Friday, 2021-11-12

maysamsdigitalsimboja: Hello o/ morning09:57
maysamsdigitalsimboja: are you still having issues with Pods on containercreating?09:57
digitalsimbojasure yes09:57
digitalsimbojaGood morning09:57
digitalsimbojaI was thinking if I could have complete fresh devstack deployed, that that won't occur?10:02
maysamsdigitalimboja: did you notice if the API lb was with error state?10:12
maysamsdigitalsimboja: if yes, it might be better to check the octavia service state10:12
digitalsimbojaYes was on ERROR state10:13
maysamsdigitalsimboja: can you check the octavia logs to understand what happen?10:17
maysamsIt's possible that you hit this issues again if just restacking10:18
digitalsimbojaok a moment...10:18
digitalsimbojaI do unstack, clean, then restack again and still hit the same issues. Could this be my network connectivity?10:23
maysamsdigitalsimboja: can you check octavia worker logs as well? and nova logs?10:42
maysamsnova logs will display if there was an issue with the VM creation for that loadbalancer10:43
digitalsimbojamaysams: Please take a look
digitalsimbojaThis is earlier trace:
digitalsimbojaI am looking at line 22 12:30
digitalsimbojamaysams ^12:30
maysamsmaybe the VM was not created, can you check it?13:13
maysamsdigitalsimboja ^13:13
digitalsimbojaHow do I confirm this please13:13
maysams"openstack server list"13:14
digitalsimbojaok! here is a fresh deploy of devstack:
digitalsimbojaLet me create a deployment13:54
digitalsimbojamaysams ^13:54
digitalsimbojaVM is created and active:
digitalsimbojamaysams: here is Pod related logs
maysamssimboja: is the pod still in container creating?14:27
simbojaSure yes14:27
simbojaline 8:
simbojaAny clue ^14:34
maysamssimboja: seems there is some issue with non-containerezed envs, can you switch to run kuryr on containers and see if helps?14:53
simbojaLet me try14:53
maysamssimboja: can you also check if the kuryrports CRD was created for that specific pod?14:53
maysamssimboja: "kubectl get kuryrports <name> -n <namespace>"14:54
maysams"kubectl get kuryrports <name> -n <namespace> -o yaml"14:54
simbojamaysams: I have started already running CONTAINERIZED deployment15:26
simbojaLet me see how it goes15:27

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