Saturday, 2016-02-27

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Admin networks in NetApp cDOT multi-SVM driver
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cknightganso: ping00:55
gansocknight: pong00:55
cknightganso: were you going to rebase your migration patches?00:55
gansocknight: yes. I am going to.00:55
cknightganso: I have the migration code running, but they don't include my driver's update_access code.00:56
cknightganso: I can cherry-pick that for now, but it'll help going forward if you can get my latest.00:56
gansocknight: sure. Cherry-picking should work right now.00:57
cknightganso: ok, will try.00:57
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cknightganso: just witnessed migration of an empty share on my driver01:10
cknightganso: now we'll try with some data in it01:10
gansocknight: =D01:10
cknightganso: (or do you not support migration of shares with data ;-))01:10
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Implement update_access() in generic driver + LVM
cknightganso: If I have access rules in place before a migration, what rules should be present after a migration?01:15
cknightganso: Because I'm seeing no access rules remaining after the migration.01:16
gansocknight: the same ones01:16
gansocknight: o_O01:16
gansocknight: do you have the rules in DB after migration?01:17
cknightganso: Manila says the migration succeeded, it shows on the other pool, I see the share on the other backend, but the access rules are gone.01:17
cknightganso: I didn't check the DB, but I figured Manila did.01:17
cknightganso: I can look in the DB if that would help.01:17
gansocknight: Migration code does not erase them from DB. After share is migrated, it calls update_access on new instance, applying all the access rules straight from DB01:18
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs.common: move the numreduct function to toplevel
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs_native: relocate module under glusterfs
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: gluster*: clean up volume option querying
gansocknight: migration triggers update_access in recovery mode several times. The driver must support recovery mode01:19
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs-native: use Heketi layout via self-signing
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs: heketi: Add support for JWT Auth
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: glusterfs: introducing Heketi layout
cknightganso: because of how my backend works, I never use add_rules or delete_rules.  I always replace everything using access_rules.01:20
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Implement admin network in generic driver
cknightganso: all the rules in the DB show deleted.01:21
gansocknight: exactly, recovery mode does not use add_rules and delete_rules01:21
gansocknight: weird, I will re-test on rebase, they should never be deleted01:22
cknightganso: ok01:22
gansocknight: I am rebasing right now01:22
cknightganso: in the meantime, I can start reading the code.  I had some initial feedback for you.01:22
openstackgerritCsaba Henk proposed openstack/manila: ganesha: implement update_access
gansocknight: great01:22
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Introduced Data Service
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bswartzganso: ping01:40
gansobswartz: pong01:40
bswartzso what's going on with the LVM share access methods01:40
bswartzthe in-tree driver still uses the legacy methods, and you patch fixes that?01:41
gansobswartz: the bug can easily be observable in CI job, because it is multibackend01:41
gansobswartz: NFS helper code has locks01:42
gansobswartz: but those locks are only per backend01:42
bswartzwhich bug01:42
gansobswartz: concurrency01:42
bswartzis the bug reported though?01:42
gansobswartz: one allow_access call overwrites the other01:42
gansobswartz: yes01:43
gansobswartz: it is one of those I showed you today01:43
openstackLaunchpad bug 1550378 in Manila "LVM access rules concurrency" [Medium,New]01:43
bswartzoh lol01:43
bswartzwe just looked at this one this morning01:43
gansobswartz: if you create a debug patch that performs a "cat /etc/exports" you will be able to see the rules getting overwritten01:43
bswartzwell let me show you what I'm seeing...01:44
bswartzganso: ^ is that what you've observed?01:46
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gansobswartz: no, that is a different problem.01:46
