Tuesday, 2016-02-16

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dhellmann#startmeeting crossproject21:00
dhellmanncourtesy ping for Qiming TravT gordc dirk mriedem SergeyLukjanov21:00
dhellmanncourtesy ping for daemontool jroll boris-42 redrobot flaper87 rhochmuth21:00
dhellmanncourtesy ping for fungi flwang dims vipul johnthetubaguy rakhmerov21:00
dhellmanncourtesy ping for docaedo stevemar mtreinish bswartz adam_g adrian_otto21:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Feb 16 21:00:16 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is dhellmann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.21:00
dhellmanncourtesy ping for zigo Piet sdake mugsie sheeprine thinrichs21:00
dhellmanncourtesy ping for jklare loquacities smelikyan Daisy skraynev odyssey4me21:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'crossproject'21:00
dhellmanncourtesy ping for catherineD dhellmann dprince hyakuhei notmyname devkulkarni21:00
diablo_rojohello :)21:00
dhellmannthingee asked me to lead the meeting until he's on a stable wifi connection, which should happen shortly21:00
dhellmann#chair thingee21:00
openstackCurrent chairs: dhellmann thingee21:00
samueldmqhi all21:00
samueldmqdhellmann: may I have my name added to the list of courtesy ping too ? :)21:01
dhellmannsamueldmq : yes, I'll make a note of that (I'm not sure if thingee has a separate list, I got this one from last week's meeting)21:01
dhellmann#action thingee to add samueldmq to the courtesy p ing list21:01
openstackRemoving item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Action object at 0x98b4290>21:01
dhellmann#action thingee to add samueldmq to the courtesy ping list21:01
dhellmann#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/CrossProjectMeeting our agenda for today21:02
dhellmann#topic Team announcements (horizontal, vertical, diagonal)21:02
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dhellmannwho has announcements?21:02
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dhellmann#info release team: final non-client library releases coming up Feb 22-2621:02
dhellmann#info release team: feature freeze for Mitaka coming up Feb 29-421:02
nikhildhellmann: add me to courtesy reminders too21:02
dhellmann#link http://releases.openstack.org/mitaka/schedule.html the release schedule21:02
dhellmann#action thingee add nikhil to courtesy ping list21:02
samueldmqdhellmann: thanks21:03
bknudson_Ops mid-cycles going on21:03
sdakesup dhellmann21:03
cdentlast week we had some discussion about quota; I went back to nova-last to ask for an interested party to participate. alaski said he would keep an eye on that.21:03
sdakeoh crossproject roger21:03
dhellmannbknudson_ : tell all the ops we said "hi"21:03
bknudson_I'm not there! also, maybe it's done already21:03
dhellmannhi, sdake :-)21:04
nikhilwe'd have the x-prj spec up later this week21:04
mtreinishdhellmann: I'm not sure whether this is worth mentioning here or not: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-February/086706.html21:04
dhellmannbknudson_ : oh, well21:04
dhellmannmtreinish : sure, that's what this section of the meeting is for21:04
mtreinishbut it's removing a ML that used to be there, which seems sorta cp21:04
dhellmann#info the openstack-qa mailing list is officially shut down21:04
bknudson_I didn't know about http://status.openstack.org/openstack-health/#/g/build_queue/periodic21:04
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dhellmannmtreinish : do you have a link to your blog post about the dashboard handy?21:05
mtreinishdhellmann: this one: http://blog.kortar.org/?p=27921:05
dhellmannthat's the one21:05
dhellmann#link http://blog.kortar.org/?p=279 mtreinish wrote up a nice description of the new openstack health dashboard21:05
dhellmannwhat other cp teams do we have represented today? docs? stable?21:06
dhellmanncdent : sorry, I missed your comment earlier. is there some place we need to make a note about alaski's participation in that (I missed last week's meeting)21:07
fungiinfra, but we don't have any cross-project announcements this week afaik21:07
cdentdhellmann: no, don't think so. as long as the people driving the x-spec are aware it's good21:07
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dhellmannfungi : ack, sorry to leave you out21:08
dhellmanncdent : sounds good21:08
dhellmannhi, thingee21:08
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dhellmannit sounds like that covers the announcements, unless thingee has anything?21:08
