Tuesday, 2016-02-02

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crc32xgerman: What config option in amphora-agent.conf contains the client cert CA?00:53
crc32I see agent_server_ca agent_server_cert but was wondering what identifies the client CA cert that will authenticate client connections.00:53
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mhaydenafter getting the lime out of the cocunut finally, the octavia db is up and migrated02:52
mhaydenhowever, i'm stuck on a driver error: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/major/570374d2e97d8f1803ac/raw/c25d07bdbc360ece1cf97562eb200dc116356d7b/gistfile1.txt02:52
mhaydenit doesn't seem like neutron_lbaas ever reaches out to octavia, but i see neutron making ports for the load balancer02:52
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ptoohillmhayden: It looks like its an auth config issue. Are you setting it up similar to how the devstack plugin does?03:02
mhaydeni'll go back and look at that plugin again03:06
mhaydenptoohill: would this be the keystone_authtoken section?03:08
mhaydeni saw a mention of a [service_auth] section too03:08
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mhaydenit looks like it's service_auth, because if i remove that section, it complains about not being able to talk to keystone on localhost03:09
ptoohillmhayden: I believe it is the service_auth section03:09
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ptoohillmaybe something we need to updated, but neutron-lbaas seems to be using keystone-authtoken03:10
ptoohillmy apologies03:10
ptoohilland i stand recreated, sorta, its using both03:11
ptoohillbut the one to be concerned with here i believe is the service_auth03:12
mhaydenokay, let me revisit that section again03:13
mhaydenthanks for the pointer03:13
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mhayden| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE                       |03:19
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mhayden| 91267829-2ee9-4c21-a92f-8b7d1f7df970 | lb-test | | ACTIVE              | octavia  |03:20
mhaydenptoohill: that was it!03:20
mhaydenmy auth_url in the [service_token] section was incorrect03:20
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ptoohillmhayden: Awesome!03:21
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bloganmhayden: is that with octavia noop drivers or real ones?03:23
mhaydenreal ones!03:24
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bloganmhayden: single or active standby topology?03:24
mhaydeni don't have nested virt on the box, so the vm won't kick off03:25
mhaydenbut i'll toss this onto a box that can run it03:25
bloganmhayden: what do you mean kick off?03:25
mhaydeni never saw a vm come up03:25
bloganhow'd it go active?03:25
mhaydenthe amphora vm03:25
mhaydeni have no idea03:25
bloganwell that shouldn't happen unless nova says the amp when active03:25
ptoohillmaybe user view?03:26
bloganmhayden: the vm comes up under the admin account03:26
mhaydensomething must have gone wrong... there's a port made for the LB, but it's down03:27
mhaydenand no instances03:27
mhaydenoctavia.api.v1.handlers.controller_simulator.handler [-] Simulating controller operation for loadbalancer...03:29
mhaydenperhaps that explains it?03:29
mhaydenis that the noop?03:30
bloganpretty much (although there are other levels of noop)03:30
mhaydenwhere did i go wrong?03:30
bloganyeah that was an initial simulator03:31
bloganmhayden: handler in the config should be set to queue_produce i believe03:31
bloganthe api config03:31
ptoohillwelcome to the matrix03:31
ptoohillor an onion, not sure which is better03:31
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mhaydenokay, let me check the conf03:32
mhaydenin octavia.conf?03:32
bloganmhayden: yeah, but on the api node if you have htem separated03:32
blogandamn teh default handler is the simulated handler03:33
bloganwe should change that03:33
mhaydeni'm colocating octavia + neutron at the moment03:33
bloganmhayden: oh okay then one config for all the octavia components will eb fine, and you'll just need to change api_handler to queue_producer03:34
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mhaydenis that this? https://github.com/openstack/octavia/blob/master/devstack/plugin.sh#L64-L6703:35
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mhaydenlogs are much more verbose now03:36
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed openstack/octavia: Default api_handler to queue_producer  https://review.openstack.org/27499303:36
bloganmhayden: thats the next level of possible noops, but if you look at the review above, thats what i'm talking about03:37
