Wednesday, 2018-08-22

openstackgerritTatsuma Matsuki proposed openstack/octavia master: Separate the thread pool for health and stats update
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abaindurjohnsom: we are having some random trouble with the amp ssh_key name now. it was working earlier, now it cant find the key in a multi tenant setting00:48
abaindurwe created the key under the same tenant as the tenant specified in octavia's keystone_authtoken and service_auth sections00:48
abainduropenstack keypair list shows the same key name as we have set for amp_ssh_key_name00:49
johnsomThe keypair in nova should be created under your Octavia service account (service_auth in the octavia.conf) and then that ID loaded in the config file00:49
abainduryep, its service tenant, and thats same tenant i created the ssh key in00:50
johnsomYou aren't trying to boot the amphora instance under a tenant account are you?00:50
abaindurthere is no ID for the keypair, just name00:50
abainduropenstack keypair list00:50
abaindur| Name  | Fingerprint                                     |00:50
abaindur| arjun00:50
abaindurok, now i am creating the LB itself via a different tenant00:51
johnsomLB is fine, it's the amphora compute instance, the project id shown in nova is the service_auth project ID from your octavia.conf right?00:51
johnsomThe keypair and nova instance must both be owned by the octavia service account as listed in [service_auth].00:53
abainduryep. the keypair is under service00:55
abaindurand thats the tenant/project under service_auth00:55
abaindurComputeBuildException: Failed to build compute instance due to: Invalid key_name provided. (HTTP 400)00:56
johnsomThen I have not heard of an issue with the ssh key.  What is the worker log giving you?00:56
abaindurThat error ^^00:56
abaindurI see similar error coming from nova-api logs00:56
abaindurI added my own log, vberified it is the correct key name00:59
abaindur2018-08-21 17:58:55.282 5567 DEBUG octavia.controller.worker.tasks.compute_tasks [-] Compute create execute for amphora with id a2b047f7-7548-4d20-b590-58bf4f67c4e4 execute /opt/pf9/pf9-octavia/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octavia/controller/worker/tasks/
abaindur2018-08-21 17:58:55.284 5567 INFO octavia.controller.worker.tasks.compute_tasks [-] ARJUN: using key_name = amp_ssh_key00:59
abaindurin octavia.conf, I have set:00:59
abaindurmp_ssh_key_name = amp_ssh_key00:59
abainduramp_ssh_key_name = amp_ssh_key01:00
johnsomYour keypair list above had the key name as "arjun" it should be amp_ssh_key_name = arjun01:00
abainduri changed em around01:00
abainduri deleted everything and changed th names to retry01:00
abaindurI noticed prior i had an ssh key called "arjun" in my other tenant as well. i thought maybe the duplicate name was causing some issue finding correct one. so i deleted it, and re-named the one in service tenant01:01
johnsomYou openrc info you used for the key pair create matches exactly the [service_auth] section?01:01
abainduryes... i can only view the keypair under service tenant01:02
johnsomUsername and project ID should be the only things that are important there01:02
johnsomI guess you have to debug nova then as I don't have any answers. We pass that field straight through to the nova server create API as you saw in the nova log.  You could always remove the key from octavia conf, let it boot, check in nova the project ID of the amp and make sure it matches what you expect.01:04
johnsomI wish the keypair had a project_id column to make it easy to double check, but nova....01:06
abaindurhmm maybe something nova related01:09
abaindurthis is a completely new setup than one i was testing earlier01:09
abaindurOctavia looks like its doing right job. Things work when i rmove amp_ssh_key_name and boot it without key01:10
abainduri'll have to check w/ someone else familiar with nova01:10
johnsomYeah, that error was straight from nova, so something is fishy in nova land. The only thing I have seen like this is when the keypair is under the wrong service account, but we have already covered that...01:11
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sapd1Do we need limit listener and l7policy on a loadbalancer?02:52
johnsomsapd1 Listener is limited already by the number of ports available. I guess you could kill an amp by overloading it with listeners, but the user would be shooting themselves in the foot.02:58
johnsoml7policy is just rules added to the config, I think that would be driver dependent.02:59
sapd1johnsom: ok. I understand03:00
johnsomYeah, I guess I'm not really sure if there is a good use case for quota on those or not.03:00
sapd1johnsom: Because some cloud providers such as AWS has limitations for that. Example:
