Tuesday, 2019-11-12

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rm_workYeah just some I think01:26
rm_workLike flavor...01:26
rm_workWhich I ran into in my patch01:26
johnsomWell, I have fixed the provider capability list01:28
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix filtering for provider capabilities list API  https://review.opendev.org/69376001:35
johnsomNot sure if there is a cleaner way to do that, but it's really not bad as it is01:37
rm_workOk, can you look at the flavor one as well?02:22
rm_workI wonder if Sam from the summit is around in ITC02:23
rm_workI need to talk with him about the AZ stuff ... And timing02:23
rm_worksorrison: hey, you around? :D02:31
sorrisonrm_work: I am!02:32
rm_worksorrison: sweet! we had some further discussion around AZ stuff, we decided we want to do all of the config for them in the API02:32
rm_workno config file shenanigans02:32
rm_workso an API endpoint for admins to set up / configure Octavia AZs02:32
rm_worksimilar to flavors02:32
sorrisonok sure thing02:33
rm_worki can definitely help02:33
sorrisonI've got the workflow all working so I can now target an AZ on create. Haven't done any of the network mapping yet anyway02:33
rm_workpost your work in a CR :D02:33
rm_workjust put WIP at the beginning of the commit summary02:34
rm_workif you want, i can help start on the API stuff02:34
rm_workor even just adding testing02:34
rm_workto move things along02:34
rm_workmy timeline internally is ... aggressive02:34
rm_workbut it seems like you're moving along at a good clip too, so maybe not necessary :D02:35
rm_work(we need this feature to launch a cloud in ... uhh, december)02:35
johnsomFor WIP also set the workflow -1 flag so we can filter it out of review lists02:36
openstackgerritSam Morrison proposed openstack/octavia master: WIP Support creating a LB in a specified availability-zone  https://review.opendev.org/69376202:37
sorrisonI was about to start with tests for what I have now02:38
johnsomrm_work: look at the tls cipher story. It has all the tasks to add an api feature.  Maybe you two can do parallel work on the az stuff02:38
sorrisonrm_work: So you want to do the api for listing/creating AZs then?02:39
rm_workYeah I figured I could add that in02:39
sorrisonok cool02:39
rm_workEither I can do it as a different patch below yours that you use, or I can just submit patchsets on your CR02:40
sorrisonIt also needs a little change in octavia-lib02:40
rm_workWhatever you're more comfortable with02:40
rm_workYeah probably02:40
sorrisonHow about you do a separate patch that would go before mine? And then I can use it to plumb in the network02:40
rm_workI'll start on that ASAP02:41
sorrisonsounds good02:41
rm_workI'll just plan to have the necessary info in the DB/models for you to use, and assume you'll use it02:42
sorrisonOK so you think basically instead of me passing around a availability zone string I'll pass around an AZ object which will have name/network etc. in it?02:47
rm_workor a dict generated from that02:55
rm_workor ... the individual vars?02:55
rm_worki'm not sure where/how you'll need to use it exactly02:56
rm_workcurrently deciding if I want to do a single "az_data" field like in flavor_data, or if i make it explicit fields02:56
rm_workexplicit fields will be cleaner to use but require more migrations possibly in the future... but leaning that way02:59
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rm_workbasing all the API stuff on FlavorProfile as a template since it's pretty similar03:03
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sorrisonsounds good to me, you think you'll have something this week?03:06
rm_worki'm hoping to have something tomorrow03:07
rm_workor later today03:07
rm_workdepending on your timezone :D03:07
sorrisonI'm only around for a couple more hours so I'll pick it up tomorrow hopefully03:08
rm_workkk yeah no worries03:08
rm_workI'll try to get at least something up, even if it's not done, but that will show the data models so you can start using them03:08
rm_workdeciding also if our zones should be immutable or not03:09
sorrisonfirst thoughts is that I feel they should be able to change, at least updating the network for an AZ although don't know if the network is needed after the amp is created03:24
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rm_workonly relevant on failover03:26
rm_workit would definitely make this simpler if they were immutable :D03:26
rm_workbut I'll code for not03:26
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sorrisonJust trying to think with my day 2 operations hat on. As I can see a reason that the network would change for an AZ potentially but don't really know03:40
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rm_workgetting close04:02
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: WIP: Availability Zone admin API  https://review.opendev.org/69376504:15
rm_worksorrison: ^^ there is a first draft -- missing docs / releasenote, and maybe some testing?04:15
rm_workbut should work04:15
rm_workappreciate your notes04:15
rm_workyou too johnsom :D04:15