gansobswartz: it may be related to this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1550295 in Manila "Concurrent requests to allow access get lost" [High,New] - Assigned to Tiago Pasqualini da Silva (tiago.pasqualini)01:47
gansobswartz: the one you observed is concurrency in API layer01:47
gansobswartz: the one I am fixing is concurrency in LVM driver layer01:47
gansobswartz: in fact, lemme just confirm that for you01:48
bswartzhow can we get these fixed?01:48
bswartzthey're going to cause random gate test pain I think01:48
gansobswartz: cause, if that "ShareAccessExists" exception you observed came from the driver layer, then my patch should be fixing that as well01:48
gansobswartz: indeed, it comes from the driver layer01:49
gansobswartz: so, my patch may fix that01:49
bswartzokay next question01:49
gansobswartz: if you could test on top of, maybe it could be fixed01:50
bswartzthis patch:
bswartzit seems to use common code for generic and LVM01:50
bswartzhowever it invokes SSH01:50
bswartzSSH isn't needed for LVM01:50
bswartzam I missing something?01:50
gansobswartz: just a sec01:51
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gansobswartz: yes, it does not need SSH01:51
gansobswartz: I believe that can be easily improved by passing a regular executor instead of a ssh executor when instantiating the helper01:52
gansobswartz: it already uses whichever executor is supplied in the constructor01:52
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bswartzah okay01:52
bswartzganso: would the concurrency bug also occur with a tempest concurrency of 1?01:56
bswartzbeacuse it's not related to a real concurrency issue, it's related to making back to back calls without waiting?01:56
gansobswartz: the one in the driver layer no. I tested it myself.01:56
bswartzthat makes it harder to reproduce01:57
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cknightganso: still there?02:08
gansocknight: yes02:08
cknightganso: ok, I ran a couple experiments02:09
cknightganso: earlier I migrated an empty share, so first I placed a single test file on the share to be migrated.  that failed during the data copy.  I think it's because no access rules were added to the destination.02:09
cknightganso: I'm running my driver in a debugger, and I can see the access rules being set to read-only on the source, and then removed from the source.02:11
cknightganso: But I never see them set on the destination.02:11
gansocknight: one problem at a time. The data copy failed because it failed to mount, correct?02:11
cknightganso: Not sure whether the mount worked or not.  I still need to check that.02:12
gansocknight: the only rule needed to be added to the destination for data copy is the data_node_access_ip02:14
gansocknight: and there must be connectivity between the data node and both share servers02:14
gansocknight: about the missing rules in the destination: the method "apply_new_access_rules" is invoked in migration_complete method (in manager) to apply the rules to the destination02:17
cknightganso: yes, I set that to my devstack system address, and I can mount shares from both backends to that address02:17
cknightganso: oh, I didn't run migration_complete.02:18
gansocknight: you don't have to02:18
cknightganso: i guess I don't really know how to use the feature yet02:18
gansocknight: you only have to run migration_complete if you migrate a share with --notify False02:18
cknightganso: ok, perhaps we should focus initially on the empty share case, since it appears to succeed but doesn't copy the rules02:19
bswartzI just realized I don't know how to run tempest now since we moved the test to the plugin directory02:19
cknightbswartz: +102:19
bswartzdoes anyone know the new command?02:19
gansobswartz: I do, hold on02:19
cknightbswartz: to run Tempest, I use 'git review'02:20
gansobswartz: tox -eall-plugin manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.admin.test_migration -- --concurrency=1 | tee teste2.log02:20
gansobswartz: don't forget to rollback tempest to compatible commit02:20
bswartzganso: what directories to you run that command in?02:23
bswartzin the tempest dir or the manila dir02:24
gansobswartz: tempest dir02:24
bswartzganso: do you copy any files before running that?02:26
gansobswartz: nope02:26
bswartzI don't understand how tempest magically finds the manila tests02:26
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* bswartz curses himself02:31
