Wednesday, 2022-09-21

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opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add pre-commit
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia stable/yoga: Update zuul queue configuration
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia stable/xena: Update zuul queue configuration
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia stable/wallaby: Update zuul queue configuration
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia stable/victoria: Update zuul queue configuration
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia stable/ussuri: Update zuul queue configuration
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Update zuul queue configuration
tweiningjohnsom, gthiemonge: ^ please review those backports as it seems it is required for Zuul to run jobs correctly now14:43
gthiemongetweining: thanks14:46
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia stable/train: Handle feature compatibility of HAProxy server-state-file option
colby_Hey Everyone. We recently updated to victoria version of openstack and now the amphora image is not able to bring up the private network interface. I get the following error in the logs:15:29
colby_Failed to ifup eth1 due to error: Command '['ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'amphora-haproxy', 'ifup', 'eth1']' returned non-zero exit status 1. b'/bin/sh: 1: /usr/local/bin/ not found\nifup: failed to bring up eth1\n': subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'amphora-haproxy', 'ifup', 'eth1']' returned non-zero exit status 1.15:29
colby_Im building the amphora based on stable/victoria15:29
colby_is there a way to fix this? Can I use a newer version maybe?15:29
tweiningdid you rebuild the amphora image after the update?15:32
gthiemongeudp-masquerade was renamed to lvs-masquerade15:59
gthiemongein wallaby, so that's not the issue16:00
gthiemongecolby_: how do you build the image?16:00
gthiemonge#startmeeting Octavia16:01
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Sep 21 16:01:11 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'16:01
QGHey !16:01
gthiemongewow, so many people16:01
johnsomI guess summer vacation season is over16:01
gthiemonge#topic Announcements16:03
gthiemonge** Octavia PTG16:03
gthiemongewe (johnsom) have reserved a room for the PTG on October 19th (14:00-17:00 UTC)16:03
gthiemongereminder: the etherpad for the PTG is online16:04
tweiningis there a timetable with other sessions available as well?16:04
gthiemongetweining: ^16:04
fkrgthiemonge: i've reached out to the operators that are within my scope to make them aware of the ptg as well as raise awareness and collect their topics/issues16:07
gthiemongefkr: ok cool!16:08
gthiemongeany other announcements?16:10
tweiningmaybe that Zuul doesn't work with changes on stable branches except zed right now?16:10
johnsomoctavia-tempest-plugin will be tagged for Zed this week.16:10
gthiemongejohnsom: right16:11
gthiemongetweining: yeah this is a point for the next topic16:12
gthiemonge#topic CI Status16:12
gthiemongeyeah so ATM zuul is not triggered on stable branches (except on Zed)16:13
gthiemongewe need to merge these patches to fix it:16:13
gthiemongethanks to johnsom for the patch, and to tweining for the backports ;-)16:14
tweininginteresting that even that tiny patch caused merge conflicts in two of the backports16:15
gthiemongeprobably because of some changes in the name of the jobs16:15
gthiemongeok, the backports are approved ;-)16:16
tweiningthat is how it should be :)16:17
gthiemonge#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review16:18
tweiningI was busy with other stuff mostly, so nothing from my side16:19
pyjouI have a fix for ESLint in octavia-dashboard to review16:19
gthiemongeI haven't done much this week, I've spent a lot of time on downstream stuff16:19
johnsompyjou Thank you!16:19
gthiemongethanks pyjou, I didn't notice there was a new eslint issue16:20
johnsomI have done some reviews mostly.16:20
johnsomMost of my focus has been on other projects this week16:21
gthiemongeoh yeah, I'm also working on rebasing my BGP/multi-active patches on top of master, the multi-vip stuff has introduced a _lot_ of conflicts there16:22
pyjouI also started working on the addition of prometheus in the dashboard. You can take a look. It's WIP for now. I'm open for comments ;)16:22
gthiemongepyjou: I'll take a look, thanks!16:23
fkroh. yummy. cool :)16:23
gthiemonge#topic Open Discussion16:26
QGi wanted to ask you if i can work on a backport for ?16:26
gthiemongeQG: it seems that we already have backports16:27
QGups sorry #link
johnsomYeah, back to train16:27
johnsomI don't see anything on 838438 that would block it from being a backport candidate16:28
gthiemongeQG, yeah NP, I haven't proposed too many backports because the backlog is already huge, but I want to make sure that all the potential bugfixes are backported to stable releases16:28
gthiemongeyeah I set BC+2 back in time, but it was lost16:29
QGok cool thanks 16:29
gthiemongeany other topics?16:33
gthiemongethank you!16:35
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Sep 21 16:35:43 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:35
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
colby_gthiemong: using diskimage builder with the -g stable/victoria flag17:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia stable/xena: Update zuul queue configuration
colby_ gthiemong: am I not building the image right?20:32
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia stable/victoria: Update zuul queue configuration
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia stable/train: Update zuul queue configuration
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia stable/wallaby: Update zuul queue configuration
johnsomcolby_ Are you still around?21:26
johnsomcolby_ The problem is the file was renamed and that wasn't taken into account. So the master branch Octavia elements have the new name and DIB will copy that in the image even though the -g stable/victoria flag was used.21:28
johnsomcolby_ So to fix your issue, checkout stable/victoria Octavia and run DIB from there to build the image.21:29
johnsomI will open a bug for this.21:29
colby_johnsom: Thanks that explains what was going on much better. 21:49
johnsomNo problem, I'm going to post a patch soon21:49
opendevreviewMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix image creation for stable branches
johnsomLet's see what Greg thinks of that workaround. It appears to me that the newer file is compatible with the older amphora-agents, so should work, but Greg might think of something else I am missing.21:55

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