* thingee unstable connection. will probably drop off in 22 mins21:08
thingeenothing from me21:08
dhellmannok, let's move on then21:08
dhellmann#topic A Common Policy Scenario Across All Projects21:08
*** openstack changes topic to "A Common Policy Scenario Across All Projects (Meeting topic: crossproject)"21:08
dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/245629/21:09
thingeejamielennox: ^21:09
dhellmannaha, I was just going to ask who is driving this21:09
jamielennoxSo basically i was looking to get a broader cross project view on the above spec21:09
sballedhellmann: is this user policy? or somethign else21:10
jamielennoxmore out of how services grew than anything else we've been stuck in an admin or non-admin kind of policy for a long time now21:10
dhellmannsballe: yes, it's related to policy definitions within the applications for access control, etc.21:10
jamielennoxand from a keystone perspective we keep trying to add new security features that really aren't a lot of help when operators have to use the admin role to get anything done21:10
jamielennoxthe goal of the spec is to define a scenario, a couple of roles that everyone can agree on and would implement by default21:11
dhellmannjamielennox : I see some comments in recent reviews about names of things, which makes me think this is not so controversial but needs some time to think about little details. is that your understanding of the state of the spec, or do you think there might be uncovered issues?21:11
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dhellmanns/uncovered/as yet uncovered/21:11
jamielennoxthis would not prevent any operator from defining their own roles and policy as they do now, but it would significantly increase the security of those deployments who don't want to change policy files21:11
cdentI think there's also some concern about size/extent, dhellmann21:12
* notmorgan is lurking (sorry)21:12
jamielennoxdhellmann: so there is some questioning of naming (as always)21:12
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jamielennoxbut the other question that dolphm and i have been going back and forward on and could use some broader scrutiny is how extensive we want this to be21:12
dolphmsorry, joined just a second ago21:12
jamielennoxinitially the plan was to just provide some basic roles and improve on the current scenario21:12
dhellmannjamielennox : a phased approach does have some appealing aspects21:13
jamielennoxthe spec sort of grew from there to doing fairly fine grained roles21:13
jamielennoxeither work and the appeal of doing this in one go is not having to update every project's policy.json multiple times21:13
diablo_rojojamielennox: I got a few cinder cores to weigh in and they are all saying the proposed roles are more complicated than they need to be but agree that there should be more than just admin and non admin21:13
mugsieyeah - i like the new project / read only roles, but not the more permjssion style roles21:14
dolphmdiablo_rojo: that's part of the intent - it's more roles than any one user / deployer needs, but covers all the bases for everyone21:14
elmikoseemed to me that you don't *have* to descend into the deep end of the role configurations in that spec right away, or even ever. but, they seemed like nice options.21:14
jamielennoxdiablo_rojo: so we asked for feedback at the tokyo summit and have talked to operators since and this seemed to cover 90% of their use cases, we're definetly looking at this from an ops perspective rather than de21:15
dolphmby convention, there's probably a role defined for what you need21:15
jamielennoxwith the per manager roles i think we would cover everything21:15
bretondon't orgs already have their idea about what their policy is? Maybe our efforts to polish policy.json should rather go into re-using existing orgs' roles and policies?21:15
dolphmelmiko: i'd want to split the granular (api managers and per capabilities roles in particular) into a separate spec if we're going to go halfway on anything21:15
dolphminstead* of going halfway21:15
jamielennoxdolphm: ++21:15
dolphmbreton: that is exactly where this conversation stems from21:16
elmikodolphm: i think that's fair and most likely sensible21:16
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elmikoi don't have an objections to the fine grained stuff, but i see it as optional to the end-user/deployer21:16
jamielennoxbreton: yes, we want to polish policy - the problem is we want all services to polish their policy in a consistent way21:16
dolphmelmiko: absolutely is optional, as proposed21:16
