Thursday, 2018-08-02

johnsomrm_work Seems like our barbican client stuff should look more like these:
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rm_workprobably, yes00:35
rm_workshould be a quick patch?00:36
johnsomYeah, probably should just put a story in for it.  I won't have cycles for a bit01:11
bzhao__johnsom:  Hi, michael. I had arrived my "war" office. ;-). I will test in centos to see what happened in it. Is there any other thing I missed?01:20
bzhao__PlugVip during LB creating hit 500 in centos case..01:34
bzhao__Seem osutils need to work on.01:35
johnsombzhao__: that is great! It would be good to have centos working01:56
johnsomI am making dinner now, but may be on later01:56
johnsomTwo patches have a +201:56
bzhao__johnsom:  I saw, thanks to your very huge help.. Many thanks.01:57
bzhao__johnsom:  I will continue the work today for make sure ubuntu and centos work. But may take some time, as my env is not very performance. ;-)01:58
bzhao__johnsom:  Maybe patch 2 still need to change as lack review. But I must to make it work as wish at least. ;-)02:00
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bzhao__Is there any good choices to debug agent code easily? Now I have to login the vm and configure the necessary DNS, make the network is OK,  then download some tools and debug. It seems too complex. ;-). Once a step is wrong , the amp VM gone...03:46
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openstackgerritZhaoBo proposed openstack/octavia master: UDP for [2]
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bzhao__Let's see if it can work as wish based on new centos CI(<== what a good thing  ;P) . My test env is too slow for running big flavor amp centos instance.05:06
bzhao__johnsom: I build out the centos image, there is no nc cmd in it.. Seem need to do that.05:20
johnsomOk, add it to the agent element05:21
johnsomMay need the pkg map05:22
bzhao__yeah. Thanks michael.05:24
bzhao__The centos CI pass, ;-)06:07
bzhao__Woo, another reason why the data plane does not work, seem the same script  not success running on different OS.06:19
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bzhao__I change the script, it must be OK this time08:22
bzhao__But the data plane still not work well. kernel configuration is the same with ubuntu case, also iptables . Packets arrive the amp but not route to realserver.08:25
cgoncalvesbzhao__, hi. thanks for the good work on udp support!08:35
cgoncalvesbzhao__, I am starting today looking at why LB creation fails on centos based amphorae. have you ever tried on centos or only ubuntu?08:35
bzhao__cgoncalves:  All thanks to you for introducing that amazing centos CI. ;-)08:36
bzhao__cgoncalves:  I'm trying on centos now.08:36
bzhao__LB creation success in my test, for udp,  just create is OK, it can not use, so I think I could figure out why the data plane not work as wish.08:38
cgoncalvesbzhao__, thanks but credit for centos job is due to someone else :)08:42
celebdorcgoncalves: udp load balancing is being added to octavia?08:42
cgoncalvesbzhao__, ok. I pulled latest patch set from last night. I will try again now08:42
cgoncalvescelebdor, yes08:42
bzhao__cgoncalves:  ;-)08:43
cgoncalvescelebdor, take it with a grain of salt, though! it's not stable yet nor have been extensively tested especially on centos08:43
cgoncalvesalso no scenario tests yet08:43
bzhao__Yeah. ;-(08:44
celebdorcgoncalves: this Rocky or S?08:45
cgoncalvescelebdor, rocky (as in Rocky Balboa)08:46
cgoncalvesbzhao__, oh! I see that octavia-v1-dsvm-scenario-kvm-centos.7 is green now with your latest patch set in
cgoncalvesbzhao__, awesome!08:48
openstackgerritCarlos Goncalves proposed openstack/octavia master: UDP for [3][5][6]
bzhao__cgoncalves:  Yeah, but just like you said, we lack so many fullstack tests..08:49
cgoncalvesbzhao__, yes but at least now it means that we can continue using centos amps for TCP/HTTP traffic08:50
cgoncalvesbefore it was failing at LB creation so really broken08:50
bzhao__cgoncalves:  Yeah, you have done a great work. ;-)08:50
celebdorcgoncalves: did the work to make the centos image based on minimal yum install instead of an image happen?08:53
