Wednesday, 2020-07-29

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devfazwatersj: same here. just created a bugreport some days ago.17:51
devfazyoctozepto: masakari is trying to set the agent down, but is using a wrong nova call which is only working if agent is reachable or marked as down.17:52
devfazcurrently working on a good fix. a workaround is moving the sleep in masakari-engine to the top17:53
watersjdevfaz, i'll look at workaround18:00
devfazwatersj: can send my patch, but currently not in the office +12h18:03
watersjyes please18:03
watersjwhen you can18:03
devfazsure, just remind me at 8 cest if i forgot to send the patch :)18:03
devfazCentralEuropeanSummerTime :)18:04
yoctozeptodevfaz: yup, I'm pretty sad no masakari cores visit mailing list nor irc18:05
yoctozepto(nor launchpad for that matter!)18:05
devfazyoctozepto: is there a list of cores?18:12
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