jamielennoxbreton: hence defining a scenario that they would all aim for rather than everyone make up their own roles21:17
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jamielennoxessentially i want people to take the spec back to their ops and project teams and comment on whether the proposed roles are sufficient as it'd be nice to not need to take this through to summit21:18
dhellmannok, that's a good call to action for this one21:19
dhellmanndoes anyone else have any questions to raise right now?21:19
jamielennoxdolphm: do you have a different timeline there?21:19
jamielennoxdolphm: or action?21:19
dolphmnope, that's my goal21:19
dolphmi'd like to propose the resulting policy to at least keystone and nova21:19
dolphmi've done keystone, but i went all the way with it21:19
dolphmif we're going to break the spec down, i'll do two separate patch sequences21:20
dolphmfor example, my current patch sequence for keystone starts here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/274143/21:20
jamielennoxdolphm: given the nature of keystone i actually don't mind if it goes per manager roles, but obviously on top of the basic ones and not necessarily something we recommend to all projects21:20
dolphmi add an identity_admin, then managers, then observers, then per-capability roles21:20
dhellmann#info the goal is to review the proposed roles before the summit21:21
dhellmann#action everyone please review the common policy spec with your teams21:21
dolphmjamielennox: still want to split the effort apart then. my goal in working keystone and nova is to illustrate the impact of this spec to all the services under big tent21:21
jamielennoxdolphm: ok21:21
dolphmimplementing in other projects should be low hanging fruit from there21:21
dolphmexcept for project's like ironic :P where there's a bigger hurdle to climb first (using policy at all)21:22
jamielennoxcan we put us back on the agenda for a fortnight?21:22
jamielennoxahh, that's 2 weeks21:22
bknudson_we don't use the metric system here21:22
nikhilI have a question around implementation of this21:22
dhellmannjamielennox : sure, you can do that by editing the wiki page21:22
jamielennoxdhellmann: yep, just aiming to give a timeframe to the project teams21:23
dolphmi'll be afk for this meeting in 2 weeks21:23
nikhilwhat level/aspects of services are expected to adhere to this granular sample policy file?21:23
dolphmnikhil: ask!21:23
diablo_rojo\whois dolphm21:23
nikhil(sorry the first one was to avoid last min topic switch)21:23
dolphmnikhil: what do you mean by level/aspects ?21:23
dolphmdiablo_rojo: =)21:23
diablo_rojodolphm: Lol sorry :)21:23
nikhilyeah, I will take glance as example21:24
dolphmnikhil: Dolph Mathews @ Rackspace21:24
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dolphmoops, diablo_rojo ^21:24
nikhilis it merely roles that are elaborated or21:24
nikhildo we have a this sample deployment that points to roles for say "protected properties" that may be used21:25
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nikhildunno, this may be on the edge of what we want to provide and what we can actually provide21:25
dolphmnikhil: elaborated is a good way to put it21:25
samueldmqdolphm: jamielennox: I also have a question :)21:25
stevemarsamueldmq: ask away!21:25
dolphmprotip: never ask for permission to ask questions21:26
samueldmqthe per capability roles are the finest we provide right ?21:26
dolphmsamueldmq: yes, as currently proposed by the spec21:26
samueldmqso, isn't it going to be hard to an operator to sync all those fined grained roles inside keystone21:26
samueldmqas projects add/remove APIs21:26
dolphmthere isn't anything finer unless you're talking about per-resource RBAC (like this user has this capability on this particular VM, regardless of the VM's tenancy)21:26
dolphmsamueldmq: you don't need to create any of these roles in keystone21:27
samueldmqare we willing to provide tools to help them in that task ?21:27
dolphmsamueldmq: not one21:27
samueldmqdolphm: don't they come from the token ?21:27
dolphmsamueldmq: and yes, we could totally provide a openstack role gotta-create-them-all <policy.json>21:27
dolphmsamueldmq: the roles a user actually has are expressed in the token, yes21:27
dolphmsamueldmq: the roles a user needs to have is expressed in policy21:27
samueldmqdolphm: yes, I am in the most complex case, where one uses all the per-capability roles in his org21:28
dolphmthis change would make policy read like: admin OR identity_admin OR catalog_manager OR endpoint_manager OR endpoint_create21:28
