Thursday, 2016-12-15

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/fuxi: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kuryr: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritDongcan Ye proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Fix misleading info in CreateNetwork
openstackgerritIlya Chukhnakov proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes: [DRAFT] devref: binding drivers
ivc_irenab irenab_ apuimedo vikasc FYI very early devref draft about binding drivers for Kuryr-K8s:
vikascthanks ivc_05:46
vikascivc_, there are two points regarding binding driver porting patch:05:47
vikasc1. osvif.plug is not needed to be called for nested-container interfaces eg. vlan05:48
vikasc2. For passing binding info for a vlan interface, as we discussed yesterday, there is no specific vif type in os-vif. I was thinking to use VIFBridge only somehow.05:49
vikascVIFBridge has variables for all details except vlanid05:49
ivc_vikasc yeah that 'draft' specifically mentions several times that we only need NOOPPlugin for os-vif :)05:50
ivc_vikasc no, pls dont use VIFBridge05:50
vikascivc_, i dont think plugn is required in os-vif for vlan case for plug() is not needed05:50
ivc_it has nothing to do with bridge and that would be confusing05:50
ivc_vikasc well we want to keep it generic, don't we? if you set VIF.plugin to "noop" and implement a NOOPPlugin, you don't have to care about it05:51
ivc_and by 'implement' i mean ... just subclass and define some empty "pass" methods (you only need to implement 'describe')05:52
vikascivc_, i havent gone through your draft yet05:53
vikascivc_, but i agree with your generic point.05:53
ivc_vikasc take a look, it is essentially a how-to05:54
vikascivc_, i am just thinking can i avoid creating a new vif type in os-vif05:54
ivc_vikasc why?05:54
vikascivc_, it would add an extra delay for the change in os-vif to get merged05:55
ivc_vikasc it's just one type you define in kuryr_kubernetes.objects05:55
ivc_vikasc it does not need to go to os-vif05:55
ivc_vikasc we define it in our repo, just use os_vif.VIFBase for a base class05:56
vikascivc_, ok ok.. got it05:56
vikascivc_, :) thanks05:56
ivc_vikasc it might look complicated at first, but it's all quite simple in fact05:57
ivc_just not everything documented... yet :)05:57
vikascivc_, would you mind if i rework my patch as per your "how-to"05:58
ivc_vikasc why would i? :)05:58
vikascivc_, great !05:58
vikascivc_, let me go through it and will get back05:59
ivc_vikasc ping me if you find something confusing or not quite clear (it might be the case as its just a draft/some scraps)05:59
vikascivc_, sure05:59
vikascivc_, thanks06:00
ivc_vikasc np :)06:01
irenab_ivc_, thanks for sharing, checking it now06:03
irenab_ivc_, one point that I was thinking is that with ov_vif we are limiting the options to aoly the interfaces that are supported by ov_vif06:05
ivc_irenab_ nope we do not :)06:05
ivc_irenab_ we can define our own types06:05
ivc_irenab_ in kuryr_kubernetes.objects06:06
ivc_irenab_ there's one thing about os-vif you can find in that 'devref draft' - it literally does almost nothing outside of 'ovs-hybrid' case06:07
irenab_ivc_, still will require new code to be added06:07
ivc_irenab_ we can have NOOPPlugin that does nothing and can use it for most cases i think06:07
ivc_irenab_ and we'll need to define the VIF model anyway to store data06:08
irenab_ivc_, correct, but if its not something too coupled with vif type, then it can serve different options without adding new object06:09
ivc_irenab_ what do you mean?06:10
irenab_that we probably can make Controller part generic with regards to vif_type06:11
ivc_irenab_ we can't. only controller knows what kind of port it created06:11
irenab_and the binding driver can adjust object to its case06:12
ivc_think about trunk/sub ports06:12
ivc_you can't bind with OVS binding driver into linuxbridge port06:13
irenab_but we can propogate vif_type to the CNI06:13
ivc_my point is that the port and the binding driver are tied together06:13
ivc_propagate how?06:13
irenab_lets say we want to add support for new neutron backend06:15
ivc_well we already using annotation06:15
ivc_yes, for new backend you need a binding driver, right?06:15
ivc_that binding driver requires some sort of information06:15
ivc_so we need to keep that information somewhere right?06:16
ivc_and thats why we use VIF objects - they have 'type', common part (see VIFBase) and driver-specific parts (see VIFBridge or VIFOpenVSwitch)06:17
ivc_am i missing something?06:17
* ivc_ might be as he have not slept today06:18
ivc_irenab_ oh and the Controller part is generic in regards to Neutron client use (thus the Generic in GenericPodVIFDriver as it is equivalent to neutron port-create and allows neutron to fill needed vif_details with backend-specific data)06:20
ivc_irenab_ so only the 'vif_translator' is needed to convert neutron port data into VIF object06:21
irenab_ivc_, give a min to read, was distracted to some office disscussion06:22
