Wednesday, 2025-03-12

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rosmaita#startmeeting cinder14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Mar 12 14:00:59 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rosmaita. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cinder'14:00
rosmaita#topic roll call14:01
rosmaitalooks like a light turnout ... i'll wait a few minutes, we went to daylight saving time in the USA this week, so people may be a bit confused14:03
rosmaitaJon has a conflict that is keeping him offline, so I'm covering for him today14:04
simondodsleyGood old DST...14:04
msaravanHi 14:04
rosmaitagood in some ways, bad in some ways14:04
simondodsleyshall we keep it or not? that is the question...14:04
rosmaitasimondodsley: are you pro- or anti- DST?14:05
simondodsleyTBH I don't care14:05
simondodsleyi live in FL so any change doesn't reallt affect me14:06
jungleboyjI would be happy keeping the time where it is now.  Makes it better for me working with China.14:06
rosmaitai think we should have micro-time-zones14:06
simondodsleylol - can I have my house always be at 5pm14:07
rosmaitaok, i guess we should get started14:07
jungleboyjWell, it is always 5 O'Clock somewhere.  14:07
rosmaita#topic announcements14:07
rosmaitathis is RC-1 target week14:08
rosmaitawhat that means is that the first Release Candidate will be released and a stable/2025.1 branch will be cut14:08
rosmaitathe deadline for RC-1 is friday14:08
rosmaitaafter friday, bugs will have to be fixed in master and then backported to stable/2025.114:09
rosmaitauntil the coordinated OpenStack release on Wednesday April 2, only release-critical bugs will be allowed to be backported14:09
simondodsleythat is concerning to me as I have a number of feature patches and bug fixes that have been waiting for some time14:09
rosmaitayeah, and i'm not sure what to say about that14:11
simondodsleyi just need some core reviews - mainly for as that is a big one we have been promising to customers. Needs one more core14:11
rosmaitain the meantime, if you come across an issue that you think is release-critical, you can put it on this etherpad14:11
whoami-rajatI remember reviewing some of them last week, do we have them listed on basis of priority?14:12
rosmaitayikes, -56 +78514:12
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: not yet, that i am aware of14:12
simondodsleyromaita: exactly - it's been there a long time14:13
yuvalI have a very small patch only doc's need another core review:
rosmaitasimondodsley: i will commit to looking that over today14:13
simondodsleythank you14:13
rosmaitayuval: done14:14
jungleboyjsimondodsley:  Me as well.  Just opened a tab.14:14
rosmaitajust a reminder to cores, the cinder project policy on doc-only changes is that they only need one +214:14
rosmaitajungleboyj: do you have time for ?14:15
rosmaita(or were you talking about something else?)14:16
jungleboyjrosmaita:  Yes, that one.14:16
rosmaitaok, if you can take that, i'll grab something else14:16
jungleboyjrosmaita: Sounds good.14:17
rosmaitaactually, i will grab since it fixes a feature14:17
simondodsleymy other outstanding patches are small14:18
whoami-rajatthis one is not release critical but it's a small one correcting DEBUG logging in RBD QoS code, the commit message mentions the before/after
whoami-rajatit turns out we were logging the module instead of the actual QoS values being applied14:18
rosmaitathat would be misleading14:19
whoami-rajatyeah i was puzzled to not see the QoS properties in logs and later i realized what was happening ...14:20
rosmaitawhoami-rajat: i will review that one if you hit this:
whoami-rajatwe now have NVMe over RDMA so who needs iSER :D14:21
whoami-rajatsure, will take a look14:21
rosmaitait has a child patch that would be an easy review, too14:22
rosmaitaok, but back to the main point, i.e., what's the top priority14:23
rosmaitathere was a encryption standardization patch that is important14:23
rosmaitalooks like the glance part is on hold for Flamingo, though14:25
rosmaitathis is the cinder patch:
rosmaitathis is the glance one:
whoami-rajatyeah, it would be good to get Glance team opinion on it, I would rather have all the code in same cycle to avoid backward compat issues14:27
rosmaitaok, makes sense ... we'll hold off on that one14:27
rosmaitathe other patch i was thinking of was abishop's display migration progress14:27
rosmaitai believe the nova side of that will not be in epoxy14:28
rosmaitathis is the cinder patch:
rosmaitait has a depends-on against the nova patch, so guess it will have to wait for Flamingo14:33
rosmaitaguess that's all for topics14:35
rosmaitaanyone have any concerns they want to raise?14:35
whoami-rajatI've two patches added to the critical etherpad, the RBD one is pretty critical to me, but otherwise we will need to add them to KNOWN ISSUES in reno14:36
whoami-rajats/critical/release critical14:36
rosmaitathose both look worthy to me14:37
rosmaitavdhakad: are you or someone from ibm here?14:38
rosmaitaok, i left a note about that one on the agenda etherpad14:40
rosmaitalooks like the pure patches mostly have one +2 already, so those shouldn't be too bad14:40
rosmaitaand actually, jungleboyj already committed to the one on line 8814:41
rosmaitathe hitachi & oem patch ... already had 2 +2s, so I just +w'd it14:41
akawairosmaita: thx14:42
rosmaitaok, if there is nothing else to discuss, we have 18 minutes of free reviewing time14:42
whoami-rajatjust to confirm, we are not pursuing the two features i.e. standardize encryption and report migration status?14:43
rosmaitamigration status : not pursuing for sure, since the nova patch is a dependency, and it won't be in nova epoxy14:44
rosmaitastandardize encryption: hate to leave it sitting, but it would be good to understand the glance concerns and whether it makes sense to merge the cinder patch without the glance one14:45
whoami-rajatack, thanks14:45
rosmaitaso i will ping Jon ... he can contact the core team if he thinks it should make it into Flamingo14:46
rosmaitawill have to merge tomorrow, though14:46
rosmaitaanything else?14:46
rosmaitago forth and review!!!14:47
rosmaitasee you next week14:47
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Mar 12 14:47:29 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:47
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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