Wednesday, 2024-02-21

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/octavia-lib master: Add pre-commit config
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: DNM: Testing memory
gthiemonge#startmeeting Octavia16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb 21 16:00:12 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'16:00
gthiemonge#topic Announcements16:01
johnsomThe final caracal release of octavia-lib is due this week.16:01
gthiemonge* 2024.1 Caracal Release Schedule: Caracal-3 milestone16:01
gthiemongeI haven't yet approved the release16:02
tweiningcan we get in before?16:02
tweiningTakashi updated it today16:02
johnsomThat is for dev, so not really critical to get into the release16:03
johnsomWhat about this repr patch?16:03
gthiemongelet's target that for the next release16:04
gthiemongeit's not a big requirement16:04
johnsomIs that important for debugging that we should try to slip it in? or again  mostly dev focus?16:04
gthiemongeand it's backportable16:05
tweiningwell, I think nobody except me really misses that either16:05
gthiemongeI already gave a +2, I can update the hash of the release if we merge it today or tomorrow16:06
johnsomI will fully admit that I have not looked at lib in a while.16:06
johnsomOk, I will take a look at repr after the meeting16:06
gthiemongeso yeah octavia-lib this week16:07
gthiemongeand next week is the caracal-3 milestone16:07
gthiemongefeature freeze & final release for client libraries16:07
johnsomWhich means feature freeze. 16:07
johnsomAs you know SR-IOV support for the VIPs is a major feature we are trying to get into caracal.16:07
johnsomSadly, due to a bunch of other issues, it's coming in close to the wire.16:08
gthiemongethere's an attempt to fix those issues16:08
johnsomIf you can please have a look at the first two patches and give initial feedback (thank you gthiemonge for already doing this) I would appreciate it.16:08
gthiemongebut the code doesn't look right16:09
gthiemongeI'll update it tomorrow16:09
gthiemongeyeah if we fix the issues with the gates, I think SR-IOV could be merged soon16:09
tweiningdoes that SRIOV stuff need a special setup for testing?16:09
johnsomI hope to have an initial patch posted for the last functional part today. I am working through bugs16:09
johnsomYes, you have to have a NIC that supports SR-IOV until April when the next LTS will have a qemu driver we can use for testing.16:10
johnsomSo, at this point it's code review and unit/functional tests16:11
gthiemongeand check that it doesn't break non-SRIOV stuff :D16:11
johnsom+1 to that16:11
johnsomEverything should be behind a flavor profile flag16:13
gthiemongeI have another announcement16:15
gthiemonge* PTL 2024.2 Election Season16:15
gthiemongeit's already there16:15
gthiemongePTL election for the next cycle16:15
johnsomAh yes, nominations are open16:15
gthiemongeand that's it16:17
gthiemongeany other announcements?16:17
johnsomThat is all I have16:17
tweiningnothing from me16:17
gthiemonge#topic CI Status16:18
gthiemongewe already talked about that16:18
gthiemongethere are some issues with haproxy in the amphora in the CI16:18
gthiemongeI'll spend some time on it tomorrow, on the octavia-tempest-plugin patch16:18
gthiemongewe need to fix it for next week16:18
johnsomI saw you ran the DNM patch last night, any insights?16:18
gthiemongeI wanted to catch the moment when haproxy recreates a worker, but it's difficult to synchronize /bin/free and haproxy :D16:19
gthiemongeI may also try a DNM patch with a smaller value for haproxy maxconn, just to check if it's really a mem issue16:20
gthiemongewe could also change the connection-limit in the test classes that are imapcted16:21
gthiemongeI'll keep you updated16:21
gthiemonge#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review16:22
johnsomI am making good progress on wrapping up the SR-IOV work. I have rules being pushed down to the amphora now on LB create (for VRRP protocol for example).16:23
gthiemongethe patches for the bugs with the neutron endpoint settings are still open:16:23
gthiemongeI need to re-review the first one16:23
johnsomI just need to finish debugging it, put in the tasks in the other flows to also update the rules as needed and finish up test coverage.16:24
johnsomThose are the two that have already been posted. The -1 zuul vote is the potential memory issue we talked about above.16:25
tweiningI had a look at the 905794 one today, but I didn't fully understand it16:25
gthiemongejohnsom: question, do we need a python-octaviaclient patch?16:25
gthiemongefor the type of the vnic?16:26
johnsomNo, when I pivoted I no longer need lib/client/sdk changes. It's all keyed off of the flavor profile now16:26
gthiemongeor maybe it's not mandatory16:26
johnsomOh, for the field I added to the LB VIP. Hmm, 16:26
johnsomThe client just ignores it, but yeah, I guess we should update that so it shows up16:27
johnsomI can probably get that hammered out today16:27
johnsomI keep forgetting I added that field16:28
gthiemonge#topic Open Discussion16:32
gthiemongeany other topics before we close the meeting?16:33
johnsomI can't think of anything.16:33
oschwartnothing from me16:34
gthiemongethank you guys16:34
gthiemongehave a good week16:34
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb 21 16:34:24 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:34
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia-lib master: Better __repr__() for data model

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