Wednesday, 2014-11-12

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blogangood mornin16:13
sballeI didn't see an email about moving the hackathon to the week of December 15. dougwig, blogan is that still the plan?16:27
blogansballe: i thought it was, but not sure, sbalukoff is probably still going around europe16:30
sballeblogan: ok thx16:30
dougwigrm_work: why is your cert review copyright john hopkins?16:37
bedissballe: I confirm16:40
bedishackathon is schedule from 15th to 19th of december16:40
bedisand HAProxy will be represented :)16:40
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sballebedis: thanks. Are you the HA proxy representant?16:42
bloganrm_work must have a 2nd job there16:45
blogandougwig: i believe adam put that in so we have something we can use until barbican is ready16:51
dougwigahh, generating certs on the fly for the amphorae.  nothing to do with barbican.  got it.16:52
bloganyeah its something no one should ever use, but it gives us the ability to do what we need until then16:55
blogani do think we will still use barbican to sign when its ready though16:57
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dougwigno reason for barbican in the amphora controller api cert, really.  just in the vip's.17:02
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dougwigand by that, i mean the rest server on the amphora.  because rest everywhere still needs certs.17:03
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/octavia: Support for Certificate data handling
blogandougwig: how much do you know about testr?17:07
dougwigit is the bane of my existence.  why?17:07
bloganwell does it run the tests in parallel by default?17:08
blogani see there is a --parallel option when you run it straight fromt eh command line, but the tox.ini does not have this17:08
dougwigthat's pretty much it's raison d'etre17:08
bloganbut yeah that seems to be the main reason to use testr, but if it doesn't do it by default i found that odd17:09
dougwigthe neutron tests are definitely run in parallel.17:09
blogananyway im running into a race condition sometimes with the api tests, only when run with testr though17:09
dougwigdid you check .testr.conf ?17:10
blogani dont even see that17:10
blogannope im an idiot17:10
blogansomeone shoot me17:10
bloganyeah that doesn't have it either, but it does have to be running in parallel17:12
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dougwigyou want to try the instance that xgerman loaned me for testr?  it is *sweet*.17:32
johnsomWhat are you guys using for cloud-init datasources?
johnsomI need to figure out what we want for defaults in the amphora image.  Config Drive seems like a given.  Maybe EC2?17:37
johnsomI have Config Drive in the current patchset17:38
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openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Nova driver implementation
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Nova virtual machine driver spec
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Defining interface for compute drivers
dougwigi think that's a good default17:45
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ptoohill- -118:29
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johnsomptoohill: what was the -1 for?18:32
ptoohillon my review?18:33
johnsomIn IRC18:33
ptoohillThere was some 'duplicated' values in config constants18:33
ptoohill- (-1) i.e give me my +1 back dougwig :P18:33
dougwigi think you'll see a +1, which is timestamped before this IRC request.  :)18:34
ptoohillThank you18:34
johnsomAh, ok, confused on the threads18:34
bloganim confused...but ill chalk this up to my own stupidity18:35
dougwigit's because you're so tall.  takes the electrons longer to get to your head.18:36
johnsomHey now, don't knock the tall folks....18:36
dougwigthere's tall, and then there's brandon.18:36
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bloganoh so im a freak18:39
bloganjohnsom: how tall are you? i need an ally18:39
bloganptoohill and dougwig would fit in my kid's car seat18:39
bloganyou'll do18:39
ptoohillI had to gallop to keep up with their normal walk, my only complaint with tall people18:40
johnsom^^ wrong window.  Testing amp images18:40
blogansquatty legs18:40
ptoohill>< Turkey legs get it right!18:41
blogansince sbalukoff is on vacation ill run the octavia meeting today19:01
blogannot really much to it19:01
dougwigso, my company xmas party is the 18th, so my hackathon would be limited to 15-17.19:11
bloganthe 18th is my birthday, didn't know a10 celebrate my birthday, but it kinda makes sense19:14
blogani think a hack-a-thon would only be the 15-17 no?19:15
bedisdougwig: maybe you can invite us :)19:15
bloganbedis yall are invited19:15
bloganunless you want to be invited to a10's blogan birthday party on the 18th19:16
dougwigHa, of course you are.  It's a10's first Boise party, so I need to be there.19:18
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Nova driver implementation
openstackgerritmin wang proposed stackforge/octavia: Defining interface for amphora base driver
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Defining interface for compute drivers
openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed stackforge/octavia: Defining interface for compute drivers
bedisWhen is the IRC meeting supposed to start?20:05