johnsomlol, but we are better than ELB...  grin03:02
johnsomGeez, only 20 lbs?  I have seen users with 250+03:02
sapd1If user create more l7 policies maybe affect to LB performance.03:02
sapd1johnsom: Maybe this is a default quota, So you could contact support to increase quota :D I think03:03
johnsomTrue, but they are only impacting their own performance.  I feel that quota is really used to protect the cloud resources more than the user degrading their own use.  What do you think?03:03
sapd1yep. But We should care about SLA when provide service :D03:04
johnsomI agree about SLA, but I guess I would set SLA in a way that does not involve their application performance, as application quality varies.03:06
johnsomIf you feel those quotas are needed for your deployment, please feel free to create a patch adding them. The rest of us can always set them -1 by default.  I think we just didn't have a good reason to add them03:07
sapd1johnsom: So Let me try. :D03:10
johnsomsapd1 Just make sure the defaults are better than AWS....  lol grin03:12
sapd1johnsom:  How to set default quota for octavia?03:12
sapd1johnsom: Ok. I agree03:12
sapd1thankyou. better than AWS =))03:13
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sapd1johnsom: After quota has been met, If I create a loadbalancer on horizon I will be logout because return code is 403 :/04:02
sapd1root@ovs-capacity-4:~# openstack loadbalancer create --vip-network-id d4f88e6c-3e45-4dbb-95cb-bf93faddf8a0 --name test-quota04:02
sapd1Quota has been met. (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-9b619efe-ef9a-4e64-9272-95d42d8560e6)04:02
johnsomHmm, sounds like a horizon/dashboard bug.  Please open a story04:02
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Fix tests to honor Octavia API versioning
johnsomrm_work ^^^ That is an API version approach04:07
johnsomsapd1 I will switch it to the horizon dashboard project as it's not an Octavia bug, it's like octavia-dashboard04:10
sapd1johnsom: Thanks04:11
johnsomOk, with that patch I am done for the day.  Catch you all tomorrow04:12
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/octavia-dashboard master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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dollyey! I'm back! Got the stable/queens 2.0.2 release running on my osp 13 setup. Everything is working as expected *except* recreating the amp when I manually delete it. It seems like the same issue persists in 2.0.2 as in earlier versions, here's the log of whats happening
dollyIt actually continously tries to recreate the amp, but gets the same error all the time (it does so while we speak)14:30
cgoncalvesit's the AddrFormatError issue14:32
cgoncalvesoh, right. it was you that also ran into it :)14:33
dollyyes exactly that issue =)14:34
dollyI thought that it had been fixad in 2.0.2 ?14:34
dollyDo we have any idea about why its happening ?14:34
dollyI'm more than happy to assist14:35
cgoncalvescan you check if the instance has a lb-mgmt-net IP assigned?14:36
cgoncalvesbasically asking the same johnsom asked me on the story :)14:36
dollyWell, it creates the instance and immidetely destroys it14:37
dollyso, not really sure how to check that14:37
dollybut there is a setting to disable cleanup of amps right ? I think I saw that somewhere in the settings14:37
cgoncalveseither mark the amp busy in the database or stop the health manager service14:38
johnsomdolly: stop the health manager process and set disable-revert in the worker config14:38
dollyjohnsom: after setting disable-revert, do I need to restart anything =14:39
cgoncalvesdocker restart octavia_* :P14:42
dollygot it, was thinking if it took the setting dynamically14:42
dollyBut if I stop the healt-manager before destroying one of the amps, would that mean that there is nothing to detect that the amp is gone and thus nothing starting the process of creating a new amp ? :)14:43
dollyI'll just stop the healthmanager after it has recreated the amp, so it diesn't keep on creating millions of vms14:45
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dollygot the amp now14:52
dollynot destroyed14:52
dollybut it doesn't seem to be connected to anything14:52
dollyso from that perspective it makes sense that octavia cant get the ipaddr14:59
dolly(because there is none)15:00
cgoncalvescan you check if an IP address was assigned?15:00
dollyhm, where do I see that ?15:01
dollyI mean no addresses shows up when doing openstack server show <amp-id>15:05
cgoncalvesoh, that should be a start yeah15:08
dollyIts booted and everything15:09
dollybut doesnt got a network15:09
cgoncalvesopenstack port list and grep by possible port for amp?15:09
