Thursday, 2020-03-26

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openstackgerritMaari Tamm proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Implement OSC share quota commands
openstackgerrithaixin proposed openstack/manila master: If only .pyc exist, the extension API will be disabled
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openstackgerritMaari Tamm proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add initial documentation for OSC
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vkmcdviroel, hey, I see you reported this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1868088 in Manila "RFE: Provide an admin API to query quotas for all user in a project" [Undecided,New]14:36
vkmcin one of maaritamm's patches I noticed something related... seems that right now when we try to filter out with user-id it is not working at all14:36
vkmcit's a bug or it's something that is not yet implemented?14:37
vkmcmaybe you looked into this14:37
vkmcthis is the patch I'm referring to
vkmcmaaritamm, IMHO you can merge your patch as is... we will need to fix stuff in the server side then14:41
vkmcand thanks for updating the docs14:41
dviroelyey vkmc, lemme take a look14:41
maaritammvkmc, ok cool14:42
maaritammto docs I added share types now but once quotas are merged I will add those too with a note that tenant-id is now mandatory14:43
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josecastroleonhi, anyone around?15:35
vkmcjosecastroleon, o/15:37
vkmcweekly meeting at #openstack-meeting-alt15:38
josecastroleonah ok15:38
vkmceverybody is there15:38
gouthamrjosecastroleon: hello again, what's going on?16:01
josecastroleonso adding extra logging on the scheduling phase I saw that in the default filter driver16:02
josecastroleonit was taking 45 seconds while doing this call
josecastroleonthat goes into this
josecastroleonand as the cephfs driver does not have the capability 'provisioned_capacity_gb'16:04
dviroelhey vkmc: lunch time, will provide you a feedback soon16:05
vkmcdviroel, sure, no rush16:05
josecastroleonthen it does an expensive db query for the size of our setup16:05
josecastroleonactually is a set of db queries16:06
gouthamrjosecastroleon: oh, yes, completely makes sense - how many shares are there in this setup?16:06
josecastroleonthe thing is we had a similar issue in the past with cinder16:08
josecastroleonthe scheduler was also calculating the size looping into the volumes in ceph16:08
gouthamrjosecastroleon: yeah, seems wasteful to estimate the capacity on each scheduling request16:09
josecastroleoni have a follow up question16:09
gouthamrjosecastroleon: ack, do you have the cinder side bug, i wonder if the ceph driver can just report the provisioned capacity16:10
josecastroleonon cinder we disable the lookup as the backend was exclusively for cinder16:11
tbarrongouthamr: so do we think other drivers are keeping their own tally of provisioned capacity so they don't have to do this lookup?16:11
josecastroleonit was called rbd_exclusive_cinder_pool16:11
josecastroleoni was thinking in one) look into the cluster_stats to see if we can provide the provisioned capacity16:12
josecastroleonor two) do like cinder and have an option to disable this in the cephfs driver16:12
gouthamrtbarron: yes, i think that was the recommendation - although we could be improving the scheduler too with some caching and optimization of that aggregation itself16:12
gouthamrjosecastroleon: i have a further issue with this16:13
tbarronjosecastroleon: ceph driver would just do a single call to get pool stats?16:13
gouthamrjosecastroleon: the cephfs driver doesn't support thin provisioning16:13
tbarronand post that in its periodic updates to the scheduler16:13
gouthamrjosecastroleon: so all this calculation is for naught, since the scheduler won't use that number anyway16:13
tbarrongouthamr: because it's even thinner :D16:14
gouthamrjosecastroleon: so, i think we can circumvent the aggregation right away16:14
josecastroleonby just reporting it as 0 on the driver stats?16:14
gouthamrtbarron: yes, josecastroleon: i must clarify, cephfs doesn't support manila determined thin provisioning16:14
gouthamra lot of drivers don't support controlling oversubscription via manila even if they always thinly provision storage16:15
tbarrongouthamr: but yeah, you are saying that we aren't using this numer that took 45 seconds to calculate16:15