bedis(and where, if not here) ?20:05
bloganbedis: in 50 mins, in #openstack-meeting-alt20:08
blogani can already tell im going to get these meeting times and rooms mixed up20:08
bedisblogan: thx20:11
bedisIs there any deployment guide for octavia?20:12
bedisI guess I must already have an openstack service running somewhere :)20:12
bloganbedis: nope not yet, there's really nothing to deploy yet, there's api code in review right now, but we're currently just getting all the components built up20:13
rm_workbedis: that would imply that octavia is deployable ;P20:13
johnsomYeah, it is posted as UTC, so should have started 13 minutes ago I think...20:13
rm_workblogan: bah, mocking the file ops is really wonky20:13
rm_workblogan: my mocks catch PyCharm doing file reads/writes T_T20:13
bloganjohnsom: oh crap you're right the time change!20:13
bedisyep :)20:14
rm_workdoes anyone else realize that besides you johnsom ? :P20:14
rm_workand bedis apparently20:14
johnsomI was hanging out in the other room just in case.  No one said anything....20:14
bloganwell i guess i should just start it nwo20:15
bedisgo go go :)20:15
rm_workTrevorV_: octavia meeting starting20:17
TrevorV_wait what?20:17
rm_workTrevorV_: right? :P20:18
TrevorV_Yeah, but I didn't realize it was goign to start now20:18
rm_workno one did20:18
rm_worknot even blogan20:18
rm_worksee scrollback :P20:18
blogani blame daylight savings time20:19
rm_workI blame Obama20:19
rm_workDST is a US government plot, and he's the leader of the government, so it's obviously his fault20:19
bloganthey have DST camps set up across america, just waiting20:20
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TrevorV_ajmiller, could I steal some time from you today?20:50
TrevorV_Ah, we can sort it out after meeting20:50
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dougwigif folks could flesh out the detail and signup:
bedisSo guys, I'm brand new to openstack / octavia21:09
bedisand there are a few keywords I'm missing21:09
bedissuch as amphorae and nova21:10
bedisWhat's this exactly?21:10
TrevorV_nova is an openstack project for creation of different kinds of servers, in this case virtual machines21:10
bedisand amphora is a VM running a LB ?21:11
TrevorV_amphora is a keyword in octavia project for the object that contains the load balancer, and in this case, yes exactly as you said21:11
TrevorV_We're working on having it as a VM, or a container, or some other bare-metal solution21:11
TrevorV_in octavia 0.5, we're implementing a VM21:11
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bedisthx, it's now a bit clearer to me :)21:12
TrevorV_Glad I could help bedis :)21:12
ajmillerTrevorV_ following up on the meeting action item.  I've made the spec change in my repo.  What process should we follow for change request?  File a launchpad bug?  Just submit it as a review?21:14
dougwignova == wrapper around libvirt/kvm/lxc.  nova is your virtual machines, aka "compute".21:14
bloganyeah it would have been nice if Amphora actually made sense21:14
dougwigamphora is roman for container, which is the service VM used by octavia (which could be a vm or container like lxc)21:15
* blogan ends obligatory rant21:15
bloganit could also be a jug for dispensing wine21:15
bedisok, thx dougwig21:16
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dougwigamphora's are usually going to be nova instances, btw.21:16
dougwigblogan: would that be such a bad thing?21:16
bloganas long as it doesn't dispense sparkling water21:16
dougwigmana from heaven21:18
dougwighahaahahaha.  "However, it's not that invasive, and I would agree it's better, so I can't bring myself to -1 it."21:19
blogani do wish i liked it, it looks tasty21:19
bloganwheres that from?21:19
TrevorV_ajmiller, I'm honestly not sure.  I don't think a launchpad bug is right though, probably just a submittance of a review.  blogan ?21:19
bloganyeah just do the review and keep the Implements line pointing to the bp in launchpad21:20
TrevorV_ajmiller, ^^21:21
dougwigi'm fine with just submitting a review.21:24
dougwigajmiller: ^^21:25
openstackgerritAl Miller proposed stackforge/octavia: Remove VM management calls.
TrevorV_already reviewed +1 wut wut21:32
ajmillergrr pep8 complaining about . at the end of the title...  I'll fix that in a sec21:35
blogani love that one21:35
openstackgerritAl Miller proposed stackforge/octavia: Remove VM management calls
TrevorV_Now my review is USELESS21:36
* blogan bites tongue21:37
* dougwig bites blogan's tongue21:37
bloganim going to assume you mistook that for french cuisine21:38
TrevorV_You need a room.  I promise, they're not hard to find21:38
dougwig /join #contributorsbehavingbadly21:40
ajmillerOK, Jenkins/pep8 is happy now!21:40
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed stackforge/octavia: Local development implementation for Certificates
blogandougwig: ah so tox is setup to run testr with setuptools, which automatically puts it into parallel mode21:42
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed stackforge/octavia: Barbican implementation for Certificates
rm_workok, my remaining reviews are updated23:00
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Implementing simple operator API
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed stackforge/octavia: Implementing simple operator API
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