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rm_worksorrison: I added some TODOs with your name in them04:29
sorrisonyip, reading through now04:29
rm_workyou'll also need to add the FK to the az table in your migration04:29
rm_workbut otherwise it's pretty straightforward I think04:29
rm_workwe might need to make sure things are separated correctly, we have a pretty strict separation between DB access and certain parts of the code04:30
rm_workso if you see stuff where you're like "why didn't they just pass through the DB object", that's why04:30
rm_worka few of them are obvious, like we do json serialization04:30
rm_workbut others might not be04:30
rm_workI'll take a look after you rebase04:31
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rm_workyou might see some artifacts from the obvious flavor_profile->availability_zone copy-pasta, so call them out if you do :D04:32
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rm_workoh, pep8 is most likely a complete mess :D04:39
rm_workgonna take a crack at that really quick04:39
rm_workbefore i sign off for the day04:39
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rm_workok fixed outstanding test failures05:54
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: WIP: Availability Zone admin API  https://review.opendev.org/69376505:55
rm_workshould be good05:55
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brtknranyone here able to tell me why neutron lbaas was removed completely?11:18
brtknrin Train?11:19
brtknrI understand Octavia is intended to replace Neutron LBaaS but what where the deciding factors?11:20
brtknrDid Neutron LBaaS have scaling issues or something of that kind?11:20
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openstackgerritAnn Taraday proposed openstack/python-octaviaclient master: Do not get all resources if ID is passed  https://review.opendev.org/69314411:52
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fricklerbrtknr: this should have most of the answers https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/LBaaS/Deprecation14:39
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brtknrfrickler: thanks, is dual CA the recommended practice for prod?15:17
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johnsombrtknr: Yes, using dual CAs is more secure and blocks spoofing opportunities.15:39
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johnsomrm_work I looked at the flavors API, filtering is working fine there. It uses the normal filter code path where provider capabilities is a special case.17:01
johnsomLet me know if you have reproduction use case17:01
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix filtering for provider capabilities list API  https://review.opendev.org/69376018:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia stable/rocky: Improve the error message for bad pkcs12 bundles  https://review.opendev.org/68396620:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia stable/stein: Improve the error message for bad pkcs12 bundles  https://review.opendev.org/68395420:29
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rm_workjohnsom: yeah, my AZ/net patch shows it failing21:08
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johnsomrm_work That is what I just fixed in https://review.opendev.org/693760, the capabilities list.21:20
rm_workah, you said provider21:21
johnsomYeah, the test is maybe named a bit odd21:21
johnsomIt's the flavor capability per provider API. lol21:21
rm_workit's not flavor capabilities?21:21
rm_workah it's ... both, k21:21
johnsomAnyhow, that patch is ready for review and solves the issue21:22
rm_workyeah reviewing21:29
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: Let flavors override amp AZ/boot_network  https://review.opendev.org/69226821:32
rm_workjohnsom: is "management_network" an amphora-driver only concept?21:33
johnsomlol, sigh, yeah, ok, brain short on that release note21:33
rm_worki wonder if that's problematic for putting in the AZ api21:34
rm_workbecause AZ should work for anything21:34
rm_workso... :/21:34
rm_workneed to think about that21:34
johnsomJust like amphora21:34
johnsomThey are all hidden concepts that implement the driver21:34
rm_workyeah so making it mandatory is ... not possible21:35
rm_workeven putting it on there is :/21:35
rm_workmaybe AZ really does need to be a JSON blob like flavor-profile21:35
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix filtering for provider capabilities list API  https://review.opendev.org/69376021:39
johnsomI could not let that release note go...21:40
rm_worklol yeah i figured you wouldn't :D21:41
rm_workso yeah, two things on AZs21:41
johnsomStrange, that didn't kick your rebase out of of the zuul queue. hmmm, well, it will still prove the point.21:42
rm_work1) How/what should it take (as) config args?21:42
rm_work2) What should it show to a user?21:42
rm_workMaybe just a description?21:42
rm_workit shouldn't show the user the management network, lol21:42
rm_workbut it SHOULD show the nova zone? or not even?21:43
rm_workbut the user would want to be able to select a zone to match their VMs21:43
