Thursday, 2015-03-05

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openstackgerritmin wang proposed stackforge/octavia: Create database models for healthmanager
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ajmillerblogan dougwig xgerman I've got the grenade tests running on my own nodes, so should be able to test the fix.00:25
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openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed stackforge/octavia: Implements the haproxy amphora agent api server
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openstackgerritmin wang proposed stackforge/octavia: Create database models for healthmanager
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bloganajmiller: thats great, i'd like to test them out too02:19
bloganat some point02:19
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madhufnaval: you blogan is able to setup devstack with Aish's document + able to test the tempests for neutron_lbaas?02:41
madhuyou said* ^^02:41
madhuIs that right?02:41
madhublogan: ping02:42
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fnavalmadhu: not with aish's doc.  just by following the regular devstack instructions02:49
fnavali think the conf file that ajmiller provided is no longer valid02:49
madhuwhich conf file?02:49
madhuokay, you followed any document in setting up devstack on your set-up?  if yes, could you post it here?02:50
madhufnaval: ^^02:50
fnavalthe devstack/localrc that we're using looks like this:
fnavalback up your localrc and replace it with this02:53
fnavalthen ./stack.sh02:53
fnaval(remove this:  $ cat devstack/localrc)02:53
fnavalnm, i took it out of the gist02:54
fnavalare you able to access the gist?02:54
madhuIt is not complaining that I am a robot anymore now02:54
fnavalgood.  =)   are you sure you're not?02:55
madhuokay, will check this localrc and run it02:55
madhuapart from localrc changes, I should hit the tempest tests02:59
madhuhoping to make turnaround this time02:59
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fnavalhope it works03:08
madhufnaval: after this devstack setup, what else have installed?03:11
fnavalif you had install tempest already then you shouldn't need to install it again03:12
fnavaltry running the tests03:12
madhunope, I havee created a new vm image, so installing as a fresh03:12
fnavalok, then go to /opt/tempest03:13
fnavaland 'sudo python install'03:13
madhujust to let you know that, the devstack installation is inprocess..03:13
madhubut collecting all the data, so I can proceed accordingly03:14
fnavalok.  oh, also make sure neutron.conf and neutron_lbaas.conf has the correct settings03:14
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madhufnaval: after this setup, I need to get ptoolhills patch?03:27
fnavalit should be there already03:27
fnavalyou can make sure that you have the latest03:27
fnavalby cd /opt/stack/neutron-lbaas03:27
fnavaland then pull the latest03:28
fnavalfrom master03:28
madhugit pull03:28
madhufrom /opt/stack/neutron-lbaas03:28
fnavalgit checkout master03:29
fnavalthen git pull origin master03:29
madhuin the final stage of installation, should be done by 2 mins03:29
madhuinstallation finished03:31
madhugoing to cd /opt/stack/neutron_lbaas03:31
madhuits not available, then I need to clone it03:32
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fnavaldon't clone it03:32
fnavalwhat do you mean03:32
ptoohilldid he run ./
fnavalare you saying that neutron_lbaas is not there?03:32
fnavalin the localrc did you use this:
fnaval# Neutron03:33
fnavalin Neutron section there should be ^^03:33
fnavaldo you see the q-lbaasv2 in your localrc?03:33
madhumadhu@ubuntu:/opt/stack$ ls03:33
madhucinder  data  glance  horizon  keystone  logs  neutron  nova  requirements  status  tempest03:33
fnavalhmm.. ok03:34
fnavali always thought that lbaas would get installed03:34
ptoohillwhere is your localrc located?03:34
ptoohillit does03:34
madhuin devstack directory03:34
fnavalok, then it should have gotten installed03:34
fnavalwhat is the absolute path to your devstack directory?03:35
fnavalwhat is the absolute path to your /opt/stack ?03:35
madhumadhu@ubuntu:~/devstack$ pwd03:35
madhumadhu@ubuntu:~/devstack$ ls03:35
madhuaccrc     driver_certs  exercises    files             FUTURE.rst   inc      localrc          pkg      tox.ini03:35  eucarc  functions         gate         lib      MAINTAINERS.rst        samples       stackrc         tests     unstack.sh03:35
madhudoc       exerciserc    extras.d     functions-common  HACKING.rst  LICENSE  openrc   setup.cfg     stack-screenrc  tools03:35
madhumadhu@ubuntu:~/devstack$ pwd03:36
madhuits in home, madhu, devstack directory03:37
madhumaybe we need to take this discussion offline03:37
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madhubtw in localrc, without pointing this, I dont think the neutron_lbaas will be installed03:38
madhuenable_plugin neutron-lbaas
fnavalwhere are you cloning your devstack?03:38
