Monday, 2014-12-15

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openstackgerrityangzhenyu proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: when delete the lb vip, the tap device not be deleted
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openstackgerrityangzhenyu proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: when delete the lb vip, the tap device not be deleted
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sbalukoffMorning! About to head into the HP offices. See (many of) ya in about 1:30.15:41
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dougwigi'm sitting at HP now.16:06
jschwarz_dougwig, hello friend :)16:14
dougwigjschwarz_: hiya.  :)16:14
jschwarz_dougwig, I ended up installing a new devstack setup today... turns out it didn't install the repositories of the services16:15
jschwarz_dougwig, hopefully that's planned for the future :)16:15
dougwigif you have them enabled, it should be working.  the jenkins jobs are running services via devstack.16:15
dougwiggig you 'git pull' devstack?16:15
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dougwigkobis: ping16:25
kobisdougwig: ?16:27
dougwigkobis: heya.  vmware plugin is currently broken due to the split.  do you need me to find someone to get it back to a functional state, or are you handling that?16:29
TrevorVAnyone active in the HP office yet?16:31
dougwigthere are three of us here.16:31
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kobisdougwig: I'm on it - it'll take some time though as it'll take some refactoring to do that _right_16:33
dougwigkobis: no worries, as long as you're on it, i'm happy.16:34
kobisdougwig: i'll be happy once i'll get this to work...16:34
TrevorVdougwig awesome.  We've got a VC room available from 11:30 to 5 our time today.  We'll set up the connection in there at some point.16:39
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Creation of Octavia API Documentation
TrevorVdougwig blogan in there yet?16:40
dougwighe is not16:42
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TrevorVThanks dougwig16:49
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dougwigTrevorV: rax has arrived.17:00
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rm_workyeah we meandered through the convention center floors before we figured out there was no way to get to the office level floors from there T_T17:06
TrevorVHa ha rm_work You funny17:08
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Nova driver implementation
johnsomWe are setting up the hangout now.  The link is in the etherpad17:13
ptoohillThink jorgem was hoping for Vidyo17:13
rm_workWhere's the etherpad?17:13
TrevorVrm_work ^^17:14
rm_workI will see about Vidyo17:14
ptoohillDont want to block progress on your side though imo, so whatevers easiest for you guys17:14
TrevorVrm_work Apparently anyone can download the Vidyo client, and its better than google... not sure if you knew that17:14
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ptoohillhangouts is built on vidyo, so that doesnt really fly for me17:14
rm_workAnyone can download it, but you have to have a domain login to actually USE it <_<17:14
ptoohillbesides the limit17:14
rm_workaaaand I can't get Vidyo to log in for me17:15
ptoohilltry harder!17:16
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ptoohillYell at it!17:16
rm_workah I have to be on VPN17:16
jorgemrm_work: not true. Anyone can17:16
rm_workjorgem: uhh17:16
jorgemrm_work: I'll set it up17:17
rm_workA) endpoint is VPN, B) it requires a domain login17:17
jorgemrm_work: You Vidyo noob :)17:17
rm_workI am looking at it right now17:17
jorgemrm_work: Trust me Tom and I used it with 16 "outsiders"17:17
jorgemrm_work: However, we don't have the room until 11:30 so Ill set it up in a few17:17
ptoohillwas it an external room?17:17
ptoohillnot sure if that even makes sense. ignore me17:18
rm_workjorgem: what account did you give them to log in?17:19
rm_workand how did you get them on the VPN?17:19
jorgemyou don't17:19
rm_workjorgem: are you using a different vidyo client than me?17:20
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jorgemrm_work: You set it up via the email button17:20
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jorgemrm_work: Your brain is hurting isn't it. Isn't it!17:20
rm_workso do they run the client of not?17:20
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jorgemyes it will give them instructions on how to join17:20
rm_workbecause to run the client you *have to log in via domain* >_>17:20
jorgem and dl the client17:20
rm_workmust be a different client17:21
TrevorVrm_work 's face right now:
jorgemhaha nice17:21
rm_workjust saying, i am 100000% sure jorgem is wrong for the vidyo client I'm using :P17:22
TrevorVMoving to room now17:22
