Thursday, 2018-08-02

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openstackgerritPeng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Implement NPWG multi-vif driver
openstackgerritPeng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Implement NPWG multi-vif driver
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openstackgerritPeng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Implement NPWG multi-vif driver
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openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure OpenShift gate uses the namespace subnet/sg drivers
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openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure no api_root value for containerized deployments
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openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Log traceback on errors in Watcher
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celebdorltomasbo: dulek: morning07:38
ltomasbocelebdor, good morning!07:38
celebdorltomasbo: did you see I got the kuryr/demo from the tempest repo to be used instead of the one from dockerhub?07:39
ltomasboI reviewed both ps!07:39
ltomasbocelebdor, I created a bug and a fix for yesterday's issue:07:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1785010 in kuryr-kubernetes "kuryr-config ConfigMap malformed on containerized deployments" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Luis Tomas Bolivar (ltomasbo)07:40
ltomasboI'm deploying it to check if it actually works! xD07:40
ltomasbocelebdor, btw, I see you +W this one and remove it during my vacations:
ltomasboI rebase it and add a couple of modifications in case you want to take a look07:42
ltomasbothen the service isolation is also waiting for you xD
ltomasboohh, now the ConfigMap is properly configured, but kuryr-controller crashes... going to check why07:44
dulekltomasbo: Oh my, how did you realized it's the api_root value?07:44
ltomasbothe value was empty on the generated file07:44
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ltomasboI simply remove that line and regenerate the CM, and saw that the render was ok then07:45
dulekltomasbo: Nice!07:45
ltomasboit happened to my some time in the pass that I generated a bad configmap and it rendered like that07:45
dulekltomasbo: Actually it was the value I needed to edit when I've noticed the issue. :D07:45
ltomasboso I thought something had to be bad on that side07:45
dulekltomasbo: Okay, though I'm not 100% sure your patch will not break anything. Need to check.07:46
ltomasbodulek, yep, I'm not sure either...07:46
ltomasbostack completed, and in theory that is not needed for the containerized, right?07:46
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dulekltomasbo: Yes, yes. I'm just thinking that I was explicitly erasing it for a reason. :D07:47
ltomasbook, another option is to set it to really set it to ""07:48
ltomasboapi_root: ""07:48
dulekltomasbo: Seems like it isn't set anywhere else. Let's see how gates reacts.07:48
ltomasboinstead of07:48
dulekltomasbo: Sure. But let's check the gate. :)07:48
ltomasbowhat I'm not sure is why we were not hitting this before, that patch was merged some time ago...07:49
dulekltomasbo: Right. I think I know why I've set it.07:49
ltomasbotell me! xD07:49
dulekltomasbo: This will default to localhost and actually will work for K8s.07:50
dulekltomasbo: But e.g. OpenShift is deployed on different port.07:50
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ltomasbobut is that used for containerized?07:50
ltomasboor the value is taken from the env vars of the container?07:50
ltomasboyep, that is what I saw yesterday07:53
ltomasboand I checked that the vars were actually on the containers07:53
dulekltomasbo: Basically you can override it in any case. But to be taken from env vars you need to empty the api_root.07:54
dulekTo be honest it shouldn't default to localhost:8080 in the first place, but I don't think it's sane to change the default now.07:54
celebdordulek: why not?07:55
ltomasboso, you think we should find the way to make the configmap.yaml to render with 'api_root: ""' instead, right?07:55
dulekltomasbo: I think so. `iniset $KURYR_CONFIG kubernetes api_root '""' should do the job.07:55
ltomasbolet me try that!07:55
dulekcelebdor: This is a setting that is pretty important so operators should be forced to set it explicitly.07:56
