Monday, 2015-03-30

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openstackgerritAl Miller proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add bytes_in and bytes_out statistics to the listener
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Added neutron allowed address pairs network driver
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smcgough1where can i check if my CI is working when I have it hooked up to ci-sandbox?13:18
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smcgough1cant seem to find the review ppage for it13:18
smcgough1oops nevermind, found it13:19
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openstackgerritAl Miller proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add bytes_in and bytes_out statistics to the listener
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Included more API tests for neuron_lbaas
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johnsomDoes anyone know why the omit tests directory is commented out in the .coveragerc for neutron-lbaas?18:50
rm_workno clue18:50
rm_workthe CR for the coveragerc merge went through instantly, didn't have a chance to review18:51
rm_worki only saw it when the bot said it merged, and was like "whelp"18:51
johnsomYeah, I didn't even see it for lbaas.  I saw the Octavia one, but still need to fix it as well.18:51
rm_workah maybe the Octavia one is what i was thinking of18:52
johnsomOur pointy hair folks are starting to ask us for those numbers.18:52
rm_workthe coverage numbers?18:52
johnsomFunny part is Alex's code in Octavia is the largest block without unit tests.  I'm getting some mileage out of that fact....18:53
rm_workyeah i remember he just threw that in there18:53
rm_workand was like "it works, PEACE *drop mic*"18:53
johnsomWe should have -1'd as our hacking guidelines say we should have tests.18:54
johnsomSo true.  He will be checking in some tests soon, or the peer pressure will keep building.  Maybe a asterisk next to the number on the next pointy hair review...18:55
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johnsomOk, so if there isn't a good reason to not exclude the tests from covereage reports I will pop commit an update.18:56
dougwigjohnsom: i think the cover thing went in during the split mayhem, and we weren't sure whether to include tests or not.  certainly file a follow-on if it's incorrect.18:56
rm_workyeah should exclude tests18:59
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Updating .coveragerc to exclude the tests
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TrevorVxgerman I responded to a bunch of comments on the ssh_driver review.19:43
TrevorVAnyone able to reach susanne so I could talk to her a minute?19:43
xgermanSure will look later19:43
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johnsomSusanne is on a plane and will be around later today west coast time19:53
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openstackgerritCarlos Garza proposed stackforge/octavia: Implementation for bp/api-to-oslo-messing-handler
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rm_workjohnsom: hey, you around?21:09
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rm_workjohnsom: need your attention for a minute if possible21:11
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* crc32 slaps jonsom around a bit with a large trout21:12
johnsomrm_work I am here21:16
rm_workjohnsom: need your attention on
rm_workjohnsom: can you rebase that so it is at least on current master?21:16
rm_workgerrit claims it has merge conflicts21:16
johnsomYeah, the Jinja merge on the 27th caused that.  I have been putting it off.  Is this something time sensitive for you?21:18
rm_workyeah, it's causing us pain21:18
rm_workis it that difficult?21:18
johnsomOk, I will work on it now21:18
rm_workI could also do it myself, I guess -- if you are busy and don't care if I mess with your CR :P21:19
johnsomWe are meeting face-to-face, so I get interrupted.21:19
rm_workah right, xgerman mentioned that was going to happen this week21:19
rm_workdidn't know it was this early tho21:19
johnsomI have stuff pending so, give me a minute and I will do it.21:19
rm_workkk, thanks!21:19
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed stackforge/octavia: Adding spec for bp/api-to-oslo-messaging-handler
rm_workjohnsom: once you do that, I can rebase Jorge's Queue Consumer CR21:22
rm_workand then Carlos will actually be able to get his Queue Producer code up and running21:22
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openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Introduced tempest API tests for openstack/neutron-lbaas
rm_workafk for a bit21:34
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed stackforge/octavia: Implements Octavia Controller Worker
johnsomrm_work done21:43
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johnsompep8 will whine about a generic exception, but otherwise it's ok21:47
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rm_workjohnsom: pep8 failures? :(22:03
johnsomSee my note above.  It wants an exception more specific than Exception.  I had not got to fixing that, thus why the patch set wasn't pushed up.22:04
johnsomIt's WIP, I will fix it when I get a chance, but figured you wanted the rebase asap22:05
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rm_workyeah, it helps22:21
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rm_workoh man, so, detox22:26
rm_workis awesome22:26
rm_workit is "tox" but it runs in parallel22:27
rm_workcrc32: yes?22:28
rm_workcrc32: i'm mid-rebase on jorgem's commit22:28
rm_workjust running tox tests to make sure it didn't bork anything22:28
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed stackforge/octavia: Implemented Queue Consumer
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Added neutron allowed address pairs network driver
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed stackforge/octavia: Sync with oslo-incubator, tweak as needed
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed stackforge/octavia: Implements Octavia Controller Worker

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