Monday, 2021-07-12

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ltomasbodigitalsimboja, having issues to connect?09:12
simboja@maysams, @ltomsabo: I was having challenges with my connection09:16
simbojaMy apologies09:16
maysamssimboja: okay, I just emailed you, we can sync over email/here09:16
simbojaokay 09:17
simbojaI am in on Google meet now09:19
simbojaBut it keeps kicking me out after few seconds09:19
simbojaCould we reschedule please?09:20
ltomasbosimboja, sure, lets sync here and have a short meeting later this week (tomorrow/wednesday) if needed09:20
simbojaAlright perfect!09:21
simbojaSo I got your reviews09:21
ltomasbosimboja, maysams and I discussed that maybe it is good if you split your patch in 2, one for the previously existing loadbalanacer reconciler09:21
ltomasboand another one for the listeners/pools... as a follow up09:21
ltomasbothat way we can enhance and merge first the loadbalancer one, and then enhance it with the listeners/pools reconciler later on09:21
ltomasboperhaps this week you can focus on, after spliting your current patch set in 2, adding unit test to it09:22
simbojaYeah, that would make sense.09:22
ltomasbo(to the loadbalancer one)09:22
ltomasbowould be nice to have that patch in mergable status this week09:22
ltomasboso that you can focus on tempest testing and/or listeners/pools in the following one09:22
simbojasure 09:23
ltomasbo(or even in this one)09:23
ltomasbowhat questions did you have for the reviews?09:23
simbojasure! regarding the utility function that gets the resources from k8s,09:24
simbojaPer my understanding, I need to retain the functions but have them call the ge_resource function individually?09:24
simbojapssing the resource name and resource path correct?09:25
ltomasboyep, main idea is to avoid having code duplication09:25
ltomasboyou can have both functions you use to have... and instead of both having mostly the same code, just having some auxiliar function that they call09:25
simbojaI got it! I will rework it asap09:25
ltomasbolike _get_crd_resource09:25
simbojaThen regarding
ltomasboalso, after you added the listeners, we realized that you were iteraring a list (list((loadbalancer_crd.get('status', {}).get(09:26
ltomasbo                                'loadbalancer', {}).get('id', {}),) 09:26
ltomasboyep, the same... perhaps you can use a dict instead, were you have the id pointing to the selfLink09:27
simbojaI would need to check if the listeners are mapped to the approriate loadbalancer?09:27
ltomasbo{lb_id: selflink}09:27
ltomasbothen, instead of later you having to use lb_id[1] and lb_id[0], which is harded to know what they are refering to09:27
ltomasboyou can simply use lb_id['id'09:27
maysamsI don't think there is a need to check if it's mapped to the appropriate lbs09:28
simbojaI will consider that, the current implementation works though its a lists within list09:28
maysamsit's just to use dicts instead as ltomasbo mentioned09:28
simbojaGot it!09:28
simbojaI will rework this too09:28
maysamsit's much clear which specific resource is being retrieved when using dicts09:28
simbojaThen split the patchset09:29
ltomasboahh, for the other comment... that is related to the listeners... that can be moved to a follow-up patch... and we can handle then09:29
simbojasure! @ maysams09:29
simbojasure! @ltomasbo09:29
maysamssimboja: anything extra regarding the recent reviews?09:31
simbojaLet me focus on getting the loadbalancer loop mergable so we can batch that then focus on the listeners then the rest? right?09:31
simbojaNo @maysams09:31
simbojaat least for now09:31
simbojaI will take a look at what you shared about connecting the patch to the blueprint09:32
simbojathen come back to you if i have questions09:32
maysamssimboja: yes, split the patch and get the loadbalancer one ready to merge, which means to also include unit tests09:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: gracefully exit daemonserver before registry exit

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