bloganL72 of that file you linked03:38
mhaydenokay, changed to queue produce03:39
mhaydenalso, i set the three drivers that i saw in the devstack config03:39
mhaydenfor amphora, network, and compute03:40
bloganokay the devstack ones should be the correct ones03:40
bloganbut they do default to hte noop as well if not specified03:40
bloganmhayden: does your neutron support allowed address pairs?03:41
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mhaydeni'm not familiar with that03:42
bloganmhayden: its an extension03:42
bloganmhayden: not sure how many extensions rpc supports03:42
mhaydennot sure if we load that one03:42
mhaydenah, it's not in OSA mitaka03:43
bloganif you do a port-show on a port do you see a row for it?03:43
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mhaydenthere is a row for it, but the value is empty for the port i just checked03:44
bloganmhayden: it'll be empty unless you set it03:44
bloganmhayden: if you do neutron ext-list does it show it as being loaded at least?03:45
mhaydenit shows up in the ext-list03:45
bloganok then its loaded at least, what neutron plugin are you using?03:45
mhaydenml2 + linuxbridge03:46
mhaydenneutron is the part of openstack that i'm least familiar with at this point03:46
bloganhmm haven't tested it with lb, though i'm willing to bet it does work03:46
bloganall it does is really just ip tables as far as i'm aware03:47
bloganso lb or ovs shouldn't matter03:47
mhaydenah, i don't have the amphora image downloaded03:47
mhaydenwould that be a problem?03:47
mhaydenand i don't have a flavor configured03:47
bloganha yeah, you'd need to create it, our devstack script builds it03:48
bloganyes that would be too03:48
bloganand a management network too03:48
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mhaydenare there docs someplace that i'm missing?03:48
blogani remember there was/is some, ill try to find them03:49
bloganajmiller created some i believe03:49
mhaydencreated the flavor03:51
mhaydencan i use a generic trusty image as the amphora image? or does it need fancy things?03:51
bloganit needs fancy things03:52
bloganback when we were using a pure ssh driver you could have used just a generic image03:52
bloganmhayden: https://github.com/openstack/octavia/tree/master/diskimage-create03:53
bloganthats for creating the image03:53
bloganafter that's done you'd need to upload it to glance03:53
mhaydenhmm, i'll have to figure out this part for OSA03:55
mhaydenwe'd need to pre-build this03:55
mhaydenit seems like ansible might be helpful with this image stuff ;)03:56
bloganmhayden: it just might be, but the idea is to have a golden image and not have to build it too often, although it will have to happen to update the agent running on the amphora03:57
bloganbut for clouds that follow the stable releases, then only backports would cause a new image to be created, if that backport changed the agent04:00
mhaydeni was wondering if y'all could inject ansible via cloud-init perhaps04:00
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bloganwe use cloud-init to configure the agent and start it up so we don't need ssh access04:01
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bloganmhayden: what do you have in mind for injecting ansible at that piont?04:03
mhaydenyou could use generic images then and use ansible to do the post-install config04:03
mhaydenthat'd reduce the need for a custom built image04:04
mhaydenbecause it doesn't look like you're adding too much to a standard stock image04:05
bloganmhayden: oh i see what you mean now, there's also other things the image gives us like kernel tunings for better haproxy performance, but i dont know if that cna be done through cloud-init or if that needs to be baked into the image04:05
mhaydenthat could help ensure that a freshly built LB is up to date as well04:05
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mhaydenare we talking sysctl type stuff?04:05
bloganmhayden: yes, that would solve a big pain in the ass of doing it like this04:06
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mhaydenwait, i don't see a yum upgrade / apt-get upgrade in here anywhere04:06
bloganmhayden: in the diskimage-create?04:06
mhaydenunless i'm missing it04:07
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blogani still dont fully understand the diskimage-create, but there's also the elements that we decide to put in it04:07
bloganoh yeah the image also has haproxy on it04:08
mhaydeni'm thinking about those situations where an openssl vulnerability drops and someone's running lbaasv204:08
