Wednesday, 2015-05-27

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madhu_akxgerman, dougwig: for flavor-framework patch, not sure why there is failure in jenkins, but when I run tox -epy27 in my setup, the tests related to flavor-framework is passing...00:28
madhu_aks/is passing/are passing00:28
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madhu_akdougwig, enikanorov_ : sorry guys for spamming your inbox about the CI results related to flavor-framework jenkins failures.. The reason, the failure is not detecting in my local setup, all I am able to see the failures in jenkins..but the errors reported are correct..not sure why the errors didn't pop-up in my setup. Please bear with my patches..01:54
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madhu_akdougwig, enikanorov_: okay, am able to see that jenkins - unit tests is finally happy with last patch :) hurray!02:02
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madhu_akxgerman, dougwig:
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openstackgerritvenkata anil proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: lbaas fails when adding gw and arping for IPv6 vip addr
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openstackgerritvenkata anil proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: lbaas fails when adding gw and arping for IPv6 vip addr
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xgermanblogan: Updated the agenda with links to our talks and a link to 3rd party CI running Sonar —16:00
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dougwigxgerman: do you want that sonar job to report in gerrit?16:09
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xgermanI would be happy with 3rd party CI16:10
bloganvoting or non-voting?16:11
xgermaneither one would be fine16:11
xgermanbut we can decide as a group on that16:11
bloganwell i'm conflicted on it being voting or non voting16:12
xgermanwell, I lean towards voting but I don’t feel like forcing people to obey machines16:13
bloganwell we already obey pep8/flake816:14
bloganas a counter argument16:14
bloganmy conflict is enforcing rules that are more or less subjective and adding that extra overhead for any new contributors for a still immature project16:15
bloganvs we alrady do this for pep8/flake816:16
xgermanyeah, we can put that up for a vote in the meeting16:17
xgermanI am happy either way --16:17
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bloganyou'd be happy if we didn't have any job eh?16:17
xgermanno, I like to have the job (and I already have it internally) and I think what Sonar reports is useful16:18
xgermanbut as soon as we make it voting we need some sort of process to change the Sonar if we need it more lenient/strict16:20
xgermanso maybe start with non-voting and revisit after a while16:21
blogannon-voting and it just fails all the time and becomes noise16:24
blogana la a10-lbaasv216:24
xgermanmmh, I haven’t thought about it that way16:24
bloganbut, i think as a trial run its good to have it non-voting16:24
bloganand it'll let us know if we hate the extra overhead16:25
xgermanyeah, it will be vocal ;-)16:25
xgermanI am hoping I can get the parameters from our internal one so we can tune it down16:26
bloganteh reason i wanted it as a tox environment/job was beacuse i could run it locally and quickly fix any issues, now i have to push it up and wait for all jobs to see16:26
xgermanit can run locally even inside pycharm somehow16:26
bloganoh no you talkin crazy16:29
bloganbut can it run locally with tox -e sonar?16:33
xgermanI think Sonar is Java so there is that… but there probably is a way to call machine from tox16:37
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bloganoh good point16:39
bloganugh maven16:39
blogani dont want that on my machine :)16:39
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madhu_akdougwig: hi doug. As the unit tests are passing for flavor-framework ( after rebasing it to the neutron master, I am gathering th relevant information to implement tempest tests..16:45
xgermandougwig: do you want them in the tempest tree or the neutron tree - and if neutron where would they go?16:46
openstackgerritSungjin Yook proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add a new lbaas agent Scheduler, LeastPoolAgentScheduler
madhu_akyeah, about to ask the same question as xgerman pointed.. +116:46
dougwigxgerman, madhu_ak: in tree, talk to marun16:51
madhu_akdougwig: sure16:52
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dougwighey, stop making fun of my CI.  it's broken all of the time because of broken tests.  :)16:57
dougwigthat the ref impl is lax and busted is not my fault.16:57
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mixosI watched summit video.16:59
mixoswas cool.16:59
mixosgreat job all of you . :- )16:59
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mixosHi all. a question.18:53
mixos:- )18:53
mixosvery dumb one.18:53
bloganhi mixos, no such thing as dumb questions, just dumb answers18:54
mixosfor lbaas scheduler patch drop.18:54
mixosblogan. I will surprise you. LOL18:54
mixosI got this comment.18:54
mixosThis needs unit tests.18:54
mixosbut.. I see that there's already test case...18:55
mixosI am wondering what18:56
bloganmixos: you should have tests for the LeastPoolAgentScheduler class and _schedule method18:56
mixos's my next step here.18:56
mixosI really want to write one.18:57
bloganmixos: really the unit tests in the lbaas code are not unit tests, and we should make an effort one day to actually clean those up because theya re quit confusing18:57
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mixosis there any reference code that I can look and how to execute this unit tests ? I tested on production env. for 4 days with 500 concurrent users.18:58
mixosthis would be fun to do. once I have ref code.18:58
mixosI would appreciate if you could give me a pointer .. :- )18:59