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cgoncalvescelebdor, no. we had an internal chat yesterday about it. it's a bit low prio for us at this moment08:57
celebdorcgoncalves: do you have documentation on all the tools that need to be there?08:58
celebdorif you do, I could possibly make a really small image like I did for the kuryr/demo container08:58
celebdorwhere everything is statically compiled over busybox08:58
cgoncalvescelebdor, we use DIB for building amp images so that is element-enabled. create your own base OS element and replace centos/ubuntu element with it09:00
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cgoncalvescelebdor, also there's centos-minimal but no rhel-minimal09:00
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rm_workbzhao__: I use
rm_workyou can curl / wget them from the centos amps09:05
rm_workmakes things a little easier without having to rebuild an image, good for debugging09:05
rm_workOH I see, but you need nc to actually be in *all* the amps, lol09:18
rm_worknot for debugging, but for the UDP HM stuff to work :P09:18
bzhao__rm_work:  Thanks very much, that's very help to me. ;-).09:34
bzhao__rm_work:  I'm hanging  on centos, the whole same configuration with ubuntu, but the udp not work.. And also I yum a nc cmd, the nc is also different ubuntu, some options not support..09:35
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cgoncalvesbzhao__, it works!09:59
cgoncalvestest logs in
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bzhao__cgoncalves:  Thanks, ;-) maybe something wrong in my test. I can success to create any UDP associated resources, but I can not connect to the behind realserver with iperf + virtual IP.. Let me check the log you show me carefully .10:04
cgoncalvesbzhao__, I only tested creation of UDP listener. I have not yet tested connecting to members10:05
bzhao__cgoncalves:  As I found the keepalived in my centos env seem in trouble.10:05
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bbbbzhao_It ignore all option what I want.10:07
bbbbzhao_But I can show them with ipvsadm.. So strange,  I suspect that hit some issues during build image which I didn't realize..10:09
cgoncalvesI still need to dig in the code and how things are being set up10:16
cgoncalvesright now I am an ordinary user testing it :)10:17
rm_workprobably the version of nc in centos is from like 199910:21
rm_workso it would be missing a lot of the newer options10:21
rm_worksorry cgoncalves, i just can't help it10:22
rm_workseriously tho, i get that centos is *stable*, but AT WHAT COST?!10:23
rm_workit's just "not for me" but I am constantly forced to use it anyway T_T10:24
rm_workif i weren't forced to use it constantly, i would just acknowledge that there's someone out there that appreciates the stability/feature trade-off, and move on10:25
rm_workbut AUGH10:25
rm_workit actively degrades my quality of life10:25
rm_workbecause I'm *stuck with it*10:25
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cgoncalvesRHEL/CentOS 8 shouldn't be that far away10:50
cgoncalvesand it will be python 3 only10:50
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bzhao__johnsom:  I test on centos, and for now I just found the udp things can work with lvs only, but not work with keepalived if using keepalived to configure lvs. I'm not sure if my keepalived is not work well(even though I just configure virtual server and realserver with weight in its config file, it still can not work). Also I found a vrrp script bug, not post yet(if fortunatelly, I find the reason of keepalived not12:17
bzhao__work with lvs, I will post it)..Today just fix that we can create udp staff on centos, but maybe  can not connect the backend realserver accually.12:17
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openstackgerritzhouchangxun proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix update pool without session_persistence failed
openstackgerritzhouchangxun proposed openstack/octavia master: Fix update pool without session_persistence failed
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openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed openstack/octavia master: Delete zombie amphora when detected