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bloganmhayden: https://github.com/openstack/octavia/tree/master/elements04:08
bloganmhayden: oh yeah thats been in the back of our minds, especially if we have to migrate thousands of existing amphora04:09
bloganmhayden: so i think the tradeoff with doing it all in cloud-init will be boot time versus easier upgrades04:10
mhaydenperhaps there's a way to do it fully in openstack04:10
mhayden1) boot a vm with ansible in cloud-init 2) ansible powers off the instance 3) save a snapshot04:10
xgermancrc32:   ca=CONF.amphora_agent.agent_server_ca04:12
bloganmhayden: yeah that could work too, could also just make all of these options04:12
crc32|znccan you give me an ip to a working amphora ptoohill04:14
xgermanmhayden having unusable do it makes you open up an attack vector where an attacker can control and install stuff o the VM04:15
xgermanwe did failing over vms regularly in the libra days and that took a couple of hours04:15
bloganxgerman: couple hours for a failover!?!?04:16
xgermanwell, if you have like 1000 images to do04:16
xgermanaka you make a new image; then force a failover of your 1000 VM04:16
bloganxgerman: ohhh, migrating or something like that04:16
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bloganxgerman: yeah makes sense04:16
xgermanyeah, with the right tooling it’s pretty painles04:17
xgerman(one day with the operator api)04:17
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xgermanansi ble gets autocorrected into unusable04:18
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bloganxgerman: having ansible create the image? i don't think so04:21
xgermanyeah, we entertained that for a split second… too many issues04:21
bloganhaving ansible install all the stuff we need from a stock image sure, but then ansible can just close off the vector when its done04:22
bloganno more ansible, no ssh, only the api04:22
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xgermanyeah, that was our idea, too — have unusable do all of that and then stuff the image in glance04:24
xgermanbut we felt the disk image builder did all that at build time without the need to spin up a vm and all the vagaries that entaisl04:24
bloganpros and cons to both, i have a feeling the boot time to install all of this is greater than what most would prefer04:25
bloganbut it would make developing a tad bit easier04:25
bloganinstead of having to have a review up to point to, to pull down the code to install hte image from04:26
bloganerr agent04:26
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dougwigssh forever!04:36
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed openstack/octavia: Default api_handler to queue_producer  https://review.openstack.org/27499306:13
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openstackgerritBharath M proposed openstack/octavia: Replace depcrecated Nova networks with Nova interfaces  https://review.openstack.org/27373309:20
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP: Use tempest-lib's floating_ips_client  https://review.openstack.org/27515812:30
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openstackgerritEvgeny Fedoruk proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: L7 capability extension implementation for lbaas v2  https://review.openstack.org/14823214:08
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amotokixgerman: re L7 rules. sorry, you are right. last time i followed the related reviews, it was implemented as a part of LBaaS extension. now looks good.14:49
xgermangreat - we straightened that out in our midcycle14:50
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mhaydenokay, so i got the amphora image built, got the networking configured, but i'm getting an error about CA certificates now15:22
mhaydenis that required?15:22
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rm_workblogan: http://logs.openstack.org/93/274993/2/check/gate-octavia-pep8/c3afa7a/console.html#_2016-02-02_06_19_17_873 :(15:28
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mhaydenblogan: holy mackerel -- finally got an amphora image to start15:38
mhaydennot sure if it's working yet15:38
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johnsommhayden FYI, the ubuntu cloud image diskimage-builder pulls down is always updated, thus no apt-get update step.15:45
johnsomPersonally it annoys me a bit because DIB is always downloading a new image, but...15:45
mhaydenso an amphora VM is coming up, but the worker can't ssh to it15:52
mhaydenah, so the worker cannot reach the amphora vm15:53
mhaydeni guess i'm missing the network connection between the lb on the lb-mgmt-net and the octavia worker?15:57