rm_workI'm going to add a description I think, either way?21:44
johnsomIt's odd as this is the first API addition that leaves the parameter to the provider interpretation. I.e. the API needs to be generic enough that it makes some sense to a HW appliance driver.21:44
rm_workI think `compute_zone` makes sense for anything21:44
johnsomThis is partially why I was thinking it's just a flavors thing21:44
rm_workbecause even if it doesn't explicitly HAVE one, it might be racked for one21:44
rm_workbut management network... :/21:45
johnsomWell, a user should not need to specify that right?21:45
johnsomWith a flavor this is easy, they both go in the driver specific config for the flavor.21:46
rm_workit really is super similar to flavors... but just trying to alias out to match other services21:47
rm_workbut also allow for multiple flavors to use the same AZ21:47
rm_workso as to not explode the number21:47
rm_workbecause we might want bronze/silver/gold for each AZ21:47
rm_workmaybe give AZ a *flavor*?21:48
rm_workand leave management-net on the flavor21:48
johnsomWell, there is nothing stopping flavors from having the same AZ.21:48
sorrisonworks for me as our management net is shared between AZs21:49
rm_workerr i meant21:49
rm_workmultiple AZs for the same flavor, sorry21:49
rm_workis the issue21:49
rm_workwe're going to have 3-4 AZs21:49
johnsomWe need to have a way to set the lb-mgmt-net per AZ. Pretty sure of that21:49
rm_workand several flavors21:49
rm_workand it'd be multiplicative if AZ a flavor attribute21:50
johnsomYeah, I get you.21:50
rm_workand also weird for users, lol21:50
rm_workso yeah, what if AZ had a flavor21:50
rm_workerr no that is the same problem lol21:51
johnsomSo, you want to define a list of AZs that are valid per provider. User sees name/description, behind the scenes it's ...  hmmm, yeah, a bit like a flavor profile.21:51
johnsomWell, an AZ having a flavor, doesn't make sense to me21:52
rm_workright, ignore that, i am still becoming fully conscious21:52
johnsomYeah, so if you want to get all fancy on this, you could do something like flavor profile for the AZ technical definiton.21:53
rm_worki really wanted to avoid being fancy21:54
sorrisonI think it makes sense for the network to be associated with the AZ as it's a location thing, where as flavor is a type of load balancer?21:54
rm_workyeah but if you think about a hardware LB, does it need a network?21:54
rm_workI wish we had more provider drivers already in use so we could actually see if that makes sense21:54
johnsomsorrison Flavor is a per-load balancer customization pre-defined by the operator. It can override any option in the octavia.conf.21:54
rm_workalso AvailabilityZones might need to override allowed_vip_networks for the amp driver21:55
sorrisonIf it helps our org also has F5s in 2 DCs, they have separate networks for each21:57
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johnsomrm_work the more you add in overrides for the AZs, the more it sounds like a flavor.21:58
johnsomMaybe you just clone over the flavor design, rename it AZ, and go from there21:59
rm_workbut it also isn't >_>21:59
rm_worki mean...21:59
rm_workI kinda did21:59
rm_workbut i was hoping it'd be a little more simplified21:59
rm_workI feel like those three things might be universal21:59
rm_worklike, HW LBs would be tied to a compute zone, have a management net, and possibly advertise different vip-nets22:00
rm_workI could allow them to be nullable I guess22:00
rm_workexcept compute-zone22:00
johnsomYeah, I am not sure compute zone is really a thing for appliances22:00
sorrisonI thought a flavor and an AZ would map to our cinder and nova do azs and flavors (cinder calls them volume_types)22:01
rm_workisn't it?22:01
rm_worki mean, even if it's not explicitly IN nova or whatever, it still would be racked in a zone22:01
johnsomA network zone maybe22:01
rm_workok, so you want just "zone"?22:02
rm_workamphora driver can use it as compute zone, other drivers could use it as network zone22:02
* rm_work shrugs22:02
johnsomWell, that kind of defeats the purpose right. really you are going to need compute, network, etc. per AZ.22:02
johnsomI assumed AZ would also include configuration for network zone, not just compute22:03
rm_workthat's kinda what management_network handles22:03
sorrisonan az in neutron is for when creating networks and routers22:03
johnsomWouldn't the network AZ be more about the VIP?22:03
rm_workwhich is why i said also it'd need the allowed_vip_net too22:04
johnsomYeah, ok, so create port doesn't have AZ as an option22:05
johnsomGot it. It's encapsulated in the network ID basically22:05
rm_worklooks like22:06
johnsomI keep coming back to the most flexible option would be build out the AZs like we did for flavors, so it encapsulates all of the required settings and they are defined per-driver.22:10
rm_workyeah... alright... it's just .... eugh22:14
rm_workthe feedback i've generally gotten so far (and my experience using it) is that it's a bit cumbersome and confusing to explain22:14
rm_workbut, that's probably because right now people only have one driver to use22:15
