Tuesday, 2020-12-08

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jopdorpDo we have meeting today?06:58
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yoctozeptojopdorp: yes07:02
yoctozepto#startmeeting masakari07:03
openstackMeeting started Tue Dec  8 07:03:00 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is yoctozepto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.07:03
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.07:03
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'masakari'07:03
yoctozepto#topic Roll-call07:03
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yoctozepto#topic Agenda07:05
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yoctozepto* Roll-call07:05
yoctozepto* Agenda07:05
yoctozepto* Announcements07:05
yoctozepto* Review action items from the last meeting07:05
yoctozepto* CI status07:05
yoctozepto* Backports pending reviews07:05
yoctozepto* Release planning https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-wallaby-vptg07:05
yoctozepto* Open discussion07:05
yoctozepto#topic Announcements07:06
*** openstack changes topic to "Announcements (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:06
yoctozeptoI have none07:06
yoctozeptodo you have any?07:06
yoctozepto#topic Review action items from the last meeting07:08
*** openstack changes topic to "Review action items from the last meeting (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:08
yoctozeptoand there were...07:08
yoctozepto#topic CI status07:08
*** openstack changes topic to "CI status (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:08
jopdorpyoctozepto: i see you have changes to introduce periodic jobs07:10
yoctozeptolooks healthy but we don't have periodic jobs approved07:10
yoctozeptojopdorp: yes07:10
yoctozeptoplease approve them (I can do it myself but it's no fun)07:11
suzhengweiHow ofen the periodic job runs?07:12
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: daily07:12
suzhengweiIf one patch is hold by gerit too long, would there be many times ci jobs if no changes?07:16
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: periodics run against current state of the branch they are active one; they do not act upon proposed changes07:18
yoctozeptoall right, moving on07:19
yoctozepto(please approve)07:19
yoctozepto#topic Backports pending reviews07:19
*** openstack changes topic to "Backports pending reviews (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:19
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yoctozepto#link https://review.opendev.org/q/(project:openstack/masakari+OR+project:openstack/masakari-monitors+OR+project:openstack/python-masakariclient+OR+project:openstack/masakari-dashboard)+status:open+-branch:master07:19
yoctozeptoNo changes!07:19
yoctozepto#topic Release planning https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-wallaby-vptg07:20
*** openstack changes topic to "Release planning https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-wallaby-vptg (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:20
yoctozeptowhat are you progresses on the above?07:20
yoctozeptoI have seen nautik's mail to the mailing list07:20
yoctozepto#link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-December/019252.html07:20
yoctozeptono response so far though07:20
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: looking07:21
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: where is the blueprint/spec?07:21
suzhengweiyoctozepto: I noticed one email from nautik. [ironic][masakari] Should masakari rely on Ironic to power fence failing hosts?07:23
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: yes, I wrote about it exactly07:24
yoctozeptothe link is above07:24
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: ok, I tabbed myself the blueprint+spec+patch trio07:25
yoctozeptoI will act upon it this week, will try today but no promises07:25
yoctozeptoI see jopdorp has already +2 so I assume it will go smoothly :-)07:26
yoctozeptoall right, anything more on the wallaby progress?07:26
yoctozeptojopdorp's docs perhaps? :-)07:26
jopdorpI did some change based on your comments07:27
jopdorpIn this07:27
yoctozeptojopdorp: ack, tabbed as well07:28
jopdorpThere is still this open blueprint https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/masakari-specs/+/76251707:29
jopdorpIf it gets approved I will write another blueprint about migrating instances back to the recovered hosts07:29
jopdorpThere is this one that su approved07:30
suzhengweiEnable/Disable evacuation segment wise, I think it is ready for implent.07:32
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: yes, we agreed the naming is fine so it is good to proceed with reviews07:33
