Wednesday, 2020-08-12

*** masterpe has joined #openstack-masakari09:43
masterpeHi, I have a issue with the Masakari horizon plugin. I'm I in the correct channel for this?09:44
yoctozeptomasterpe: yup, but we haven't seen anyone from the core team here for ages :/09:45
yoctozeptoI assume it was your bug report that I saw09:46
yoctozeptoI actually subscribe to that thingy09:46
masterpeI indeed created yesterday a bug09:46
masterpeit was bug 1891230 that I created09:47
openstackbug 1891230 in masakari "Masakari horizon plugin does not follow OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE" [Undecided,New]
yoctozeptoyeah, that one indeed09:47
yoctozeptowell, it also does not set cafile properly09:48
masterpeI was talking with jrosser about it last monday on #openstack-ansible and he pointed me to where it sets the OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE but, Masakari does not do that.09:51
masterpeI think that in the variable request has the endpoint address, but I can not find the place where the request get filled.10:28
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