Friday, 2017-03-10

rm_workso in this test00:00
rm_workis raises a quota error00:00
rm_workthen does a rollback00:00
rm_work... but the object still shows up afterwards if i do a get00:00
rm_workso it was committed?!00:00
johnsomThe empty record should be there00:00
johnsombut the load balancer should not be there00:01
rm_workright, the LB is there00:01
rm_workwhich is ... what00:01
johnsomThat sounds a lot like the bug I was seeing, maybe00:01
rm_workit was created in the lock_session00:01
rm_workand the lock_session rolls back00:01
johnsomYeah, that should not happen00:01
rm_work... and the object exists after00:01
johnsomThat is bad00:02
rm_workthis makes zero sense00:02
rm_workyeah wtf00:03
rm_workit's committing00:03
rm_workhold on gotta figure out why00:07
rm_workthis is so weird00:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia master: Fix cascade delete flow (pool quota requirements missing)
rm_workhow do i tell if a session is dirty00:12
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rm_workok so err00:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia master: Allow to create vip in lb-mgmt-net
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rm_workok so this:00:30
rm_work        lock_session = db_api.get_session(autocommit=False)00:31
rm_work        self.repos.create_load_balancer_and_vip(00:31
rm_work            lock_session, lb_dict, vip_dict)00:31
rm_work        print(lock_session.query(db_models.LoadBalancer).all())00:31
rm_work        lock_session.rollback()00:31
rm_work        print(lock_session.query(db_models.LoadBalancer).all())00:31
rm_workworks fine00:31
rm_workso something else is causing a commit00:31
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rm_workok so00:43
rm_workcheck_quota_met does something wonky to lock_session and breaks it00:43
rm_workbut not seeing how00:43
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rm_worklike, after that function has run once, anything we do with lock_session autocommits00:46
rm_worki seriously can't imagine why00:55
rm_workis that a sqlite issue with SELECT FOR UPDATE ?00:55
johnsomIt's even a different object location00:55
rm_workoh lol i didn't even notice that00:56
johnsomOne odd thing is I did't think you could use a session after it had been rolled back00:56
rm_worklol well00:57
johnsomI wonder if this is sqlite issue00:57
rm_workapparently you can? :P00:57
rm_workright, yeah00:57
rm_worklet me narrow this down00:58
rm_workaaah hold on00:58
rm_workwe do:00:58
rm_workquotas = lock_session.query(models.Quotas).filter_by(00:58
rm_work                project_id=project_id).with_for_update().first()00:58
rm_workso we've got this for_update quotas object00:58
rm_workwe return False00:59
rm_workwe never release that00:59
rm_workdo we have to release that?00:59
johnsomI wondered the same, but I think the lock is allocated to the session.  It should release on commit/rollback.00:59
rm_worklooking it up01:00
johnsomOtherwise on single-call It would bomb out with repeated for_updates01:00
johnsomStill doesn't answer the mystery LB...01:00
rm_worki mean01:00
rm_workyeah i think you should be right01:02
rm_workit's not the for_update01:04
rm_workthis makes no freaking sense01:05
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korean101hi johnsom01:08
johnsomkorean101 Hello01:08
korean101johnsom: i try to Ubunru 16.04 newton releases01:09
korean101a few days ago. i got trouble DVR (ARP) problem01:09
korean101and i discover my 16.04 deployment doesn't any ARP problem01:09
korean101so i try to deploy octavia on my 16.0401:09
rm_workjohnsom: updated01:10
korean101and got some ERROR :(01:10
rm_work*updated the gist, check it out01:10
rm_workit's not the for_update query01:10
rm_workso then ... wtf else does CQM do01:10
korean101i already succeed to deploy octavia on my CentOS 7 (Newton)01:11
korean101but my 16.04 deployment got some errors...01:11
rm_workthat's literally the only time it touches lock_session T_T01:11
korean101do you have any time for glance to my ERRORS? (
korean101another ERRORs (
korean101my CentOS 7 Octavia works fine01:12
korean101but my 16.04 Octavia has some trouble....01:13
rm_workI just switched to centos7 as well for amps01:14
johnsomkorean101 It looks like a keystone configuration issue01:14
korean101johnsom: neutron.conf 's keystone configuration?01:15
korean101johnsom: but... i can create instances01:15
korean101johnsom: not LB01:15
korean101johnsom: i already succeed deploy two instances01:16
johnsomnova instances?01:16
korean101johnsom: yes!01:16
korean101johnsom: but (neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-create --name test-lb demo-subnet) this commands some ERROS01:16
johnsomYeah, that would not need the keystone token for neutron01:17
johnsomGive me a minute to look at that code to maybe narrow it down.01:17
korean101johnsom: many thanks!!!01:17
korean101rm_work: my CentOS 7's Octavia works fine!01:17
korean101rm_work: but there is some (DVR+ARP) problems01:18
korean101rm_work: DVR... :(01:18
johnsomDVR :( indeed01:18
korean101johnsom: i use pip install octavia (0.9.0) on my 16.0401:19
korean101johnsom: i use Octavia rpm packages on my CentOS 701:19
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johnsomkorean101 look in your /etc/neutron/neutron.conf for a section called [keystone_authtoken]01:20