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dollywell how would I know which port that would be used by the amp ?15:14
cgoncalvestop of my head I'd say to check neutron logs and look for port creation requests (if any) around same time when the amp was created15:16
cgoncalvesit could be that neutron is erroing and octavia is not catching it, I don't know15:16
dollyyeah ive been looking in the neutron logs by the id of the amp15:17
dollybut the only thing I see there are GET's15:17
dollythere doesn't seem to be anything related to create15:17
cgoncalveswhat about nova?15:17
dollylet me check the logs for the amp that is actually created15:17
dollynova is fine15:17
dollylogs says that instance is created15:17
cgoncalvesit is nova who requests port creation, no?15:18
dollywell, I'm a bit "new in the game" so I wouldn't be able to answer that. But I think its a bit weird that I only see GET's in the log15:18
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dollyPlease correct me if I'm wrong,15:47
dollybut when the health-manager recreates the amp, there is no information about network nor sec-group in the request.15:47
dollyDon't we need to pass this to nova to place it correctly ? Or am I missing something obvious ?15:48
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cgoncalveshmmm interesting :)15:50
cgoncalvesjohnsom, ^15:50
dollyWell that at least would make sense from my perspective. Parameter is missing to nova, nova creates the amp without network, octavia asks the neutron api for the network where the amp is attached, gets None as response since its not attached anywhere.15:59
cgoncalvesI think so too. I'm looking at get_failover_flow, still not much acquainted with TaskFlow16:03
johnsomdolly still catching up on the back scroll, but yes, nova creates the lb-mgmt-net port at boot.16:07
dollyjohnsom: no worries16:08
johnsomNova won't let you boot an instance without a network. (at least it didn't).16:08
dollyHm, pretty sure you can now.16:08
johnsomYou will see in your HM log a TaskFlow task called "CertComputeCreate" which calls nova with the network  ID to attach, here
johnsomSo the only way that would not have a network (and really shouldn't even boot) is if you are missing the "amp_boot_network_list" octavia.conf setting for your HM processes16:12
dollywell that parameter is commented out in the config16:14
dollyis it enough with the default ?16:14
dollyI mean is that parameter default set16:15
johnsomThere is no default for that field16:15
dollyHm, so how come that its working to create the amps initially  ?16:16
johnsomIt must be defined in your worker config file16:16
dollyOH ! etc/octavia/conf.d/octavia-worker/worker-post-deploy.conf:amp_boot_network_list = a369be6a-efac-4575-8b5b-fc155907a231 <-16:17
dollyfreaking puppet / director making these magic things :P16:18
dollySo its defined for the worker but not for the health-manager16:18
dollyor any of the other services16:18
johnsomworker, health, and housekeeping should all have the exact same config as they all use the worker library16:19
johnsomFrom the intro docs.16:19
cgoncalvesplaybooks/roles/octavia-controller-config/templates/worker-post-deploy.conf.j2:amp_boot_network_list = {{ lb_mgmt_net_id }}16:21
cgoncalvesif the HM requires amp_boot_network_list to be set, it might not be. looking16:22
johnsomcgoncalves spares pool won't work if it isn't set for housekeeping too16:22
dollyit is not set in the "main" octavia.conf that is shared in /etc/octavia/ between all containers (if you havent set it manually)16:23
cgoncalvesjohnsom, amp_boot_network_list is under [controller_worker] so... yeah... misleading16:23
johnsomcgoncalves Is it?  Look at the diagram I linked?16:24
johnsomI didn't screw everything up with the controller worker.... grin16:25
cgoncalvesok, that is somewhat on me as I touched that part of tripleo to fix a deployment issue16:26
cgoncalvesdolly, could you kindly set amp_boot_network_list also for health manager and check if it solves?16:26
dollycgoncalves: pretty sure it does, I just set all the settings you  define in /etc/octavia/conf.d/octavia-worker/worker-post-deploy.conf in /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/octavia/etc/octavia/octavia.conf and restarted my containers16:31
dollyI could see that the network now is attached to the amp16:31
dollybut you also need to define the sec group16:31
dollynot really sure why you would want to have different configs for all the containers16:32
dollyspontainiously it seems to complicate things, just use one config in all containers, no ?16:32
dollyrecreating the lb now, will try to delete one amp to see that it recreates is as expected16:33