samueldmqso he could make use of such a tool to load the roles in his keystone21:28
dolphmsamueldmq: sure, why not21:28
samueldmqdolphm: nice21:28
samueldmqI was just making sure about this, I like the idea (and you know!)21:29
samueldmqdolphm: thanks21:29
dhellmannwe do have another topic for today, are we ready to move on?21:29
dolphmor for a read-only operation like "list endpoints", policy would effectively be: admin, observer, identity_admin, identity_observer, catalog_manager, endpoint_manager, list_endpoints21:30
dolphmwe can move on if there's another topic21:30
dhellmanndolphm : I don't want to cut you short, I thought we'd hit a lull21:30
dolphmdhellmann: ++21:30
jamielennoxdhellmann: i'm done21:30
dhellmannok, we can come back during open discussion if anyone thinks of other questions21:30
dhellmann#topic Support for 4-byte unicode for naming volume, snapshot, instance etc.21:30
*** openstack changes topic to "Support for 4-byte unicode for naming volume, snapshot, instance etc. (Meeting topic: crossproject)"21:30
dhellmannsheel & jgregor, you're up21:30
sheeldhellmann: yes we are there21:31
dhellmanncan you give a brief introduction of the issue? it sounds like a mysql configuration change?21:31
dhellmann#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/280371/21:31
jgregorSo as of right now MySQL does not support 4 byte unicode21:31
sheelok, so here we want to discuss for support for 4 byte unicode characters in different components..21:31
bknudson_keystone doesn't configure mysql as far as I know21:31
notmorganbknudson_: ++21:32
bknudson_we just use whatever it's got21:32
dhellmannjgregor : it doesn't support them in any configuration at all?21:32
* dhellmann was drafted to chair at the last minute and didn't read the spec ;-)21:32
jgregordhellmann: Not currently21:32
dulekFrom reading the spec I believe it's DB/table/column charset problem? By default it's not 4-byte?21:33
jgregorSo this was brought up in a Cinder meeting, and it was pointed out there that this could be cross project worthy21:33
jgregorBy default it is not21:33
sheeldulek: right21:33
jgregorWe would need to update the char set to utf8mb421:33
bknudson_we have had problems in the past where we didn't set the charset on the columns...21:34
dhellmannyes, I think we would want all databases to be configured with this setting the same way21:34
notmorganhm. i worry we're going to run into charset utf-8 issues again.21:34
dhellmannis that something we do within the schemas in each project?21:34
notmorganbut it's not an unreasonable thing to ask.21:34
notmorgandhellmann: in most cases we specify now, iirc, utf-821:34
jgregornotmorgan: What issues were you running into?21:34
dhellmannnotmorgan : where?21:34
bknudson_keystone does this: 'ALTER DATABASE %s DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8'21:34
notmorgandhellmann: in the migrations.21:34
notmorganjgregor: we have had many issues with the check to make sure things are utf-8 in keystone21:35
dhellmannmaybe someone from nova can comment, but I thought they were trying to get away from huge impact migration scripts to support rolling upgrades without downtime21:35
bknudson_and all our tables do mysql_engine='InnoDB', mysql_charset='utf8'21:35
notmorganjgregor: it's openstack code, not mysql issues.21:35
cdentdhellmann: yes, that's an open question, discussed on the spec21:35
nikhilyeah, no consistency here is making the code ugly in a lot of places21:35
notmorgandhellmann: on new tables and on initial creats21:35
dulekdhellmann: It's would still be possible to make such migration while keeping the rolling-upgrades guidelines.21:36
notmorgandhellmann: but yes all tables would need an alter.21:36
dulekIt's just a lot of additional work.21:36
nikhilthere are these corner cases to be handled in different places that if missed are resulting into 5xx responses21:36
dhellmannis the setting table-wide, or column-specific?21:36
nikhiland I'd say that really bad21:36
notmorgandhellmann: table wide in mysql21:36
dhellmannnotmorgan : thanks21:36
notmorgani've never tried a column specific charset.21:36
notmorgannor looked to see if it even exists21:36
cdentnikhil: there's two problems/goals, right? One is to trap the exception that is currently causing the 500 and return a 400 instead. The other is to make it possible to use the wide charsets. We shouldn't conflate those two.21:37
KiallDumb Q I don't see answered in the spec, what languages make use of 4byte Unicode and can't be represented in 3 bytes?21:37
