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fnordahl | #startmeeting charms | 10:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Mon May 7 10:00:02 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is fnordahl. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 10:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 10:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'charms' | 10:00 |
icey | Hey | 10:01 |
fnordahl | hi icey | 10:01 |
fnordahl | #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting | 10:01 |
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fnordahl | afaict there are no carry overs | 10:02 |
fnordahl | #topic State of Development for next Charm Release | 10:03 |
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fnordahl | We are two and a half weeks away from next release | 10:03 |
icey | When's freeze start? | 10:04 |
fnordahl | freeze at May 15th | 10:06 |
icey | one week out! | 10:07 |
fnordahl | indeed, time to get the bits in order | 10:07 |
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fnordahl | moving on | 10:08 |
fnordahl | #topic High Priority Bugs | 10:08 |
fnordahl | https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-charms/+bugs | 10:08 |
fnordahl | Use stable-backport tag for bugs http://tinyurl.com/charm-stable-backports | 10:08 |
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fnordahl | Critical bugs: https://tinyurl.com/osc-critical-bugs | 10:08 |
fnordahl | High priority bugs: https://tinyurl.com/osc-high-priority | 10:08 |
fnordahl | No critical bugs atm | 10:09 |
fnordahl | #topic Openstack Events | 10:10 |
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fnordahl | OpenStack Summit in Vancouver is coming up May 21th until 24th. We have presence there by multiple contributors | 10:12 |
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fnordahl | #topic Open Discussion | 10:13 |
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fnordahl | #topic Next Chair | 10:15 |
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fnordahl | I believe next in line is tinwood | 10:15 |
icey | we've got a winner! | 10:16 |
fnordahl | See you all in a couple of weeks! | 10:16 |
fnordahl | #endmeeting | 10:16 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Mon May 7 10:16:24 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 10:16 |
icey | thanks fnordahl ! | 10:16 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/charms/2018/charms.2018-05-07-10.00.html | 10:16 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/charms/2018/charms.2018-05-07-10.00.txt | 10:16 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/charms/2018/charms.2018-05-07-10.00.log.html | 10:16 |
fnordahl | later and thanks icey | 10:16 |
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dmellado | #startmeeting kuryr | 14:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Mon May 7 14:00:09 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dmellado. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'kuryr' | 14:00 |
dmellado | o/ Hi fellow kuryrs, who's here today to enjoy the exciting world of meetings? | 14:00 |
dulek | I've made it. :) | 14:00 |
danil | o/ | 14:01 |
dmellado | #chair dulek | 14:01 |
openstack | Current chairs: dmellado dulek | 14:01 |
yboaron | Hi ! | 14:01 |
dmellado | #chair yboaron | 14:01 |
openstack | Current chairs: dmellado dulek yboaron | 14:01 |
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ltomasbo | o/ | 14:03 |
dmellado | #chair ltomasbo | 14:03 |
openstack | Current chairs: dmellado dulek ltomasbo yboaron | 14:03 |
dmellado | all right | 14:03 |
dmellado | #topic kuryr-kubernetes | 14:03 |
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dmellado | So, folks, besides all the terror stories that we've been having as of lately with the upstream infra, who has something to share on the topic? ;) | 14:04 |
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ltomasbo | on the infra topic? | 14:04 |
ltomasbo | xD | 14:04 |
dulek | I'm back from PTO today, I'll be catching up with reviews. | 14:05 |
dulek | Don't worry, I don't delete any emails from Gerrit. ;) | 14:05 |
dmellado | dulek: lol | 14:05 |
dmellado | does that mean that you deleted mine? caught you | 14:05 |
dmellado | xD | 14:05 |
dmellado | ltomasbo: hopefully not on the infra topic | 14:05 |
ltomasbo | dmellado, then, reviews on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+spec/network-namespace are welcome! | 14:06 |