irenab_ivc_, yes, so we have to deal with translation to add support to new vif type, and this is not pluggable06:23
ivc_irenab_ it is pluggable :)06:23
irenab_sort of .. now the translation is in ovs_vif_utils06:24
ivc_yes, but it is called through stebedore driver06:25
ivc_look for 'kuryr_kubernetes.vif_translators'06:26
ivc_irenab_ also, the VIF type is directly mapped to the binding driver in 'kuryr_kubernetes.cni.binding'06:26
irenab_so for adding new vif type, it looks like need either modify or add new vif_translator  + binding driver06:27
ivc_irenab_ i'd say to add a binding driver you most likely need a new VIFType+translator06:28
irenab_ivc_, I think its just the matter who is doing the translation. Currently its up to controller06:29
ivc_irenab_ yes, because only controller knows what kind of port it created06:30
ivc_if you move it to cni (why?), you'd have to pass some additional info06:30
irenab_ivc_, its true only for trunk/regular, vif_type is determined by neutron06:30
ivc_right now for cni part you only need a driver06:30
ivc_irenab_ what exactly do you suggest06:32
irenab_ivc_, just thinking for now. Maybe we can delegate the neutron port -> VIF translation to CNI06:33
irenab_so when we want to support new vif_type, changes are only for one component06:34
irenab_when we have CNI Daemon06:34
irenab_ivc_, not something to change now, lets see how the new types additions go06:35
ivc_irenab_ but that means storing neutron-client port dict in annotation06:39
ivc_irenab_ and thats one thing i don't like06:40
ivc_irenab_ also regarding 'changes for one component' - the component is kuryr-kubernetes (or kuryr-lib eventually) so it is still one component06:41
irenab_ivc_, maybe we can have generic vif annotation, just not converted to specific type. It usually vif type and binding:vif_details that should be needed for binding06:42
ivc_irenab_ and then you'd have to special-case trunk ports somehow06:42
irenab_you are right about the trunk case, this will require different translation, then it sort of makes sense to modify controller06:43
ivc_with current approach there's no special casing at all06:43
ivc_VIF passed to CNI only contains the data necessary to perform binding06:45
irenab_I understand this, its just matter of who is responsible for getting the needed data06:45
irenab_in nova, its done by compute node?06:46
irenab_or controller?06:46
ivc_irenab_ neutron -> os.vif translation you mean?06:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr: Links do not point to any document
irenab_ivc_, devref is very good, just made me think about several places to modify to add new binding driver.06:52
ivc_irenab_ afaik nova's computes do not talk directly to neutron, do they?06:52
ivc_irenab_ what do you want to modify?06:53
irenab_vif translator and then new/modified binding driver06:57
ivc_irenab_ yup, thats just 2 things you need to add for ovs-native06:57
ivc_irenab_ i've forgot to add the driver in 'howto' part but covered it in Components/VIF binding06:58
ivc_irenab_ or not necessary ovs-native, but you mean dragonflow, right?06:59
irenab_nothing specific, it can be any other supported neutron binding backend: midonet, iovisor, ..07:00
irenab_dragonflow and ovn are ovs-native07:00
ivc_irenab_ you mean anything that uses VIFOpenVSwitch?07:00
ivc_irenab_ i mean the VIFOpenVSwitch model fits all those backends, right?07:01
ivc_so back to initial discussion regarding CNI/COntroller responsibilities, that means we'll have the same code in CNI and will only define different translators for different backends07:03
ivc_i was hoping we can do so but was not certain07:03
irenab_what do you mean by same code in CNI, same binding driver?07:04
ivc_irenab_ yes, since the binding driver is directly mapped to VIF type07:05
irenab_ivc_, yes, makes sense to have one ovs binding driver07:10
vikascirenab, ivc_ : write up makes sense to me and i am going to update my existing patch as per the mentioned approach and new vif type, 'vlan'.07:12
vikascVIFDirect does not have 'vlan_id' and 'network' fields which are needed for passing required data for binding07:13
ivc_vikasc pls note that 'network' field is present in all VIFs07:14
irenab_vikasc, maybe vif_type should be nested_vlan07:15
vikascivc_, oops yes07:15
ivc_vikasc its a feature of oslo.VersionedObject - you get all 'fields' of the parent class inherited in subclasses07:15
vikascivc_, its in base07:15
ivc_irenab_ +1 was about to say the same. i'm not sure if it can be used with 'bare-metal' vlan or not07:16
ivc_irenab_ but maybe it could and the only difference would be VIF.plugin07:16
vikascintention was just to share about my view on native vif-type creation, had not given a thought on name07:17
vikasc+1 for nested_vlan07:17
vikascivc_, vlan_id still seems to be missing though07:18
ivc_we can always rename it if it will work with hardware vlans07:18
ivc_vikasc yes, you need to define your new type :P07:18
vikascthanks irenab and ivc_07:19
