Wednesday, 2015-03-11

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openstackgerritMarc Koderer proposed openstack/manila: Add initial scenario test for Manila
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mkoderervponomaryov: I posted a comment on your fix (
mkoderervponomaryov: IMHO the share-network need a state to fix it in a clean way08:09
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vponomaryovmkoderer: ping09:44
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mkoderervponomaryov: pong10:32
* mkoderer just reads the comment on the reviews10:33
mkoderervponomaryov: so I don't get your point :)10:37
mkoderervponomaryov: if I create a a subnet the generic driver launches a VM10:37
mkoderervponomaryov: subnet= share network based using a subnet10:38
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mkoderervponomaryov: I agree that the sceanrio test is far from being complete but anyway if a share network is deleted I aspect that all resouces are deleted from a tenant perspective10:40
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vponomaryovmkoderer: here?11:10
vponomaryovmkoderer: resources for user are shares and snapshots11:12
vponomaryovmkoderer: and when they are absent then user can delete share-network11:12
vponomaryovmkoderer: which is container of data11:12
vponomaryovmkoderer: container of data can not have state11:13
vponomaryovmkoderer: it is either exist or not11:13
vponomaryovmkoderer: and I still do not see relation of mentioned by you "tenant router" and Manila in general11:13
vponomaryovmkoderer: and in your case, you get error "router still has ports" due to improper actions as cleanup11:20
vponomaryovmkoderer: share server as Nova VM still exist on step you try delete router, so, it fails as expected11:21
vponomaryovmkoderer: but, as said in comments to scenario tests, you should not create router at all11:21
vponomaryovmkoderer: and use preprepared share-network from share manager11:22
mkoderervponomaryov: ok so, you create a resource "share network" and out of the blue there is a share service created11:22
vponomaryovmkoderer: share service?11:23
vponomaryovmkoderer: what do call with this?11:23
mkoderervponomaryov: so what is your suggestions.. we shouldn't create any router?11:25
vponomaryovmkoderer: lets start from the begging, why do you do it?11:26
vponomaryovs/begging/begining/ =)11:26
vponomaryovmkoderer: how did you come to idea of router creation?11:27
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vponomaryovmkoderer: anyway, error you get is not related to change at all11:30
vponomaryovmkoderer: share-network can exist and router can have no ports11:31
vponomaryovmkoderer: so, share-network as entity is not related to deletion of router at all11:32
vponomaryovmkoderer: because share-network is just data container11:32
vponomaryovmkoderer: so, you expect relation where it is absent11:32
vponomaryovmkoderer: you need verifies that share-servers are absent11:33
vponomaryovmkoderer: and they have state11:33
vponomaryovmkoderer: they, "share-servers" are related to Nova VMs in case of generic driver11:33
vponomaryovmkoderer: in scenario tests would be useful to delete share servers directly not by means of share-networks11:35
vponomaryovmkoderer: and in that case you do not need to wait for fix, that is useful for users in general11:35
vponomaryovmkoderer: but not for automated scenario tests11:36
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mark-osbswartz: managed to eventually get the tables to work again, must have done the installation wrong12:08
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mkoderervponomaryov: it correct .. share-network is not related to router.. but the router to the shared service and the shared service to the shared network13:06
mkoderervponomaryov: I mean I can remove the router creation step.. but why shouldn't it be allowed to create a router in a tenant13:08
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bswartzvponomaryov: ping13:29
bswartzmark-os: that's good news!13:29
bswartzmark-os: so are there any problems at all with postgres?13:29
vponomaryovbswartz: зщтп13:29
vponomaryovbswartz: pong13:29
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mark-osbswartz: Having quite a bit of trouble with postgres, tried to issue 'manila create nfs 30' and I got the following message: ERROR: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation.14:36
bswartzmark-os: did you collect the log errors immediately when that happened?14:36
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mark-osbswartz: looking through the logs it's definately db issues, it shows me the SELECT, FROM and WHERE commands issued14:37
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mark-osbswartz: In this case I got this eror14:39