johnsomAgreed, our current configuration setup is not setup to splitting the config file for each service. Really the only one that *might* be less is the API process.16:33
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Fix tests to honor Octavia API versioning
dollyAnd *finally* I got it working the way I wanted to =)16:38
dollyAnd I manage to learn a thing or two on the way as well!16:39
dollyDeleted the master amp, switchover worked, recreation of the new amp worked,16:39
cgoncalvesdolly, thanks so much for reporting and help troubleshooting16:39
dollyWhen the amp came back though, there was a shortage on the vip (no available backends) for a couple of seconds, but that maybe is expected ?16:40
cgoncalvesI will follow-up with fixes on tripleo16:40
johnsomdolly Congratulations!16:40
dollyI'm watching the VIP via curl16:40
cgoncalvesprobably the newly created amphora took over the vrrp ip...?16:41
johnsomdolly, if you are running in "standalone" topology, then failover will incur an outage, usually less than a minute.16:41
dollyjohnsom: running ACTIVE_STANDBY16:41
dollyits no biggie, I'm just curious16:42
cgoncalvesheh, which is even more awesome to hear it is working fine16:42
johnsomIf you are in active/standby it should not have an outage. You may see a slight delay in a request response, but should not see any connection errors or timeouts16:42
cgoncalvesnot only in master but queens!16:42
dollyjohnsom: ok, so here's what I see. $ > watch 0,1 curl --silent VIP. This gives me a text on which vm answers (I have three). So when deleteing the amp that is acting as MASTER the connection/curl "hangs" for a couple of seconds, then start showing me my VM's again. When the healthmanager had recreated the amp, my curl was showing me "no available backends" for a couple of seconds... And then everything came back to "normal"16:45
dollyDoes that makes sence ? I would expect that the amp that got recreated just silently "joined" and no interuption at all would occur.16:46
johnsomYeah, ok, so that is something wrong / bug. It means the newly created amp pre-empted the existing amphora.  Let's file a story against that as there is code that should prevent that.16:46
johnsomPlease include in the story if the amphora image is centos or ubuntu16:47
johnsomI'm guessing it's centos.... (hoping?)16:47
dollyYes its centos16:47
johnsomYeah, it could be a version issue with the keepalived in centos.16:47
cgoncalvesfrom our periodic amp builds (tarballs.o.o)16:47
dollyWould you need logs as well ?16:48
dolly(from what)16:48
johnsomOk, yeah, let's open a story (bug) on it.16:48
johnsomthe syslog from the amp that did not get recreated, specifically lines from the keepalived process would be helpful16:48
johnsomBut not critical16:49
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johnsomFYI, these two lines are supposed to prevent that:
johnsomBut, maybe got broken somehow16:51
cgoncalvesthat sounds familiar16:52
cgoncalvesnmagnezi, ^ nopreempt16:52
johnsomcgoncalves You might like this:
johnsomOpps, ok, not the syntax error part16:54
cgoncalves\o/ !!16:55
johnsomFixed the tempest plugin to honor the API version16:55
johnsomRuns against queens now16:55
dollycgoncalves: hm, we make use of this parameter in our heat-template, OctaviaAmphoraSshKeyFile:16:56
cgoncalvesspeaking of CI, can this get some review attention
dollyBut since I use another image now..16:57
dollyI guess that one isnt inserted or how dos it work ?16:57
cgoncalvesso that we can proceed with, and
cgoncalvesdolly, should work. you just need to login with a different user name16:58
cgoncalves'centos' instead of 'cloud-user'16:58
johnsomcgoncalves This stuff confused me before, going to be around for a few minutes if I have questions?16:58
cgoncalvesjohnsom, sure16:59
dollycgoncalves: awesome that worked16:59
cgoncalvesgreat, because I did that part. what a relieve xD16:59
dollycgoncalves: so where do I find keepalived logs ?17:04
johnsomnmagnezi If you are around:
nmagnezijohnsom, yeah I noticed nopreempt is not respected, was pulled of to a customer issue so didn't get the chance to dig more17:04
johnsomOk, yeah, I *think* this is working ok on ubuntu version of keepalive, but don't quote me on it.17:05
johnsomcgoncalves yeah, let's work through that change17:06
nmagneziI know for a fact that it does not on centos. Maybe indeed the keepalived version makes the difference17:06
dollynmagnezi: ok, well then I don't need to dig more then if you know that its broken on centos ?17:06
dolly(i just noticed)17:07
johnsomI did some failover demos/tests recently (see the new gate patch in tempest-plugin) and I don't think I had that problem, but worth testing again when looking for it17:07
cgoncalvesdolly, I don't know by heart. have you checked /var/log/messages? also try something like "journalctl -f -u keepalived"17:07
