Monday, 2020-06-08

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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila master: Add generic fuzzy matching logic to the database layer
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openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila master: WIP:Add generic fuzzy matching logic to the database layer
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dviroelgouthamr: o/19:58
dviroelgouthamr: if you have some time, can you take a look on andrebeltrami's patch
gouthamrhey dviroel19:59
dviroelhe is working on refactoring that share-network function. I added some concerns there already.19:59
gouthamrdviroel: sorry, in a meeting o/ but, will take a look in ~1 hour19:59
dviroelIt is passing on our CI by now, didn't see issues on other drivers, EMC needs to change their tempest in order to have it working also20:00
dviroelgouthamr: np man20:00
gouthamrdviroel: do you know what they'd need to change?20:09
dviroelgouthamr: they will need to enable the dynamic creation of networks + this networks must reach the security service dns ip20:12
dviroelgouthamr: or they can do as we do, using the standalone plugin, that also need to reach the security service dns ip20:12
gouthamrdviroel: ack, ty - i suppose we'll ask them on the patch. my personal preference is to test with neutron, and perhaps standalone on a periodic basis - but i'm sure there are lab/scale limitations and such to consider to do this on CI20:35
dviroelgouthamr: +120:36
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openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/manila master: Use unittest.mock instead of mock
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila stable/ussuri: CIFS extension failing because of volume in use
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila stable/train: CIFS extension failing because of volume in use
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