Friday, 2018-10-19

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/loci master: Improve setup-gate
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evrardjpI cannot attend today's meeting07:05
evrardjphrw: are you there by any chance?07:05
hrwwhat time meeting is?07:06
evrardjp3:30 UTC IIRC07:08
evrardjp3:00 UTC07:08
hrw17:00 my time. will add to calendar as I am forgetting about it07:08
evrardjphrw: I am stuck on something that seem to work on my machine. Could you lend me some eyes?07:09
evrardjp last line07:09
evrardjpI changed to show what's going on :
hrwline 18: gunzip: command not found07:10
evrardjpso it seems on my image gunzip is not there, fine, but tar is obviously found07:10
evrardjpthe file is found too07:10
evrardjp(did on another patchset a ls of /tmp/  and a file of /tmp/wheels.tar.gz )07:10
evrardjpfile was telling me it was a compressed archive07:11
evrardjpso I guess MIME type is correct07:11
hrwevrardjp: do not give compression type to tar when you are unpacking07:11
hrw'tar xf' is enough07:11
hrwunless you are on 2011 distro07:11
evrardjpthat's what's done on l2307:11
evrardjpstill failing :p07:12
hrwyes. I spoke about l1707:12
evrardjpI wanted to try to be explicit to see if it worked better. as you see, it doesn't.07:12
evrardjpSo I am curious what could be going on07:12
evrardjp1) I am thinking of apparmor but it works perfectly fine on my machine07:13
hrwevrardjp: 'zypper install /usr/bin/gzip' or sth like that07:13
evrardjpgzip is installed by default07:13
evrardjpit's required for zypper07:13
evrardjpI can be explicit07:13
hrwadd 'which gzip' 'which gunzip' to job and retry?07:13
hrwas it cleanly misses those07:14
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: [WIP] Build OpenSUSE Leap 15 by default
evrardjpwhich is not available but I can test07:14
hrwinstall gzip explicitly?07:15
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: [WIP] Build OpenSUSE Leap 15 by default
evrardjphrw: I just pushed a patch with those things07:17
hrwwill see how it goes07:17
evrardjphrw: I think it would be beneficial for me to get the archive in the logs07:17
* hrw fights with pbuilder on debian07:18
evrardjphrw: do you know the way to export a docker image? I'd be curious to see what's inside said image after its failure07:20
hrwevrardjp: why not build that image on your machine?07:20
evrardjpit works on my machine : )07:21
evrardjpI am building a requiremnt container just fine, and using said container to build the other images just fine07:21
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: [WIP] Build OpenSUSE Leap 15 by default
evrardjpif it doesn't work I am abandonning.07:38
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: [WIP] Build OpenSUSE Leap 15 by default
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evrardjphrw: the plot thickens:
evrardjpeven the save of the archive is doing weird stuff08:45
evrardjpI mean the docker save output has failure to be fetched into gates08:45
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: [WIP] Build OpenSUSE Leap 15 by default
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/loci master: [WIP] Build OpenSUSE Leap 15 by default
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openstackgerritAndrii Ostapenko proposed openstack/loci master: Install pip packages during requirements build
hrwI wonder how much that change will add to build time14:42
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hogepodgeBuild size also14:59
hogepodgeAnyone here for the Loci meeting?15:00
hrwhogepodge: on !x86 build time is more important. storage is cheap15:04
hogepodgeBuild size is an important design consideration in this project15:05
hogepodgeAs is time and correctness15:06
hrwhogepodge: sure15:06
hrwhogepodge: but requirements image does not land on target systems15:06
hrwit is used only to build deployed images15:06
hrwso it does not affect setups much15:06
hogepodgeRegardless, we can look at the time metrics from the gate job and compare without the patch. Presumably it’s installing locally as a cache for the wheel build? If it’s not doing that it’s not of much use15:11
hogepodgeIt’s meant to pin upper constraints15:11
hrwI feel that it can be a way for workaround some issue15:11
hrw23:58 < aostapenko> Hi all, we're using loci to build images for Ocata and faced during creating wheel for pylxd 2.2.4 during requirements image build. As 2.2.4 is a pinned version for Ocata and bug is only fixed in 2.2.7, we're thinking to work this around with installing urllib3 prior to wheel build. Apparently we would like to have desired functionality in15:12
hrwupstream, as we directly use upstream loci i15:12
hrw23:58 < aostapenko> scripts on fly. I've prepared a change  that adds an ability to work around such issues, may you please review it. Probably in this particular case it won't break anything if pylxd with this issue fixed is installed instead of 2.2.4, however I consider this as a bad solution.15:12
hogepodgeWe can include a list of problematic libraries and do a local pip install of those. It’s a better solution15:16
hrwcan you comment in patch review?15:16
hogepodgeOf course, just using the meeting time for discussion :-)15:17
hrwsure ;)15:17
hrwstarted build of requirements on arm64. will later do with patch applied15:21
hogepodgeIt could also be another configuration option, but it would be another config option15:21
hrwbtw - is there a way to tell pip to not generate "Ignoring typed-ast: markers 'python_version == "3.4"' don't match your environment" like messages?15:22
hogepodgeProbably some use of the -q flag, which can be applied repeatedly to suppress messages15:24
hogepodgeJust looking at the gate, it looks like the patch increased build time by 40%.15:29
hogepodgeThat could be cloud dependent though, so a local test is in order (when you get numbers that would be useful for the review). As it stands I think the patch is too crude of a solution to land the way it is. If it didn't impact time so significantly I'd probably let it in since it would just be acting as a cache.15:31
hogepodgeWere there any other issues we wanted to cover this in this week's highly informal meeting?15:34
hrwevrardjp fights with his opensuse patch:
hrwfor me it looked as image issue but it works for him on local machine15:38
hogepodgeBuild logs weren't copied over.15:40
hogepodgeThe build went fine for requirements, but when logs failed is posted a -1.15:40
hogepodgeSame for all the other image builds. Might want to have infra take a look15:41
hrwevrardjp: ^^15:42
hrwthat's all I think15:42
hogepodgeI just left a comment on the patch15:46
hogepodgeevrardjp: don't be afraid to reach out to infra for help on creating a new build job. They like it when people reach out15:47
hogepodgethat's it for me, I'll leave a review on the other patch15:47
hrwthanks for meeting15:47
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hogepodgeI'll use startmeeting next time so it's properly logged16:55
hogepodgehrw I'm not necessarily seeing significant changes in build time on x8617:32
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hrwon arm64 it's 42-43 minutes each time so no change too19:01
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