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jorgem1rm_work: "Guests: Click the room link to join:"17:28
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rm_workyeah it downloads a different clinet17:28
jorgemJorge 1: Adam 017:28
rm_workwell, I sent you my invite :P17:28
rm_workAdam: 1, Jorge: 017:29
rm_workfrom my perspective17:29
rm_workanyway, I sent you an invite17:29
rm_workIf you do not have VidyoDesktop, go to to download and install the client.  If you are joining from a mobile device please download VidyoMobile from your relevant App Store.17:30
rm_workGuests: Click the room link to join:
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rm_workpeople: see it that works (apparently it is Google Hangouts without a user limit?)17:30
jorgemrm_work: and better compression I believe17:31
jorgemrm_work: Are you able to connect?17:31
rm_workYeah I'm streaming17:31
rm_workdon't see you connected yet tho17:31
jorgemI am17:32
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jorgemrm_work: do you see me?17:32
rm_workno one has joined yet17:32
rm_workhold on, ditching the VPN to see if it will still work17:33
rm_workgoing to drop IRC briefly17:33
jorgemrm_work: I think you are in the wrong room17:34
rm_workthat seems... maybe a little better?17:34
rm_workstill a little laggy at large resolution it seems17:34
rm_workI emailed out my link already, but k17:35
rm_workwhat is your link17:35
rm_workroom number17:35
rm_workthe link takes me to a webclient thing that doesn't work17:35
rm_worknot sure if anyone else can get this to work either17:36
rm_workvia the link17:36
jorgemrm_work: it should work for guests17:37
jorgemrm_work: we see you though :)17:38
rm_workyeah cause i'm using the legit client17:38
TrevorVrm_work doofus, we're on now17:38
rm_workcan you hear?17:38
TrevorVyou got us muted?17:38
TrevorVWell stahp17:38
rm_worki don't have speakers17:39
rm_workneed to find some17:39
rm_workwell lets see17:39
rm_workyou might get feedback'd17:39
rm_workunmuted you but still no audio?17:39
jorgemrm_work: k if you guys need to listen to us you can put some headphones on I guess17:39
jorgemwe can hear you17:39
rm_worktry yelling17:39
TrevorVHey sballe we're getting echo off your mic, can you mute please?17:44
jorgemrm_work: there is a video mute button if you are trying to turn off the camera17:45
TrevorVthat did not mute the microphone.17:46
TrevorVWait... maybe it did.17:46
TrevorVBut you guys just... died.17:46
jorgemjust make sure everyone mutes their mics too.17:46
TrevorVYou're good now17:47
rm_workI mean, I don't think anyone HERE actually needs to connect17:49
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ptoohillim dizzy17:53
TrevorVrm_work leave the camera alone at some point please, we can't see anything or hear anything whilst moving it around17:54
TrevorVI can't read it, but I can see it17:54
ptoohillcan the cam focus anymore?17:55
ptoohillbetter, still hard to read, but better17:55
ptoohillwell guess at things, id prefer we dont hold you back here17:55
rm_workblogan: where's that controller etherpad17:57
jorgemrm_work: zoomed in on our board if you need it17:57
ptoohillwhat does the top right of the diagram say17:59
rm_workthat's the wireless password <_<18:00
rm_workyeah we'll get to that at some point :P18:05
TrevorVIf I could hear better I would be taking notes of these points... but remote is hurtful :(18:06
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jorgemYeah, if someone is explaining their point it would be nice to have them speak close to the mic please ;)18:07
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jorgemis there an etherpad with notes?18:10
rm_worksbalukoff: ^^ is taking notes I think18:10
jorgemsbalukoff: link to notes?18:11
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rm_workjorgem: any chance you can track down Koelker today? :P jkoelker18:20
TrevorVI am!  REALLY good!  But presence is an issue18:20
jorgemrm_work: I can try. I thought I saw him earlier.18:20
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jorgemrm_work: Context is in relation to management network correct?18:20
jorgemfor amphorae?18:20
rm_workbut later this afternoon18:21
jorgemrm_work: I'll see if he was a few cycles18:21
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jorgemso queues will help the spare pool manager as well18:23
TrevorVrm_work the two lines from AMP Driver to Amphorae are labeled what?  (from left to right please)18:24
rm_workUDP / REST18:25
rm_workwe'll get to it18:25
rm_work(I don't like UDP)18:25
TrevorVI'm drawing our own diagrams here to see it without "fuzz"18:25
rm_workcan you guys hear most of us alright tho?18:29
jorgemyeah for the most part. As long as only one or two people are talking18:29
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TrevorVrm_work whats between housekeeping and manager in that box?18:37
