Thursday, 2014-06-26

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VijayBsbalukoff: we'll have Vivek be the interim core-reviewer from Ebay00:03
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bloganso i missed the meeting today, what came out of it?02:07
ctraceywe want to get all of the projects under one org02:08
ctraceyand have a core team of 1 person per company02:08
ctraceyto be re-elected at Juno02:08
ctraceyi have created the oslbaas github org02:08
bloganand whats going into that?02:08
ctraceywe woudl like people to fork from there, apply their changes and then issue PR's until we have something more solid for gerrit02:09
ctraceycode is kind of all over the place atm02:09
bloganfor octavia and neutron?02:10
ctraceyjust neutron02:10
bloganah okay02:10
ctraceywe have backend code happening and no one know exactly what to find when02:10
ctraceyoctavia can go straight to SF02:10
ctraceyvia Gerrit02:11
blogani can see that, i was actually about to push mine up to gerrit so people can look at it02:11
bloganbut this might be better as a temporary solution02:11
bloganbut thats not a permenant solution is it? is this just because these are major changes and has many people working together?02:12
ctraceynot permanent02:12
ctraceyjust to get botstrapped02:12
bloganokay cool02:12
bloganso am i able to push my branch up there right now?02:12
bloganor do a pull request02:12
ctraceyideally PR02:12
bloganwho approves it?02:13
ctraceyso we can merge in cleanly and do rebases against upstream02:13
ctraceyyou me stephen vijay and (waiting on german's gh account)02:13
bloganah okay02:13
ctraceyfigure PR discussion could help us bootstrap as well02:14
ctraceynot sure why but this seemed to be a sticking point02:14
bloganPRs were a sticking point?02:14
ctraceycode being everywhere02:15
ctraceytoo many etherpads etc etc02:15
bloganoh yeah the many etherpads was getting unwieldy for me02:16
bloganand code being in a central place is always good02:16
dougwigsbalukoff1: +1?  +1?  damn, you know how to make a guy feel unloved.02:16
blogandougwig: what'd he do?02:17
dougwighe +1'ed a code review.02:17
bloganhe's slipping, impeach!02:18
ctraceyheh running into that same routes issue as last night02:19
ctraceydo I even want to know about neutron-db-manage?02:25
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ctraceyblogan: how are you installing the models?02:37
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dougwigzz_blogan: do you have a link for that review change?  i believe you, and will push it now, but i followed two different wikis.06:06
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* mestery notes he can't run the LBaaS meeting today.13:43
mesteryI'll be 10-15 minutes late to that, FYI.13:43
mesteryzz_blogan: ^^^13:43
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enikanorov_zz_blogan: you may run the meeting if you want to13:50
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vjay2hi all14:04
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sbalukoffI think that might be the most topics we've ever successfully discussed in one neutron-lbaas meeting!15:02
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sbalukoffAnyway, will be AFK for a few hours. (Yay dentist appointments, eh.)15:09
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sballegetting back into things I agree that we cannot ahve 2 reviewers from the same compny +2 their own changes. In the longer term I do not see any problems with have 2 core reviwers from the same company as long as we all agree on no dual +2 from the same company.16:09
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sballeSeveral projects have 2 core reviewers from the same company. Today Octavia is just too small and the core reviewers should earn their place :-)16:10
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dougwigsballe: +116:35
dougwigblogan: when i saw your -1 last night, i literally started cackling like a madman in my hotel room.  well done.16:37
dougwigi need a few +1's (or -1's):
german__dougwig, done16:58
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sballedougwig, will take a look17:07
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sballedougwig, same hre17:13
dougwigthank you.17:13
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blogandougwig: lol i was hoping it would at least make you cackle like a madman18:00
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blogandouwig: ping19:14
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blogandougwig: ping19:22
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dlundquistDoes anyone know of any drivers other than HAProxy which use the lb agent and AgentDriverBase? I don't see anything in tree.19:55
