Thursday, 2017-04-27

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TheJulia#startmeeting ironic_bfv16:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Apr 27 16:01:00 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is TheJulia. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'ironic_bfv'16:01
mjturekwelcome back TheJulia16:01
TheJulia#link Our Agenda, as always
TheJulia#topic Announcements/Reminders16:02
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TheJuliaI'm back from vacation and two business trips \o/16:02
TheJuliaAnd somehow I'm still alive16:02
TheJuliaDoes anyone have anything to announce this week?16:03
mjturekseems like a no :)16:04
derekhnot sure if its an announce, but I'm hoping to help out here if I can16:04
TheJuliaderekh: Welcome!16:04
TheJuliaMoving on!16:05
TheJulia#topic Current Status16:05
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TheJuliaI'm a little worried because I've not had time to digest the ether pad or check the review sets this morning.16:05
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mjturekCinder driver - didn't get a ton done but I fixed a problem with failing docs tests this morning. I also introduced a patch in hopes of handling one of the TODOs there. I have it in discussion for later on16:06
TheJuliaI guess your the light gold color in the ether pad?16:06
mjturekand orange16:06
mjturekit seems to fade to gold after about a week :)16:07
TheJuliaOkay, looks like the ether pad is in decent shape, I just updated the notes on two of the revisions to be more up to date.  Looks like needs a rebase too16:09
TheJuliaI guess that is it for status, there really is nothing else to cover it seems.16:10
TheJuliaSo if there are no objections, we can move on to discuss priorities16:10
* TheJulia takes the silence as agreement to proceed16:10
TheJulia#topic Planning/Priorities16:10
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TheJuliaLooks like hshiina found that there was some extra validation logic inside cinder that I didn't find when I dug through the code originally.  Which seems kind of silly since it is asserting things that some drivers don't actually even use :(16:13
TheJuliaBut it is enforcing the contract as it were16:13
mjturekgood finds hshiina16:13
TheJuliaSo that seems like it is going to take some refactoring on our part, unless we just want to catch the error somehow and make it visible.  I think he pointed this out in the validation checks on our side, so it makes sense to store the data and just double check on our end16:14
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TheJuliaThe task at hand seems fairly clear actually, Anyone up for volunteering to tackle it?16:15
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mjturekTheJulia: is it just cinder driver changes?16:15
mjturekto fix it I mean16:16
mjturekI'll volunteer then, but I'm planning on just catching the errors (unless someone has a better option)16:17
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TheJuliaMy brain needs to digest it a little more, to be honest16:17
mjturekfair enough, we can discuss off meeting16:17
TheJuliaI think catching the errors and returning them to the "operator" makes more sense16:17
TheJuliakeeps ironic lighter weight16:17
TheJuliaThat would be a topic my brain goes back and forth on though :)16:18
TheJulia#info mjturek to look at addressing hshiina's finds on the cinder driver with regards to required parameters for connections.16:18
TheJuliaI'll try to rebase the storage interface calls wire-in before the next meeting.  With the summit coming up, I have a few things on my plate so I'm not sure I'll get to it.16:19
TheJulia#info TheJulia to rebase the storage_interface wire-in change.16:20
hshiinamjturek, TheJulia thanks.16:20
TheJuliaI think that is good unless someone has plans or priorities to convey?16:20
mjturek+1 for moving along16:21
hshiinai agree that cinder driver is the priority16:21
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TheJuliaMoving along then!16:22
TheJulia#topic Discussion16:22
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mjturekSo my first item was the TODO on line 271 here
mjturekTheJulia mentions that retrieving the target from volume_id is preferred16:24
mjturekso I proposed this
openstackRemoving item from minutes: #link
openstackRemoving item from minutes: #link
TheJuliaWell, when did that stop working :(16:26
mjtureknot sure :(16:26
TheJuliaAnyway, looking at it16:27
TheJuliaBeing able to query directly helps get rid of the loop on 270, which makes sense16:28
mjturekcool, what about the fact that it returns a list of targets? The volume_id doesn't have a unique constraint so I figured it needs to be that way16:29
TheJuliaI have no objection to adding the db api call and updating that code accordingly, or it gets rid of the loop on 269.  Regardless, it becomes simpler and less looping16:29
mjturek\o/ alright I'll rebase the driver on top of it and use it16:30
TheJuliaYeah, that I need to think about though16:30
TheJuliaSo as long as the volumes are limited to the node the task is executing on, I think it is okay16:31
TheJuliaI mean targets, not volumes16:31
TheJuliaif the targets returned are on different nodes, then that is problematic16:31
mjturekif there's one where the node_uuid doesn't match, should it throw an exception?16:31
mjturekokay I think that answers my question lol16:32
TheJuliaYou could have multiple nodes connected to the same target though16:32
TheJuliabut they should have distinct records for each node in the targets16:32
mjturekhmm, alright I think I'm confused then. I'll need to think that over16:35
mjturekoh I think I get it16:35
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mjturekanyway, probably a topic for the code review :)16:36
TheJuliaYeah, Anyway, I guess we're good for set discussion topics.  Everyone ready to move along?16:36
TheJulia#topic Open Discussion16:38
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TheJuliaI have nothing else, other than I'm glad to be home :)16:38
derekhbefore I can help out on things I need to get myself familiar with whats going on,16:38
derekhif I get all the correct patches from the etherpad should I be able to boot a instance from a volume or is there more work yet to happen?16:38
derekhits always nice to be home ;-)16:38
derekhOnce I am familiar it, I'm happy to take suggestions on how to help out16:38
hshiinaderekh, i guess we need more work. there is a wip patch in ehterpad16:42
TheJuliaderekh: A little more work, mjturek was looking at getting things up and running in devstack. There is the tip patch that I posted to get feedback that needs to be finished16:42
mjturekderekh: hshiina also detailed how to try out the patches with devstack. Take a look in the devstack section\16:42
TheJuliaAlso, the nova changes, but hshiina and mjturek have been looking at that16:42
TheJuliaI feel like someone else was seeking background/context for BFV earlier in the week that could also be helpful for you derekh, but I'm completely drawing a blank on who pinged me.16:44
derekhok, I will take a look through the devstack section, to see how far I get, I'll ping should I hit any problems/questions, I only started setting up a env to try it out today so still feeling my way around16:45
* TheJulia gets out ye olde jet lag sign and just holds it above her head16:45
derekhTheJulia: it was me, I mentioned in the virt sprint that I was hoping to help out16:45
TheJuliaderekh: Awesome!16:45
TheJuliaOh, right!16:45
TheJuliaI think I was walking into a datacenter during that conversation too :)16:46
TheJuliaderekh: well, as with anything, we are just a ping away in #openstack-ironic :)16:46
derekhlol, anyways I can take a look at things and try them out, then I'll hopefully have something sensible to say next week16:46
TheJuliaOut of curiosity, is anyone going to be in boston for the Summit?16:47
derekhnot me16:47
hshiinai'm not going16:47
mjturekTheJulia: I'll be there :)16:48
TheJuliaAwesome, I was just kind of curious since I'll be there as well.16:50
TheJuliaAnyway, if we have nothing else to discuss, I say we call the meeting done, and get back to our various tasks for the day.16:50
mjturekttyl all16:51
derekhttyl, thanks16:51
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TheJuliaThank you everyone!16:52
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Apr 27 16:52:28 2017 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:52
openstackMinutes (text):
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