Friday, 2022-03-18

opendevreviewAndre Aranha proposed openstack/octavia master: Change FIPS jobs to centos-9-stream
spateljohnsom hey17:51
johnsomspatel Hi17:51
spatelwhat could be wrong here -
spatelI am not seeing ip address demo-net= in amphora image17:52
johnsomspatel For security reasons we isolate tenant traffic in a network namespace. Use "sudo ip netns exec amphora-haproxy ip a"17:52
spateloh!! 17:53
spateli can see it now17:53
spateltrying to troubleshoot issue.. i have 2 www server behind LB but not able to curl from VIP address17:55
spateli am able to curl from amphora image 17:55
johnsomWhat is the output of "openstack loadbalancer status show" ?17:55
spatelOFFLINE not sure why17:57
johnsomYeah, that is odd. Can you check that the admin state is up for all of those objects? "openstack loadbalancer show web-lb-1", etc.17:58
johnsomIt kind of looks like maybe the pool or listener is disabled18:00
johnsomcheck "openstack loadbalancer listener show listen-port-80" and openstack loadbalancer pool show pool-80" as well18:01
johnsomHmm listener looks good18:02
spateleverything looks ok for me.. then not sure why its offline18:03
spateli can curl www machine from amphora18:03
spatelI have used PING for monitoring is that ok?18:03
johnsomIt's not great, since this is HTTP, try switching it to an HTTP health monitor18:03
johnsomOr TCP if they aren't web servers18:04
spatelLet me switch 18:04
spatelI can't do it without removing pool18:05
johnsomPING has a bunch of gotchas with neutron security groups, etc. that an cause it to get odd results.  18:05
johnsomYes, you can, just remove the health monitor and add a new one18:05
spatelhmm ok18:05
spateli have changed it to HTTP but still same problem 18:07
spateloperating status: Offline18:07
johnsomcan you paste an updated "openstack loadbalancer status show"?18:07
johnsomOh, I wonder if your lb-mgmt-net isn't working right. Maybe the heartbeats aren't coming into the controllers. Though the curl to the VIP should still work even if lb-mgmt-net is not getting the heartbeats.18:08
spatelI can ping lb-mgmt-net from worker and manager 18:09
johnsomif "openstack loadbalancer stats show web-lb-1" doesn't show any metrics (all zeros) it's likely a problem with the lb-mgmt-net18:10
johnsomThere should be values in "total connections" for the curl calls to the vip18:10
johnsomIf that is zero, check your octavia.conf file, [health_manager] controller_ip_port_list setting. Make sure the health manager IP and port for your controller(s) is correct there.18:13
johnsomAlso make sure your health manager process is running18:14
spateloh let me check health_manager 18:15
spatelgive me sec i check all those setting 18:15
johnsomSure, NP18:15
spatel10.30.1.230 is my host IP address 18:16
spatelis this correct?18:17
johnsomFor the o-hm0 interface?18:17
spateli should use that IP means... 18:17
spatellet me check it and restart service... that could be my problem 18:18
johnsomOk, so that is probably the problem. The amps are sending to over the lb-mgmt-net via o-hm0 interfaces on the controllers.18:18
johnsomWhen you change the octavia.conf config, you will need to either failover the loadbalancer or use "openstack loadbalancer amphora configure [--wait] <amphora-id>" to push the updated endpoint to the amp18:18
spatelok, do i need to change on worker config also or not?18:19
johnsomAll except the API will need to be updated18:19
spateljohnsom he amphora ID is nova list ?18:27
spatelwhere should i find amphora ID? 18:27
johnsomopenstack loadbalancer amphora list18:27
spateljohnsom its still showing OFFLINE 18:35
spatelthinking i can redeploy LB 18:35
johnsomTry loadbalancer failover18:35
spatelone odd thing i can't see 5555 port listen on anywhere on host machine netstat -natp | grep 555518:36
spateloh its UDP18:38
johnsomThe health manager should listen on it on the o-hm0 ip. You did fix the binding address too right?18:39
spatelnow i can see 5555 bind to (earlier i was looking at TCP but now i found in UDP)18:39
spateludp        0      0*18:40
spatelredeploying whole LB :) its on the way18:40
spatelis this normal ? -
spatelassuming amphora isn't ready yet so its just keep trying18:46
johnsomYeah, that is normal. It is waiting for nova to full boot the vm18:48
spatelpool member show error 18:48
johnsomWell, you fixed the heartbeat!18:50
johnsomSo the web server isn’t responding as the health monitor expects18:50
spateli can curl so port 80 is alive 18:50
spatelfrom amphora i can curl web server 18:51
spatellet me change to PING and see18:51
johnsomIf you curl / on a web server with verbose on, it doesn’t send a 302 does it?18:51
spatelsudo ip netns exec amphora-haproxy curl
spatelit return default apache page18:53
spateli switch back to PING but still error18:54
spatellets debug and see what is going on18:55
spatelin my other datacenter i used PING for health and it works without issue 18:55
johnsomOk, yeah, that is odd.18:55
johnsomCheck the haproxy log file too, just to see what it says18:55
spatelin which place amphora keep lb config?18:57
spateli think /var/lib/octavia/18:58
johnsomUnlikely to be a config problem18:58
johnsomThat says the ping is not getting a response19:01
spatelhmm but i can ping from amphora :)19:04
spatellet me debug this... 19:05
spatelor i can use http and see19:05
spatelhere is the ping script 19:05
spatelassuming it will run inside namespace 19:06
johnsomYes, the health monitor checks run from inside the namespace19:07
johnsomWorst case, you can run tcpdump from inside the namespace and see the packets leaving and the response19:09
spateljohnsom i am doing all basic OS level debug,, i will let you know :)19:22

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