Thursday, 2021-07-15

opendevreviewMerged openstack/octavia master: Fix oslo policy DeprecatedRule warnings
opendevreviewBernd Mueller proposed openstack/octavia master: fix amphora-agent-install script, typo, heath -> health
mloza3hello, how can I update SSL cert on a listener ?15:04
johnsommloza3 Just upload the new cert in barbican, then do an update on the listener to point to the new bundle in barbican. It will rotate it in15:12
mloza3johnsom: thanks15:28
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/octavia master: DNM: Allow multiple VIPs per LB - CRUD
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/octavia master: DNM: Allow multiple VIPs per LB - CRUD
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/octavia master: DNM: Allow multiple VIPs per LB - CRUD
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/octavia master: DNM: Allow multiple VIPs per LB - CRUD
gmannjohnsom: rm_work gthiemonge these neutron-lbaas README.rst update are ready to merge, after these merge we can remove the complete setup from project-config
johnsomgmann Thank you!23:04
rm_workare we merging patches still?23:04
rm_workI thought we said we weren't? or is this the last batch23:04
johnsomrm_work This is a last rites, lol23:05
rm_workthat repo should literally have been deleted a year+ ago lol23:05
gmannyeah, these are patches up for propery retirement recording
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lbaas-dashboard master: Moving IRC network reference to OFTC
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lbaas master: Moving IRC network reference to OFTC
johnsomlol, patches merge fast when there are no jobs... lol23:06
rm_workooo we should (not) do that more often!23:08
johnsomTesting is so... 90's23:08

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