Thursday, 2020-09-10

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gibi#startmeeting nova16:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Sep 10 16:00:34 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gibi. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'nova'16:00
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gibilets get started16:02
gibi#topic Bugs (stuck/critical)16:02
*** openstack changes topic to "Bugs (stuck/critical) (Meeting topic: nova)"16:02
gibithe has been marked Critical16:02
openstackLaunchpad bug 1882521 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Failing device detachments on Focal" [Critical,Confirmed] - Assigned to Lee Yarwood (lyarwood)16:02
gibilyarwood opened a qemu bug
openstackLaunchpad bug 1894804 in QEMU "Second DEVICE_DELETED event missing during virtio-blk disk device detach" [Undecided,New]16:02
bauzaswell, technically, we haven't regressed and our gate isn't broken16:04
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bauzasso the Critical status is remarkable16:04
gibido we consider this as release critical? shall I mark it with  victoria-rc-potential tag?16:04
lyarwoodwhich bug is this sorry?16:04
openstackLaunchpad bug 1882521 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Failing device detachments on Focal" [Critical,Confirmed] - Assigned to Lee Yarwood (lyarwood)16:04
lyarwoodso how is this is not critical?16:05
bauzasmy point was, I totally understand this being a priority16:05
lyarwoodfocal is the supported os from V16:05
bauzasis this used in the gate ?16:05
bauzasok, then tagging the bug16:05
bauzasif so, nothing to complain16:06
bauzasdo we have a logstash query ?16:06
lyarwoodI can write one up if it's required16:06
bauzastrying to see how much this impacts16:06
gibilyarwood: it is actually not breaking the gate right now, is it?16:06
lyarwoodat the moment we've added the failing tests to a blacklist on a number of jobs16:07
bauzasgibi: to answer your question, looks like it's a good candidate indeed16:07
bauzasgibi: that's my whole question16:07
gibilyarwood: and we have the intention to remove them from the backlist before V?16:07
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bauzasCriticals are for either regression or gate failures16:07
gibiif so then it is release critical16:07
bauzasagreed on this one16:07
lyarwoodgibi: right that's my understanding16:07
gibithen I added victoria-rc-potential to the bug too16:08
bauzasagain, I think we need to identify the impact16:08
bauzasI haven't seen personnally the gate borked by this one but I could be wrong16:08
sean-k-mooneyby which?16:08
gibibauzas: it is not borked as the test is turned off16:08
sean-k-mooneymissed the start16:08
lyarwoodbecause it hasn't moved to focal yet16:08
sean-k-mooneyoh focal16:09
lyarwoodsean-k-mooney: the focal detach bug16:09
openstackLaunchpad bug 1882521 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Failing device detachments on Focal" [Critical,Confirmed] - Assigned to Lee Yarwood (lyarwood)16:09
sean-k-mooneyya so we think that likel a cirros/qemu bug not nova right16:09
bauzasok, now I have a better understanding, thanks16:09
sean-k-mooneyi know we may be able to adress it in nova better16:09
sean-k-mooneybut the difference in behavior on focal is likely cause by somethign external to nova16:09
sean-k-mooneyi dont think we should be holding swapting the gate jobs to focal because of this16:10
lyarwoodwell the knock on impact is that we lose some coverage in the gate16:10
bauzassean-k-mooney: is that 100% reproducible when you detach a device on Focal ?16:10
sean-k-mooneyif we really need too we could run a centos-8 job for the test coverage16:10
lyarwoodbut you're right there's not a lot we can do about it in Nova16:10
sean-k-mooneybauzas: not 100%16:11
lyarwoodsean-k-mooney: what about Fedora? /s16:11
sean-k-mooneybauzas: you need suffenct load16:11
sean-k-mooneylyarwood: no16:11
sean-k-mooneyi dont think we shoudl have gating jobs on fedora16:11
gibiso we move to focal, keep the test disabled, and if qemu or us figure out a fix then we build an RC+1 out of it16:11
lyarwoodnote the /s16:11
lyarwoodgibi: ack16:11
sean-k-mooneycentos-8 has the same verion of qemu and libvirt as focal16:11
bauzassean-k-mooney: lyarwood: so the logstash query is like super important16:11
gibi#action lyarwood to provide a logstash query16:12
bauzasgibi: is there something we need to do from a nova perspective ?16:12
gibican we move on?16:12
gibibauzas: handle the communication in the qemu bugreport?!16:12
bauzasbecause from my understanding, I don't see anything actionable from nova during RC116:12
sean-k-mooneybauzas: we may be able to handel the detach more gracefully16:12
lyarwoodsean-k-mooney: that still wouldn't fix it btw16:12
bauzasor requiring a patch to be shipped in RC1, if you prefer16:12
bauzasmy whole point16:13
bauzasI don't see a need for us to leave a Critical bug unresolvable on our side16:13
gibibauzas: if qemu devs could point out a workaround that is implementable on nova side then we can release that16:13
lyarwoodthere's nothing in Nova at the moment but I think we still need to track this to remove tests from the blacklist before GA if QEMU is fixed16:13
sean-k-mooneyok so maybe just drop critical and make it high16:14
lyarwoodsure if it's going to stop us going around in circles ;D16:14
gibilets back to this next week16:14
gibimoving on16:14
bauzasthe point is, we're going to track this bugreport as something due for RC116:14