bswartzGIT_DEPTH screws me with the tempest commit02:31
cknightganso: I set a breakpoint at data/manager/migration_start.  At that point, I can see the destination share was created, but no access rules exist there and it isn't mounted.  I don't see any errors in any of the logs.02:32
gansocknight: so far, it is correct02:32
gansocknight: in the beginning of data/manager/migration_start, destination share should not have any access rules, it is added in that data/manager/migration_start method.02:33
cknightganso: ok, good.  I'll keep stepping through, then.02:33
gansocknight: original rules remain only in source share, in RO mode02:34
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cknightganso: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'/tmp/57907eca-3ef7-4a06-9cf4-003aabb11a6c/testfile'02:45
cknightganso: I see a rw rule at the destination.02:46
cknightganso: And a rw rule at the source.02:46
gansocknight: that was a permission denied to mount or to copy? did you create a file with strict permission?02:46
cknightganso: Both source & dest are mounted.02:46
gansocknight: is that rw rule the same one as data_node_access_ip?02:47
gansocknight: if yes, it is correct02:47
cknightganso: yes, it is data_node_access_ip02:47
cknightganso: not sure why the source is rw, but not a big deal02:47
cknightganso: and yes, the test file is:  -rw-r--r--  1 nobody 4294967294    21 May  2  2015 testfile02:48
cknightganso: is that a problem?02:48
gansocknight: it is to prevent additional logic to address backends that do not support RO mode, like CIFS IP02:48
cknightganso: makes sense, thanks02:48
gansocknight: I have not tried to address cases like that, files without permission to access02:49
gansocknight: but probably copying as root with address that02:49
gansocknight: my idea was that the admin knows what he is copying, since migration is admin_only02:50
gansocknight: so he should have permissions sorted out02:50
cknightganso: But the admin is migrating user data, which could have any permissions.02:50
cknightganso: I think you'll need root permission to copy everything.02:50
gansocknight: I will take a look at shutil to see if it supports root02:51
cknightganso: I left a comment about the copy mechanism you're using.  I wonder if 'cp -a' with rootwrap would work better.  It would also preserve the ownership & permissions.02:51
gansocknight: I haven't replied to that one yet02:51
gansocknight: I tried using rsync before and I would get I/O errors02:51
gansocknight: random I/O errors02:52
cknightganso: Probably want bswartz to weigh in.  I'll try a simpler test before heading home.02:52
gansocknight: I tried 'cp -a' before trying rsync, I don't remember the problems I faced02:52
gansocknight: but since I changed everything to copy file by file with shutil, it would probably be easier to switch to 'cp -a' single files right now02:52
gansocknight: so, regarding access rules, so far so good in your debugging02:53
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* bswartz is neck deep in tempest 02:55
bswartzsorry I'm not reading the channel02:55
bswartzanything I can answer?02:55
cknightbswartz: not really, just chatting with ganso about the file copy mechanism02:56
bswartzcp -a seems reasonable to me02:56
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cknightbswartz: How do I fix this?  umount.nfs: /mnt/manila: device is busy03:06
bswartzcknight: "lsof /mnt/manila"03:07
cknightclinton@mitaka:~$ lsof /mnt/manila/03:07
cknightls      75599 clinton  cwd    DIR   0,47     4096   64 /mnt/manila (
cknightls      75599 clinton    3r   DIR   0,47     4096   64 /mnt/manila (
bswartzthat lists the process still using the filesystem, and thus preventing the unmount03:08
bswartzkill those processes and try the umount again03:08
cknightthanks, that did it03:09
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bswartzganso: tempest is having all kind of auth issues03:19
bswartzganso: did you do any keystone things before running tempest?03:19
gansobswartz: ^03:20
bswartzyeah I basically have that03:21
bswartzoh wait03:21
bswartzpassword could be wrong >_<03:21
bswartzyeah it was the password in tempest.conf03:22
bswartzwoohoo tempest running!03:22
bswartzso it's still not clear to me how tempest find the path to the manila plugin03:22
gansobswartz: magic03:26
cknightbswartz: nfs4 was getting hung up, nfs3 working better03:26
cknightganso: copy failed again with a world-readable file03:26