tbarronnumber, total16:15
gouthamrtbarron: yes16:15
josecastroleonshall be just matter of setting it to 0 or to some value in here =>
josecastroleonI mean provisioned_capacity_gb16:17
josecastroleonor inside the pool16:17
gouthamrjosecastroleon: 0 won't help16:18
gouthamrjosecastroleon: 1 will, but that would be an ugly workaround :)16:18
gouthamrcan you please report a bug, i think the first thing to do is not perform any calculation if the share type and backend don't support thin provisioning16:18
tbarron"use_thin_logic" :D16:19
josecastroleonyes, i am happy to contribute with the code16:19
gouthamrjosecastroleon: i say 1 will because of
gouthamrjosecastroleon: awesome, please do16:19
tbarronthe "thin_logic" needs a bit of buttressing16:20
gouthamryes, that wall should contain, not fall over16:20
josecastroleonok great16:20
gouthamrthanks for reporting this josecastroleon - feel free to subscribe me to the bug or post it here so we can triage16:21
josecastroleonI passed quite some time debugging it this morning16:22
josecastroleonwe had complains from the guys using CSI as some requests were timing out16:22
gouthamrjosecastroleon: ah, nasty problem surely16:25
gouthamrjosecastroleon: curious, are you guys using the new manila-csi, or still using the manila provisioner16:25
josecastroleonat this moment still manila-provisioner16:26
gouthamrjosecastroleon: ack, ty for confirming16:26
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dviroelvkmc: saw your comments in the patch. This happens because manila doesn't validate tenant-id/user-id with keystone and add this entry in the db16:56
dviroelvkmc: so, if the admin enters an invalid user-id, it will stored in db and this will affect the tenant quota at the end16:58
dviroelvkmc: in the RFE, instead of adding keystone validation for tenant/user ids I was suggestion a more simple enhancement16:58
dviroelto add an API for admin retrieve all user-ids associated to a tenant, so it will able to delete invalid entries with quota-delete cmd17:00
dviroels/all user-ids/all user-ids and quotas17:00
dviroeltoday, we can just retrieve quotas for a project or for an user17:01
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vkmcdviroel, ok, so this means it's not a problem with the CLI17:14
vkmcit's a feature not yet available in the server side17:14
dviroelvkmc: yes17:16
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vkmcdviroel, thanks for clarifying :)17:27
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dviroelvkmc , regarding your comment. I might expressed bad. It is possible to retrieve quota for user-id associated to a project. In the same way, its also possible to retrieve just the project's quota. What is not possible is to retrieve all user quotas entries associated to a project, which brings a problem of having unknown db entries.18:07
dviroelvkmc I'll review and clarify that on this change.18:08
openstackgerritvrushti proposed openstack/manila master: Documentation for Share Migration Ocata Improvements.
vkmcdviroel, oh, I misunderstood maybe18:21
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dviroelvkmc: added some comments in the patch, not sure what you and maaritamm have being discussing regarding tenant-id/project-id and optional/mandatory parameters, just added my concerns there.19:06
vkmcdviroel, thx19:17
maaritammdviroel, vkmc, thanks for looking at the patch, I am checking it now19:39
maaritammjust have one question19:39
maaritammwhats the verdict on project_id being optional/mandatory then?19:40
openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/manila master: Add new quota for share replicas
vkmcmaaritamm, so this is my opinion19:48
vkmcit should be mandatory19:49
vkmcbecause when you do openstack share quota show <x>19:49
vkmcyou need to specify for what resource you want to show that quota19:49
maaritammok, so I will keep that as it is, thanks19:51
vkmcin the current client implementation we are returning the quotas for the current project in use19:51
vkmcin reply to dviroel review, probably you want to remove the default value19:52
vkmcI missed that detail :)19:52
vkmcyou don't have a default value if the param is mandatory19:52
maaritammyeah, makes sense :)19:52
vkmcand... regarding project_id/tenant_id19:53
vkmcwe used tenant_id for everything and we are using all_tenants for the manila api (see
vkmcI'd stick to tenant_id19:54