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bbbbzhao_It may hit image build error, I install a lower version keepalived, it can works with lvs.14:51
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openstackgerritZhaoBo proposed openstack/octavia master: UDP for [2]
johnsombbbbzhao_ Hi, starting my day.  Where are we at?  Can we freeze patch 2 and only do follow up patches?15:00
openstackgerritZhaoBo proposed openstack/octavia master: UDP for [3][5][6]
openstackgerritZhaoBo proposed openstack/octavia master: Followup patch for UDP support
bbbbzhao_johnsom:  Hi, Michael. Ok, sorry for rebase... Yeah, I will follow you direction.15:04
johnsomOk, thanks. We need to stablize to get them merged15:04
bbbbzhao_johnsom:  OK. I will continue to work based on the end of the patch list..15:05
johnsombbbbzhao_ So my understanding is the only open issue is centos image.  Keepalived is not working properly with centos?15:06
bbbbzhao_And I just test again. As I usually rebuild the image to test the new code, but maybe hit the build issue. The keepalived which build into image can not work  with lvs on centos, but I reinstall a lower version keepalived and re-do the previous thing, it can work now. So the data plane is OK, it must be related with my local test env.15:08
johnsomOk, we can look at that. I don't think that would stop a merge, just a bug to follow up on15:09
bbbbzhao_I wrote on my little notes for concerned . ;-)15:11
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Clarify that the driver support library is interim
johnsomSigh, people....15:35
johnsomTrying to label Octavia as a library project....15:35
celebdorjohnsom: why?16:09
johnsomYeah, exactly.16:09
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Followup patch for UDP support
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colby_Is there a recommended specs for the amphora instances (vcpu/ram/disk)?19:07
xgerman_depends what you like to do TLS termination or not19:07
colby_Im creating the flavor for it. I was going to do 1vcpu/1G RAM/5GB disk.19:07
colby_I was thinking of doing it eventually19:08
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colby_that will require barbican wich we do not have yet19:08
xgerman_and more CPU19:08
xgerman_so for non TLS that sounds good - you can probably save on disk but GB are cheap19:08
colby_what would you suggest for TLS offload?19:09
johnsomYeah, so right now, 1vcpu is good, 1GB ram is good if you are not doing a lot of SSL termination connections, and disk is up to you on how much logging you expect or if you disable it.19:09
johnsomAgain really depends on the number of concurrent connections you expect, but I would start with 2GB for a moderate load of TLS terminations.19:10
xgerman_maybe another CPU…19:10
colby_ok thanks19:11
colby_Barbican is the preferred option with TLS right? Which in itself presents the problem of needing an HSM or dogtag setup (to be done correctly).19:13
johnsomRight, barbican or castellan. then a store behind it.19:14
xgerman_we also support vault  + barbican can run with mysql — but I haven’t been down that rabbit hole in a while19:14
johnsomvault with castellan. I don't know if the vault stuff for barbican merged or not19:15
colin-are there any successful examples of provisioning amphorae as containers instead of as VMs?19:15
johnsomlol, no, not yet.  We have continually run into bugs in the container stacks that has slowed us down.19:16
colby_is there an advantage of castellan over barbican (from the docs barbican can be its backend so Im confused)19:17
colby_Ive looked into barbican, to integrate our magnum setup but have not looked at castellan19:18
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abaindurhi johnsom: question about the config options if we don't have barbican or anchor set up. in order to just get things validated on an internal dev setup19:51
abaindurwhat should cert_manager be set to? Says the default is barbican_cert_manager19:51
xgerman_yeah, keep the default and not use TLS termination on the LB19:52
johnsomcolby_ It is confusing to a number of us. If it helps:
abaindurand any other options we need to set that differ from defaults19:52
johnsomThere are a number of timeouts that are set super high for dev work, but for a test setup, the defaults should work pretty well for you.19:53