fnavalgit clone  ??03:39
madhuin home / <username> / devstack03:39
fnavalor is it an internal HP distro?03:39
fnavali mean, where are you getting it?03:39
madhuthis one:03:39
madhugit clone
fnavalwhat does your localrc look like?03:41
madhuokay , let me post in pastebin03:41
fnavalthe plugin is enabled in neutron_lbass.conf right?03:43
fnavalI see that ajmiller had included that in the instructions provided to you.03:44
fnavalbut we do not declare it03:44
fnavalon our set up03:44
madhuyes, as I said, I am installing in fresh ubuntu setup, so I checked your localrc to run devstack03:44
madhumeaning, I picked the localrc from
fnavalalso what verison of python are you running?03:47
fnavalok same here03:48
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fnavalptoohill: should running ./ with that localrc also pull in neutron-lbaas?03:50
fnavalhmm.. you have neutron in your directory03:52
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fnavali haveno idea why your set up didn't automatically pull down neutron_lbaas03:56
madhubecause the neutron03:56
madhuneutron_lbaas plugin is not defined in localrc03:56
fnavalok, i guess you can try clonging it03:56
fnavalcloning it03:57
fnavaldont define it yet - it might pull something totally different03:57
fnavaljust clone it03:57
fnavaland then install it03:57
madhugoign to install in local03:58
madhuor in /opt/stack?03:58
fnavali have it in /opt/stack03:58
madhuwill do there then03:58
madhuits not going to work franklin04:03
fnavalwhat happened04:03
madhubecause the neutron.conf dont have the right plugin driver04:04
madhuinstalling neuton_lbaas after cloning04:05
madhuinstalled it04:06
madhuits in master branch fnaval04:06
fnavalwhat do you see in neutron.conf?04:07
madhuwill post in gist04:07
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madhuposted my comment :
madhulook for the third one04:08
madhuhighlighting is okay for you?04:09
fnavalwhat is this?  neutron.conf?04:10
fnavalthen add it04:11
fnavalservice_plugins =,
madhuadded in /etc/neutron/neutron.conf04:12
fnavalis your neutron_lbaas.conf ok?04:12
madhuI dont see that conf file /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas04:14
fnavalshould see only this line: service_provider=LOADBALANCERV2:Haproxy:neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.plugin_driver.HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver:default04:14
fnavalin the directory that you cloned neutron_lbaas, 'sudo python install'04:14
madhuhave neutron_lbaas.conf in /opt/stack/neutron_lbaas/etc/neutron_lbaas.conf04:15
madhuI did installed04:15
fnavalmake sure that you have this line: service_provider=LOADBALANCERV2:Haproxy:neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.plugin_driver.HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver:default04:15
fnavalunder service_provider04:15
fnavalunder service_providers04:15
fnavalcomment out all the rest of them04:16
fnavaljust copy and paste that line, in the beginning04:16
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fnavalthat line, that i just pasted: service_provider=LOADBALANCERV2:Haproxy:neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.plugin_driver.HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver:default04:16
fnavalthat one ^^04:16
madhuhave pasted the above in  /opt/stack/neutron_lbaas/etc/neutron_lbaas.conf04:17
fnavalrestart q-svc04:18
fnavalalso Run: neutron-db-manage --service lbaas upgrade head04:19
madhuERROR [-] No providers specified for 'LOADBALANCERV2' service, exiting04:19
madhuI could see this error when restarting q-svc04:20
fnavalhmm.. the agent should be there already04:20
fnavalrun the migration04:20
madhuran the migration04:21
madhubut q-svc is failed to start04:21
fnavalhmm.. this is where it hits in teh code:
madhuyou are right04:24
fnavalwho calls that04:24
madhuapparently, there is something to do ith localrc04:25
madhumaybe trying your localrc in fresh ubuntu setup *think* dont work..It needs further information04:26
madhuso for now, will reinstalling the devstack with this localrc:
madhuthat I tried before04:27
madhuanyways, I will poke around with the localrc and see how it goes..04:27
fnavalstack@devstack:~/devstack$ uname -a04:27
fnavalLinux devstack 3.13.0-44-generic #73-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 16 00:22:43 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:27
fnavalthis is my install ^^04:27
madhulet me check04:28
fnavalok, well. i'll ping brandon tomorrow and find out how he was able to get his devstack running04:30
fnavalit only took him 10 mins to do04:30
fnavalmaybe your permissions for the stack user is incorrect?04:31
fnavalthis might help:
fnavalin fact try using the steps in that  article. (but replace q-lbaas to q-lbaasv204:32
madhuHere, everyone use the latest kilo version using doc prepared by ajmiller..04:32
bloganmadhu you're supposed to be editing /etc/neutron/neutron.conf and /etc/neutron/neutron_lbaas.conf04:32