dulekcelebdor: Or you're asking about changing the default? :D07:57
irenabcelebdor, asap07:57
celebdordulek: the default07:59
dulekcelebdor: Well, it's shipped, people using upstream release may depend on that default.07:59
ltomasbook, celebdor, dulek: I'll wait for the gates, and then re-spin with dulek's suggestion08:01
ltomasboto force it to '""'08:01
celebdorOk. I would be surprised if the default value is useful to anyone, being that it is a non https port08:02
dulekcelebdor: Yeah, me too. I'll check if it's possible to deprecate the default value somehow.08:05
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure no api_root value for containerized deployments
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ltomasbodulek, celebdor: I tested this:
ltomasboit fixes the issue, and sets api_root to ""08:43
celebdorok, then08:43
celebdorlet's take it in08:44
celebdorltomasbo: you have merge rights on , right?08:54
celebdordulek: and you on , right?08:54
celebdorso come on08:55
openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: devstack: deploy openshift registry on origin envs
celebdordulek: oh, about putting the bug link08:57
dulekcelebdor: More like - which one to merge? itzikb was first. :)08:58
celebdordulek: the problem is that one has not been tested in gates, has it?08:59
celebdorand it's in test-config08:59
celebdorit should be in extra08:59
celebdorotherwise it's a race with the docker configure step08:59
celebdorin the devstack plugin container08:59
dulekcelebdor: test-config runs after extra.09:00
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celebdordulek: you sure about that?09:01
celebdorwell, if that's the case, that's bad09:02
dulekcelebdor:, but order is not mentioned, so lemme find it…09:02
celebdordulek: sorry, confusion of today09:03
celebdornot of yesterday09:03
celebdorit must run after post-config09:03
celebdorso the immediate next is extra09:03
celebdorthat's why I chose it09:03
celebdortest-config is unnecessary late09:03
dulekcelebdor: Sure, extra will work. ;) Okay, I'll merge this.09:04
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ltomasbodulek, celebdor: do you know if we have some kind of cache when reading info from config.CONF?09:29
ltomasboI'm getting some weird 'race' when creating 2 pods on two different namespaces09:30
ltomasbowhen reading this config.CONF.neutron_defaults.pod_security_groups09:30
ltomasbothe first one gets it right09:30
ltomasbobut the second one gets some additions (leading to the wrong sg being applied -- or even duplicates)09:31
ltomasboOhh, I think I know what it can be...09:37
dulekltomasbo: We shouldn't have cache.09:45
dulekltomasbo: - seems like namespace tests time out?09:45
celebdorltomasbo: what?09:45
ltomasbodulek, yes, I'm investigating09:45
ltomasbodulek, it does not timeout, but the kuryr-controller crashed09:46
ltomasboprobably due to the sg group duplicate I'm hitting09:46
dulekltomasbo: Whoops. :D09:46
ltomasbobut there may be something else09:46
celebdorltomasbo: I am fixing my buildah patch so it works from fedora as well, not just from centos709:46
celebdorreducing the amount of ops09:46
celebdorlater I'll try on that bug you found on the pkg_resources09:47
ltomasboas I'm trying to deploy with namespace and I'm getting something bad09:47
ltomasbodulek, not sure why it fails to create the networks due to project_id being None09:47
ltomasboso, investigating both issues on 2 devstacks...09:47
dulekltomasbo: Uhm, no idea to be honest.09:48
ltomasbodulek, also, it is normal that tempest test for namespace fail now (regardless of those issues)09:49
ltomasbosince we added the isolation and they need to be updated wtih09:49
ltomasbodulek, ^^09:49
ltomasbodulek, that one already had your +2 and celebdor's one before09:50
dulekltomasbo: It has it again. :)09:51
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celebdorwelcome itzikb!09:57
itzikbcelebdor: Thanks! :-)09:57
celebdoritzikb: regarding . I was not aware of it (please add me as reviewer to your patches) and I made one yesterday that moves the build to extra, which is earlier09:58
celebdorwe ended up merging that one09:58
celebdorsorry for the trouble :/09:58
celebdordulek: irenab:
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Make Port and http/https configurable for the test container
celebdorso that we don't use dockerhub's possibly stale kuryr/demo anymore09:59
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Avoid namespace security group override