abainduryea, we dont plan to use TLS termination - for now, until we figure out how to use barbican - and we are using the pre-generated certs from the script19:53
abaindurif we use something else, what does cert_generator do?19:54
xgerman_ok, yeah, other than the nova flavor, management net, etc. you should be fine with defaults19:54
abaindurso cert_manager only comes into play if we want the LBs to do TLS termination?19:55
abaindurand what anbout the cert_generator ?19:55
johnsomSo cert_generator is what is used to create the TLS certificates we issue to the amphora service VMs.19:55
abaindurthe ones i've created using the bin/ right?19:56
johnsomOur command/control protocol uses two-way TLS authentication.  Those certs are automatically managed by the control plane processes19:56
xgerman_it uses the certs create by the script to make individual ones for the service vms19:56
johnsomThis is how we configure the certs for our devstack test gates:
abaindurwhat are the other options for cert_genarator? like in a production env? would it still be local?19:57
johnsomThe anchor project was the alternative, but I think that project died.19:57
johnsomI was a front end for HSM generators, etc.19:58
abaindurahhh so anchor is no longer even viable19:58
abaindurthat simplifies things. was thing it was recommended to use anchor19:59
johnsomCorrect, to my knowledge it is not being developed any longer19:59
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johnsomYou could ask in the #openstack-barbican channel if there are plans for other certificate generation options.20:00
johnsomThat is the channel most of the certificate folks for OpenStack hang out20:00
abaindurwhen would we want to set cert_manager to local_cert_manager ?20:02
xgerman_it’s the default so will be set all the time20:02
abaindurthe cfg guide says barbican_cert_manager is the default20:03
abaindurhence why i was aking above about leaving that as athe default20:03
xgerman_ah, yes, sorry, confused with cert_generator — ok, if you don;t so TLS just leave it with barbican. Local is only for tests20:04
johnsomabaindur Really never. It is just there for tests. Local cert manager allows you to define a filesystem location for a cert to pull into the loadbalancer.20:05
abaindurgot it. so it will still work for TLS termination, but its not recommended in any production use20:05
johnsomWell, all of your listeners would have the same cert... It's really just a test framework20:05
abaindurthanks , i thibk that clears it up for now! :)20:06
rm_workabaindur: there is an option in the api section to just disable the ability to create tls listeners20:51
rm_workyou will want to set that, and then it won't matter what you have configured for cert_manager20:51
rm_workset tha to False20:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia master: UDP jinja template
rm_workjohnsom: on
rm_worki agree that we didn't need to hold that patch up for it, but22:05
rm_workI am a little concerned if we're using that comment for *actual code*22:05
rm_workalso -- it does look like the listener-id is in the filename22:05
rm_workso I'm not sure why we need to have it there22:05
rm_workbut yeah, adding an additional line for LBID works fine22:05
johnsomYeah, I already added that in my followup patch.22:05
rm_worklike, i'm fine with having both -- more comments are great22:06
rm_workbut .... seriously, it's being used by code for a mapping? what?22:06
rm_workTHAT is a concern for me22:06
johnsomYeah, haven't got that far yet. I'm half way through the beast of patch #222:06
rm_workyeah i started on it but got pulled off for k8s issues22:06
johnsomI think it is for figuring out the stats22:06
rm_workI don't think we should be using a *comment* for that22:07
johnsomAs the lb stats are all in the kernel and don't have a way to get our IDs associated.22:07
rm_workjust saying22:07
johnsomI don't disagree22:07
johnsomJust haven't got that far in my review yet.22:07
johnsomI mean it's not THAT bad since it's a config file and you would just be storing the same mapping in another flat file somewhere likely.  So, saving like 5 bytes.... lol22:08
cgoncalvesbzhao__, does this configuration seem reasonable/expected?