dollyI cant really find any logs anyway in the centos17:07
dollyyep, doesnt say much17:07
cgoncalvesis the priority of master and backup the same?17:08
johnsomAh, sorry, yeah, I use ubuntu mostly, so the logs might live somewhere else on a centos amp17:08
dollyOh wait17:08
dollythere is actually logs17:08
nmagnezijohnsom, voted17:09
johnsomThank you17:09
nmagneziOn the centos amp you'll see what you need for keepalived on /var/log/messages17:09
nmagnezidolly ^^17:10
dollynmagnezi: got it17:10
dollynmagnezi: johnsom: got the logs from keepalived, you want me to create a bug-report of some sort or ? (regarding MASTER/BACKUP transition)17:15
johnsomdolly Yes please:!/project/openstack/octavia17:16
dollyjohnsom: ok17:17
dollyI just add a new "story" with the issue ?17:17
dolly(sorry never used this before)17:17
johnsomYes, all openstack projects are moving to use storyboard instead of launchpad.17:18
dollyOk ok17:18
johnsomJust assign the project as "openstack/octavia"17:18
dollyok ok17:18
cgoncalvesdoes anyone happen to have a act-standby topology that could vrrp priority in both?17:20
cgoncalvesnevermind, 100 / 9017:20
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dollyHm, cant you attach logs to this storyboard thing17:30
johnsomYeah, you can paste them in a comment (It's an open bug with the storyboard team).17:32
johnsomIt takes markup too, so you can preview and label it code17:32
dollyJust seemed weird to paste logs as a comment, I thought I could upload an attachment17:33
dollynon the less, created the story17:33
dollyReceived advert with lower priority 90, ours 100, forcing new election <- that seems like an interesting line.17:34
colin-i'm having a hard time determining the state of the UDP project from the storyboard page- is that ongoing and slated for rocky or a later release? (or is that known yet?)17:34
johnsomcolin- The release notes are helpful for this:
johnsomUDP is a Rocky feature17:36
colin-got it, ty17:36
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johnsomThere is still some work to do on it for all of the features, but the basic UDP support is in Rocky17:36
colin-do you know off the top of your head the minimum version of neutron it would require?17:36
colin-if that's in these notes too i'll eat my keyboard17:37
johnsomNo it's not in there as there is no dependency on neutron for the UDP support.  So, it should work as far back as at least liberty????17:37
dollyjohnsom cgoncalves nmagnezi Again, thanks for all the help, fantastic work!. I need to run, but I'll come back tomorrow.17:37
colin-oh that's great to hear, thanks17:37
rm_workjohnsom: we don't actually touch tune.maxrewrite or tune.bufsize, do we... thought we had stuff for that but our base config is lacking, so i guess we use defaults?17:48
johnsomrm_work So many settings, you mean in haproxy config?17:49
johnsomNo, we aren't changing that today17:49
johnsomI do have some tuning I need to add though...  I can send them to you if you are going to spin a patch17:49
rm_workinterested, but was just trying to answer a user's question17:50
cgoncalvesdolly, thank you! I'll try to keep you posted on the misconfiguration of octavia. feel more than free to nag me on that17:51
rm_workcool thanks17:53
johnsomI want to add those to our default (oh, except no log which is already there)17:53
rm_workk yeah17:53
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evgenyf /18:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia master: Temporarily remove octavia-v2-dsvm-scenario-ubuntu.bionic
openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia-dashboard master: Imported Translations from Zanata
rm_workoh hey evgenyf! :)18:44
rm_worklong time no see18:44
evgenyfrm_work: Hi ! Yes, indeed, is there a meeting today?18:51
rm_workI think so18:51
rm_workin about an hour?18:52
evgenyfgood, I started a provider driver development for Octavia and have questions )18:52
johnsomevgenyf Fire away18:53
evgenyfHi Johnsom !18:53
evgenyfSeveral things actually, I thought of composing an email to Octavia fellows and list my points18:54
johnsomUp to you or we can discuss here18:55
evgenyfBut we can chat about it here if you have time. It's all about data models transferring from controller data models to provider data models18:55
johnsomYeah, I have an hour before the weekly IRC meeting18:56
evgenyfGood ! the most important is the missing backrefs in provider data models, I saw the utils code which  removes back refs18:57
johnsomYes, the objects are not database bound and are all independent objects.18:57
johnsomThis was part of the spec as the vendors were not happy passing around so much information for each call18:58