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rm_workmhayden: how long did you give it? on most environments without VT-X it takes ... a while16:04
rm_workthough if it didn't come up after 5-10 minutes then yeah16:05
mhaydeni have VT :)16:05
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rm_workheh k16:05
mhaydenbut yeah, the networks are not connected16:05
rm_workyou can try to ssh into it manually16:05
mhaydenso that seems to be my problem16:05
rm_workthe key is in /etc/octavia/.ssh/16:05
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rm_workto verify connectivity16:05
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bloganrm_work: i think thats where the devstack plugin puts the key16:55
rm_workah :/16:56
bloganrm_work: i brought mroe candy bars today!16:57
johnsomFund raising?16:57
bloganjohnsom: my wife is a teacher and they're doing this to help out with supplies since they buy a lot out of their own pocket16:58
bloganjohnsom: bc our tax dollars are being allocated awesomely by the government16:58
johnsomMy mom was a teacher.  I a familiar with that situation16:58
bloganamazing that it hasn't been remedied since i don't know when16:59
johnsomDon't get me started on the waste of tax dollars.  There is a perfect example down the road from me16:59
blogani think there's a perfect example down the road from every person :)16:59
johnsomIs anybody looking at our latest gate issue?17:00
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openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed openstack/octavia: Add endpoint override conf option for neutron  https://review.openstack.org/27533717:33
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Temporary gate fix for tempest library  https://review.openstack.org/27534217:37
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johnsomLooks like they backed out of part of the previous change...17:38
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rm_workTrevorV: have you tested your change in devstack yet? looks pretty straightforward, waiting for gate tho17:46
rm_workah though the gate is still failing ATM so I guess i'll be waiting a while :P17:46
johnsomPoking at the gate issue.  However zuul is backed up today, so it will be a while17:48
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rm_workT_T want me to look too?17:49
rm_workor you have it handled?17:49
johnsomI *think* I have it handled.  I just have to wait for the gate checks as I don't have an environment I can run them local at the moment17:50
johnsomIf you want to try it out, feel free17:50
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rm_workI'll trust you17:55
rm_workI have other stuff to be doing, I just usually prioritize gate-fixing17:55
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xgermanblogan / johnsom when you get a chance please weight in to https://review.openstack.org/275337 — I feel we need to figure out some consistent way for this stuff17:57
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ajmillerdougwig Wearing your Lieutenant bars: requirements for neutron-lbaas-dashboard aren't being automatically updated.  I created https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275291/ to add it to projects.txt.  Is there more I need to do?18:44
dougwigajmiller: no, that's it.  reviews on the project are pretty bursty.18:45
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ajmillerOK thanks.  xgerman, johnsom, doug-fish blogan ptoohill and anyone else, reviews of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275291/ would be appreciated.18:47
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johnsomajmiller looks good to me18:51
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TrevorVrm_work I went to lunch right after pushing the change, so no, I haven't touched the devstack test yet19:20
TrevorVI also marked it WIP until I could do that :D19:20
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rm_workah didn't see it WIP19:24
rm_work... it isn't WIP19:24
TrevorVIt was SUPPOSED to be rm_work19:25
TrevorVIs gerrit really laggy for anyone else today?19:26
rm_worknot for me19:26
TrevorVit keeps taking like 3 seconds to load any given page19:26
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johnsomYeah, it's a bit slow today19:42
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fnavalhi is there any openstack presentations that I can piggy back on20:07
rm_workfnaval: how do you not have an ATC? T_T20:12
rm_workfnaval: i should have an extra code, as should some others, i wouldn't worry too much abou tit20:12