bswartzcknight: for NFS4 you need significantly more configuration for it not to blow up03:26
cknightganso: i think the dest directory isn't writable03:26
gansocknight: is that something particular of your backend?03:27
gansocknight: are you mounting using sudo?03:27
gansocknight: nevermind, code is03:27
cknightganso: right.  this is the dest mount:  drwxr-xr-x  2 root    root      4096 Feb 26 22:22 6eaccb81-5fd7-44f8-9653-4108a2ca036b/03:28
cknightganso: so you'll need root access to copy there03:28
gansocknight: wait, did you create the file as root?03:28
gansocknight: I usually use sudo to mount, then create files as user03:28
bswartzcknight -- remember that NFS often has root_squash enabled03:29
bswartzif we want to allow I/O as root we need to configure the export rules for root access03:29
cknightganso: I did a chown to myself and then chmod 66603:29
bswartzdirectory should be 77703:29
cknightganso: here is the source dir:  drwxrwxrwx  2 root    root      4096 May  2  2015 a7b16079-dce3-4226-866f-c9490a078ef6/03:30
gansocknight: it is created as root03:31
cknightganso: here is the source file:  -rw-rw-rw-  1 clinton root    31 May  2  2015 testfile03:31
cknightganso: so what did I do wrong?03:31
gansocknight: it seems to me folder is created as root03:32
gansocknight: it should be clinton user03:32
cknightganso: those are just the nfs mounts03:32
bswartzganso: the directory will get a new uid/gid from the NFS server after the mount03:33
bswartznetapp default to ownership of the NFS root directory by root user03:33
cknightbswartz: thanks, that makes a lot more sense03:33
bswartzand cknight you'll love this -- we have no API to chown directories03:33
gansoI will take a look into copying files as root, should address this03:34
cknightSo we need elevated permissions to do the copy?03:34
cknightBut I'm also concerned about your explore method.03:34
bswartzganso -- you'd need root permission to preserve uid/gid on the files you copied anyways03:34
cknightIt builds a list of files & dirs in memory.03:34
gansoI have not faced these problems with generic or HDS backend03:35
cknightIt seems that's not gonna scale.03:35
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gansocknight: should be a big list of strings03:35
gansocknight: if we do not have many multiple copy operations at the same time, it should not use too much memory03:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Change sudo to run_as_root in LVM driver
cknightganso: If 'cp -aR' won't work and we have to recurse the files in the data service, I think it would be better to copy each file as we go instead of building a potentially massive list.03:39
cknightganso: That way you aren't storing anything.03:40
gansocknight: cp -ar will probably not be able to track progress03:41
gansocknight: or even cancel03:41
cknightganso: OK, I'll buy that.03:41
cknightganso: So hopefully we combine explore and copy into a single method that doesn't store the whole file list.  And use 'cp' to do the copy fast and to preserve the metadata.03:42
cknightganso: And you can add a rootwrap for 'cp' so it doesn't get stuck.03:42
gansocknight: and as sudo03:42
gansocknight: yes03:42
cknightganso: not sudo explicitly, use rootwrap03:43
gansocknight: run_as_root=True, right?03:43
cknightganso: think so, yes.03:43
bswartzI disagree03:43
bswartzthe copy has to be done as root completely03:43
gansobswartz: yes03:44
bswartzwe can't be enumerating the file tree inside manila -- manila doesn't have root permission so we will fail to read any 700 directories03:44
cknightbswartz: the code is doing that now03:44
bswartzthere are many ways to be copying files03:44
bswartzcp -a is a good start03:44
bswartzif the only problem is tracking progress, I can think of other approaches to address that03:45
bswartzany kind of python code is a bad idea though03:45
bswartzwe don't want to reinvent this particular wheel03:46
cknightbswartz: how to track progress?  look at cumulative file sizes?03:46
bswartzone old trick is "tar cf - /src | tar xf - /dst"03:47
gansocknight: how do I fix this? Scheduler host filter ShareReplicationFilter could not be found.03:47
bswartzyou can count the bytes that travel through the pipe03:47
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gansocknight: I remember running into this error before03:49
gansocknight: when consistency groups merged03:49
cknightganso: checking03:50
gansocknight: found it, entry_points.txt03:50
gansocknight: need to add the filter specifically somewhere03:50