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openstackgerritDongcan Ye proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: [WIP] Delete kuryr-subnet in existing Neutron network
ivc_irenab_ btw, does dragonflow use neutron's port binding extension (i.e. 'binding:host_id')?07:44
vikascivc_, what is your timezone btw07:50
irenab_its ml2 driver, so must be supported07:50
ivc_vikasc utc+307:50
vikascivc_, great! mine is utc + 5.3007:51
ivc_vikasc but my 'internal' timezone is kinda random :D07:51
vikascivc_, :D i read 'dint sleep today'07:52
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yedongcanapuimedo, vikasc, irenab_: Hi, could you help confirm this bug:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1650130 in kuryr-libnetwork "Can't delete subnetpool when deleting network" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Dongcan Ye (hellochosen)07:57
irenab_yedongcan, will check a bit later, currently at the meeting08:01
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ltomasbohi mchiappero, I updated the PS
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ltomasboand had to move some extra functionality from to the drivers08:04
yedongcanirenab_, thanks,  not urgent08:05
ltomasbodue to the problem we discussed in previous versions of my PS08:05
ltomasbocould you please take a look08:05
vikascyedongcan, it is because in delete-network, because it is pre-existing network, it is returning before deleting subnets. And when libnetwork asks neutron to delete subnetpool, it fails because that subnet is referring to it.08:14
vikascyedongcan, Not sure but may be in delete_network, subnets deletion should happen even though network deletion is skipped for neutron pre-existing networks. Because this subnet was created by Kuryr, so it should be able to delete also and then subnetpool deletion will also succeed08:16
yedongcanvikasc, yes, so do we need to delete the subnet created by kuryr?08:17
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vikascyedongcan, i think we should because Kuryr only created that08:18
yedongcanvikasc, Okay, got it. I had mark the kuryr created subnet as "kuryr-subnet", maybe we need to using tags as network, but it seems subnet doesn't support tags extension(not sure about it)08:20
vikascyedongcan, can kuryr use existing subnets?08:22
vikascyamamoto_, i mean the one that are not created by kuryr08:22
vikascwrong nick08:22
vikascyamamoto_, sorry :)08:23
vikascyedongcan,  i mean the one that are not created by kuryr08:23
yedongcanvikasc: not using it08:23
vikascyedongcan, then i guess no need to think about tagging them08:24
vikascyedongcan, we need tagging on networks because they can be pre-existed. do i make sense?08:24
yedongcanvikasc: yes, currently we only support using existing network08:25
yedongcanvikasc: thanks08:27
vikascyedongcan, np !08:27
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ltomasbohi folks, I've been talking with yedongcan about a problem with ports not being deleted when removing the container if the net/subnet was created with neutron (after patch:, and then use it in docker09:02
ltomasbothe main problem is the neutron subnet does not have any subnetpool associated09:03
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/kuryr: Updated from global requirements
ltomasboand after the 'docker network create -d kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr --subnet= --gateway= --o kuryr-net10'09:04
ltomasbothe subnetpool is created but not included into the subnet09:04
ltomasbothere exists the limitation when subnets have same/overlapping cidr, and perhaps the pools need to be used09:05
ltomasbobut I understood that that was needed when you want to use the same network from dockers at different servers09:05
ltomasbonot for the first server using docker and joining an existing neutron network09:06
ltomasboanyone knows if that is like this, are we always need to use the and -ipam-opt options when using an already existing neutron network?09:06
limaoltomasbo: hi09:06
ltomasbohi limao09:06
limao"but I understood that that was needed when you want to use the same network from dockers at different servers" <-- I did not get this use case09:07
ltomasbook, let me re-phrase it09:07
limaoltomasbo: you mean you use etcd on different server with docker ?09:08
ltomasboyou have a controller and a couple of worker nodes in openstack09:08
ltomasboand a neutron network, let's name it net009:08
limaoltomasbo: yeah09:08
ltomasboif you want to create a couple of containers in that neutron network09:08
ltomasboand one container is in compute-node109:09
ltomasboand the other in compute-node209:09
ltomasbothen, in each one of those compute nodes you need to do:09:09
ltomasbodocker network create ...09:09
ltomasboto be able to later do the09:09
ltomasbodocker run --net=net0 ...09:09
limaoltomasbo: wait a min, do you mean veth mode or macvlan mode?09:09
ltomasboI discover this with vlan mode, but it is independent of that09:10
ltomasboas I then tried to with veth mode and the same problem arise09:10