mark-os2015-03-11 11:50:03.866 32340 ERROR manila.api.middleware.fault [req-24096c32-118b-4528-bcd5-ad8e0056aab8 None] Caught error: (ProgrammingError) column "shares.created_at" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function14:39
bswartzmark-os: ok14:40
bswartzso it looks like work remains to be done before we can claim postgres support14:40
bswartzPlease file bugs as you find them -- and clearly mark them "postgres" related14:41
bswartzif they are small we could fix them for Kilo, and if they are large we might need to invest in changes to support postgres for Liberty14:42
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vponomaryovbswartz, mark-os: actually, we have SQL code in manila that contradicts rules of SQL related to usage or "GROUP BY"14:45
bswartzvponomaryov: do you already know where the bug is?14:46
vponomaryovbswartz, mark-os: where all "select" columns should be under group by clause14:46
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vponomaryovin MySQL14:46
bswartzI mean *our* bug14:46
vponomaryovit allowed to be used14:46
vponomaryovand first value from aggregate wil lbe taken14:46
bswartzif we wish to support both mysql and postgres, then we need to make our SQL conformant to those 2 engines at least14:47
vponomaryovso, if PostGRES does not allow it, then it fails due to this14:47
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mark-osI don't understand why there is a GROUP BY command, why would that be issued when the command 'manila create nfs 30' is issued?14:47
bswartzmark-os: do you have a stack trace?14:48
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bswartzwe could tell you exactly why it's doing that with a stack trace14:48
mark-osbswartz: I have a trace in the manila-api.log14:48
vponomaryovmark-os: it is just assumption, any API request makes DB calls14:48
bswartzvponomaryov: fully compatible with master branch of client?14:50
bswartzor work left to be done?14:50
vponomaryovbswartz: yes, compatible, but does not implement all features yet14:50
vponomaryovbswartz: it can be used now14:50
mark-osbswartz: we had to alter one of the lines of code in just for us to be able to access the API. Not sure if this is an older version of manila and so could have potentially been fixed for the upcoming Kilo release14:51
bswartzso now we can update this wiki to include horizon instructions:
vponomaryovbswartz: we have separate page for Horizon14:51
vponomaryovmark-os: what do you mean you "had to"?14:52
mark-osvponomaryov: Without the change we implemented to, we couldn't access the API14:53
vponomaryovmark-os: which change?14:53
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mark-osvponomaryov: been told it'll be submitted as a bug fix15:05
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mark-osvponomaryov: that is, unless it's already been fixed for a future version15:06
vponomaryovmark-os: have you some link?15:06
mark-osvponomaryov: not currently15:08
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openstackgerritClinton Knight proposed openstack/manila: Manila Scheduler should read full driver capabilities
bswartzvponomaryov, xyang_: ^ this bugfix is essential for us15:37
bswartzfor NetApp* I mean. Drivers that use pools break without that fix15:38
xyang_bswartz: 163487?15:39
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila: Remove CLI tests from tempest plugin
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bswartzvponomaryov, mkoderer: back here please17:02
bswartzso here is what I understand17:02
bswartzthe tenant created a router17:02
bswartzmanila attached a nova VM to it that the tenant cannot see (the share server)17:03
bswartzeven after deletion of the share_network, the nova VM still exists17:03
bswartzand thus the router cannot be deleted17:03
mkodererbswartz: yep that's the situation17:04
bswartzunder normal circumstances, the nova VM will eventually go away17:04
bswartzbut in error case, it will hang around and require admin action to fix it17:04
vponomaryovproblem in timing17:04
mkodererbswartz: and this is not obivous for a user at the end17:04
bswartzthere's nothing we do about the error case, other than not allow deletion of the share_network17:04
vponomaryovshare servers are scheduled for deletion and scenario tests do not wait17:04
bswartzbut that doesn't really solve anything17:05
mkoderervponomaryov: yep the scenario test doen't wait because it would need admin creads to do so17:05
bswartzthe user would still be blocked and admin action would still be needed to cleanup the VM regardless of whether we delete the share network17:05
bswartzso mkoderer you want a synchronous way to know when the service VM is really gone?17:06
mkodererbswartz: I would suggest to have a "state" in share_network to make it obvious for endusers17:06
bswartzyeah, we don't currently have a state field at all17:07
bswartzadding one would be more work17:07
vponomaryovbswartz: it existed and was removed17:08
mkoderervponomaryov: :)17:08
bswartzwell we don't really have time to add it back in for kilo17:08