TrevorVthanks.  I'm recording this diagram so I can make up a super pretty one at some point18:40
jorgemrm_work: blogan: does HP know they are usinng stacktach yet?18:47
jorgemaccording to the Rackspace stacktach team :)18:48
jorgemrm_work: won't services proxy not scale out?18:49
jorgemoh wait nm18:49
jorgemits per controller18:49
rm_worki was saying we could tie it to the same "controller ownership" of an amphorae like the health management18:57
jorgemWhat's the point of the message manager? Won't the queueing mechanisms handle that?18:57
rm_workerk, no18:57
jorgemI'm not really sure what the point of it is.18:58
rm_workAmphora --(stats)--> Stats Manager -> DB18:58
rm_workimagine 1000 amphorae decide to send stats up to their driver at the same time, and then try to all write the stats to the DB simultaneously18:58
jorgemwait why would we write stats to the db?18:59
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jorgemI thought we would just store it in memory on the controller node and then send it on it's merry way every 1 hour or something like that?18:59
jorgemcielometer and stacktach are supposed to help solve that problem19:00
jorgemIf anything, separate usage db19:00
jkoelkerrm_work: no ;)19:03
jkoelkerbut i'm here now ;)19:04
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jorgemjkoelker: oh hey! We are in Odyssey whenever Adam wants to talk to you19:04
rm_workjkoelker: :P we will be doing some networking talk later this afternoon19:04
jorgemrm_work: ^^19:04
jkoelkeroh totes19:04
rm_workhe can also connect directly19:04
rm_workmight even be better19:04
jorgemtrue dat19:04
jkoelkerjust lemme know whenever19:04
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jkoelkeruhhh, vidyo does not like the i915 driver on linux19:05
jorgemrm_work: it's a helper!19:08
rm_workjkoelker: T_T19:10
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TrevorVHey all I'm working on a version of this diagram19:29
TrevorVI'll link shortly19:29
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johnsomThanks TrevorV, an updated digram would be great!19:34
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jorgemwhat are you all talking about?19:40
jorgemnot sure which conversation to listen to19:40
rm_workyeah us either19:41
jorgemrm_work: blogan_: so do you want to whiteboard what we proposed with neutron?19:44
rm_workwith regard to what19:47
rm_workthe management network for the controller<->amphora?19:47
jorgembrandon knows19:47
rm_workor health management?19:47
jorgembut he is not online19:47
TrevorVSurvivor:  Octavia Island19:51
TrevorVjohnsom hope I've caught all the changes so far19:55
jorgemrm_work: I zoomed in our model19:56
jorgemcan someone move the camera please?20:04
ptoohillWe have current whiteboard on cam documented20:05
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blogan_can yall join that hangout?20:06
mwang2Adam is showing the graph on another white board, can everryone join in the google hangout20:06
dougwigblogan_: issues with your alembic change in -lbaas:20:10
rm_workoh I thought mwang2 joined the Vidyo20:17
rm_workTrevorV: can you guys see the other whiteboard on the hangout i guess?20:18
mwang2we have 2 white board, so one camera is not enough20:18
TrevorVrm_work just add your diagram to the bottom of the diagram I made and linked above20:19
rm_workTrevorV: i emailed a pic, did you get it?20:26
rm_workthough we changed the name from Dispatcher to "overlord" :P20:26
TrevorVrm_work its not that it was unclear, I don't follow it20:26
rm_workI don't know that I can simultaneously edit a diagram?20:29
rm_workyeah, no20:29
rm_workit just lets me download it20:29
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rm_workdo you see changes happening?20:30
rm_workTrevorV: ^^20:30
TrevorVNo I don't see changes, but anyone with a link to it should be able to edit20:31
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rm_worki think if i save this it will overwrite anything you do on yours20:31
rm_workfrom the point i loaded it20:31
TrevorVOoooh well I haven't done anything20:31
TrevorVSince I posted the link20:31
TrevorVJust add yours and then update20:31
rm_workthough I also can't really sit at my computer and do the diagraming right now T_T20:32
TrevorVI'll refresh and hopefully see the changes20:32
TrevorVOh okay20:32
TrevorVI'll add it20:32
TrevorVNo big20:32
TrevorVI'm not sure I understand it but I'll make it look right :P20:32
TrevorVWhoever is obliterating paper near the mic, it hurts... my ears are about to bleed20:35
rm_worklol TrevorV20:35
TrevorVCarlos said so too20:36
TrevorVDear god I'm going to die.20:37
crc32Is some one eating a news paper?20:40
ptoohillHey guys, got a note etherpad you could share?20:40
ptoohiller, etherpad of notes*20:41