evgenyfYes, I remember this discussion18:59
evgenyfAs I mentioned when ,our (Radware) solution depends on fully populated LB graph19:01
johnsomHmmm, ok. Let's discuss options.19:02
evgenyfI wonder how can a vendor get the full LB on each call from a controller19:03
johnsomWe do not have a way to do that today. Both drivers implemented to date don't need that.19:03
johnsomJust so I understand, you are basically deleting the existing config and recreating for each CRUD call?19:04
evgenyfWho is the second vendor? the first is octavia itself right?19:04
johnsomYes, one other vendor has a driver working, just not released yet19:04
evgenyfNot really, we send the full graph and the back-end is doing diffs with current setup19:05
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Gate on CentOS 7 and check on Ubuntu Bionic
johnsomHow do you feel about making an Octavia API call to get that graph representation?19:07
johnsomI have a "vision" for a "backup your load balancer configuration" feature. This might work nicely for your need too.19:08
evgenyfcall Octavia API call from driver code you mean?19:08
evgenyfSounds good, for that, each CRUD call from controller for any entity should have an lb_id  accessible from the provider data model19:09
johnsomNo, it looks like the current data model does not include the lb_id in all requests.  You don't have any references on your side?19:11
johnsomThey all have a reference to their parent object though19:12
johnsomWe can probably make that query parameter work though through the API query parameters19:13
evgenyfYes, given a provider DM object, Octavia API can find the LB id, you mean19:15
evgenyfSo how can we do it? Is it going to be a spec?19:16
johnsomYes, it will need to be a new spec and new feature.19:16
openstackgerritNir Magnezi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas master: DNM: Test changes to locale not triggering tempest
evgenyfok, in general, I have other suggestions in terms of controller/provider data models transitions, it may simplify the code in controllers and utils code. Actuall, the only difference between full DM and provider DM is a removal of all data "not necessary for provider"19:18
evgenyfAnyhow, I will propose an RST19:20
johnsomWell, there are translations as well. The Octavia data model has some fields that are not super clear or named well, so some of those were translated to "driver" friendly names.19:22
johnsomA proposal would be great.19:22
evgenyfYes, enabled-admin_state_up, etc19:24
evgenyfGreat! thanks19:24
johnsomCores - There is a translation looking for a +2/+W
nmagneziI'm on it19:30
johnsomThanks!  We can have the RC3 discussion during the meeting19:30
nmagneziSure :)19:31
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nmagnezijohnsom, o/20:00
johnsom#startmeeting Octavia20:00
openstackMeeting started Wed Aug 22 20:00:54 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is johnsom. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'octavia'20:00
johnsomHi folks!20:01
johnsom#topic Announcements20:01
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johnsomI continue to update the PTG topics etherpad20:01
johnsomPlease add your topics and attendance to the etherpad20:02
johnsomRocky RC2 Octavia projects has been released20:02
johnsomWe will talk below about if we want an RC3.20:02
johnsomAlso, I have posted a patch for stable/queens 2.0.2, but it is waiting for release team merge20:02
johnsomAny other announcements today?20:03
johnsomOh, I should note, I will be on vacation on Friday this week.20:04
johnsomSo limited availability this coming weekend20:04
nmagneziEnjoy :-)20:04
johnsomGoing fishing....20:05
johnsom#topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review20:05
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cgoncalvesso much vacations. tsss, tsss :P20:05
johnsomlol, cgoncalves look who is talking....20:05
colin-nice, enjoy20:05
johnsomI have been focused on making sure we get stuff merged for the Rocky release20:05
johnsomThe OpenStack demons threw a bandit change, a KVM breakage, and a stable/rocky nova breakage at us....20:06
johnsomSo, a bit of a dance to get our stuff in.20:06
johnsomI also worked on our octavia-tempest-plugin to make it aware of the API version it is testing.20:07
johnsomI have a patch up for that, but it looks like I have a py3 bug to fix.20:07
johnsomha, faster than I was20:07
johnsomYeah, that one20:07
cgoncalvesalso octavia-tempest-plugin jobs for stable/queens20:08
johnsomComments welcome, unless you are just mocking me for my poor py3 form....20:08
cgoncalvescool stuff!20:08
johnsomOtherwise, still busy with internal stuffs.20:08
johnsomAny other updates from folks?20:08
