Friday, 2019-05-17

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evrardjphemna_: you need to point to your wheels valid for your target image07:53
evrardjphemna_: but also, you need gzip on your image, please note that loci build process has a way to add a few things on top of leap 15, to have a "base image" you can then use for loci07:54
evrardjp"gzip: Cannot exec: No such file or directory" is the hint here07:54
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hemna_evardjp, I was just trying the examples in the README.md14:25
hemna_it's not obvious what's required14:25
hemna_I'm not sure what wheels tar is14:25
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hogepodgehi, do we have enough quorum for meeting today?15:02
evrardjpI am here but I don't have anything to say for today15:04
hogepodgeAnyone planning on being at KubeCon EU next week?15:05
evrardjpI won't be there, but I wanted :)15:09
evrardjpNext time15:09
evrardjpEnjoy BCN15:09
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hemna_is there any meaningful documenation on how to use loci?  The doesn't really explain much17:56
hemna_and trying to build an opensuse/leap:15 based image doesn't work17:56
hemna_but ubuntu does17:56
evrardjphemna_: it's all the docs we have19:21
evrardjpYou can check the CI -- it should test leap1519:21
evrardjpHere in this case, you need to build a base image, and use it as from19:21
evrardjpor you can check the socok8s from SUSE, they have a thing to build using loci19:21
evrardjpif you tell us what you want to build, we probably can help you better19:26
hemna_I thought loci provided a base image for leap:15?
* hemna_ is confused how it works for ubuntu, but not leap19:33
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