vkmceven though it's the old naming19:54
vkmcunless we are going to deprecate that at some point19:56
dviroelregarding project_id: in the manila API these parameters are mandatory,  I think that  the current client is providing the project_id from the user that is requesting the operation when no different project_id is provided. So we might just do the same or make it mandatory for all quota operations19:57
vkmcdviroel, exactly19:57
gouthamror infer it, like the client currently does?19:57
vkmcwe are doing that19:57
vkmcI just suggested to make it mandatory for all quota operations19:58
vkmcso it's clear which project you are retrieving the quota for19:58
gouthamrvkmc: if unspecified, can't it be the project that the user belongs to?19:59
dviroelI think that gouthamr is suggesting to do what the current client does, infer from user request.19:59
vkmcgouthamr, that's what the current client does19:59
gouthamrvkmc: which will, in most cases be the admin project19:59
gouthamrvkmc: yeah, isn't that intuitive?19:59
vkmcI dunno, users feedback?20:00
* gouthamr reads conversation - sees vkmc agrees, earlier20:00
dviroeland every tenant_id became optional in the new client20:00
vkmcjose castro is out.. hmm20:00
gouthamrvkmc: what do the nova/cinder quota commands do?20:01
vkmclet me see20:01
dviroeli think that just need to be clear in the help message20:01
gouthamrdviroel: +1, although the "openstack quota show" command doesn't have it in the help text20:02
gouthamri haven't looked at this change, i was wondering if we could just plug into that command20:02
gouthamris that possible at all?20:03
dviroelmy opinion is that should keep the current client behavior, and fix some quota command that makes it mandatory20:03
dviroelin the current client, quota-update has tenant_id as mandatory.20:04
dviroeljust quota-update iirc20:04
gouthamrthat's weird20:05
gouthamri think we can make that command smarter, don't you think?20:06
gouthamrosc will have discovered all the entrypoints and available clients20:06
gouthamrwe can make it look up quotas pertaining to each individual client20:06
gouthamrand present it in the same table20:07
gouthamrthat's the output right now ^20:08
gouthamrthis is a tangent to maaritamm's current implementation, but, wouldn't you want the share quotas right there? ^20:08
vkmcyeah of course20:09
vkmcthat's something to fix on the openstackclient20:09
vkmcwell, python-openstackclient20:09
gouthamrisn't that what users will expect :thinking_face:20:10
vkmcusually for most cross-projects in openstack the focus has been put in nova, cinder, glance, neutron... the defcore20:10
vkmcso I can imagine how the decision making process was20:10
vkmcand why the current code looks like that20:10
vkmcI'd like to get user's feedback... in this case cern's input might be the most immediate we can get20:11
vkmcseeing spyros reviews, seems they are happy with the current implementation20:11
gouthamrapplies to these common resources: quotas, services, availability zones, limits20:11
gouthamragree with you on that, and it might be for expediency20:12
vkmcyes :/20:12
gouthamrwell, we can always start with this implementation and deprecate it if we can have a combined solution20:13
gouthamrwhat do you think?20:13
gouthamrthe reason that we plan for deprecation is only because, given our past interactions, things may move really slow if we're trying to drive cross project consensus20:14
gouthamrbut, we don't intend to deprive our users over in the meanwhile20:14
vkmcok, decisions decisions20:22
dviroeloh,  do we have a consensus on that?20:23
vkmccon what specifically?20:23
dviroelthe mandatory project-id, it think that we were discussing that20:24
vkmcyep, but then we discussed about enhancing python-openstackclient to also include plugins when listing quotas20:24
vkmcso I wanted to make sure we were talking about project-id/tenant-id20:24
vkmcI say, let's wait for users input... (jose castro/spyros)20:25
dviroelvkmc: ok20:25
openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add new share replica quotas to the CLI
openstackgerritCarlos Eduardo proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Add new share replica quotas to the CLI
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openstackgerritMaari Tamm proposed openstack/python-manilaclient master: Implement OSC share quota commands
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