Tuesday, 2021-03-16

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staryylevHello. I'm trying to test cinder as a standalone solution to manage disks using its SPDK driver. I looked on the web and I found this project LOCI that seems to be cool to run an openstack service in a container. So I just run the first two commands to build locally (I try the keystone project) but the build of the second image fails with the following message:12:52
staryylevERROR: Package 'keystone' requires a different Python: 2.7.17 not in '>=3.6'12:52
staryylevAm I missing something?12:53
staryylevI have the same error if I try to build a docker image for cinder.12:54
staryylevI'm using: Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c12:56
staryylevthis command is working: docker build https://opendev.org/openstack/loci.git#master:dockerfiles/ubuntu_bionic --tag loci-base:ubuntu12:56
staryylevbut this one fails: docker build https://opendev.org/openstack/loci.git --build-arg FROM=loci-base:ubuntu --build-arg PROJECT=keystone --tag loci-keystone:ubuntu12:56
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