dmellado | I just noticed a race condition on the tempest plugin devstack plugin | 14:06 |
dmellado | heh, metaplugin | 14:06 |
ltomasbo | I'm working on the tempest tests for that | 14:06 |
dmellado | when it tries to install the plugin, it doesn't get off with the docker image built before installing docker so it fails | 14:06 |
dmellado | I'm testing a patch that just delays that creation to the very end of the devstack installation | 14:07 |
dmellado | #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kuryr-kubernetes/+spec/network-namespace | 14:07 |
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dmellado | now that we speak about reviews, danil, do you need anything taken a look into? | 14:08 |
danil | yeah | 14:08 |
danil | I would like to ask some questions about multi-vif & sriov patches in kuryr-k8s. I have fixed the most part of problems, core developers have mentioned | 14:08 |
danil | What do you think, is it worth to merge these patches sequentially. I mean , first patch (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471012/) is fully ready as I can see. It only changes a type of pod annotation, without changes in other functionality (it is specified in commit message) | 14:08 |
dmellado | danil: shoot then ;) | 14:08 |
danil | If not, I would like to hear my forward steps in work with these patches | 14:08 |
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dmellado | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471012/ | 14:09 |
dulek | Aww, I was supposed to propose an alternative to maybe_callback for that oneā¦ I'll need to do it ASAP. | 14:10 |
dmellado | danil: if it just adds a type of pod annotation I'd be fine | 14:10 |
dmellado | in any case zuul and dulek give you -1 | 14:10 |
dmellado | :) | 14:10 |
dmellado | dulek: ltomasbo I see that you've been addressing comments there | 14:11 |
dmellado | could you follow up so we can iterate and start merging this soon? | 14:11 |
dulek | dmellado: Heh, the maybe_callback thing can be addressed by refactor later if I won't come up with solution now. ;) | 14:11 |
danil | i've changed this patch according to dulek's remarks, as I remember | 14:11 |
dmellado | otherwise we'll be celebrating these patch's anniversary | 14:11 |
dulek | dmellado: So no -1 until I know exactly if there's a better way. | 14:11 |
dmellado | dulek: in any case please do leave some comment regarding that | 14:11 |
zhangoic | I have a question. When using kuryr, the kube-proxy is not necessary, is it right? | 14:11 |
dulek | For now it's just a wild hunch. :P | 14:11 |
dmellado | danil: please address the patch so it passes CI and I'll get some eyes on it ;) | 14:11 |
yboaron | zhangoic, that's correct | 14:12 |
dmellado | yboaron: go ahead ;) | 14:12 |
zhangoic | thanks | 14:12 |
ltomasbo | danil, I have another comment about the patch, as it only adds support for the daemon based cni, perhaps it is worthy to add it to the documentation | 14:12 |
danil | dmellado: I don't understand what ddo you mean, sorry | 14:12 |
dmellado | danil: the link that you passed to me | 14:13 |
ltomasbo | otherwise we will forget about it... | 14:13 |
dmellado | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/471012/ | 14:13 |
dmellado | is currently not passing CI | 14:13 |
dmellado | see zuul verified -1 there | 14:13 |
dmellado | it could be a glitch on the CI but nothing will get merged until it gives +1 there ;) | 14:13 |
dmellado | yboaron: could you elaborate on this? otherwise it's just yes - no | 14:14 |
dmellado | xD | 14:14 |
danil | yeap, I see. What should I cahange for that? | 14:14 |
danil | how to pass CI ? | 14:14 |
yboaron | dmellado, kube-procy is used in K8S for mapping service-name/IP to service's pods (actually by setting IP table rules) | 14:15 |
yboaron | proxy | 14:15 |
dmellado | yboaron: I'm aware that we just use neutron for that | 14:15 |
dmellado | but I wonder if it would make sense to add that to the docs | 14:15 |
yboaron | so with kuryr we use Neutron LBaaS or Octavia for that purpose | 14:15 |
zhangoic | kuryr support the type of clusterIP for service? | 14:16 |
dmellado | danil: so, for example | 14:17 |
dmellado | http://logs.openstack.org/12/471012/37/check/openstack-tox-lower-constraints/0001367/ara-report/ | 14:17 |
ltomasbo | zhangoic, that's right, and LoadBalancer type | 14:17 |
zhangoic | How about nodeport service in k8s | 14:17 |
dmellado | that seems to be an issue on the infra | 14:17 |
ltomasbo | zhangoic, there is no support for nodeport | 14:17 |
