Friday, 2016-03-25

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bana_kis there a way to identify the amps state in ha mode? like is it master or slave00:35
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sbalukoffbana_k: I think that information is stored in the database.00:55
sbalukoffbana_k: So it should be part of the amp model in any case.00:55
bana_kyea but are we updating that info when master fails and back up becomes master ?00:56
openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack/octavia: Fixes the SNI issues in master(mitaka) for octavia
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia: Adds documentation for the Octavia configuration
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johnsom_banak For human use, you can look in syslog and see the state.  For non-human use, there aren't great options, but two possibilities.01:33
johnsom_1. There is a signal that will cause it to dump a status file.  Not great01:34
johnsom_2. You could make a patch that adds a notify script that updates a state file somewhere.01:35
johnsom_opps I meant bana_k01:43
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johnsom_FYI, for the flow documentation patch I setup a web server with the current output:01:51
johnsom_I think there are a few things to adjust, but it looks pretty good.01:52
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johnsomI did this since it won't build on until the taskflow fix is released01:52
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rm_workit IS or ISN'T's fault tho?01:57
rm_workit's a bug in taskflow that makes it unable to build?01:57
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johnsomrm_work No worries, it was networkx changing out from under taskflow.  I have already put a taskflow patch up.03:10
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rm_workjohnsom: I see, ok. I always really just cross my fingers that it keeps working so I don't have to touch it >_>03:34
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openstackgerritBanashankar k proposed openstack/octavia: Adding the topology info at the time of LB AMP association
openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Adding introduction and developer quick start docs
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bharathmbana_k: I commented on your patch.. I tried testing it locally and using 'builtins' module resulting in py27 failures.05:38
bharathmrm_work: when you have some time, can you take a look at
bharathmI bet you have more experience working on tls/sni stuff in octavia05:41
rm_workmaybe :P05:42
rm_workI will take a look now tho05:42
rm_workthen I need to head to the store in a bit05:42
bharathmSure.. whenever you are free.. :-) thanks05:43
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rm_workI believe EITHER tls_container_id or should work05:43
rm_workas I think it is a model object there05:44
rm_workor is it not05:44
rm_worka model would have tls_container_id as a raw value but then SQLAlchemy should link in tls_container as an object which would have .id05:44
rm_workI think05:44
bharathmusing errored out with "none type object tls_container" or something like that05:44
rm_workbut it has been so long maybe that is totally wrong and those are actually our container class05:44
rm_workso what is wrong with this code? I see lots of red from jenkins, is it just unit tests failing that were actually bad originally? or is this actually still not working for you05:45
bharathmI looked at the model and thought the tls_container_id to be right one.. but I may be wrong..05:45
rm_workwell the issue is that this is super confusing05:46
rm_workbecause we pass the models around like half the time and cert_manager certificate container classes the other hald05:46
rm_work*other half05:46
rm_workand they are not compatible05:46
bharathmCode is working fine.. Just the tests failing.. But wanted to ask you if we are missing anything05:46
rm_workah ok, so if you've verified that it's working, then i will just look to see if I can think of anything else05:47
rm_workand not worry about whether the arg names are right :P05:47
rm_workI find it annoying that we named the fields "listener.tls_certificate_id" but "listener.sni_containers.tls_container_id"05:48
rm_workshould have tried to be more consistent :(05:48
rm_workor "listener.tls_container_id"05:49
rm_workbut I like the first better05:49
rm_worktoo late now :( just causes confusion05:49
bharathmYeah bugs me too.. I thought that was intentional05:49
rm_workdifferent people worked on different pieces05:49
rm_workI did the base TLS stuff but not SNI05:50
bharathmIndeed.. I would say let it slide for now as it works.. We can revisit and refactor in the future if tls gets more complicated (which I dont think it would)05:50
rm_workI think ORIGINALLY the base TLS stuff *was* "tls_container_id" but we wanted to make it not specifically "container" related05:50
rm_workso it got changed, but SNI didn't05:50
rm_workbecause possibly SNI was mid-development based on the original naming05:51
rm_workanyway, this looks fine to me I think, though it has been so long I am not sure if there could be something missing still :/05:51
rm_workonce we have scenario tests for this it will be easy peasy05:51
bharathmWas looking at datamodels but I couldn't figure out where it would set tls_container object rather than tls_container_id..05:51