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rm_workthat'd be sbalukoff if anyone20:43
TrevorVrm_work let us know when food is done, we've got you guys muted20:44
rm_workkk :P20:44
sbalukoffI'll copy-paste my notes into an etherpad after I finish my sammich.20:45
TrevorVAwesome sbalukoff thanks20:46
TrevorVJust toss a link in the etherpad we currently have to your notes page and we can take a gander then sbalukoff20:47
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jorgemrm_work: Could you point the camera towards everyone please?20:48
ptoohillrm_work shoulda took the ptz for us to control :P20:50
jorgemcan you hear us20:52
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ptoohillnomnom sammic20:53
jorgemyes but only when one person talks at a time20:54
jorgemor two…max20:54
rm_workand thus why sbalukoff should still be note-taking on our side20:54
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sbalukoffHere are the discussion notes (the few I've captured so far):
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TrevorVrm_work check the link for diagram21:16
rm_work+1 = t121:16
rm_workfor HB21:16
rm_workand name it "Controller A" for funsies I think21:17
rm_workjorgem / TrevorV / ptoohill: unmute us now21:26
ptoohillyou are21:26
rm_workdavidlenwell: ^^21:27
ptoohillThat is a sexy who hat btw21:27
jorgemwhat is the current conversation topic?21:28
rm_workAmphora Driver21:28
jorgemits hard to hear21:31
jorgemits very hard to hear21:31
ptoohillYea, not sure were best folks to take notes from here :/21:32
TrevorVI would have loved to take notes for you sbalukoff but we can't really hear you21:32
rm_workman, if you can't hear sbalukoff.... that's that then21:32
TrevorVI AM doing what I can with diagram re-creation though from white-boarding, so if you want to focus on the points people are bringing up then that's at least a part of the battle figured out, right?21:33
TrevorVsbalukoff ^^21:33
rm_workyeah the whiteboard recreation seems good21:33
rm_worki had some notes, did you do that stuff yet?21:33
TrevorVCAMERA ANGLE!!!!!!!!!21:34
TrevorVrm_work I asked you to check the link again to see if diagram updated21:34
TrevorVIt SHOULD have21:34
rm_workstill has +1 under HB, and not named Controller A yet21:35
rm_workso not seeing updates21:35
rm_workrefreshed even :(21:35
TrevorVrm_work both of those are showing up on my screen21:35
TrevorVWhat is supposed to be under HB?21:36
TrevorVOh T121:36
TrevorVgot it21:36
rm_work[13:16:50]  <rm_work>+1 = t121:36
rm_work[13:16:55]  <rm_work>for HB21:36
rm_work[13:17:24]  <rm_work>and name it "Controller A" for funsies I think21:36
TrevorVSo under the DB table "Controller" you want me to label it "Controller A" for redundant funsies?21:37
rm_workand if you can spread out the controller-n boxes enough to label them "Controller B" and "Controller Z"21:37
rm_workno on the main controller box21:37
TrevorVOooh ok21:38
rm_workoh wat now it is updating realtime21:38
rm_worki wonder if it was just broken before21:38
rm_worklet me try to do a change21:38
rm_workdid that work?21:38
TrevorVHow's that21:39
TrevorVAnd yes it updated in real time for me21:39
rm_workI wonder if my connection just dropped before21:39
rm_workI refreshed once and now it seems to be updating realtime for me too21:40
TrevorVThat should look good then yeah?21:40
TrevorVOh I do see that line in your diagram, my bad21:41
rm_worki gave up21:41
rm_workon those dotted lines <_<21:42
rm_workthey don't really matter21:42
rm_workand won't seem to behave21:42
TrevorVI don't care.  I like them21:42
TrevorVin for some STUPID reason it doesn't allow snapping on the corners of the squares...21:42
TrevorVLike, not smoothly I mean21:42
rm_worki noticed21:42
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TrevorVThere is very little distinguishable communication happening right now.21:59
TrevorVIf we're not white boarding anymore, can we rotate camera?22:01
rm_workwe kinda are22:03
rm_workjust not RIGHT now22:03
jorgemaggregation will have to happen on the agent in the controller layer22:06
jorgemwhat brandon said22:16
jorgemsend all stats to stacktach. billing is subset22:17
jorgemrm_work: blogan: What about events?22:19
jorgemstacktach can be used for notifications22:19
blogan_events will be sent from api mgr22:24
blogan_or something it spawns22:24
blogan_jorgem: do we need to store those events for an hour as well?22:25
blogan_or can we just send those off immediately22:25
blogan_well either way, we'll be able to fix it22:25
jorgemI'm looking at stacktach info. I think nova sends those off along with the usage22:25
blogan_yeah we're going to basically need a centralized agent that all controllers send their usage to adn that will be responsible for aggregating the data, massaging, etc22:26
blogan_that agent is something WE at RAX will need, no one else22:26
