Thursday, 2024-07-04

kpdevhi NetApp folks, please review 12:14
*** iurygregory_ is now known as iurygregory13:02
opendevreviewMerged openstack/manila-specs master: Add spec lite for resource metadata backend operations
opendevreviewCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila-specs master: Add spec for ensure shares
carlosskpdev: sorry to end the meeting15:41
carlossack, I agree with you... the review focus etherpad can and should be used for that purpose15:41
kpdevjust from my experience with other projects, the reviews are delayed in manila... so more people should give attention to and participate15:42
carlossack, thank you for the feedback15:42
tspyderboy[m]Hi carloss:  I think my devstack machine's log is overflowing and has consumed all hard disk memory.19:33
tspyderboy[m]From where can I find and delete it.19:33
carlosshey tspyderboy[m] o/ 19:34
carlossI believe this should help19:34
carlossyour /var/log directory is very likely growing too much19:35
carlossthat happens to most of the devstack vms that stay up for a while19:35
carlossif you run `ls -lah /var/log` you should be able to confirm that the syslog file is too big19:36
carlosshope the link helps :) 19:36
carlossif it doesn't please let me know19:36
carlosstspyderboy[m]: do you still have access to the VM? asking because it can get to a point where the vm shuts off19:37
tspyderboy[m]Thanks carloss: truncated syslog 19:41
tspyderboy[m]The issue was with local machine19:41
tspyderboy[m]Now devstack is running good19:41
carlossglad to know19:42
tspyderboy[m]I will check the status of provisioned VM too, it might be facing the same issue as it was responding slowly too19:43

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