Wednesday, 2024-02-14

opendevreviewBodo Petermann proposed openstack/octavia master: Health sender: support to send via TCP
opendevreviewBodo Petermann proposed openstack/octavia master: Health sender: support to send via TCP
wncsllnmorning folks o/14:01
wncsllnim configuring the tenant network of octavia14:02
wncsllni ran reconfigure to it and o-hm0 interface was created, but not get ip address14:02
wncsllnand the interface state is UNKNOWN14:03
wncsllnthere is a known issue?14:03
tweiningHi wncslln . What do you mean with reconfigure? Are you using a specific deployment tool to install and configure octavia?14:07
wncsllntweining: im using kolla-ansible14:07
tweiningunfortuntly, I have no experience with kolla-ansible. johnsom might be able to help you, but you'll have to wait for a couple of hour because he is in US west coast time zone.14:10
wncsllnis all good to me. during this time, i will make some tests in my environment14:11
wncsllnthanks tweining!14:11
tweiningnp. I'd say it is probably rather a configuration issue than an issue with octavia directly14:11
wncsllnyeah. i noticed that the created ports in openstack has different mac address than node interface14:12
wncsllni tried to delete this interface to recreate it, but i could not14:13
wncsllntweining: i can configure the network and interface gets an ip, but when i create a LB, the amphora stuck in BOOTING state14:59
wncsllnlog show the following message:14:59
wncslln2024-02-14 14:58:29.683 20 WARNING octavia.amphorae.drivers.haproxy.rest_api_driver [-] Could not connect to instance. Retrying.: requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=9443): Max retries exceeded with url: // (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f7542483f70>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host'))14:59
tweiningokay, that means you cannot ping that ip either?15:01
johnsomThat means we are waiting on nova to finish booting the VM instance. The LB should go ACTIVE in 30-45 seconds15:02
johnsomYou will get a few of those retrying messages while we wait on nova15:03
johnsomThough if I remember the boot sequence right, if the vm comes up and you still see these, there is a networking problem with the lb-mgmt-net15:05
wncsllnthe instance status is ACTIVE and the amphora still BOOTING15:07
wncsllni should be able to ping the instance from anywhere?15:07
wncsllnjohnsom: i just configure a tenant network with autoconfigure on. what kind of things in mgmt-network could be causing this?15:10
tweiningping should work from the namespace of o-hm0 I think15:10
tweiningI haven't had to debug these kind of issues for a long time15:11
wncsllnyeah... i cant ping from node with o-hm0 interface15:12
tweiningthen it's obviously a problem with the network config of o-hm0. maybe the default route is missing?15:15
wncsllnmaybe a firewall problem, i will investigate more15:17
wncsllnthanks for the help tweining15:17
johnsomYou cannot ping an amphora. Next step is look in the amphora console log in nova, did cloud-init get an IP address from neutron?15:17
johnsomYes, check the security groups kolla created15:18
wncsllnjohnsom: yeah, I already check this. cloud init shows a table with ip15:18
wncsllngets ans IP from subnetwork created in management-net15:18
johnsomOk, good, so you can test with ssh or curl15:18
johnsomNext on my list would be checking the security group got setup15:20
wncsllnfor some how, the instance and the amphora was deleted o_o15:22
opendevreviewBodo Petermann proposed openstack/octavia master: Health sender: support to send via TCP
wncsllnjohnsom: i think is all good with secgroups. there is a rule to SSH, ICMP and 9443 port15:27
johnsomwncslln Yes, the controller will automatically clean up the resources in use  if the provisioning was not successful. It does this after the retry timeout settings in the octavia.conf. That way you don't end up with a bunch of non-functional provisioned VMs in your cloud.15:52
wncsllnjohnsom: in fact, there was an interface with same IP from management-network, i think octavia tries to connect with amphora through this interface15:56
wncsllni just set to down and works perfectly!15:56
wncsllnloadbalancer was created15:57
wncsllnthanks al ot johnsom, tweining15:57
johnsomAh, so someone neutron issued an IP twice? maybe the DHCP range on the subnet is off15:57
tweiningI'm glad it works now15:57
johnsomAwesome, glad you are up and running.15:57
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Integrate mypy type checker
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/python-octaviaclient master: DNM: gate health test
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