Thursday, 2014-07-17

xgermansbalukoff: Another talk idea - how to be a good reviewer00:08
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sbalukoffxgerman: That's a good one, eh! If only I knew how to do that. XD00:18
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dougwigthese are the general session talks; most of those didn't go into any real depth, so 40 minutes of TLS interaction would be outside the norm, i'd think.01:47
dougwigbtw, i wired up udp load balancing, so if you want a running demo (and a keg), we can make that happen.01:48
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Pattabihello all14:15
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bloganhello Pattabi14:19
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dougwighello Pattabi14:34
Pattabiwanted to make sure i joined the right meeting. i am not seeing any conversations. am i missing something ?14:36
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sbalukoffHmm... vjay2 isn't here...15:01
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sbalukoffWoot! Netsplit!15:02
xgermanyiu are using Neutron at home?15:10
bloganalright i am back15:12
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sbalukoffI really hope we can lay the TLS stuff to rest so that we can, you know, actually implement it. :P15:25
bloganhaha to implement woudl mean it can be implemented15:25
bloganas in what im doing is in a state where it can be derived from15:25
xgermanyeah, didn't we originally want to exclude SNI to not slow us down...15:26
blogansbalukoff: question about L7, what is your opinion on status on the L7 rules and policies entities?15:27
sbalukoffxgerman: Yes, I think so. Supporting SNI is a hard requirement for us... and I thought it would be stupid simple. Turns out I wasn't aware there were so many stupid vendor "implementations" of it. :P15:28
sbalukoff(Again, using quotes because I think some can only charitably be claimed to actually implement SNI. :P )15:28
xgermanL7 looks pretty good - BUT I ma not sure if the vendors had time to comment15:28
bloganmaybe your implementation of it is stupid15:28
sbalukoffblogan: My impression is that L7 is looking OK. There's not a whole lot of disagreement on the spec right now from what I can tell.15:28
sbalukoffblogan: That's entirely possible.15:29
blogansbalukoff: well im talking more about an actual status attribute on the entities since right now every entity has a status15:29
xgermanonly one?15:29
bloganand that status has been a big reason why we do not allow sharing of entities15:29
bloganor at least we've been holding off on sharing entities15:29
xgermanyep, the can of worms with member down for LB1 but up for LB215:30
sbalukoffMy opinion on status there: There shouldn't be one for L7 entities.15:30
xgermanthere has been some fondness for an administrative status - aka ON/OFF15:30
bloganthats admin_state_up attribute15:30
sbalukoffWhat's the meaning of an L7 rule or policy being "DOWN"?15:31
bloganand that should be there, btu when its shared it'll be turned off for everything sharing it15:31
xgermanyeah, and that is definitely awkward15:31
sbalukoffAlso, I thought we weren't sharing L7 rules or policies?15:31
sbalukoffI could be remembering that incorrectly though.15:32
xgermanyeah, I thought we decided on not sahring for almost anyhting in v2 :-)15:32
blogansbalukoff: well if its a top level resource then i'm assuming it can be shared15:32
xgermannever assume :-)15:33
bloganlisteners and pools are top level because we wanted the leave open the possibility of sharing them later15:33
sbalukoffAn L7 policy is essentially a way to join a Listener with a non-default pool. (Well, it can also 'REJECT' or 'REDIRECT' a request, too.)15:34
sbalukoffAs such, it probably makes sense for L7 Policies to be top-level.15:34
blogani mean if we absolutely choose not to ever share them i'd prefer to just make them child resources of listener15:34
sbalukoffBut not really for them to be shared, per se.15:34
sbalukoffL7 Rules should always be subservient to L7 Policies.15:34
sbalukoffblogan: I don't have a problem with that.15:35
sbalukoffI suspct samuel might.15:35
bloganso /lbaas/listeners/<listener_id>/l7policies/<l7policy_id>/l7rules/<l7rules_id>15:35
sbalukoffI think he's the one who was advocating shared L7 policies...  but again, it's been many weeks since that was discussed so I might be remembering incorrectly.15:35
bloganyeah ill bring it up in the spec15:35
sbalukoffblogan: Seems fine to me.15:36
bloganjust to watch the world burn15:36
xgermanyep, weeks of discussions to follow because vendor Y shares them15:36
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sballe_I would like for us to check the following blueprints and comment:18:29
sballe_The revised/latest copies are available in the ceilometer-specs repository at:18:29
sballe_ (Event collection mechanism)18:29
sballe_ (Event content/format)18:29
sballe_This is how ceilometer plans to get metrics from the Platform Services including LBaaS18:29
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dougwigsballe_: thank you.19:53
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dougwighave i mentioned how much i hate unit tests?22:27
xgermannot yet -- but duly noted22:31
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sbalukoffBut hey! Maybe one of these times the openstack bot will get ops back. XD22:53
rm_worksorry xgerman, "observers" never made it T_T22:54
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xgermanyeah, I figured nobody was as excited about Fringe as me22:54
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lorddHi folks23:02
lordddoes anybody can tell what are the current IceHouse proprietary drivers?23:03
lorddboth openstack wiki, proprietary doc doesn't agree23:04
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