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: devstack: Move container build to stack extra
ltomasbodulek, celebdor
ltomasboI merged this yesterday, and there is already a bug /o\10:05
dulekltomasbo: Hey, what's the difference in this code?10:06
dulekltomasbo: Option sends in a list. It shouldn't matter really…10:06
dulekltomasbo: Oh, you want to say that reading a config option and changing it in runtime changes it?!10:06
ltomasbodulek, yep10:06
ltomasboI was getting the default sec on the first time, lets say XXX10:07
ltomasboand as it was adding 2 more to sg_list10:07
ltomasbothe next call to get_security_group was getting10:07
ltomasboxxx,yyy,zzz as the neutron_defaults.pod_security_groups10:07
dulekltomasbo: I wouldn't ever expect this. :D10:07
ltomasbosame here...10:07
dulekltomasbo: Commented with an idea there.10:08
ltomasboand it only happens if the calls are subsequent10:08
ltomasboif I wait a bit, then it does not happen10:08
ltomasbodoing this10:08
ltomasbokubectl -n test run --image kuryr/demo demo10:08
ltomasbokubectl -n luis run --image kuryr/demo demo10:08
ltomasbowill fail without that modification10:08
ltomasbobut doing:10:08
ltomasbokubectl -n test run --image kuryr/demo demo10:08
ltomasbosleep 2010:08
ltomasbokubectl -n luis run --image kuryr/demo demo10:08
ltomasbowill not fail10:09
ltomasbolet me add a note as you suggest10:09
ltomasboahh, ok, I'll do the copy...10:10
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Avoid namespace security group override
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure no api_root value for containerized deployments
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add namespace isolation for services
ltomasbocelebdor, dulek: it is too late to stop this one:
ltomasbogenadi has a point on the cleanup10:21
dulekltomasbo: It's not, -W should stop it from merging.10:22
dulekltomasbo: Which I've did already. :)10:22
ltomasbolet me change 1 thing fast, and we can do it again!10:22
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Namespace isolation tempest coverage
ltomasbodulek, done ^10:24
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Namespace svc isolation tempest coverage
openstackgerritPeng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Implement NPWG multi-vif driver
ltomasbocelebdor, can you please re-add +2/+W to (I just needed to do a small fix)10:30
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Avoid namespace security group overwrite
irenabltomasbo, ping10:44
irenabI am looking at the fix here and not sure whatwasn't right with reading defauls sgs from the config10:45
irenabltomasbo, never mind, its obvious ..10:46
ltomasboirenab, I didn't expected either10:46
irenabpython ...10:46
ltomasbobut when I created 2 pods (one after another10:46
ltomasbothe neutron_default.pod_securigy_gruoup got overwritten10:47
irenabit just appends to the list you read10:47
irenabpoints to the same one10:47
ltomasboand the second pod was getting the same sg as the first one (with is wrong)10:47
ltomasboyep, pretty much10:47
ltomasbobut if I wait between pods creation, it does not happen...10:48
irenabhmm, wierd10:48
ltomasboas you said, python... xD10:48
ltomasboand I think I'm getting something similar for the project id...10:50
irenabltomasbo, maybe better to define my_sg and then extend it with the default?10:51
ltomasboumm, that should get and empty list by default, right?10:51
ltomasbolet me check...10:51
irenabI meant the opposite, start with the sg from the spec and add the default ones to it10:52
ltomasbosure, also I check that security group is a ListOpt, but it has no default10:53
ltomasboirenab, you mean something more similar to what I did for ps1
ltomasboirenab, but moving L52 and 53 to the end10:54
irenabltomasbo, yes, you can just use extend(CONF.sgs) instead of iterating and appending10:55
irenabI think as long as you does not do xxx=CONF.sgs, python should not trick the pointers10:56
irenabltomasbo, let me if you want to respin or merge as it is now, since it does the work11:00
ltomasboirenab, I'll send a modif in 30 secs!11:01
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Avoid namespace security group overwrite
ltomasboirenab, ^^11:02
irenabposted comment on the loop11:04
ltomasboirenab, I cannot use extend there11:07
ltomasboas I need to do the str() cast11:08
irenabisn't is another list?11:08
ltomasbois there a trick to do the str() at the same time?11:08