samueldmqnotmorgan: bknudson_: ++ keystone migration https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/5b868ab849d931b24c8832075fc4d36aef54550b/keystone/common/sql/migrate_repo/versions/067_kilo.py#L36-L3721:37
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jgregorcdent: That is correct21:37
sheelKiall: Some example in different projects where we notify problem handling 4 byte unicodes:21:37
sheelNova:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/154572921:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1545729 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Use 4 byte unicode for entity names in mysql" [Undecided,Invalid] - Assigned to Sheel Rana (ranasheel2000)21:37
sheelKeystone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/154573621:37
sheelCinder:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/154241321:37
sheelGlance :  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/21:37
sheelheat :  https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/154574021:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1545736 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "keystone role create failed when 4 byte unicode character is provided in name field" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Sheel Rana (ranasheel2000)21:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1542413 in Cinder "Unable to use 4-bytes unicode when creating volume, volume_type, CG, etc" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Jacob Gregor (jgregor)21:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1545740 in heat "support for unicode character handling in stack-create operation" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Sheel Rana (ranasheel2000)21:37
jgregorKiall: Chinese, Japanese, Korean21:37
nikhiloh gosh21:37
nikhilcdent: and in glance we'd this issue were we are changing the responses for 500s to 4xx but that's just21:38
nikhilpain as it's merely redressing issues for two types of DBs (one being MySQL)21:38
sheelnikhil: cdent: yes but atleast in glance things are handled gracefully21:38
Kialljgregor: thanks, I somehow thought those were covered in 3byte.21:38
* bswartz notices new topic21:38
nikhilas we support more DBs I think we are going to run into multiple of such issues21:38
nikhilsheel: sure, but after a ton!!! of work21:38
bswartz+1 for 4-byte utf-8 support21:38
nikhiland making the code ugly as hell21:38
sheelnikhil: yep21:39
nikhiland catching stuff where it shouldn't necessarily be21:39
bknudson_I would prefer it if keystone didn't have to care about this.21:39
notmorganbknudson_: agreed21:39
nikhilsame goes for glance21:39
mugsiejgregor: are you sure they are not in utf8 3byte?21:40
sheelmugsie: some of them are not there in 3 bytes...21:40
KiallAnother q.. Has anyone measured the performance impact of switching a large e.g. instances table over?21:40
dhellmannKiall : the impact of the migration itself, or of running with it that way after the migration?21:41
fungireminds me of during the vancouver summit when we discovered that putting a 4-byte codepoint in a pad caused etherpad to go into a mad crash-and-restart loop21:41
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notmorganso, it's some kanji not all that are affected.21:41
dhellmannfungi : yep21:41
notmorgannot all.21:41
bswartzI understood it the issue in mysql was that tables consumed much more disk/memory21:41
KiallRunning with it after migration21:41
dulekKiall: Well, online-schema-upgrades guidelines Nova have would block such migration. It would require an approach with a table copy probably.21:41
bswartzany performance concerns would be related to exploded resource consumption21:42
dulekKiall: Ah, okay, my asnwer assumed migration itself.21:42
bknudson_does it expand utf to fixed-width?21:42
fungifwiw infra basically went through the necessary mysql changes to switch etherpad tables to 4-byte unicode encoding/collation, and the commands in the spec look like what i remember us doing21:42
dhellmannfungi : cool, that's good to know21:42
dulekWe seem to agree that this is a lot of work for any project. Is it really worth it?21:43
stevemardulek: that's what i was asking when the spec was proposed21:44
bknudson_what's the work involved?21:44
stevemari couldn't get a clear use case, aside from "i want to use 4-byte characters"21:44
notmorganso, for keystone, i don't see a huge reason why we wouldn't want this. it would be a change to create a new migration and update our starting one (we're not on the rolling migrations stuff yet)21:44