dmellado | so just recheck it for now | 14:17 |
danil | sure, thanks | 14:17 |
dmellado | you can also go to the openstack-infra channel | 14:18 |
dmellado | and ask any cores | 14:18 |
yboaron | zhangoic, try this link #link https://docs.openstack.org/kuryr-kubernetes/latest/installation/services.html | 14:18 |
danil | dmellado: thanks a lot | 14:18 |
zhangoic | OK | 14:18 |
dmellado | and also when you're waiting for it, you can check zuul.openstack.org | 14:18 |
dmellado | and see in real time what's going on with that exact gate | 14:18 |
danil | dmellado: sure, I see. Thanks. Hope this patch to be merged soon | 14:19 |
dmellado | danil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fowBDdLGBlU | 14:19 |
dmellado | slightly old but I guess watching that would still be useful | 14:19 |
dmellado | danil: in any case if you get stuck at it feel free to ping us on the kuryr channel | 14:20 |
dmellado | I would also like to start getting the feature merged | 14:20 |
danil | dmellado: sure, thank you | 14:20 |
yboaron | I can update on ingress controller patches.. | 14:22 |
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dmellado | yboaron: go ahead | 14:22 |
dmellado | thanks! | 14:22 |
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yboaron | So, I received comments from Luis&Toni, Toni's suggested to have a single driver for both endpoints and ingress/routes | 14:23 |
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dmellado | hm, it's true that I'd also like to tidy up the driver section as it's quite widespread, so opverall +1 on that | 14:24 |
yboaron | and it sound reasonable, my first patch is just to prepare LBasS driver before extending it to support ingress | 14:24 |
yboaron | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/566175/ | 14:24 |
dmellado | yboaron: thanks, I will put that to my review queue too | 14:25 |
yboaron | second patch just adds support for the ingress controller LB manual creation fir devstack deployment | 14:25 |
ltomasbo | 'just' xD | 14:25 |
dmellado | lol | 14:25 |
yboaron | #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564051/ | 14:25 |
dmellado | ltomasbo: don't tell me that is one of 'these' patches | 14:26 |
* dmellado opens it waiting for 300+ loc | 14:26 | |
dmellado | ltomasbo: 117, could've been much bigger | 14:26 |
yboaron | I have two more patches in the oven to support ingress controller and the second for ocp-route handler | 14:26 |
* dmellado just recalls about .zuul.yaml and the fact that he needs to rebase the split patch | 14:26 | |
ltomasbo | I thought it was the next one! | 14:26 |
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yboaron | ltomasbo, did you mean to the ingress controller patches or something else | 14:27 |
dmellado | heh, you were surprised, just like me when I was told that apuimedo passed customs in the end | 14:27 |
ltomasbo | yep! I already took a look at both patches you just posted and they look ok | 14:28 |
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yboaron | ltomasbo, thanks!, I need to update #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/536387/ with Toni's comments | 14:29 |
dmellado | yboaron: do you have a gerrit topic for the whole effort? | 14:29 |
ltomasbo | yboaron, yep, I saw that, please ping me when you have done so (I want to test it too!) | 14:30 |
yboaron | I have BP | 14:30 |
yboaron | ltomasbo, I"ll ping you | 14:30 |
ltomasbo | thanks! | 14:30 |
dmellado | yboaron: awesome, I'll put some comments as well | 14:30 |
dmellado | so, anything else folks? | 14:30 |
yboaron | Q: do we support devstack deployment for the nested case ? | 14:31 |
dmellado | yboaron: we're waiting for a patch on zuul to get merged | 14:31 |
dmellado | and then we'll have multinode support | 14:31 |
dmellado | please do notice that by multinode I mean several compute nodes | 14:31 |
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dmellado | once that that's done I'll add the nested scenario as we'll have enough capacity | 14:31 |
ltomasbo | yboaron, we have the local.conf files for it, but it is not tested right now on the gates | 14:31 |
dmellado | I'm not sure on the speed, though, as the upstream infra doesn't support nested kvm | 14:32 |
dmellado | so it might be quite sluggish | 14:32 |
dmellado | so that's the current status | 14:32 |
dmellado | ofc as ltomasbo said, you can try on your own if you've a machine big enough | 14:32 |
dmellado | ;) | 14:32 |
yboaron | ltomasbo, it's seems that it not tested | 14:32 |