rm_work*about it20:12
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed openstack/octavia: Add endpoint override conf option for neutron and nova  https://review.openstack.org/27533720:13
fnavalrm_work: ah, the is separate from the ATC pass; just wondering if there are any submitted talks that I can get a 5-10 min slot on20:17
fnavali'm pretty sure I'll get some code in before tehn20:18
rm_worki mean, they already sent the ATC codes for austin, right?20:18
rm_workdo you have 10 minutes of stuff you want to say, or just want speaking experience? :P20:18
fnavalrm_work: they do it in batches from what i understand until March/April?20:19
rm_workah, mayhaps20:20
fnavalrm_work:  both20:20
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xgermanfnaval I already put you on the Octavia lab20:23
fnavalyep thanks xgerman for that!20:23
xgermanyeah, you can talk 10 minutes about stuff20:24
fnavalthere's a deadline for tonight for speaker submissions.20:24
xgermanno worries...20:24
fnavaljust wanted to see if there's any other talks that I can participate in related to neutron-lbaas  / octavia20:24
xgermannah, I think you can keep changing speakers until shortly before the talk - ask dougwig20:24
johnsomI put in the LBaaS talk again.  If you have a topic we can add you to that as well20:25
rm_workyou can change the speakers until like20:25
rm_workthe day of20:25
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dougwigyou can also just show up to the podium and speak.20:28
fnavaljohnsom: cool probably the data driven testing again20:28
fnavalyeah i might just do that also20:28
johnsomOr show up at the podium and not speak as dougwig will attest20:29
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dougwigor that. you can wander around with a speaker tag and feel like a poser for a week.20:29
johnsomdougwig This looks like it fixes that latest issue: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275342/20:31
johnsomI think they backed out of some of the changes from Friday20:31
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dougwigjohnsom: quick question on review20:33
sbalukoffHey folks--  Dustin, our co-worker Leslie and I submitted a talk idea called "Why is nobody using my code?" (concentrating on community interaction and the things new people typically get wrong about it). We're being told it'd be good to have a non-IBMer on this talk as well. Is anyone here interested in potentially co-presenting with us?20:34
johnsomdougwig Answered20:35
johnsomI think they modified both the v2 and v3 interface last week, then this week decided they shouldn't have modified the v2 interface and reverted it.20:36
johnsomThe right answer is: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273817/20:37
fnavalsbalukoff: I might be!20:37
sbalukoffCool beans!20:37
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sbalukoffWait-- did our gate spontaneously fix itself before johnsom's fix to neutron-lbaas tempest got through20:56
sbalukoffOh, wait no...20:57
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johnsomMy patch just got through the check gate20:58
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TrevorVjohnsom the one that clashes with the bug fixes I have?  Nooooooooooooo :P20:58
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johnsomTrevorV It's a patch for the neutron-lbaas tempest20:59
sbalukoffIt still needs a +A20:59
TrevorVOh gotcha, *whipes sweat off brow*20:59
TrevorVha ha20:59
sbalukoff^^^ Someone needs to +A that so we can eke a few more small Octavia patches in before it breaks again (In a day or so, at this rate. ;) )21:00
johnsom^^^ ptoohill ajmiller blogan21:00
ajmilleron it21:01
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sbalukoffA couple of those Octavia patches are optimizations which should reduce build and test times...21:01
johnsomYeah, we need to support Cedric in his tempest patch: https://review.openstack.org/27381721:01
ptoohillmeant to remove the +a since ajmiller was looking, but I think its ok?21:02
johnsomYeah, I'm sure it's fine21:02
ajmillerI don't think its a problem at all.21:02
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johnsomTrevorV http://sonar.octavia.io/archive/octavia/a727956452b27107ff3c72b0042d802a54c95c8d/102/cover/octavia_controller_worker_tasks_compute_tasks_py.html#n16121:19
johnsomOtherwise it looks good21:19
blogansorry guys, been in a long meeting, didnt get a chance to upvote taht review21:23
johnsomNP we got it21:23
sbalukoffScrew you blogan.21:23
blogansbalukoff: i was just in a long meeting, that has already been done21:24