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blogandlundquist: i do not know of any others20:19
blogandlundquist: but you can create one by implementing the AgentDeviceDriver and modifying the lbaas_agent.ini20:19
dlundquistDo you see any problems with altering that class into inherit from the v2 abstract driver class?20:19
bloganwhich class?20:19
dlundquistShould I alter AgentDriverBase or create a v2 AgentDriverBase?20:20
blogani don't know if we should worry about drivers that are implemented outside of the tree or not20:20
bloganMy opinion is alter AgentDriverBase20:21
dlundquistI'll go that way, and if the reviews say otherwise I can rename my verison and add back the old one.20:21
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blogandlundquist: that sounds like a good route to me20:30
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TrevorVWhy is the "AgentDeviceDrive" named such?20:39
TrevorVIt doesn't seem right to have the word "Device" in there unless I'm missing some other meaning of the term...20:40
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dlundquistThe neutron-lbaas-agent has "device drivers" the only on in tree being the HAProxy namespace driver21:02
dlundquistMaybe "device" is just to differentiate them from lbaas service drivers21:03
blogandlundquist: are you working on refactoring the entire agent specific code?21:03
dlundquistblogan: I started with the HAProxy Namespace driver, but found it was in the wrong class hirarchy21:04
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dlundquistSo trying to start again from the HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver which requires changing AgentDriverBase21:05
dlundquistIt's taking me a while to wrap my head around all this21:05
bloganthat was actually one of my next steps, if you need help or have any questions let me know21:07
TrevorVdlundquist, I was thinking it would have made more sense to name it by its nature; "AsyncAgentDriver" or something like that.21:07
bloganor you can ask enikaronov because he knows it quite well21:07
blogandlundquist: you wanna split that work up? because it is quite an undertaking21:09
rm_workvivek-ebay: I updated the BP again21:25
vivek-ebaylemme we will encrypt the reference data now ?21:26
rm_workin work items I put "There may be an additional BP/CR for encryption of this (and other) metadata."21:27
rm_workso, punting it down the line :P21:27
rm_workand made some notes in the Security Impact section21:28
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dlundquistblogan: sorry, I got caught in an impromptu meeting here.21:42
rm_workdlundquist: sec, dragging blogan into an impromptu meeting21:42
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jorgemHey everyone, I updated to better reflect the current state of the project.22:06
jorgemdougwig: Can we change the link for this channel to ?22:06
jorgemIt will serve as the central documentation authority22:06
rm_workno one with channel OPs is on22:07
rm_workor rather, if ctracey registered the channel, he needs to request ops from chanserv22:07
rm_workand then ideally add a few others as ops (i'd volunteer, as an IRC addict)22:08
rm_workoh, it was dougwig22:08
rm_workdougwig: ping22:08
rm_workdougwig: /msg chanserv recover #openstack-lbaas22:10
rm_workdougwig: /msg chanserv op #openstack-lbaas rm_work22:10
rm_workdougwig: :P22:10
dougwighere, here, my phone was buzzing like mad.22:14
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dougwigdougwig: /msg chanserv op #openstack-lbaas rm_work22:15
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rm_worka consistent ops presence is a good thing :)22:16
blogandougwig: i addressed your comments in the PR22:16
bloganrm_work: not when its you22:16
dougwiginfra has perma ops, so there's always that.22:16
rm_workwhen have I *ever* abused ops22:16
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rm_workI take chan-ops quite seriously, thx :P22:17
rm_workblogan: possibly for abusing chan-ops :P22:17
dougwigblogan: ok, i'll take another look as soon as i can.  sitting at the airport right now (not a calm few weeks.)22:22
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blogandougwig: ah good luck with all of the calamity22:30
dougwigwill all be back to normal on monday.22:30
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dougwigdlundquist: nothing else uses the agent23:51
dougwigblogan: did that Ping get answered?  (from noon)23:51
dlundquistdougwig: thanks for the confirmation23:52

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