Wednesday, 2020-07-15

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toskydulek: hi! While checking the status of the Zuul legacy jobs cleanup community goal, I've noticed that kuryr-libnetwork contains a few legacy jobs08:22
dulektosky: Well, it might be true. So you're writing to encourage me to take a look? ;)08:24
toskydulek: as a goal coordinator that's my role :)08:24
toskythe rest of kuryr is fine, and in fact I remember giving some advice about their porting very early in the life of Zuul v308:24
dulektosky: Yes, dmellado was our champion in that topic and I'm very grateful it got done very soon.08:25
dulektosky: Honestly I'm not exactly expert in kuryr-libnetwork CI, but I'll try contacting Hongbin to see if he can consider working on this.08:26
toskydulek: I haven't checked them in details, but from a quick glance you just need to take care of porting all options from the legacy playbooks and the scripts they include08:28
toskybut the new jobs should be pretty straighforward08:28
toskyfeel free to add me to any review (with the proper goal topic), and I'm of course around for any question08:29
dulektosky: Alright, thanks!08:30
dmelladoo/ xD08:59
dmelladoIIRC both sahara and kuryr (not libnetwork) were the first two projects migrated to zuul v3 ;)08:59
toskyand iirc both mentioned in a presentation about how to migrate during the Dublin (or first Denver?) PTG10:43
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openstackgerritSarka Scavnicka proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: WiP: Update loadbalancer CRD with service spec and rely on CRD
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