Wednesday, 2021-08-04

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/octavia master: DNM: Checking gate
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/octavia master: Enable debug of pip-extra-reqs/pip-missing-reqs
opendevreviewPierre-Yves Jourel proposed openstack/octavia master: Implements notifications for octavia
rm_workah did we cancel the meeting for TWO weeks?16:03
rm_workI guess so :D16:03
digitalsimbojaHello Johnsom17:42
digitalsimbojaPlease take a look at the Gerrit patchset17:42
digitalsimbojaI added the octavia-tempest-plugin on the zuul.yaml 17:43
digitalsimbojaBut still throws errors17:43
johnsomThat can only go on "- job:" sections, not the "- project:" section17:43
digitalsimbojaOn previous patchsets I added it to the last stable branch17:43
digitalsimbojaOkay let me chack17:43
johnsomdigitalsimboja You may need to put it in here:
johnsomThough I'm not sure which job(s) you need it in17:47
digitalsimbojaI need to add it on the kuryr-kubernetes-tempest one17:48
johnsomSo this one:
johnsomAdding it to kuryr-kubernetes-tempest-octavia-base would include it there17:49
digitalsimbojaokay amending...17:52
digitalsimbojaThe repo is the main Kuryr-kubernetes repo? Confirm18:00
johnsomYeah, it looks like kuryr is spliting tests across repos18:01
digitalsimbojaso I need to commit that change and get it merged before it can effect the change?18:03
digitalsimbojaI guess?18:03
digitalsimbojaOtherwise I would get the 'mananger' issue? 18:04
johnsomYou can also use "Depends-On: <patch URL" in your plugin patch commit message.18:08
digitalsimbojaSo I have to make the patch on the main repo then18:11
digitalsimbojato get the URL18:11
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