bharathmBut the testcase sample config, it was configured as listener.sni_containers.tls_container[].*05:52
bharathm+1 on scenario tests05:52
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rm_workbharathm: so you just need to fix the tests for this then?05:54
bharathmerr I meant listener.sni_containers[].tls_container.*05:54
rm_workwhy is this moving to a 128 char string?05:54
rm_workthe container ids should be uuids, so05:55
rm_workI wonder why neutronl-baas has 128?05:55
bharathmThe container id from barbican is a url05:55
rm_workoh shit right05:55
rm_workLOL this was the old code when we weren't planning to store that05:55
rm_workand then decided we had to05:55
rm_workyeah this SNI code is based on OLD design05:55
bharathmso in neutron lbaas db its 128 chars however errors out in our octavia api because of column length issues05:55
rm_workI am amazed this is still here, there's no way SNI would work like this05:55
rm_worknot even with JUST octavia05:56
rm_workthe absolute *minimum* length of a container id (really, a container_ref) is like... 4805:56
rm_workwhich would never even happen05:57
bharathmDo we have a new design ?05:57
bharathmfor handling SNI05:57
rm_worki mean05:57
rm_workthe *current* TLS design05:57
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rm_workbasically SNI is a 1:N clone of the 1:1 TLS stuff05:58
rm_workbut it was based on the *old* TLS design05:58
rm_workwhich we fixed but ignored SNI apparently05:58
rm_workit should essentially be the TLS models/data lifted and put into its own table and linked in as 1:N on a listener05:58
rm_workplus a couple of extra columns05:59
rm_workerr... maybe not even05:59
rm_worksooo, I am a little concerned though about just blindly removing it from the jinja builder05:59
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rm_workunless the data from the sni_certs is like... appanded to the tls_cert data that is still passed, then the haproxy config never gets the sni data?06:00
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fnavalreview requested pls:
rm_worksup fnaval !06:00
fnavalhey rm_work!06:00
rm_workfnaval: are we nearly the same timezone?06:00
fnavalwell i think off by an hour06:00
rm_workclose enough06:01
bharathmAhaa.. gotcha.. Well current jinga build doesnt read the SNI from the arg.. Rather it reads directly from the listener model06:01
rm_workbharathm: oh what? errr06:01
rm_workbharathm: then why are we even passing the certs data06:01
rm_workwouldn't it just be able to read that directly as well?06:01
bharathmOops sorry I spoke too soon..06:04
bharathmYou are right.. the correct way is to pass the certs[sni] as arg to build and use it.. I am curious how this worked though.. May be false positive..06:07
bharathmWill try this tomorrow06:07
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia: Adds a process to generate key flow documentation
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rm_workbharathm: ok yeah, I'd be curious how the model code was handling it -- because it SEEMS like you are right that it could get it from the listener, but... it SHOULD be consistent, and the way you have it right now is not06:15
rm_workposted for posterity on the review06:16
bharathmAgreed.. thanks for the inputs06:17
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Port agent_manager to Python 3
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia: Removes port_detach code that was mistakenly added
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia: Adds a process to generate key flow documentation
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TrevorVHey johnsom_ or xgerman either of you guys up and running right now?15:07
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johnsom_TrevorV What is up?15:55
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TrevorVjohnsom I couldn't come up with an answer, but do we expose object limits via the API at all?15:56
TrevorVLike, how many listeners a LB can have?15:57
TrevorVthose kind of limits?15:57
TrevorVDo we HAVE those kinds of limits?15:57
johnsomOctavia does not.  I think that is handled in neutron-lbaas land right now15:57
bloganthere aren't quotas for how many listeners an lb can have15:59
bloganjust a quota for how many listeners a tenant can have, how many lbs a tenant can have etc15:59
TrevorVblogan can you retrieve that via the API?16:00
TrevorVOr is it just deployer known?16:00
TrevorVThat's neutron-lbaas specific or just lumped together?16:02
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bloganTrevorV: its neutron16:32
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openstackgerritBanashankar k proposed openstack/octavia: Adding the topology info at the time of LB AMP association
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openstackgerritBanashankar k proposed openstack/octavia: Adding the topology info at the time of LB AMP association
openstackgerritBanashankar k proposed openstack/octavia: Adding the topology info at the time of LB AMP association
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openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack/octavia: Replace the method with safer way
openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack/octavia: Replace the method with safer way
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openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack/octavia: Replace the method with safer way
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