irenabgot it, fine then11:08
ltomasbois dmellado working today?11:08
irenabI hate this once line python magic that does 10 things11:08
ltomasboI'm on bug hunting day today, yet another one....11:10
celebdorltomasbo: which?11:10
celebdorltomasbo: dmellado is on PTO today11:11
celebdortraveling to Galiza11:11
ltomasbook, I found that one of his patch sets deleted one line, and that was making get_project to return None, instead of project id11:11
ltomasboI'll fill the bug and send a fix right now11:11
dmelladoltomasbo: just landed11:13
dmelladofeel free sending a patch11:13
ltomasboyep, I just filled the bug11:14
celebdordmellado: heh... You botched it11:14
ltomasbosending the patch in 1 min11:14
dmelladoyeah, just a typo11:14
dmelladoyour fault for not noticing it11:14
ltomasbowell, this was breaking my tempest namespace gate11:15
ltomasbothat is how I notice it11:15
dmelladoin any case  just a typo11:15
dmelladothanks for noticing it xD11:15
dmelladomy bad, too much lack of sleep as of late11:16
dmelladoAlexeyPerevalov: you pinged me before, please notice the planned meeting on mon11:16
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure project id is returned for DefaultNamespaceProjectDriver
ltomasbodmellado, celebdor ^^11:17
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dmelladoltomasbo: btw, I don't know if you noticed because of the PTO and so11:18
ltomasbodmellado, is that todya?11:19
dmelladonope, mon11:19
ltomasboahh, ok11:19
dmelladotoday I'm on pto and logging off in 2 min xD11:19
dmelladoI forgot to turn off my phone irc, tbh xD11:19
ltomasbook ok11:19
ltomasboI'll add it to my calendar11:19
ltomasbothanks for the reminder!11:20
ltomasbodulek, irenab: another easy to review patch
ltomasboand dulek check this again please:
ltomasbodulek, that is catch by my namespace tempest tests actually...11:22
ltomasbobut you are right, I'll add it11:23
dulekltomasbo: If it's not too much trouble.11:23
ltomasboit is the same function as before11:23
ltomasboso, it is basically copy and paste11:23
ltomasboshould I add the ones for the other driver? the networkpolicy too?11:23
dulekltomasbo: I know that we have some big gaps in UT, so if you'll need to setup a whole new testcase, then I understand it's troublesome.11:24
dulekltomasbo: I guess so.11:24
ltomasbook, give me 5 min!11:24
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure project id is returned for DefaultNamespaceProjectDriver
ltomasbodulek, ^^ done!11:30
ltomasboand break for lunch...11:31
dulekltomasbo: It took you less than 5 minutes. xD11:39
dulekdmellado: Hey, what the heck: ?11:48
dulekdmellado: We're not running kubelet on the compute node in multinode?11:49
celebdordulek: no11:52
celebdorthat node, IIRC, is only for running octavia amps11:52
dulekcelebdor: Was that worth all the work? I though we'll be testing multiple kubelets and pod-to-pod-on-other-node traffic there.11:53
celebdordulek: heh11:53
celebdornot my planning11:53
celebdorthat's dmellado's11:54
celebdorI expect that he'll add extra nodes11:54
celebdorfor using them as k8s nodes11:54
dulekcelebdor: I doubt there's a nodeset that has 3 VMs. Maybe he wanted to do nested there?11:54
celebdorIIRC he said that adding more nodes was not an issue11:55
openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Enable kubelet on multinode's gate subnode
openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: WIP: Add HA gate
dulekLet's see how this'll work. :)11:57
dulekAh, I'm missing one thing there probably…11:57
openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Enable kubelet on multinode's gate subnode
openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: WIP: Add HA gate
celebdordulek: I was thinking if it would be worth it to make it so that the containerized devstack gates12:05
celebdorhad the kuryr code on a mounted volume12:05
celebdorso that it would not be necessary to rebuild the image for changes12:06
dulekcelebdor: Aw, forgot to turn on containerized. xD12:06
dulekcelebdor: I assume we're talking about development here - no need for that in gates.12:09
celebdordulek: righ12:10
openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: WIP: Add HA gate
dulekcelebdor: We've thought about something like this in Kolla context a while ago. It should work if we'll install kuryr on containers with `pip -e <dir-where-we'll-mount-the-code>`.12:10
dulekI mean in the Dockerfile.12:10
