratifies, yes20:24
joshuamckentyAnd probably the old core team votes for PTL of new project?20:24
joshuamckentyoh, and initial core team should be seeded20:25
joshuamckentyfrom previous core team20:25
johnpuragree with Josh20:25
joshuamckentymaybe just a free pass for those core team members who want to sign on to the new project?20:25
jbrycemakes sense to me20:26
joshuamckentyAnything else on this proposal?20:26
jbryce#todo document proposed mechanism for splitting existing project into new projects20:26
joshuamckentyOr should we +1 it?20:26
jbrycei don't want to vote on it with the majority missing...20:27
jbrycei'll send it out for a mailing list vote after the meeting20:27
joshuamckentyah, right20:27
jbrycedid all of you agree with ewan's thoughts on the standards body?20:28
jbrycethat it should basically be company specific with no official openstack community sanction?20:28
joshuamckentyyeah, with the exception of the OCC20:28
anotherjesseyeah, kinda like how we can talk about what we want to do for nasa, but we can't talk on behalf of nasa20:29
joshuamckentyjust because they have an awesome testbed of hardware that I think we should use as a community resource for CI20:29
anotherjessewell, we could still do the same thing with OCC20:29
anotherjessebut have a more involvement with multiple parties20:30
anotherjessewhether it be rackspace or citrix or ...20:30
jbrycei agree with anotherjesse20:30
joshuamckentyas long as the CI environment ends up available with incubated projects, I'm happy with that20:30
joshuamckenty /s/with/for/20:31
jbrycethose were the two things i wanted to hit on20:31
jbrycedo you all have anything else you want to discuss?20:31
joshuamckentyelection process20:31
anotherjessejbryce: we might want to link to the project page from the official site20:32
anotherjesseeven if just the wiki page20:32
joshuamckentyjust want to make sure the announcement of the election results is smoother than last time20:32
joshuamckentyit's going to be heavily covered by media, I don't want any more FUD20:32
dendrobatesand that the results are immediately available20:32
joshuamckentyyeah, that was the part I was pointing out20:32
jbrycei'm pretty sure everyone is on board with that20:33
joshuamckentyare you coordinating the election?20:33
jbrycestephen spector is, but i've talked to him about it20:33
joshuamckentycan you be available on IRC during that process, so there's a single POC for the PPB?20:33
dendrobatesttx is telling SS how to do it correctly20:33
* joshuamckenty doesn't understand ttx or SS20:34
joshuamckentyoh, nm20:34
joshuamckentystephen spector and thierry20:34
jbrycedendrobates: not sure they actually have that down yet20:34
dendrobates:) sorry20:34
jbrycecivs needs email addresses and most launchpad people don't have their email addresses available20:34
jbrycei know that's one thing they're still trying to work through20:35
joshuamckentyjbryce: a last count on which seats are up for election?20:35
jbrycethat was the number one problem last time around too20:35
jbryce2 general seats (chuck's seat is up for election + 1 new seat) as well as 1 PTL seat each for nova, swift and glance20:35
jbrycedendrobates: any ideas on how to get the right contact info for the elections?20:37
dendrobatesjbryce: we should talk to the launchpad team20:37
dendrobatesubuntu uses the same site and manages somehow20:37
dendrobatesttx can talk to them for you20:38
joshuamckentyk, I'm good20:38
jbryceanything else from anyone?20:38
* soren wanders in20:38
sorenSorry I'm late. :(20:39
joshuamckentygotta bounce, thanks jbryce20:39
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dendrobatesbye all20:39
jbrycehi soren! we didn't vote on anything but we did discuss quite a bit20:39
sorenI'll read the scroll back.20:40
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sorenOh, well.20:40
jbrycebye rick20:40
*** openstack changes topic to "Openstack Meetings: | Minutes:"20:40
openstackMeeting ended Thu Mar 10 20:40:27 2011 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)20:40
openstackMinutes (text):
jbrycesoren: i'll send out an email thread to vote on the new project process proposal20:40
jbrycewe also talked about a process for splitting an existing project20:41
jbryceif you've got any feedback, please let me know20:41
sorenI will.20:43
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