Monday, 2025-03-03

opendevreviewMerged openstack/puppet-manila master: Allow installation of nfs client by another module
zigoHi there! manilaclient fails with osc-lib 3.1.0, it's requirements must be bumped to 3.2.0. Can someone take care of this?10:39
zigo(2 unit tests fail...)10:41
carlosszigo: thanks for the heads-up11:33
carlossI'll take a look11:33
zigoThanks for taking care of it.11:43
gouthamrzigo: we haven't bumped the minimum version in python-manilaclient for a long time; but, osc-lib 3.2.0 is in the upper constraints in global requirements:
zigogouthamr: Yeah, though running tests with 3.1.0 leads to
gouthamrwe can bump the minimum version in requirements.txt to it, or explicitly prevent the version that doesn't work: 3.1.0 .. but we're past feature freeze, and just got workflowed15:12
zigoI encountered it, because I'm building my Debian packages in Experimental, with most deps taken from last release in Unstable (for new versions of OpenStack).15:12
gouthamrwhy is 3.1.0 being used in your env? why not 3.2.0? 15:13
zigogouthamr: The fact that we're in feature freeze is *never* a good reason to leave broken requirements. This has been discussed many, many times. I personally don't really care, but that's a courthesy for other downstream users (ie: other distros than Debian).15:13
zigogouthamr: Just told you... because if I don't express the constaint, it takes the package from previous OpenStack release, when I upload to Debian experimental. That's on purpose, so I can catch wrong requirements like this one.15:15
zigozigo@k:zbuz>_ ~ $ rmadison python3-osc-lib15:15
zigopython3-osc-lib | 3.1.0-3       | unstable     | all15:15
zigopython3-osc-lib | 3.2.0-1       | experimental | all15:15
zigoThat's a good thing, so I can make sure the upgrade process is correct.15:16
gouthamrlate ack, zigo .. makes sense, i see 3.1.0 as the upper constraint in the previous release, so i'll bump up osc-lib to 3.2.0 in our requirements; osc-lib 3.1.0 is still valid for python-manilaclient===5.0.020:35
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: bump osc-lib in requirements
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila-ui master: Drop unnecessary direct dependency on iso8601
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: bump osc-lib in requirements
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Actually try to log in via SSH to validate server
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila master: Actually try to log in via SSH to validate server

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