celebdordulek: and rely on the volume replacing it getting the egg-link to work12:12
dulekcelebdor: Well, I guess its a nice idea for Friday evening writeup. ;)12:13
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add namespace isolation for services
celebdorthen you just make the changes on /opt/stack/kuryr-kubernetes12:14
celebdorkill the container12:14
celebdorand when it spawns again12:14
celebdorit will use the new code12:14
dulekcelebdor: One minor thing I'd like to fix is kuryr-daemon container killing timeout.12:15
dulekcelebdor: It doesn't stop with SIGTERM and K8s is killing them, I think.12:16
dulekcelebdor: Anyway `kubectl delete kuryr-cni` takes ~60 seconds to happen.12:16
celebdordulek: do you know why?12:17
dulekcelebdor: I've analyzed this a while ago, but thought your changes to will fix it.12:20
dulekcelebdor: So probably got it wrong. :D12:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: kuryr-tempest-plugin devstack plugin to build kuryr/demo
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Avoid namespace security group overwrite
ltomasbodulek, ^^ I fixed the dummy mistake when changing the sg list12:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Namespace isolation tempest coverage
openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add buildah support
openstackgerritPeng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Implement NPWG multi-vif driver
celebdorshadower: my phone literally overheated to hell13:13
celebdorI have to see how I fix it13:13
celebdorshadower: the focus should be:13:14
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celebdorKeeping env for OpenShift QE13:14
celebdorand increase the coverage in the places that we know that our stack (openstack) can have trouble13:15
celebdorboth in storage and in networking13:15
celebdorOh, and have the openstack/kuryr-kubernetes gates have ocp tests as third party ci13:19
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ltomasbocelebdor, wrong channel?13:29
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celebdorltomasbo: It also applies here :-)13:35
* celebdor lunch13:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure project id is returned for DefaultNamespaceProjectDriver
shadowercelebdor: yea I agree13:40
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add namespace isolation for services
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openstackgerritPeng Liu proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Implement NPWG multi-vif driver
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garylougHi all, I‘m finding that ports are not being deleted when I delete my pods. Looks like the release_vif function is not being called in the controller driver. I’ve seen this on nested-macvlan driver and the in review nested-dpdk. Anyone seen similar or have any ideas what could be the issue in my env?14:10
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openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: devstack: deploy openshift registry on origin envs
openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: drop deprecated oadm
openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: drop deprecated oadm
openstackgerritGenadi Chereshnya proposed openstack/kuryr-tempest-plugin master: Testing VM to loadBalancer service connectivity
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openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Enable kubelet on multinode's gate subnode
openstackgerritMichał Dulko proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: WIP: Add HA gate
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openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: devstack: deploy openshift registry on origin envs
openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: drop deprecated oadm
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openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Avoid namespace security group overwrite
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Ensure OpenShift gate uses the namespace subnet/sg drivers
openstackgerritLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Add namespace isolation for services
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ltomasbocelebdor, I did some rebase, can you +W this:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr-kubernetes master: Avoid namespace security group overwrite
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