Saturday, 2025-03-15

ManideepMaddileti[m]Hello all.Is this right place to introduce myself to openstack org for outreachy?07:29
ManideepMaddileti[m]* Hello all. Is this07:30
tkajinamManideepMaddileti[m], I believe so if you are supposed to be involved in the manila project (sorry but I myself don't know details of recent outreachy programs)11:48
tkajinamManideepMaddileti[m], but I'm afraid this is not the right "timing". As you can guess most of the people are less active during weekend11:48
tkajinam^^^ gouthamr carloss just in case you are around 11:49
gouthamrthanks tkajinam; welcome, ManideepMaddileti[m]14:39
gouthamrfeel free to post questions here, or on #openstack-outreachy … however, as tkajinam notes, folks are less active during weekends and responses may be delayed…. if you step away, since you’re using IRC through Matrix/Element, you should still be able to see our pings/responses when you’re back14:40
opendevreviewSaikumar Pulluri proposed openstack/manila master: [RFE] Add capabilities on manila share instance model.
opendevreviewTony Faijue proposed openstack/manila master: updated share group type doc

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