rm_workso it doesn't make a ton of sense22:15
johnsomYeah, you would need to write a guide like I did for flavors22:15
rm_workalright.... well... I can do it22:16
rm_workjust seems very overkill right now, but maybe not in the future? :/22:16
rm_workit really seems like those three things -- compute_zone, management_net, allowed_vip_nets22:16
rm_workbut yeah, i don't necessarily know all the things a HW LB might need22:17
sorrisonI wonder if there is a need for an AZ to have a name and a compute_zone as I would think they would always be the same thing?22:17
rm_worki thought about that22:17
rm_workbut I think so22:17
johnsomI'm thinking like chassis in the AZ as an example. I.e. maybe you have four appliance pairs per AZ22:17
rm_worktieing them 1:1 might not always work for people22:17
johnsomYeah, I agree. plus the defaults in nova are, not really user friendly names. lol22:18
sorrisonso multiple octacia AZs could map to the same nova AZ but have different networks?22:19
sorrisonMakes it flexible which is always nice22:19
rm_workjohnsom: so you want full-on az and az-capabilities?22:19
rm_workthat's one use-case22:19
sorrison(we would actually probably fit that use case)22:20
johnsomrm_work Yeah, if it was me, I would do AZ and AZ profile (just to stay consistent naming)22:20
rm_workk FML22:20
* rm_work does it22:20
johnsomAZ/availability-zone/availability_zone/orbit Whatever you feel...  grin22:20
johnsomAZ profile is the per-provider config, admin visible only. AZ is the user facing bit that maps to LBs.22:21
johnsomsorrison Does that make sense to you? Comments?22:21
johnsomrm_work and I tend to banter ideas around. I do want to make sure we get input, etc.22:22
sorrisonyeah, I just can't figure out a use case that would require 2 AZs with the same settings off the top of my head22:22
rm_workit's not so much that we actually expect multiple AZs to use the same profile, honestly22:23
rm_workit's that profile is the abstraction away from capability lists22:23
sorrisonok so just more of a design thing to keep it consistent?22:23
rm_workI GUESS we could kinda flatten it22:23
johnsomThe one case I can come up with (Yes, worked for a "megacorp" for 16 years) is branding.22:23
johnsomAZ1 becomes Shiny-AZ1-mega-zone22:23
sorrisonhaha yeah but under the covers its just the same old shit :-)22:24
rm_workjohnsom: yeah i mean really, do we ever expect the same flavor-profile to be used by multiple flavors either? :/22:24
rm_workit seems like it's just an abstraction to have an admin-object and a user-object22:24
johnsomYeah, the other reason people asked for the flavor/flavor-profile split is to hide the "behind the scenes" settings from users. I.e. the operator can put dirty secrets in the profiles.  Like "gold" flavor really maps to a raspberry-pi instance.22:25
rm_workjust to split the user/operator domains22:25
rm_workit's still most likely a 1:1 map22:25
johnsomYeah, I would expect mostly 1:1, just edge cases you would cross map.22:26
sorrisonin nova we just have the one object and depending on perms it will show you different fields etc.22:26
rm_workyeah that is what i was just thinking about22:27
johnsomUsers trained to use AZ1 but you have really migrated that compute to a new DC with AZ5 in nova. That sort of thing22:27
rm_worklike you see HV on a server if you're admin, otherwise you don't22:27
sorrisonhaving the multiple objects just makes things more complicated IMO22:28
rm_workyes, agree22:28
rm_workbeing inconsistent is arguably *worse*22:28
johnsomPeople complain about those APIs with variable response formats.22:28
rm_workso I am tempted to do it this way just to not have YET ANOTHER API MODEL22:28
sorrisonI'm a sucker for consistency too22:28
rm_workI kinda wish we could revisit flavors now that I understand it better :D22:29
rm_workbut alas22:29
johnsomPlus, creating the AZs should be a rare thing. It's mostly going to be the usage.22:29
rm_workso, fine22:29
rm_worki'm just copying the entire model22:29
rm_workdebating literally starting over and redoing the find/replace rofl22:29
rm_workrather than trying to stick back in some of the logic pieces i ripped out22:30
johnsomrm_work You probably want to incorporate this too: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/692427/22:31
rm_worki mean i'm just working from the files as-is22:31
rm_workso i should have that22:31
rm_workoh wait no i didn't22:31
rm_worknot merged yet :D22:31
rm_workuhh, do AZs need to be linked to a provider too then?22:33
johnsomYeah, isn't that the point?22:37
sorrisonDoes a flavor profile override an az profile or the other way around?22:46
rm_workuhhh, lol22:49
rm_worki think AZ would overwrite flavor22:49
rm_work.... i think22:49
johnsomIf they conflict it is a user error22:50
johnsomI.e. if the AZ is defined in the flavor but also on the command line, if they don't match, it's a direct user error.22:51
johnsomIf you mean the settings in the profile itself, yeah, that is a new issue. I think you are right, if it's defined for AZ it would override the flavor setting, which overrides the octavia.conf default. lol22:52
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