fnavalmadhu: and does it work ?04:32
madhublogan, edited the both config files04:33
madhuran the migration04:33
madhustill it hungs04:33
bloganmadhu: above you said you were editing /opt/stack/neutron_lbaas/etc/neutron_lbaas.conf04:33
fnavalblogan: does neutron_lbaas get automatically pulled down on ./ ?04:33
madhuwell, i dont see neutron_lbaas.conf in /etc/neutron/04:34
bloganfnaval: it should be if you have the correct localrc setup correctly04:34
bloganlook in /opt/stack/neutron-lbaas/devstack/README04:34
madhuI have localrc given by fnaval: first comment04:35
madhuby the way, could you share your localrc and post in gist and let me know?04:35
bloganyeah you need to add what is in that README to that04:35
fnavalah, my localrc is prior to the merge04:35
bloganthat gist is essentially what I have plus what is in the devstack/README file04:35
madhufnaval: couldy you edit the localrc and share me the link via email?04:36
fnavalmadhu:  yeah, it's in that README file.  set up your localrc then ./ again04:36
madhuI think I should leave from work though :(04:36
fnavalyeah me too04:36
fnavallets just pick it up tomorrow04:37
fnavalbut it looks like everything you need is in that readme file04:37
bloganfnaval you're still at work?04:37
bloganyou crazy04:37
fnavalsaw trevor at the gym04:37
madhumaybe letting me the full localrc would be helpful04:37
fnavalyeah i usually come back after the gym and work for a couple more hours. it's more quiet04:37
madhutempests guys are delivering hard work it seems04:37
ptoohillim working from my cozy chair in this beautiful weather ;)04:38
bloganmadhu: i think going through that README and doing what it tells you is beneficial for you in the long run, all it is telling you is to just add those options in your localrc04:38
madhuokay will look it up04:38
madhuand keep you updated04:39
madhualright then04:39
madhusee you guys tom04:39
fnavalsee ya04:39
blogangood luck, see ya04:39
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritPhillip Toohill proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Updating agent mgr and namespace driver
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madhuIs it just me taking more time to install devstack?07:25
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openstackgerritEvgeny Fedoruk proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Neutron LBaaS v2 Radware driver implementation WIP until CI will be up and running
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ajmiller_blogan dougwig i ran grenade last night on my own nodes, that was successful.  Now I'm hacking things so I can test my devstack patch.  If I have grenade-specific questions, where is the place to ask about that?15:25
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bloganajmiller: you should ask in #openstack-qa16:42
ajmillerOK, thanks blogan16:44
ajmillerI think I've got things figured out.16:44
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openstackgerritFranklin Naval proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Neutron_LBaaS: Update README for Tests
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openstackgerritAl Miller proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Allow LBaaS service provider to be configurable in devstack
openstackgerritAl Miller proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix invocation of lbaas agent
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openstackgerritPhillip Toohill proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Updating gitignore file
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed stackforge/octavia: Updated from global requirements
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Aishfnaval:  Have u started writing tests for session persistence and algorithms?18:22
openstackgerritFranklin Naval proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Neutron LBaaS: Initial Load Balancer Tests
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fnavalAish: nope, i have not18:24
fnavalIt would be good to have them18:24
Aishwould u like to have me pitch in and help u with any of thsoe..?18:25
fnavali'm thinking of creating a 'functional' directory so that we can put them in there18:25
fnavalyes please Aish18:25
fnavalwere you able to get your environment up and running?18:25
fnavalah, that should be probably done first18:26
fnavalso, last night we found that  there should have additional parameters defined in your neutron_lbaas.conf file18:27
Aishoh is it..18:27
Aishcan u tell in detail?18:28
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fnavalsince you are using devstack, you should add the additional configuration settings that are outlined here:
Aishi ll take a look..18:28
AishHopefully, after doing this it should work,, :)18:29
fnavalyou'll probably need enable_plugin neutron-lbaas master18:29
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fnavaland ENABLED_SERVICES+=q-lbaasv218:29