ltomasbo | yboaron, it is not tested due to gate limitations | 14:32 |
ltomasbo | yboaron, but you can try it on your machine (if you have 16Gb or so) | 14:33 |
dmellado | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558762/ | 14:33 |
dmellado | ^^ | 14:33 |
dmellado | so, that's the patch which is waiting on its dependant to get merged | 14:33 |
dmellado | we'll be able to add more capacity and test nested upstream after it | 14:33 |
dmellado | as well as openshift-ansible installation, hopefully | 14:33 |
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yboaron | ltomasbo, I meant from code prespective , we don't 'clean' kuryr openstack infra resources (LB, etc) on unstack | 14:33 |
ltomasbo | ahh, that is most probably the case | 14:34 |
dmellado | yboaron: what usecase you have in mind? | 14:34 |
dmellado | if it's for CI I'd say we just 'don't care' | 14:34 |
ltomasbo | yboaron, but usually I have to do 2 stacks (one for the undercloud, one for the overcloud) | 14:34 |
yboaron | stack+unstack+stack for nested | 14:35 |
ltomasbo | so, it is hard to have a complete cleanup, though I guess if you remove the undercloud, everything is gone anyway | 14:35 |
yboaron | all for the overclpoud | 14:35 |
yboaron | overcloud | 14:35 |
ltomasbo | ahh, no, for just the overcloud it will not work | 14:35 |
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yboaron | OK, 10x!, do u think we should support such use case ? | 14:37 |
dmellado | hmmm | 14:37 |
dmellado | yboaron: for the CI part, not really a need tbh | 14:37 |
dmellado | just for dev side it'd be nice but I don't think it's a must-have | 14:37 |
yboaron | OK, I file a bug for that, and we"ll see | 14:38 |
ltomasbo | please do! | 14:38 |
dmellado | yboaron: also ltomasbo looked like he wanted to volunteer for this | 14:38 |
dmellado | so you can assign him | 14:39 |
dmellado | :D | 14:39 |
ltomasbo | yboaron, though I guess that is not easy to do unless we have kuryr resources on CRDs | 14:39 |
yboaron | ltomasbo, I thought to 'clean' just the infra resources first | 14:39 |
yboaron | by infra I mean kury-kubernets LB, SG, etc | 14:40 |
yboaron | BTW, do we have solution for that in openshift-ansible case? | 14:40 |
ltomasbo | but how do you know what LBs belong to one or the other? | 14:40 |
ltomasbo | yboaron, in openshift-ansible I proposed this (as it is simpler as we deploy with heat templates): https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/pull/8254/files | 14:41 |
ltomasbo | but it is slightly different, as we have real overcloud/undercloud also, here we call it undercloud/overcloud | 14:42 |
ltomasbo | but it is more like worker node on a VM | 14:42 |
yboaron | the deployment code should know which resources were created for the deployment , right ? | 14:42 |
yboaron | ltomasbo, anyhow, let's take it offline, is it OK with you ? | 14:42 |
ltomasbo | yboaron, yep, but if you have a sg being used by a kuryr created pod, it will not be able to delete it | 14:42 |
ltomasbo | sure sure | 14:42 |
ltomasbo | let's move to the next topic! | 14:42 |
dmellado | so next topic it's easy | 14:43 |
dmellado | #topic open discussion | 14:43 |
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dmellado | Just wanted to let you know that after getting the feedback from the PTG | 14:44 |
dmellado | we won't be going there as a group, and instead we'll get to talk about whether we do a mid-cycle elsewhere, a VTG again or even both | 14:44 |
dmellado | I might go to Denver (choo-choo) again just to interact with another projects, such as infra and QA (and probably Octavia) though | 14:45 |
dmellado | if you didn't get to know the choo-choo then you were lucky and didn't get to attend that PTG xD | 14:45 |
dmellado | and I guess this finishes today's meeting | 14:47 |
dmellado | I'll save you 13 minutes of your life | 14:47 |
dmellado | thanks for attending everyone! | 14:47 |
ltomasbo | xD | 14:47 |
dmellado | #endmeeting | 14:48 |
dmellado | #endmeeting | 14:48 |
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openstack | Meeting ended Mon May 7 14:48:12 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:48 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/kuryr/2018/kuryr.2018-05-07-14.00.html | 14:48 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/kuryr/2018/kuryr.2018-05-07-14.00.txt | 14:48 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/kuryr/2018/kuryr.2018-05-07-14.00.log.html | 14:48 |
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