sbalukoffYeah, I know the feeling, man. My condolences.21:24
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xgermansbalukoff we can add some HP person as well tho the talk if that helps21:42
sbalukoffxgerman: If you want to add someone, let me know ASAP!21:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-lbaas: Temporary gate fix for tempest library  https://review.openstack.org/27534221:45
sbalukoffThe window closes tonight, of course.21:46
xgermanyou can change speakers all the time - ask dougwig :-)21:47
xgermanor scroll back21:47
sbalukoffDescriptions get updated when they're being voted on? Or just the speaker list?21:47
sbalukoffYay! Gate fix merged!21:48
johnsomsbalukoff The speaker list is fluid (you benefited from that in Tokyo)21:48
sbalukoffjohnsom: Yes... but I never actually got speaker credit / badge.21:49
xgermanok, bharatm is happy to join21:49
sbalukoffCould we get a +A on this?  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/274294/21:50
sbalukoffxgerman: Cool! Send me his bio, and I'll ask Leslie to add it to our talk, eh!21:50
bharathmsbalukoff: It's me that xgerman mentioned.. Just the bio is enough for now ?21:52
johnsomAll you should need is the email address, he can enter his own bio21:53
sbalukoffbharathm: I think so. If our talk gets accepted then we'll have real work to do. :)21:53
sbalukoffOh, handy!21:53
sbalukoffbharathm: What e-mail address have you registered with the openstack summit site?21:54
xgermanand if bharathm gets travel approved — otherwise it’s all on fnaval or we can see who is going form HP and reshuffle21:54
bharathmSounds good..21:54
bharathmsbalukoff: my email : bharath.stacker@gmail.com21:54
sbalukoffYou should get a notification when Leslie adds you to the talk.21:54
bharathmWill be looking out.. thanks21:56
sbalukoffThank you!21:56
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TrevorVjohnsom I don't know how to read this page22:05
TrevorVWhat is the problem?22:05
johnsomYou need to update the unit test to check the exception path where the nova boot fails22:05
TrevorVOh, okay, gotcha22:06
johnsomYellow means a code branch that not all paths are tested, and red means un-tested line22:06
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TrevorVOh okay, didn't know about that.  Nice22:08
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openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed openstack/octavia: Amphora Create now fails when amphora goes into ERROR status  https://review.openstack.org/26713722:14
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TrevorVjohnsom I added a new test22:22
TrevorVI missed scrollback because of a meeting, is someone looking into the gate issues?22:23
johnsomShould be fixed now22:23
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TrevorVAlright johnsom then I have a few reviews waiting on jenkins running the tests again and then I should be good.22:24
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johnsomYep.  I +2'd the ERROR status bug fix.  Thanks for grabbing that!  It will be nice to have fixed22:25
TrevorVYeah, clear up the logs a bit :D22:26
rm_workYeah, the range/xrange thing is ... MAYBE important?22:33
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rm_workit's an optimization22:33
rm_workgenerally we opt to use six.moves for it because xrange is really a lot better in py2 (which is 99% of deployments)22:33
johnsomright, but for a retry counter, I don't know22:33
rm_workit depends a lot on how big the list is22:33
rm_workwhat is that usually set to?22:33
rm_work20? 1000? 100000?22:33
rm_workit *probably* doesn't matter, it's just good practice22:34
bloganhow important is using xrange if the range is relatively low?22:34
johnsom-1 it22:34
rm_worknot enough to -1 IMO22:34
blogani don't think its a big deal if its a low number22:34
rm_workis the range relatively low for that field?22:34
rm_workthat is my question22:35
johnsomour default for that is 0122:35
rm_workdoesn't matter22:35
bloganlets be sure we dont keep a list of 10 items in memory22:35
sbalukoffblogan or johnsom:  Can one of y'all +A this? It's annoying to have to recheck because of this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/274294/22:35
rm_workif it were in the 10 THOUSAND range, maybe it matters?22:35
rm_workespecially if it's in a thread22:35
blogannow the better question is if its a configurable option should we worry about deployers being dumb and putting in a huge number?22:36
bloganat this point they're reallys hooting themselves in the foot with the huge number, even if it was xrange22:36
rm_workheh prolly22:36