cknightganso: yes, in entry_points.txt03:51
cknightganso: add to manila.scheduler.filters stanza03:51
gansocknight: got it03:52
gansocknight: I am testing access rules problem right now03:52
cknightganso: ok.  after a failed migration, I don't see the rules restored on the source.03:53
cknightganso: I do see everything else cleaned up, though.03:53
gansocknight: rules on the source are empty? or RO?03:53
cknightganso: empty03:53
cknightganso: empty in Manila, and empty on the storage controller03:54
cknightbswartz, ganso: well guys, I need to head home for dinner.  I see 14 patches merged today, with another in the gate and several more +1's from Goutham.  So I feel much better about the deadline than I did 2 days ago.03:55
cknightganso: thanks for working late on this.  it seems most of the migration work ahead is the actual copy mechanism.  bswartz is your best resource for help there.03:56
bswartzit's almost 11pm03:56
gouthamr cknight: you mean breakfast in bed? ;)03:56
cknightI know.  I'm leaving now.  But it's so nice & quiet here.03:57
gansocknight: good night cknight, thanks for the help and for testing migration03:57
cknightganso: np.  have a great weekend, guys.03:58
bswartzganso: it must be past midnight where you are03:58
gansobswartz: 1am03:58
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gouthamrganso: where do you work out of?03:59
gansogouthamr: sorry I did not understand the question, you mean where I am based?03:59
bswartzSao Paolo03:59
gansobswartz: s/Sao Paolo/Sao Paulo04:00
gouthamrganso: er. sorry, yes.04:00
gouthamrganso: nice.04:00
gansogouthamr: you?04:00
gouthamrganso: Raleigh in NC..04:01
gouthamrganso: a couple cubes away from bswartz04:01
bswartzganso: all of us from NetApp are in Raleigh NC04:01
gansobswartz, gouthamr: are you guys still getting a lot of snow?04:01
bswartzganso: not currently04:02
bswartzit's been high teens and rainy04:02
bswartznothing below freezing last 2 weeks04:02
gouthamrganso bswartz: which is nice 8)04:03
gouthamrvponomaryov: are you here?04:05
bswartzit's saturday in ukraine04:05
bswartzany still 6am04:05
bswartzand still 6am04:05
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gouthamrbswartz: yeah, wishful thinking.. i wasn't able to get that experimental job to run on the zfsonlinux driver04:05
bswartzyou couldn't get it to pass or you couldn't get it to run?04:06
gansoI will have some bad news for cknight, I just tested migration with generic driver and access rules are fine. Something weird going on with NetApp drivers04:06
gansowith NetApp + migration04:06
bswartzgouthamr: I've gotten tempest running now on my dev system thanks to help from ganso04:08
gouthamrbswartz: I'm making an edit in the post_test_hook of vponomaryov's patch04:08
bswartzand ZFS is trivial to get running, so if you have some patches you want me to cherrypick and run, just give them the numbers04:08
gouthamri'm hoping that'll do it04:08
bswartzgouthamr: so you want it to run in infra cloud not locally?04:09
gouthamrbswartz: yep.. he has an experimental pipeline; thought i'd use it04:09
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack/manila: Move Share Migration code to Data Service
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila: Add ZFSonLinux share driver
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gansobswartz, gouthamr: going to bed now guys04:12
gouthamr_goodnight ganso!04:13
gansobswartz, gouthamr: have a nice weekend =)04:13
gouthamr_ganso: you too :)04:13
gansobswartz, gouthamr: thanks! good night!04:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: gluster*: clean up volume option querying
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/manila: Add doc for export location metadata
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Improve exception msg when attaching/detaching volumes
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openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/manila: Add ZFSonLinux share driver
openstackgerritGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/python-manilaclient: Client Support for Manila Share Replication
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openstackgerritliucheng proposed openstack/manila: Update Huawei driver doc for Mitaka
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openstackgerritzhaohua proposed openstack/manila: Implement update_access() method in huawei driver
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