johnsomMake sure all of that looks right01:20
korean101johnsom: hmmmmm. ( it looks ok01:22
johnsomkorean101 Mine looks like:01:23
johnsomIt is using keystone version 2, which is odd01:25
johnsommost things are version 3 now01:25
johnsomkorean101 It really looks like one of those first three lines is not right or the version isn't right.  It's trying to do an HTTP POST to something and not finding it for keystone.01:27
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korean101johnsom: i followed this manuls (
korean101Newton releases + Octavia 0.9.001:29
johnsomAh, newton, yeah, keystone 2 is probably right then01:29
johnsomSame with the config file format01:29
johnsomI would try testing each of those urls to see if they work01:29
korean101johnsom: but if that config is wrong, then nova boot command fails right?01:30
korean101johnsom: but my nova boot command works fine TT01:30
johnsomNo, nova has it's own configuration01:30
johnsomThis is a neutron <-> keystone problem01:31
korean101johnsom: but neutron net subnet router create works fine01:31
korean101johnsom: just LB create problems01:31
johnsomMaybe that is not calling to keystone.01:31
korean101johnsom: ah! OK01:31
johnsomI don't know of another neutron command off my head that calls to keystone, I'm sure there are some, I'm just not sure which01:32
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korean101johnsom: yes. got it01:33
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johnsomI need to take my wife to dinner now.  You could try asking for help in the neutron channel, someone there might know how to help you get neutron configured correctly for keystone.  Since nova is working I expect keystone is running ok, it's just a configuration problem in neutron.conf01:35
korean101johnsom: yes. many thanks!01:36
korean101johnsom: really thanks01:36
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rm_workjohnsom: whelp i'll keep hacking on this but i DO NOT see how this is breaking01:46
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rm_workjohnsom: lb_count = self.session.query(db_models.LoadBalancer).filter(02:20
rm_work            db_models.LoadBalancer.project_id == project_id).count()02:20
rm_workwhen that runs, it breaks the *lock_session*02:20
rm_workno freaking clue why02:20
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rm_workit's specifically the .count()02:21
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rm_workwell... anything that triggers it to actually fetch the dataset. all() does it too02:22
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rm_workjohnsom: updated
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/octavia master: Updated from global requirements
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rm_mobilejohnsom: it is almost assuredly this:
rm_mobileI'll try that workaround when I get back home05:23
rm_mobileAnd I'll check using MySQL and see if this issue just doesn't happen05:23
rm_mobileGuessing it will not05:23
rm_mobileOh, was that WebEx today? Did I miss it? :/05:25
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johnsomIt was, you did05:28
rm_mobileHow did it go05:29
rm_mobileWhat's your impression05:29
johnsomI think they have a good idea.  The next step is to write up a spec.05:35
johnsomIt sounds like they have people to implement as well.05:36
johnsomThey did an internal PoC that worked05:36
johnsomSo I am pretty happy about it.  My only worry is will they be ready before we have the base act/act patches merged05:37
johnsomThis pysqlite stuff reminds me why I am not a huge fan of all things python....05:38
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johnsomI mean really?  We think you really want autocommit even though you explicitly ask for a transaction...  fail05:39
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korean101johnsom: i got resolution05:58
korean101johnsom: (
korean101johnsom: above links, [service_auth] section only in neutron_lbaas.conf05:58
korean101johnsom: but Newton on 16.04, neutron.conf also must contains [service_auth] section05:59
korean101johnsom: must!05:59
korean101johnsom: neutron.conf doesn't have [service_auth] section. then ERROR flood~05:59
korean101johnsom: i got this messages (
johnsomAh, sorry I didn't catch that.06:00
korean101johnsom: problem solved!06:00
korean101johnsom: but this is so weird.06:00
johnsomGlad you got it figured out06:00
korean101johnsom: incording to openstack manuals, that section only exists in neutron_lbaas.conf06:01
rm_mobileJohnsom: honestly, if they finish this act/act first... Well... Code wins...06:01
johnsomYeah, the docs have some issues06:01
korean101johnsom: Thank you every time. :)06:01
rm_mobileI have no attachment to any particular implementation, and the existing one seems a little clunky and black-boxy IMO06:02
johnsomrm_mobile I think they are planning to do a driver for the IBM stuff06:02
johnsomThus will build on that code06:03
rm_mobileWell maybe they'll help push that stuff then06:04
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rm_workjohnsom: OK yeah tested with MySQL and it is working fine... SQLite bug, ffff09:05
rm_workI guess we just freaking make a note in the test and ... !?!?!09:06
rm_workwe just can't test it09:06
rm_workthis is so dumb09:06
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rm_workugh screw this whole test, i think11:15