mixosChanceScheduler was there before my chance... I tried to look up test cases for that.. but failed to find a test case for ChanceScheduler.19:00
mixoschance ==> change19:00
bloganmixos: so it would be in that same module, those tests use the Chancescheduler because that is the default option19:00
mixoslet me look again.19:01
bloganmixos: if you override the config value for scheduler to point to your new scheduler then you can write tests for that19:01
bloganmixos: look at line 105, you could do the same thing for the scheduler config19:02
bloganthose would be values you would override, whichever version of lbaas you're using19:03
bloganL3 for V1, L4 for V219:03
bloganwhich I'm sure you already know this if you've deployed it in a production environment19:03
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bloganjohnsom: ever get a chacne to try to reproduce those delete errors I was getting?19:04
mixosyes. I modified neutron.conf to test it out. Thanks blogan I will take a look and come back with more dumb questions. :- )19:05
bloganmixos: the only dumb question is the one not asked :)19:05
mixos:- ) thanks19:05
bloganmixos: always great to get more ppl involved19:05
mixosmixos: look at line 105, you could do the same thing for the scheduler config  ==> blogan. which file are you referring to when you mention line 105 ?19:13
mixosnvm. found it.19:14
mixos:- )19:14
mixosThere are two files with same name. the code is slightly different. what's the difference ?19:17
mixosone outdated and the other one is current (later one) ?19:17
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bloganmixos: one is for v1, the other for v219:58
bloganv1 is the /services/loadbalancer namespace19:58
bloganmixos: v1 will eventually be removed and it didn't make sense to keep the services/loadbalancer path19:58
mixosI see.19:59
mixosJust one last .. (promise) .19:59
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mixosso. I have looked the the file
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mixoswho/ how these test cases being called ?20:00
mixoseventually I think I need to modify two more files.. one is this unit test (extending it for new scheduler).20:01
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mixostwo ... putting sample on neutron_lbaas.conf file to show an example of new scheduler.20:01
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - try running v2 tests without tox
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bloganmixos: you can call them through tox -epy27, you can also run them through python's normal unittest mechanism22:00
bloganmixos: tox can ran individual tests as well22:00
mixosblogan: I managed to install tox. so. at least that's ready.22:01
mixosblogan: tox -epy27 <path to py file > ?22:02
bloganmixos: yeah and then you can provide class name and method name22:03
mixosgreat. !! Thank you blogain. I understand that this one is for v1.  Would it be ok to drop v2 change in separate drop ?22:04
mixosor v2 changes all together ?22:04
mixosblogain --> blogan22:04
bloganmixos: i'd put it all in the same review22:05
bloganmixos: do you plan on using v2?22:05
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mixosblogan: for the time being using v1 in my env. but... as you said v1 might be deleted soon. ?22:06
mixosblogan: in v2, lbaas agent is still tied to pool (load balabcer). correct ?22:06
mixosblogan: I see that chanceScheduler is being used for v2, so. no reason why LeastPoolAgent would not work... although name might not be quite right.22:07
bloganmixos: not soon, at the earliest 2 cycles after Liberty22:08
mixosblogan: may need to change the name to LeastLBAgent something..22:08
bloganlbaas agent is tied to load balancer in v222:08
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mixosblogan: yep summit video was quite clear to explain that relationship between listener and LB .22:10
mixosAfter reading unit test code.. it would be simple as inherit the LBaaSAgentSchedulerTestCase and overriding serUp() method... for unit test for LeastPoolAgentScheduler.   (LeastLBAgentScheduler for v2).22:13
mixoswhile overriding SetUp(), just supply additional scheduler value to set new scheduler for test.22:14
mixosblogan: Am I on right path ?22:14
bloganmixos: yeah that willw ork but then it will re-run all of those same tests22:19
mixosblogan: new scheduler needs to be tested for all same tests that was done for ChanceSched... is what I thought.22:20
mixosblogan: any suggestion ?22:21
bloganah i was thinking all of those weren't testing the scheduler, but they are, looked for a second they were testing agent functionality22:22
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mixosblogan: then it's ok to inherit and supply additional scheduler value in cfg.CONF.set_override to test all.22:32
bloganmixos: yeah i think that'll be fine22:32
mixosand then see what others think at review time ?22:32
bloganmixos: yeah22:32
mixosblogan: Thank you ! : for your time. was very helpful !22:33
bloganmixos: np anytime22:33
openstackgerritMichael Durrant proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fixed references to old logging library to make tests pass Change-Id: I54e99e810d9e22336cc292abd53ed9be14159946
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Pull subset of tempest in-tree, during tempest-lib migration
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Pull lbaasv1 tempest tests in-tree, and run v1/v2 tests directly
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Pull subset of tempest in-tree, during tempest-lib migration
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Pull lbaasv1 tempest tests in-tree, and run v1/v2 tests directly
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Pull lbaasv1 tempest tests in-tree, and run v1/v2 tests directly
johnsomJenkins/gerrit is not your friend is it Doug....23:42
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