cgoncalvesresuming work on CI jobs moving to v2, etc now that cut stable/rocky20:10
johnsomYes, thanks for that work cleaning up some of the zuul configs.20:10
cgoncalvesit also came to my attention that we may have issues when deploying octavia on a ipv6 service network20:11
johnsomFor lb-mgmt-net or VIP?20:11
nmagneziThe octavia api service20:11
nmagneziFails to bind to an IPv6 address20:11
johnsomOh, so you aren't deploying as a wsgi app????20:12
cgoncalves#link bug 1618689 in openstack-octavia "[OSP13][Octavia] octavia-api fails to start with IPv6" [Urgent,New] - Assigned to nmagnezi20:12
nmagnezicgoncalves, you have a live setup to double check?20:12
cgoncalvesI do not20:12
johnsomYeah, so you are running with the python "simple-server"20:13
johnsomhmmm, cgoncalves We had originally decided to integrate the IPv6 tests into the existing tests. That is how it is setup today.20:14
johnsomBut I guess this is control plane IPv6 in this test?20:14
cgoncalvesyes, control plane20:14
cgoncalvesbetter yet, all ipv620:14
johnsomYeah. I found a bug with IPv6 VIP running in active/standby recently too20:15
johnsomIt works fine in standalone, but not active/standby20:15
johnsomI will be looking at that in the next week or two20:15
cgoncalves"DAD went out to buy a pack of cigarettes"20:16
johnsomFYI, you might want to consider moving away from using simple-server to a better wsgi app server.20:16
johnsomlol, yeah, that error20:17
cgoncalvesok, thanks20:17
johnsomWe use Apache2 with uwsgi in the gates20:17
openstackgerritboden proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas master: use setup_extension in unit tests
johnsomOk, any other updates?20:18
colin-nothing to share :)20:18
johnsom#topic Do we want to cut an RC3?20:18
*** openstack changes topic to "Do we want to cut an RC3? (Meeting topic: Octavia)"20:18
johnsomI see roughly three patches as candidates for an RC3 today:20:19
johnsomRemove user_group option (deprecated cleanup)20:19
johnsomand two translation updates:20:19
johnsomwhich has merged already20:20
johnsomAny reason to not add those to the Rocky release with an RC3?20:20
cgoncalvesI don't see a reason why not to20:20
nmagneziI'll vote: yes20:21
colin-seems reasonable20:21
nmagneziWe better remove options we don't want to support as long as we can20:21
johnsomOk, just wanted to check with folks.  I will post a patch after the meeting20:21
johnsom#topic Python 3 first goal20:22
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johnsomDoug is leading the Python 3 first goal for Stein. He has asked for volunteer projects that want to move sooner rather than later.20:22
johnsomThis is switching the bulk of the jobs to run under py3 by default (we currently run both, but things like docs, pep8 are p27 by default)20:23
johnsomI have been holding off volunteering simply because my time to help/focus on that is limited.20:23
johnsomI thought I would ask if anyone has strong enough feeling on this topic that they want to volunteer and lead the Octavia transition.20:23
cgoncalvesStein has a long dev cycle. we could try to make it20:24
cgoncalveswe have py35 jobs today and have been on the green side AFAIK20:24
johnsomHa, yeah, it will happen by the end of stein, it's just if we want to be "early" (adopters)20:24
johnsomYes, we run the actual tests on both today20:24
nmagneziThis kinda also relate to the fact that we will need to adapt to RHEL8 which should drop support of Python 2.x.20:25
johnsomIt is mostly the 'other' jobs in our case, like docs/api-reg/pep820:25
nmagneziBut I personally can't make promises for early adoption since we internally are still very busy with queens and rocky20:25
johnsomOk, just asking if anyone wanted to jump on this. If not, we will pick it up in a bit.20:26
nmagneziCan it wait for a week or two so we'll know better?20:26
* johnsom Watches everyone take a step back....20:26
johnsomYep, no rush really.20:27
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johnsomOk, fair enough.20:27
johnsom#topic Open Discussion20:27
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nmagneziWe only started the planning for OSP15 (Stein) now.20:27
johnsomOther topics for today?20:27
cgoncalveswhy not have a patch that switches open for couple of weeks where we every now and then rebase to get a sense on how it is doing?20:27
johnsomMost of the jobs are infra owned in project-config, so not something we can just do without signing up to be "early"20:28
cgoncalvesuhm? we can override parameters in our jobs20:29
johnsomI don't think so, I believe it is different parent jobs.  cgoncalves does this mean you have interest and want to volunteer?20:30
* johnsom grins20:30
cgoncalvestime permitting, yes20:30
johnsomThere is a few e-mail chains on the dev mailing list from Doug if you want more details.20:31
cgoncalvesdevstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true20:31
nmagnezicgoncalves, may the force be with you20:31
nmagnezijohnsom, you're going to lead that effort for neutron-lbaas? :D20:32
johnsomAlso, if someone has time, I could use a second set of eyes on why the py27 n-lbaas jobs are failing on stable/rocky.  I temporarily disabled them to get our gates going.  All I see is nova-compute throwing a critical error and exiting.  Asking for help in nova channel didn't go far.20:32
johnsomcgoncalves We already do that setting for our gates....  That is the py3 gates we already run20:33
cgoncalvesjohnsom, I know. so we move that to the base octavia job and for the today's py27 jobs we set it to False20:33
cgoncalvesdunno xD20:34
johnsomIf OpenStack was so easy20:34
cgoncalvesno? I'll try to find Doug's email20:34
johnsomAny other topics today?20:38
johnsomOk, then.... Going once20:39
johnsomlunch time for me20:39
colin-thx for hosting20:40
johnsomOk, thanks folks!  Have a great week.20:40
*** openstack changes topic to "Discussion of OpenStack Load Balancing (Octavia) |"20:40
openstackMeeting ended Wed Aug 22 20:40:30 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)20:40
openstackMinutes (text):
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master: Fix tests to honor Octavia API versioning
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rm_workjohnsom: umm, you know of a way to debug the message hmac?21:35
rm_workgetting a ton of calculated hmac mismatches21:35
johnsomrm_work So you have a mis-match amp and controller.  We put a release note in about that.21:36
rm_worki haven't updated in a while tho, lol21:36
rm_workweird, but i'll check21:36
johnsomThe fix for the hmac.compare_digest on python3 requires you to upgrade your health managers before updating the amphora image. The health manager is compatible with older amphora images, but older controllers will reject the health heartbeats from images with this fix.21:36
rm_workyeah i'm not on py3 either heh21:37
johnsomYeah, but that change changed the format for all versions21:37
rm_worki've definitely upgraded my HMs tho21:37
rm_workat least in sync with the image21:38
rm_workwill dig more21:38
rm_worksome of the amps work...21:38
rm_workjust not all21:38
rm_worklooking to see if there's old/new ones21:38
rm_workyeah i think these are older images21:39
rm_workbut that's... odd21:39
rm_worksince that wouldn't have been one of the issues21:39
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johnsomThe HM should fall back to the old format.  Wonder if it's just logging and still accepting21:39
rm_workit SAYS "dropping packet"21:40
johnsomAh, yeah, looking at the patch, it is still logging.  Sigh21:41
rm_workseems it's all OLDER messages tho, lol21:41
rm_workOLDER amps21:41
rm_workthat are getting that failure21:41
johnsomYeah, it tries the new format, then goes back to the old. But that first try logs21:42
rm_workyeah ok21:42
rm_worki see now21:42
rm_workit still submits it21:43
rm_workok so i confirmed what i wanted to confirm, which is that the HM is getting member up/down events flapping for a LB21:46
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rm_worknow trying to figure out if i can confirm that it's haproxy actually flapping, or just a HM issue21:46
johnsomSuper highly likely the tenant app is flappy21:47
rm_workyeah need to confirm21:48
rm_workwhat am i looking for in the `show stat`21:48
rm_workwhich column would it be21:48
johnsomchkfail [...S]: number of failed checks. (Only counts checks failed when21:49
johnsom     the server is up.)21:49
johnsomchkdown [..BS]: number of UP->DOWN transitions. The backend counter counts21:50
johnsom     transitions to the whole backend being down, rather than the sum of the21:50
johnsom     counters for each server.21:50
johnsomlastchg [..BS]: number of seconds since the last UP<->DOWN transition21:50
johnsommight also be fun21:50
johnsomcheck_status would give details too21:51
rm_workcheck_status seems to always be L4OK21:56
rm_workok so lastchg is really high <_<21:56
rm_workfor all of this21:56
rm_workso ....21:56
rm_workmust be something with the status messages being messed up?21:57
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rm_workAH figured it out22:25
rm_workthey'd noticed which IP traffic was coming from, and ACL'd it open, and blocked everything else22:25
rm_workso the backup amp was blocked22:25
rm_workso the health messages were interleaving22:26
johnsomThere you go22:27
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack/octavia master: DNM: three dumb downstream things to fix, IGNORE

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