cgoncalvesI'd have expected to find some pool config22:09
johnsomThat looks right to me, but I can tell you for sure in a minute22:10
johnsomYeah, with keepalived the listener and the pool are one "thing"22:10
johnsomLet me configure up a UDP on my stack and we can compare.22:12
cgoncalvesthere's something fishy still. LB provisioning_status keeps on PENDING_UPDATE and failing over amphora22:13
johnsomone of those check scripts might be bombing.  Act/Stdby?22:14
cgoncalvesI see bzhao__ uploaded a new PS touching check scripts a couple of hours ago22:15
cgoncalvesI count 20 amp failovers attempts since 6 hours ago xD22:16
cgoncalvesactually more since o-hk comes after and cleanup DB, right?22:17
cgoncalvesvirsh id count is at 169 :D22:17
johnsomdepends on your settings, it's a week by default22:17
cgoncalveshmm and I have disable_revert = True22:18
cgoncalvesbut I guess that that doesnt prevent o-hm from triggering failover22:18
johnsomMy keepalived config (with latest and greatest patch chain)22:19
cgoncalvesIPv6 \o/22:19
johnsomcgoncalves FYI, I had a UDP amp up for hours yesterday, so either new issue or centos issue22:19
cgoncalveslatter is just impossible xD22:20
johnsomcgoncalves Yeah,  about that....  I think we have a bug in our ACt/Stdby when using V622:20
johnsomcentos, could by y2k issue in a app22:21
cgoncalvesat least I can assert with no margin of doubts that standalone amp failover works fine on centos (controller and amp)22:24
cgoncalvesvirsh count: 169 -> 17222:25
johnsomGood, that was a bug earlier I caught.  Failover would fail22:25
johnsomCHF testing?  Continuous hours of failover22:25
cgoncalvesha! :)22:28
cgoncalvesthis is what I keep seeing:
johnsomHmm, yeah, so the heartbeat isn't saying a listener is "present" when the DB says there should be one.22:30
johnsomFYI, failover is not a revert, so the config setting will not stop this.22:30
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johnsomYeah, this does not look right, but I don't know why mine isn't failing.22:33
johnsomI'm in patch 2 octavia/amphorae/backends/health_daemon/health_daemon.py22:33
johnsomIt looks like if it can't get stats it doesn't send a udp listener message22:33
johnsomIs your listener member less?  Did you disable something?22:37
cgoncalvespool has 1 member22:38
johnsomYeah, mine too and it's not failing over22:39
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cgoncalvesjohnsom, sorry to ask again. what was the config option to prevent amp failover?22:55
johnsomStop the health monitor process22:55
johnsomWe only have a config for the reverts, not the failovers22:56
cgoncalvesah, ok22:56
rm_workor just mark the amp you want to debug "busy" in the health table23:01
* rm_work shrugs23:01
rm_workthat is what I always do23:01
rm_worki wish i was better at RMQ debugging....23:17
rm_workgetting a lot of shit from oslo about rmq23:17
johnsomNo good23:18
rm_workmissing heartbeats... but only from one pod23:18
rm_workthe other seems fine23:18
rm_workmy guess is networking? :/23:18
rm_workjust seems odd23:18
johnsomUgh, ok, burned on reviewing this beast. will have to pick up tomorrow.23:23
johnsomI see a flow was re-ordered which makes me very concerned23:23
rm_workhmm yeah23:28
rm_workflow ordering is pretty sensitive <_<23:28
rm_worki will try to look tomorrow too23:28
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bbbbzhao_Sorry all, just awake. Let me check what I need to explain.23:30
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Followup patch for UDP support
bbbbzhao_cgoncalves >23:34
bbbbzhao_cgoncalves  Yeah, as keepalived lvs can not mapping the pool like haproxy, just a virthal server -> some realserver from a pool.23:35
bbbbzhao_cgoncalves The config file is expected.23:36
cgoncalvesbbbbzhao_, yeah, johnsom confirmed that. thank you23:42
cgoncalvesbbbbzhao_, the problem I'm having now is
bbbbzhao_johnsom:  Does that udp amp failover/revert flow is  in trouble? But I tried the failover, it works.. I hold the healthmonitor process not down for 1 night, it did what I want, recover the amp which I delete..23:43
cgoncalvesI'm debugging and I see that is_udp_listener_running returns False23:43
cgoncalvesbecause need_check_listener_ids is empty23:43
cgoncalvesI mean, need_check_listener_ids is empty because is_udp_listener_running returns False23:44
cgoncalvesi have one listener. get_udp_listeners returns one uuid23:44
cgoncalvesI need to go now. I'll continue tomorrow23:45
bbbbzhao_cgoncalves:  Ok, thank you very much for testing.23:45
bbbbzhao_cgoncalves:  I will leave some comments in irc for explain the possible issue.23:46
cgoncalvesthank you!23:47
cgoncalvesbtw this is my LB:
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