johnsomsbalukoff I have been on the fence with that one.  I would need to research it more to understand that there aren't other tests in that module that need the same change.22:36
sbalukoffjohnsom: That's fine... but this is the only one that is intermittently triggering.22:37
bloganjohnsom: but if it needs the same change we can add them in later if this one does indeed fix the intermitten ones now?22:37
johnsomI guess I could stop working on your review.... grin22:37
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rm_workyeah IMO we can make new CRs if we find more22:37
rm_workas they trigger22:37
rm_workI already +2'd22:37
rm_workare there any revert tests?22:38
johnsomSo, go for it.  I'm not blocking it, just felt like I should read up more before +222:38
rm_worki'm waiting on jenkins for trevor's review there, but like, will they even show me anything?22:38
bloganjohnsom: done!22:38
bloganrm_work: in zuul?22:38
sbalukoffSweet! Thanks!22:38
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rm_workblogan: i mean will the test results even be useful?22:38
rm_workif there aren't any tests that test reverts...22:39
rm_workthen the tests passing doesn't tell me anything about the correctness22:39
blogantells you it didn't break anything else :)22:40
rm_worklol sure22:40
johnsomThere are unit tests for reverts, but not that Trevor's change would trigger.22:40
TrevorVWhy you talkin about me while I'm right here?!?!22:40
bloganthe unit test does test the correctness, but doesn't test that the revert is called like taskflow does22:40
rm_workwe're talking about your change :P22:42
rm_workand we'd welcome your input of course ^_^22:42
rm_workoh man I should eat breakfast soon22:43
BjoernHi folks, a quick question. The HaproxyNSDriver should be LBaasV2 compatible in liberty right ?  Getting  neutron_lbaas.agent.agent_manager AttributeError: 'HaproxyNSDriver' object has no attribute 'loadbalancer' for some unknown reason22:43
johnsombreakfast - ha22:43
rm_workyeah i woke up at 9am today even, just forgot to eat because i've been working >_<22:44
rm_workthat's one thing WFH does, no clear lunch break22:44
johnsomYeah, I hate it when that happens22:44
bloganBjoern: it should be, can you paste the relevant neutron.conf sections and neutron_lbaas sections22:44
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bloganBjoern: send a paste link22:46
blogangist or paste22:46
Bjoernsend the minimal config22:47
bloganBjoern: line 26 of that file22:48
bloganBjoern: should be neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.namespace_driver.HaproxyNSDriver22:49
bloganyou're using the v1 device driver22:49
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bloganBjoern: it's not clear but anything that goes to neutron_lbaas.services.loadbalancers is v1 (Except the plugin!)22:49
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Bjoernok, let me test real quick22:50
Bjoernok that worked, I can create the LB now . Where is this all documented ? Thanks BTW22:51
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bloganBjoern: i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't documented, bc i can't remember where, but if its not, obviously our fault for not doing it.  once v1 gets removed though, it'll be less confusing22:52
Bjoernyes I would have found it if there would have been a v2 in the name somewhere , lol22:53
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Bjoernis it true that the lbaasv2-agent is not maintained and dies in favor of the octavia driver/solution ?22:53
sbalukoffI suspect it'll be around with us for a while. The LBaaSv1 stuff is on the short this for stuff we intend to kill.22:56
sbalukoffAlso the synchronous driver.22:56
Bjoernyeah hopefully not ending up like nova network22:57
sbalukoffBut you are correct in that Octavia is now considered the reference implementation for LBaaSv2.22:57
blogani suspect the agent won't be getting a lot of love bc octavia is the focus, though it would be nice to have 2 working implementations, but that requires maintenance of it which requires people to care about it22:57
blogan2 working open source, "reference" implementations22:58
Bjoernyeah I see that problem22:58
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sbalukoffbharathm: Ping23:15
bharathmYup sbalukoff:23:16
sbalukoffbharathm: Did you see my private message to you?23:17
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dougwigBjoern: unless you want to volunteer to maintain it?23:50
BjoernI have not looked into octavia yet. Personally I do like haproxy :-)23:51
sbalukoffBjoern: Octavia uses haproxy.23:52
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