yoctozeptojopdorp: yeah, this is spec; it should be linked to a blueprint07:33
suzhengweioh, I'm having a bad connection to gerrit. Can't open the above link.07:33
yoctozeptosuzhengwei: hmmmm, let us know if this persists07:34
yoctozeptojopdorp: regarding v1/ fixing, I have yet to confirm whether there should be a redirect there or something else, will check07:34
suzhengweijust today.07:35
jopdorpI will make a blueprint07:35
yoctozeptojopdorp: thanks07:36
yoctozepto#topic Open discussion07:36
*** openstack changes topic to "Open discussion (Meeting topic: masakari)"07:37
yoctozeptoaand now for anything else07:37
nautikHello guys, sorry for being late07:39
yoctozeptonautik: better late than never ;-)07:39
nautikdon't hesitate if any question about the blueprint I wrote07:39
suzhengweinautik: Long time to see07:40
nautikyes indeed, hope you are well!07:40
nautikI discovered more about the nova system scopes, which is a way (since ussuri) to differenciate the admin of a project from a "super-admin", having system rights on the whole deployment07:41
yoctozeptoyeah, that makes sense; any docs on that?07:41
nautikthe links in "reference" are useful07:43
nautikAt some point it could be interesting to implement the "new defaults" in masakari's policies (relying on this system-scope permissions)07:44
nautikBut so far it has been done nearly only in nova so probably no rush07:44
nautikwe tried to implement it in a deployment, but it is really a pain to use as cinder or neutron have not yet implemented this07:45
yoctozeptonautik: it's as much of a rush as we think is right ;-)07:45
yoctozeptonautik: yeah, I can imagine07:45
yoctozeptoany idea how much "not started" this really is for them?07:46
nautikAnyway, just wanted to share the information as this is a step in the good direction IMO :)07:46
nautikWell actually it is really not a huge work I think, as oslo_policy implements this. So you can simply set a custom policy using `system-scope:all` rule and it will be correctly set07:47
yoctozeptoagreed here as well; pretty much this should have been like this from the very beginning :-)07:47
nautikwe've tried it in glance for example07:47
yoctozeptowell, I guess this is tricky in the little bits07:48
nautikthe work it to set the alternative "new defaults" instead of requiring the operator to customize its policies to use it07:48
nautikhaven't looked into this much yet07:48
nautikand for cinder they actually have more work to do before that, which is relying on the token to determine the role of a user (I think)07:49
nautikinstead of the `project_id` that is set in the cinder endpoint url07:49
nautikbecause when using system-scope, you don't have a project_id anymore, so currently you can't talk to cinder ^^07:50
nautikit was the same in masakari FYI, but I tried just removing the `tenant_id` from the endpoint URL and it works well07:50
yoctozeptoyeah, I've seen that07:50
yoctozeptoslight ommission :-)07:50
nautikSo on our side I think it is just changing a default or documentation somewhere07:51
nautikfor this endpoint thing07:51
yoctozeptocould be, need to read up on it07:51
yoctozeptoI advise others read up too if they have time07:51
nautikAnyway, in the same topic, don't hesitate to check out this blueprint and its implementation: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/masakari/+spec/support-nova-system-scope-policies07:54
nautikThe idea is not to implement system-scope in masakari (in the masakari api), but rather for now "be able to talk to a nova that has system-scoped permissions enforced"07:54
suzhengweiI would like to read up on it.07:54
yoctozeptonautik: ack, makes sense07:58
yoctozeptonautik: I'll read up on it and let you know whether blueprint is sufficient or we need a spec07:59
yoctozeptoI believe bp is sufficient07:59
yoctozeptoall right07:59
nautiksure, tell me07:59
yoctozeptothank you all for joining and being active07:59
yoctozeptojopdorp, suzhengwei, nautik08:00
*** openstack changes topic to "This channel is *LOGGED* | IRC meetings on even-week Tuesdays @ 07:00 UTC | Whiteboard: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/masakari-whiteboard"08:00
openstackMeeting ended Tue Dec  8 08:00:15 2020 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)08:00
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2020/masakari.2020-12-08-07.03.html08:00
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2020/masakari.2020-12-08-07.03.txt08:00
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/masakari/2020/masakari.2020-12-08-07.03.log.html08:00
nautikhave a good day!08:00
jopdorpSee ya!08:00
yoctozeptosee you and have a good day indeed!08:00
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