fnavalsorry Aish - I misspoke18:29
fnavalthese settings should be in your localrc (not neutron_lbaas.conf)18:30
fnavaland they should be set prior to running ./stack.sh18:30
Aishyeah,.. I have q-lbaasv2 enabled18:30
Aishi ll check the doc u ve posted..18:31
Aishmy localrc looks exactly like what the doc has said.18:34
Aishfnaval: ^^18:34
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fnavalcan you please post the contents of your localrc into a gist ?18:58
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fnavalAish: ^^18:59
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openstackgerritAl Miller proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Allow LBaaS service provider to be configurable in devstack
Aishfnaval yes.. in a min..19:02
fnavalok.  btw, I saw this bug in launchpad.  it might be related to what you're seeing:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1413040 in devstack "No module named common from tempest_lib" [Undecided,Confirmed] - Assigned to yalei wang (yalei-wang)19:02
fnavalit states: workaround: add LIBS_FROM_GIT=tempest-lib19:02
Aishfnaval i’ll be back in 30 mins.. in a meeting..19:05
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openstackgerritCarlos Garza proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Implemented dynamic loadbalancer status tree
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ajmillerblogan  If you have time, it would be great if you could go through some devstack testing again?  I have reposted the devstack patch, and have new iterations of the two neutron-lbaas/devstack patches.19:53
ajmillerWorking on grenade, no patch for that yet.19:55
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bloganajmiller: will be able to look into that later, once i get my reviews up20:06
Aishfnaval: where should i add LIBS_FROM_GIT=tempest-lib20:08
fnavali believe it should be in localrc20:08
Aishok.. ll add that and stack again..20:09
Aishafter editing localrc, iwill follow and then ?20:11
Aishis that fine…..20:11
Aishfnaval: ^^20:11
fnavalyou won't need to do the git fetch lines anymore since that code is already merged20:12
fnavali dont think you need this line: NEUTRON_LBAAS_SERVICE_PROVIDER="LOADBALANCERV2:Haproxy:neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.plugin_driver.HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver:default"20:13
fnavalI don't know anything about DVR - I don't think we have them enablerd20:13
fnavalbut when you  the neutron_lbaas directory shouild get pulled down into /opt/stack20:14
fnavalif not, then your config setting may have a problem20:14
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ajmillerblogan Thanks.  I've tested them for both v1 and v2 and appear good.  The neutron-lbaas patches could be merged, but not the devstack (I have it marked as WIP)20:27
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Aishfnaval: Thnks.. I am working on it,.20:40
TrevorVxgerman per a discussion concerning the amphora API and desired behavior, I have a concern with the driver, and also ideals behind amphora.20:41
TrevorVIf I had realized it by meeting yesterday I would have brought it up then :D20:41
xgermancan you summarize the concern?20:42
TrevorVSo we wanted "reload" for an haproxy function right?20:42
TrevorVMeaning you could just upload a new config and reload it on the amphora rather than having to stop service and start it again?20:42
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xgermanit's in the API as I can see20:43
TrevorVThat functionality, as of right now, doesn't exist in the drivers20:43
TrevorVThe drivers only have "start/stop"20:43
TrevorVSo that's first concern.20:44
xgermanwell, the amphora drive rhas update20:44
xgermanwhich implies new config + reload?20:45
xgermanor do you think that should be up to the controller's flow20:45
TrevorVNo I think I completely overthought something20:45
TrevorVHold on20:45
xgermanyeah, I think the controller will issue update and then the haproxy driver will talk to the amphora upload a new haproxy config and issue restart20:46
xgerman(two calls in the REST API)20:46
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TrevorVSo a couple people on my team and I are tossing around ideas that may require a change to the interface to include certain behaviors around reloading20:50
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Driver helper methods correctly update LB status
Aishfnaval:  Modified the localrc as per ur comment and did …/,  the neutron_lbaas directory is pulled down into /opt/stack, ran nosetests from /opt/stack/neutron-lbaas.. Hitting the same error “ Neutron support is required”20:53
fnavalAish: go into /opt/stack/neutron and install it20:53
fnavalsudo python install20:53
xgermanTrevorV I am happy to entertain updates20:54
xgermanbut that things can be restarted is haproxy specific and might be different for another LB20:54
AishWhen running the tests from /opt/stack/tempest, i get this..