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bswartzwe can consider that for liberty if it adds value17:08
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bswartzthe question I think we need to answer is whether it's worth merging or blocking this change as-is, assuming we will come back and solve mkoderer's problem later17:09
vponomaryovfor user - unlikely, people switch buttons and horizon responds in bigger time than vms are deleted17:09
bswartzI can see merging the current change and solving mkoderer's problem in a subsequent change17:09
mkodererbswartz: I can raise a bug describing the issue and I unblock the review17:09
bswartzmkoderer: that works for me17:10
bswartzvponomaryov: but for scripts being able to query the state can add value17:10
bswartzbecause adding state is a user-visible change it would have to wait until liberty, but I think we can consider it17:11
mkodererbswartz: which scripts?17:11
bswartzmkoderer: your test script!17:11
mkodererah :)17:11
bswartzmkoderer: right now you'll just have to loop and retry when deletion of the router fails17:12
mkodererbswartz: so I can adapt the scenario test that it uses admin cread to query the state of the vm17:12
bswartzafter we fix the bug you file you might be able to query some state and know when it's okay17:12
mkodererit's kind of dirty but anyway :)17:12
bswartzguys I'm extremely late for my next meeting17:13
vponomaryovmkoderer: why you do not use admin creds from the begining?17:13
bswartzI think we have agreement though17:13
mkodererbswartz: yep thx17:13
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vponomaryovmkoderer: scenario tests should verify non-api stuff, so, admin creds are ok completely17:14
mkoderervponomaryov: mhh I feel like scenario test should be real life test17:14
mkoderervponomaryov: yeah non-api things are real life.. but a user with a tenant user and admin? not really17:16
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vponomaryovmkoderer: is creation of all these stuff is real life? Moreover, removal in short period of time right after share creation?17:17
vponomaryovs/share creation/share deletion/17:18
vponomaryovcommon situation - all networks stuff exist and that's it17:18
mkoderervponomaryov: ok... I get your point :)17:18
vponomaryovNow i nee to go17:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Add nova network plugin
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openstackgerritIgor Malinovskiy proposed openstack/manila: Implement manage/unmanage support in generic driver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Manila Scheduler should read full driver capabilities
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bswartzcknight: ^18:45
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila: Remove CLI tests from tempest plugin
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/manila: Add ro level of access support to generic driver
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xyang_vponomaryov: ping20:58
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vponomaryov1xyang_: hey21:00
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bswartzvponomaryov1: you're up late!21:01
xyang_vponomaryov1: about this one:
xyang_vponomaryov1: I still don't understand why it doesn't save it in share_server['backend_details']21:02
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vponomaryov1it is saved exactly tehre21:02
vponomaryov1if our "it" are the same =)21:03
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xyang_vponomaryov1: why doesn't share_server have it already, you need to go get it from db again?21:05
xyang_line 55821:06
vponomaryov1xyang_: excuse me, but what do you call "it"?21:06
vponomaryov1xyang_: share server can be deleted in two ways21:06
vponomaryov1xyang_: one of them - share-server-delete API21:06
vponomaryov1xyang_: in that case details will have data21:06
vponomaryov1xyang_:another case - side-call by share-network-delete API21:07
vponomaryov1xyang_: and latter does not fetch details21:07
vponomaryov1so, share-network API does not have server details21:07
xyang_vponomaryov1: ok21:08
vponomaryov1your question was about it?21:08
vponomaryov1separate taking of details?21:08
xyang_vponomaryov1: correct21:08
xyang_vponomaryov1: I was wondering why there are two code paths21:08
vponomaryov1xyang_: anyway, additional call to DB will be done only when it is needed21:09
vponomaryov1xyang_: because of condition21:09
xyang_vponomaryov1: I see21:10
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xyang_vponomaryov1: thanks for explaining21:10
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openstackgerritSilvan Kaiser proposed openstack/manila: NFS based driver for Quobyte file storage system
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/manila: Always allow delete share-network when no shares exist
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