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Andrew_jediHello folks, I have a question on Octavia. Is it correct to assume that each amphora is always directly linked to its tenant? Or can a single service VM be shared across multiple tenants?13:03
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zioprotoso good to find so many people here13:51
zioprotoI really need help with LBaaS13:51
zioprotoI cant upgrade to Newton if dont finish this migration from LBaaSv1 to LBaaSv213:52
zioprotoat the moment I am trying to have a Horizon running with web dashboard for LBaaSv2, anyone has this thing working ?13:52
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zioprotoI have the same problems described here:
zioprotois anyone alive in this channel ? :)14:10
johnsomAndrew_jedi currently it is one or more service vms per load balancer.  They cannot be shared.14:13
Andrew_jedijohnsom: In the same tenant ?14:14
Andrew_jedijohnsom: gotcha, thank you !!14:14
johnsomThe service vms run under the octavia project, they are not in the user tenant.14:15
johnsomzioproto Maybe xgerman can help you, he recently tested out the panels14:18
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xgermanrecently is like 3 months ago14:37
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openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed openstack/octavia master: [WIP] Adds the abiity to fsilover a load balancer
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Andrew_jedixgerman: Does horizon has support for Octavia ?15:39
xgermanyes,  it supports whatever LBaaS V2 driver you put behind it15:39
Andrew_jediwell, getting lbaasv2 to horizon is itself challenging15:40
xgermanI just did a pip install and followed the instructions…15:40
Andrew_jediwow, and it worked , thank you for letting me know ...15:41
xgermanyeah, but that was a few months ago and things change fast in OpenStack15:45
Andrew_jedixgerman: Ok, do you have any idea about lbaasv2 horizon support in Mitaka release?15:47
xgermanthat should work… since we made the Panel for mitaka15:47
xgermanI tested Newton and early Ocata and both worked15:48
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Andrew_jedigreat, thanks :)15:54
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johnsomrm_work So the work around in the link you sent doesn't work?16:19
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xgermanjohnsom so with working on the failover I would like to put that under loadbalancer/123/failover16:24
johnsomYeah, I think that is a good plan16:24
xgermanawesome, now I just need to put my patch on top of the LB API patch ;-)16:25
xgermanI am also deleting first the passive amphora and then the active — now I am not sure how an operator would figure out if the failover was successful (since I hand it off to the queue)16:25
xgermanalso am I supposed to mark the LB pending whie we failover16:26
xgermanand if the failover fails mark it ERROR - which would probably be annoying16:26
xgermansince we don’t mark it ERROR if the amp failover in health fails16:27
johnsomYeah, passive then active, we should be able to track failover with the amp ID changing and amphora_health messages coming in for the new amp.16:30
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johnsomLB should go to pending_update16:30
johnsomIt should probably go to error if failover fails.16:31
johnsomAlso, there is a busy flag that needs set, the failover flow sets that flag, so depending on what you reuse you may get it for free16:32
xgermanI am reusing those flows16:32
xgermanjust wasn’t sure about what to do with the LB16:33
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openstackgerritSindhu Devale proposed openstack/octavia master: DB migration to add ID column to HM
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johnsomdiltram on the above patch, a few lines above there is also a lowercase true.  Should it change?20:55
diltramjohnsom: this previous one is not used by us20:55
diltramand because of this I made this lowercase word20:55
diltramand it was a mistake20:56
diltramit's internal python env20:56
diltramjohnsom: which cloud-init datasource is responsible just for reading /var/lib/cloud directory?20:57
johnsomI have no idea unless that is where the config drive device gets mounted.  I would have to look.  Config drive comes in as an sr0 device20:58
diltramyeah, I know20:58
diltrambut lxd guys are making weird things and they already mounted the drive to this directory20:59
diltramand I can't configure it properly to read it from there20:59
johnsomdiltram This is the source of information I have used previously:
diltramjohnsom: I was reading this webiste21:01
diltrambut completely can't find anything valueable there21:01
diltramwhat could be used to help21:01
diltrambased on this they're mounting this openstack cloud config drive to this dir and it's all21:02
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johnsomLooking in an amp, cloud-init.log has some interactions with that directory.  I can post a log if you don't have one handy.21:15
johnsomIt's not super helpful though21:15
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/octavia master: Update for new pep8 rules E402 and W503
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