Aishfnaval: i did sudo python install before running the tests20:55
fnavalah.. ok20:56
fnavalso run the migrations20:56
fnavalneutron-db-manage --service lbaas upgrade head20:56
Aishtrried that too.. same error..20:58
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TrevorVSo just to confirm, the REST client behavior is still as simple as possible, and the driver will request the 2 REST requests, correct xgerman ?21:08
TrevorVOkay, thanks, I'm all cleared up then :D21:09
TrevorVSorry ha ha false alarm21:09
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fnavalyou might have some old load balancers in your db21:12
fnavalso clear is up.21:12
fnavaluse neutron21:12
Aishok .. try that too.21:12
fnavaldelete from lbaas_loadbalancer_statistics;delete from lbaas_members;delete from lbaas_healthmonitors;delete from lbaas_listeners;delete from lbaas_pools;delete from lbaas_sessionpersistences;delete from lbaas_loadbalancers;21:13
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Aishfnaval: i cleaned up the db..21:20
Aishand ran the test from both the dir..21:20
Aishfrom /opt/stack/neutron-lbaas it is still “Neutron supp……"21:20
Aishfrom /opt/stack/tempest it is “failed to create lb21:21
fnavalAish:  in the tempest.log that is created in that directory, what do you see.  starting from the bottom21:25
fnavalyou should have a log of the test run21:25
Aishi don’t find tempest log in /opt/stack/logs …21:28
Aishfnaval: ^^21:29
fnavalit's in the directory in which you ran the tests21:30
fnavali think you said: /opt/stack/tempes21:30
fnavalit's tempest.log21:30
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openstackgerritFranklin Naval proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Neutron LBaaS: Initial Listeners API tests
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Amphora SSH Driver
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xgermanfnaval - just FYI22:34
xgermanwhen I copy the tempest.conf from the tempest-directory to /etc I can execute the tests in the neutron-lbaas directory22:34
xgermanwhich also brings up the question what this dev-tempest.conf is good for and if I need it22:35
xgerman2) We need to comment out cls.mgr = tempest_clients.Manager(credentials=credentials) -- because it's causing trouble on our end22:35
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openstackgerritmin wang proposed stackforge/octavia: Create database models for healthmanager
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Aishfnaval: this the log file..22:51
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Neutron LBaaS: Creating Health Monitor API Tests
blogango to /opt/stack/tempest22:55
blogangit checkout 1f88ecec48dd89cc101fdf30458ed177bd7f20ef22:55
blogansudo python install22:55
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bloganrerun those tests in neutron-lbaas22:56
blogantell me if they work22:56
xgermanstill getting AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get_auth_provider'22:57
bloganyou ran the install?22:57
xgermanwell, that error is in our tempest code I am using the latests23:00
xgermangit fetch refs/changes/16/153016/19 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD23:00
bloganwell the problem is that the tempest tests were written based on what was in master of tempest a few weeks ago, that has changed a ton obviously and causes issues23:00
xgermanmakes sense23:01
bloganso the question is23:01
xgermanwish their would be a stable release co ing up ;-)23:01
bloganwhat stable version of tempest do we use?23:01
blogando we just try to hit the moving target of kilo?23:01
xgermanI was joking23:02
bloganwell do you think we should stay one release behind?23:02
bloganfor tempest23:02
xgermanis that an option?23:02
blogani believe it can be23:02
xgermanI don't have a strong opinion but I think waiting until tempest settles might be smart23:03
blogannvm tempest has no stable branches23:03
xgermanand they only fix the in-tree stuff23:03
bloganmost recent tag they have is havana23:04
xgermanwell, icehouse is a scary place23:04
bloganso im not sure if even waiting for tempest to settle is an option23:04
bloganbc it may never settle23:04
xgermanyeah, guess we need to chase trunk23:04
blogantrunk likes to play hard to get23:05
xgermansadly -yes23:05
xgermanwe can probably ask the Neutron folks for advice... maybe they know of a magic bullet23:06
bloganyeah ill ask maru23:06
bloganxgerman can you make a comment on fnaval's README review telling him to copy that config over to /etc/tempest/tempest.conf23:07
xgermanwill do23:07
fnavalwe pulled down the latest tempest.  i'll work on getting the tests fixed with that23:10
fnavalin the meantime, the tests should work with that hash blogan had posted23:10
bloganwell they didnt for xgerman23:10
xgermannope, didn't work23:10
bloganbut xgerman likes to chase tree trunks and butterflies23:11
xgermanvey tru23:11
fnavalah, so should we still make the changes to make the tests work with Tempest?  or should we just use the last known working version of Tempest?23:11
fnavalanyway, i'll do the former23:13
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