notmorganbut, it is a chunk of work regardless.21:44
bswartzI think it's worth it -- it's a matter of correctness21:44
dhellmannyeah, I think if we have users or potential uses who can't put their language into the database, we should fix that.21:45
notmorganfor nova or other serivices that are on the rolling schema thing, it's a ton of work.21:45
dhellmann*potential users21:45
dulekbknudson_: In case of Nova and Cinder migrations will get really complicated due to rolling upgrades support.21:45
smcginnisbswartz: You want to use emojis for your share names, don't you.21:45
sheelbswartz: +121:45
dhellmanndulek : yeah, I think we're going to need more detail about how to make those scenarios work before approving the spec21:45
bknudson_let's say the user configured mysql correctly, does openstack code force 3-byte?21:45
stevemaropenstack server create "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)"21:45
notmorganbknudson_: our migrations would override it21:45
dhellmannbknudson_ : oh, wow, I hope not21:45
notmorganbknudson_: but python shouldn't care21:46
smcginnisstevemar: hah!21:46
dulekdhellmann: Sure, I can try to PoC something with sheel for Cinder to make amount of work measurable.21:46
notmorganpython has supported wide utf-8 since 2.221:46
dhellmannstevemar : I think you mean terminate not create21:46
notmorganhttps://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0261/ i think21:46
stevemardhellmann: oh right, silly me21:46
cdentthe issue is with explicit charset declaration in migrations21:46
cdentand mysql's use of utf8 to _not_ meant 4byte. to get that you have to be explicit21:46
stevemardulek: that sounds like a good plan21:46
sheeldulek: yep21:47
bknudson_cdent: like mysql_charset='utf8' ?21:47
bknudson_we did that to prevent some other problem!21:47
cdentof course21:47
dhellmanncdent : yeah, I wonder if we can build some tools to automate checks for that21:47
notmorgandhellmann: just don't do it in the migrate way oslo_db does for charset utf-821:47
notmorganso it checks before a new migration, so you get wedged :(21:48
dhellmannnotmorgan : yeah :-(21:48
Kiallnotmorgan: that was fun.. Or not.21:48
dhellmannsheel & jgregor: is it clear what your next steps are?21:49
jgregordhellmann: Yep21:49
bknudson_can we just store strings in binary?21:49
sheeldhellmann: yeah. I think measurement of actual work required for supporting it21:49
dhellmannbknudson_ : gzip or bz2?21:49
dulekjgregor, sheel: I can support you on the Cinder PoC from rolling upgrades perspective.21:50
notmorgandhellmann: base64 encode!21:50
notmorgandhellmann: everything!21:50
dhellmannnotmorgan :-)21:50
* bswartz barfs21:50
notmorgandhellmann: including after we base64 the base64 encoded encoded string string21:50
jgregordulek: Sounds great21:50
sheeldulek: yes, that would work..21:50
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samueldmqnotmorgan: ++ to get it as small as possible21:50
dhellmannok, sounds good21:51
dhellmann#topic Open discussion21:51
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* notmorgan pushes soapbox back under the table.21:51
dhellmannwe have a few minutes, if we have any late announcements or need to revisit something we've already discussed21:52
dhellmanngoing once21:52
dhellmanngoing twice21:53
dhellmannok, then, I think we'll call that done21:53
dhellmannthanks for joining us everyone21:53
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack Meetings || https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings"21:53
openstackMeeting ended Tue Feb 16 21:53:48 2016 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)21:53
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/crossproject/2016/crossproject.2016-02-16-21.00.html21:53
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/crossproject/2016/crossproject.2016-02-16-21.00.txt21:53
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/crossproject/2016/crossproject.2016-02-16-21.00.log.html21:53
elmikothanks dhellmann21:53
samueldmqdhellmann: thanks!21:54
diablo_rojoThank you dhellmann21:54
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bknudson_This doesn’t just affect the 𝌆 character, but more important symbols like U+01F4A9 PILE OF POO21:55
bknudson_For a BMP character, utf8 and               utf8mb4 have identical storage               characteristics: same code values, same encoding, same               length.21:57
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elmikobknudson_: lol!22:07
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