bauzasbut if that doesn't bother people here...16:14
gibiI think we would like to track it16:15
gibibeside this single bug there are  36 new untriaged bugs (+7 since the last meeting):
gibiso there are inflow we have to look at16:15
gibiand triage16:15
gibiif you see regressions then please tag them with victoria-rc-potential16:16
gmannyeah that is one the blocker for Focal migration -
bauzasgibi: I'm on bug triaging next week16:16
gibibauzas: thanks. I will also try. I will let you know when taking the baton16:16
bauzashopefully the number will decrease16:16
bauzasgibi: sure16:16
gibiany other bug we need to talk about here?16:17
gibi#topic Runways16:18
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gibietherpad #link
gibirunways is being closed now for Victoria due to feature freeze16:18
gibithanks for participating in it16:18
gibi#topic Release Planning16:19
*** openstack changes topic to "Release Planning (Meeting topic: nova)"16:19
gibiwe have Feature Freeze today16:19
gibias of Milestone 316:19
gibiFeature Freeze Exception can be requested on the ML. See my mail #link
gibiI don't expect a long list of requests16:19
gibiwe have the release tracking etherpad #link
gibiplease add release TODOs there16:20
gibias well as critical patches16:20
gibiwe have the last client library release for victoria today, so python-novaclient has been released #link
gibiWe need to produce release notes prelude before RC1 (in two weeks), bauzas started to write it up16:21
gibiWe need to set RPC version aliases before RC116:21
bauzasgibi: I'll provide the change number before the meeting end16:21
gibibauzas: thanks!16:21
bauzasgibi: remember we had a discussion last cycle on RPC major versioning16:22
gibibauzas: yeah I started on it but lost focuse16:22
bauzasand we said it was quite a large effort for a little gain16:22
bauzasshould we try to make it real ?16:22
gibiI will re-try it in W16:22
bauzasI can take a look if that helps16:22
gibilet's get back to this early W, I will add a line to the PTG etherpad about it16:23
bauzasgibi: we're two weeks from RC1, maybe we can try it16:23
bauzasI used to write some of such changes in the past16:23
gibilast cycle we discussed that this should be started lot earlier than M316:23
bauzasI'm maybe rusty but I feel brave enough16:23
bauzasbut I forgot16:24
bauzaswell, the point is, you need at least two changes16:24
gibianything else about the coming release?16:24
gibi#topic Stable Branches16:25
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gibiany news?16:25
elodnothing much from my side. patches landed slowly but steady since last week.16:27
gibithanks elod16:27
gibi#topic Sub/related team Highlights16:27
*** openstack changes topic to "Sub/related team Highlights (Meeting topic: nova)"16:27
gibiAPI (gmann)16:27
gmannpolicy file json to yaml migration patches are merged.16:27
gmannwe have officially deprecated the JSON format of the policy file (but having a fallback to old default of json file).16:28
gmannalso upgrade check is added for detect the JSON formatted file. sometime in future, we will be able to remove the JSON support itself and can have erorr from oslo side.16:28
gmannbut from nova side, all work is done.16:28
stephenfin \o/16:28
gibiLibvirt (bauzas)16:29
bauzasnothing to report but lyarwood had a thing last week IIRC16:29
bauzaswhich was... versioning !16:29
lyarwoodjust the QEMU and libvirt version bumps16:29
lyarwoodbut that's on hold until we move to focal16:29
lyarwoodreviews still welcome16:29
bauzaswhich makes sense16:30
bauzaslyarwood: link ?16:30
gibi#topic PTG and Forum planning16:30
*** openstack changes topic to "PTG and Forum planning (Meeting topic: nova)"16:30
stephenfinlyarwood: I thought I'd all those done?16:30
stephenfinwait, nvm16:31
gibiI've booked PTG slots for us see mail #link
gibi             please collect PTG topics in #link
gibiif you need cross project sessions please let me know16:32
gibicyborg already did16:32
gibiany other PTG related topic?16:32
sean-k-mooneyim not sure if we will need with with cinder or neutron16:32
gibiat least no topics yet16:32
gibi#topic Open discussion16:33
*** openstack changes topic to "Open discussion (Meeting topic: nova)"16:33
gibiI have one16:33
gibiI will approve the vmware undeprecation patch after this meeting if no objection. #link
gibiso any objections?16:33
sean-k-mooneywe have one potential downstream request realted to ceph that would require cinder/nova coperateion but at present i think its premature to add to the ptg for what its worth16:33
lyarwoodsean-k-mooney: the users thing?16:34
gibisean-k-mooney: ack, just plug it to the ethepad if it become serious16:34
sean-k-mooneylyarwood: yes16:34
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gibiso vmware going once16:35
gibigoing twice16:35
bauzasyou're the PTL, dude16:35
bauzasstand up16:35
bauzaspeople had time to argue16:35
gibiany other open discussion topic?16:36
gibiif not then thanks for joining today16:37
gibiit is beer time in the EU anyhow16:37
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openstackMeeting ended Thu Sep 10 16:37:42 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:37
openstackMinutes (text):
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bauzasgibi: meh, my keg is empty :( :( :(16:39
gibiI'm sorry for hearing that16:39
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toskyzuulv3!!!! :)16:42
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