Wednesday, 2022-07-06

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opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add WebTest as an indirect test dependency
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add WebTest as an indirect test dependency
*** ysandeep|ruck is now known as ysandeep|ruck|lunch08:43
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add WebTest as an indirect test dependency
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add WebTest as an indirect test dependency
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add WebTest as an indirect test dependency
opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add WebTest as an indirect test dependency
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opendevreviewTom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add WebTest as an indirect test dependency
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Apply openstack-selinux policies in Centos amphorae
gthiemongeHi Folks, the functional job is broken because of a new release of pecan, here is a patch from tweining:
gthiemongecould you review it or tell us if you have some concerns about it, we might merge it today with only one CR+213:00
fkrgthiemonge: johnsom: fyi - I'll not be able to make it to todays meeting. 14:19
gthiemongefkr: ack, np14:24
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gthiemonge#startmeeting Octavia16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul  6 16:00:35 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'16:00
gthiemongeHi Folks!16:00
gthiemonge#topic Announcements16:02
gthiemonge* New core reviewer in the Octavia group16:02
tweiningseems it's going to be a RH-internal meeting :)16:02
gthiemongeGreat news, tweining is now part of the core reviewer group for Octavia!16:02
gthiemongecongrats and thank you for your work tweining ;-)16:03
tweiningyay, that's great. thank you for all your support.16:03
oschwartCongratulations tweining!!!16:03
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tweiningI already gave my first CR+2 and CR-2 ;)16:04
gthiemongeany other announcements?16:04
tweiningthe duplicate change16:04
gthiemongeduplicate, ok16:05
gthiemonge#topic CI Status16:06
gthiemongeFYI the functional job is broken because of an update of pecan16:06
gthiemongetweining has proposed a patch16:06
gthiemongejohnsom approved it few minutes ago, the gates should be fixed soon16:06
gthiemongethe change includes an update of l-c.txt16:07
tweiningyes, next we will try to remove the l-c.txt16:07
gthiemongebut I think that now, we need to merge the patch that removes that job16:07
gthiemongeI will approve it whe nthe fix is merged16:08
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tweiningbtw. did we announce that registration for PTG is open?16:09
gthiemongenop, not yet16:09
gthiemongethere was also an email for the team signup, I think I need to ping our contributors to know if they plan to go to Columbus16:10
tweiningyes, it would be interesting to know who plans to go there16:12
gthiemonge#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review16:13
gthiemongeno much activity from me, I've spent a lot of time on downstream issues16:13
gthiemongeI know that we have a long list of backports to review, I hope I'll be able to review them before Friday16:14
spencerharmonI'm just catching up on @tweining's comments regarding the documentation for notifications. I'm making those edits now. I'm unsure how to proceed about the default topic. I haven't seen any documentation that oslo messaging is changing this behavior and in my lab environment, this topic is created.16:15
gthiemongespencerharmon: your lab env is devstack?16:18
spencerharmonNo, it isn't16:18
tweining for the record, this is the notifications change16:18
gthiemongeok, we could try to figure out why the notification queue doesn't get any messages16:20
gthiemongeI will re-test it16:20
spencerharmonYes, thank you! I can work on setting that up, but my thought is that it's likely to result in the same behavior you both saw. In that event, I think the thing to do is to document this, right? Alternatively, I can see about adding logic to create this if it doesn't exist.16:20
gthiemongeso, in my env, the topic exists, but it doesn't get the messages16:21
spencerharmonMakes sense. I suppose I could set this as a default if no topic is provided.16:22
gthiemongeand it exists, maybe not because of octavia, but because of other services, I don';t know16:22
opendevreviewSpencer Harmon proposed openstack/octavia master: Add event notifications for load balancers.
gthiemongeBTW, I forgot this topc, I recreated the review list:16:24
gthiemongeyou can change the priority/order of the items if you want16:24
gthiemongenotifications is on top of the feature list16:25
spencerharmonTop of the list is ok with me! ;)16:25
tweiningfrom my perspective the notifications change is okay as it is now16:25
gthiemongeyeah I agree, except with this topic ;-)16:27
spencerharmonI have not concerns leaving it, but I'm also happy to investigate explicitly setting the default notifications topic to ensure it behaves the way I've documented.16:27
gthiemongespencerharmon: yeah that would be nice if you could take a look at it16:27
spencerharmonIt says "You may specify," but as is, you *must* specify.16:27
tweiningat least in devstack I tried both the default topic (which is notification) as well as setting the topic to notifications explictly. same result16:28
spencerharmonI'll work on that. Don't worry about retesting until I get that in.16:29
gthiemongespencerharmon: ok thanks, don't hesitate to ping us before the next meetign if you have an update!16:30
tweiningalso, we have about 2 month till feature freeze so there is no rush16:30
spencerharmonSure thing! I'll be out of town next week, but I'll let yall know once I have something for you to review on this issue.16:31
spencerharmonThanks for the reviews! :)16:31
gthiemonge#topic Open Discussion16:33
gthiemongeany other topics?16:34
tweininghm, not sure. I'm working on a POC implementation for CPU pinning of HAProxy in the amp16:35
tweiningand I have one design problem. CW sends the rendered HAProxy.cfg to the API server on the amp.16:36
tweiningwhat I need is to get the number of vCPUs from the amp and add it in the config.16:37
tweiningso my idea was to extent the api so CW queries the number of vcpus from the API server on the amp before rendering the haproxy cfg.16:38
tweiningthere are probably other ways to do this, but that seems to be the easiest way to me.16:39
tweiningbut I didn't spend a lot of thought on it yet, so maybe it's a bit too early to discuss16:40
gthiemongethere's an info endpoint in the amphora16:40
gthiemongeI think it's pretty safe to extend it16:40
gthiemongebut the worker might communicate with amphorae that do not include the new fields, so you have to take it into account16:41
tweiningI also need to generate another file on the amp, a file with variables for TuneD. for that I also need the number of vCPUs. I guess I can handle that entirely on amp side though.16:42
tweiningthanks, I will have a look16:42
gthiemongethis function incldues more info16:43
gthiemongebut I don't think it is used by the controller services16:43
opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia master: Add WebTest as an indirect test dependency
gthiemongeyeah! gates are fixed^^16:43
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/octavia master: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
gthiemonge^ merge conflict. tweining: could you review it again?16:45
gthiemongeanything else folks?16:47
tweiningI don't think so16:47
oschwartNothing from me16:47
gthiemongewell, thank you all!16:48
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul  6 16:48:09 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:48
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