jorgemjust sent you an email22:26
jorgemwhy only us?22:27
blogan_that is one, but everyone else is planning to not store their data, they're going to immediately send it to ceilomter22:27
blogan_or stacktach22:27
jorgemhow are they going to aggregate?22:27
blogan_across active active?22:28
jorgemI would prefer that too22:28
rm_worki assume essentially Ceilometer/whatever just "does" that22:28
jorgemnot really22:28
rm_worksince if you send in a bunch of stats from different controllers all with the same LB-ID22:28
jorgemnova aggregates before it sends22:28
rm_workit should just "add them up", right?22:28
rm_workbut does it matter if it aggregates first?22:29
rm_workI don't see why not22:29
jorgem"add" is not trivial22:29
blogan_we need more research into what it does and why nova stores for an hour22:29
jorgemrm_work: I sent you an email about stacktach too22:29
rm_workif we tell ceilometer "100" or if we tell ceilometer "20" "40" "30" "10"22:29
blogan_im not goint o be able to read that until tonight probably22:29
rm_worki don't see the difference22:29
blogan_rm_work: resets22:29
rm_worki assumed we'd reset every time we retrieved/sent22:30
rm_workisn't that how it works?22:30
blogan_then we're doing the diff of counters22:30
rm_worklike, for GLB I remember that's how powerDNS worked22:30
blogan_and then sending them off22:30
rm_workevery time you query it resets22:30
rm_workdoes HAProxy not work that way?22:30
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jorgemrm_work: Is all of this being captured on the etherpad?22:38
rm_workprobably not <_<22:38
jorgemrm_work: I'm assuming we are talking priorities22:38
jorgemrm_work: we need to write specs for individual components of controller layer no?22:39
jorgemshouldn't that be a goal?22:39
rm_workcan we just skip the spec part and go straight to the "having a working sytem" part? :(22:39
jorgemrm_work: well, how do people not there get up to speed on that stuff  then? i.e. other than us here in SA.22:40
jorgemlike samuel22:40
rm_workprobably we'll etherpad-spec, not gerrit-spec22:40
rm_workfor agility22:40
rm_work(is my guess)22:40
jorgemblogan: take a picture first22:41
jorgemtoo late :/22:41
blogan_plenty of people took pictures22:42
jorgemrm_work: we talking lifecycle management right?22:45
rm_worknext up, yes22:46
jorgemIs there something we can work on separately over here?22:46
jorgemVideo only works for certain things22:46
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TrevorV_All we can see is brandon, an empty board, and the person's face who is wearing a pinstripe shirt and glasses :)22:50
TrevorV_Who I think just moved out of the way22:50
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rm_workTrevorV_: German :P22:52
TrevorV_Nope, not German,the other person22:52
TrevorV_German has a dark blue sweater22:52
TrevorV_And no glasses that I remember22:52
pattabi<dougwig>  i am doing unit testing of the lbaasv2 implementation against my driver22:52
dougwigpattabi: nice.22:53
dougwigi bet you find some bugs.22:53
crc32+1 for udp22:53
rm_workGerman does have glasses and pinstripe, but yeah :P22:53
pattabii had asked this during Juno time frame... how do I unset the default_pool_id fromt he listener using the CLI ?22:53
TrevorV_rm_work Could you let brandon know this isn't a contest of how tiny he can write on a white-board?22:54
rm_workbrandon says I NEED MAH SPACE22:54
dougwigcan you set it to ""?  if not, i'm not sure you can from the CLI.22:54
pattabiquestion 2) should not the plugin by default call the activate_linked_entities if the call the driver is success in _call_driver_operation ?22:55
TrevorV_He's going to win that competition though.  rm_work22:55
pattabifor the unset, i think we discussed about wrapper CLI command like associate/disassociate22:56
jorgemrm_work: I think Brandon needs to save more whiteboard space. Can he write smaller please?22:56
dougwigyes.  can you file a bug?  neutron, put lbaasv2 somewhere in the subject22:56
TrevorV_rm_work can't see it.. Not even kinda22:56
TrevorV_Can someone record the board in etherpad or something?22:57
pattabiok .. i will <dougwig>22:57
pattabiquestion 3 > should the driver take care of activate_linked_entities and defer_unlinked_entities or can it be handled int he plugin itself automatically ?22:58
dougwigno, you can skip that.  we got rid of the deferred state.23:01
dougwigbrandon has a review against the neutron feature branch.  if you base on that, you'll get the latest that drivers have to worry about.23:01
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TrevorV_SAT rax is backing out for the day.  We'll see you guys online tomorrow morning :)  Later!23:03
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Bump global requirements
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