Wednesday, 2022-11-09

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madamskihi, I have a problem with CephFS snapshots created by Manila not being exposed in the .snap directory properly and I'm wondering if it's a known issue09:47
madamskifor some reason only the first snapshot is shown there, but it's always empty09:48
madamskitested with Yoga and Zed on Ceph Nautilus, Octopus and Quincy09:48
madamskiI thought it might be a problem with Ceph, but when I create subvolumes and snapshots from scratch with the ceph fs subvolume interface, it works ok09:49
vkmcmadamski, hey there09:49
vkmcmadamski, do you have logs from the m-shr we can look into? 09:49
vkmcmadamski, also, which versions are you using? for both OpenStack and Ceph 09:50
madamskivkmc, I can try to produce some useful logs09:56
vkmcmadamski, I'll try to reproduce in my env too 09:56
madamskivkmc: as to the Manila version I'm using, it's Zed from Ubuntu Cloud Archive, 15.0.0-0ubuntu1~cloud009:57
vkmcmadamski, right, so I assume Ceph is the version shipped by the distro 09:57
vkmcwhich I think it's Quincy09:57
madamskivkmc: and Ceph is the newest Quincy, 17.2.5 from ceph.com09:57
vkmcoki 09:58
madamskivkmc: got it, hope it's useful:
vkmcmadamski, thanks, will take a look and get back to you11:26
rdupontovhHello everyone, i am currently testing the "NetApp ONTAP: Add support for multiple subnets per availability zone " feature released on Yoga version, and i was wondering why the update of share export locations was conditioned to the share having replica_state "active", as shown in this line of code ? 13:47
rdupontovhI am trying to understand what's behind this, thanks a lot in advance for anyone having some information on this topic :)13:47
dviroelfelipe_rodrigues: ^13:59
vkmcmadamski, can you check one level up? 14:08
vkmcmadamski, based on your logs, check /volumes/_nogroup/63fe53b8-1bc3-4b07-a39b-5f80cc68cb85/.snap14:08
vkmcmadamski, new versions of Ceph stores snaps there14:08
vkmcmadamski, this was done this way to allow users to preserve subvolume snapshots even after a subvolume is deleted14:09
vkmcmadamski, users need to clone the subvolume snapshot data to use it14:09
madamskivkmc: that works, thanks14:18
madamskivkmc: there are indeed 2 snapshots with the expected content one level higher14:20
vkmcmadamski, great! 14:20
madamskivkmc: so, we cannot rely on the old behaviour, but have to clone it into the new volume, got it14:21
madamskivkmc: well, thanks a lot for your time, then, that clears things up for me14:22
vkmcmadamski, I'll open a tracker so we add proper docs to the Ceph drivers14:24
vkmcmadamski, thanks for bringing this up 14:24
felipe_rodriguesHi rdupontovh, it was developed by sfernand.. I couldn't identify why.. I'll ask him. Is it causing any bug ?15:48
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rdupontovhfelipe_rodrigues: hi, no it is not causing any bugs because i am currently testing this feature to evaluate the feasibility of a new offer, so i am very interested to know why but is not a production issue at all :)15:58
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