ltomasbojust using raw docker, no kubernetes or docker-swarm09:10
limaoltomasbo: ok09:11
limaoltomasbo: then you should use import neutron existed network09:11
ltomasbowith is with the -o option when using 'docker network create...'?09:12
ltomasboor there is something else?09:12
limaoI was thought we should use etcd to store network info when you run docker+kuryr on multi-host09:14
limaothen you only need to create network one time on any of the host node09:15
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limaoltomasbo: I tested docker+kuryr with etcd before.   I did not tested import neutron existed network on every node09:18
limaoI think there would be problem maybe, because when you import neutron neutwork into docker, kuryr will update the tag of the neutron network09:19
ltomasboregardless of the multi site node, where I agree the subpools needs to be use09:20
ltomasboand the etcd would be nice09:20
limaolimao: when you import it in second node, the tag will be overwrited by that node... it should will impact the first node09:20
ltomasbothe problem I'm facing is in a single node09:20
ltomasbothat was just the explanation for the text I did not explain properly09:20
ltomasbowhat I'm facing is the next:09:20
limaoltomasbo :)09:20
ltomasbocreate network and subnet with neutron09:20
ltomasbothen, I want to create a container in that netowrk09:21
ltomasboI do the 'docker network create ....'09:21
ltomasbowith the -o
ltomasbothen, create the docker container with09:21
ltomasbodocker run -it --net=net0 ...09:21
limaoltomasbo: yeah09:22
ltomasbothat works, but, when I exit the container09:22
ltomasbothe neutron port created for the container is not removed09:22
limaoltomasbo: oh, then it should be bug...09:23
ltomasboand I was wondering, if there is a need of include subnetpool option when triggering the09:23
limaoltomasbo: I tested with , it should work in my mind.09:23
ltomasbodocker network create command09:23
ltomasbothe very same process works perfectly fine if the network is directly created by kuryr instead of already being created by neutron09:24
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ltomasbothis is what I found in the logs when triggering the docker network create command:09:24
ltomasbo2016-12-15 08:25:01.302 22269 INFO kuryr_libnetwork [-] Creating subnetpool with the given pool CIDR09:26
ltomasbo2016-12-15 08:25:01.798 22269 WARNING kuryr_libnetwork [-] There is already existing subnet for the same cidr. Please check and specify pool name in Options.09:26
ltomasbo2016-12-15 08:25:01.950 22269 INFO werkzeug [-] - - [15/Dec/2016 08:25:01] "POST /IpamDriver.RequestPool HTTP/1.1" 200 -09:26
ltomasbo2016-12-15 08:25:02.129 22269 INFO werkzeug [-] - - [15/Dec/2016 08:25:02] "POST /IpamDriver.RequestAddress HTTP/1.1" 200 -09:26
ltomasbo2016-12-15 08:25:02.638 22269 INFO kuryr_libnetwork [-] Using existing network None successfully09:26
ltomasbo2016-12-15 08:25:02.761 22269 INFO werkzeug [-] - - [15/Dec/2016 08:25:02] "POST /NetworkDriver.CreateNetwork HTTP/1.1" 200 -09:26
ltomasboso, it seems you always needs to use the subnetpool option when the network is already existing09:27
ltomasbojust wanting to know if that is true or not09:27
ltomasboand if that so, why? as kuryr actually automatically created a kuryrPool-xxx, why not using it right away09:28
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limaoltomasbo: oh, wait a min , Let me find out the background09:30
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limaoltomasbo :
openstackLaunchpad bug 1626011 in kuryr-libnetwork "Container boot failed: new subnet created with missing subnetpool" [Undecided,Fix released] - Assigned to Dongcan Ye (hellochosen)09:34
ltomasboumm, I have no problem creating the container09:35
ltomasboand even with the warning in the network create09:35
ltomasbothe container is booted and plugged properly09:35
ltomasbothe only problem is the hanging port09:35
limaothe port did not been deleted in neutron, right?09:36
ltomasboyep, that is the problem09:36
ltomasbosince now, to delete the port09:36
ltomasbowe check if:09:36
ltomasbotmp_subnet['subnetpool_id'] == pool_id09:37
ltomasbowhile before, if there was only one subnet (as in my csae)09:37
ltomasboif was selected, and then deleted from there09:37
ltomasbothis is what creates the port not to be deleted, but maybe the problem is that subnetpool_id is not properly updated when creating the network09:38
limaoYeah, maybe, I fixed a bug related this before, but it should not be your problem. because you are using existed neutron network:
limaoare you using latest master code?09:40
limaoLet me try to reproduce the problem in my environment09:40
ltomasboyes, I'm using the master code09:41
ltomasboand I do have that patch merged09:41
ltomasbosteps to reproduce:09:41
ltomasbo openstack network create net009:42
ltomasboopenstack subnet create --network net0 --subnet-range subnet009:42
ltomasbodocker network create -d kuryr --ipam-driver=kuryr --subnet= --gateway= -o kuryr-net009:42
ltomasbodocker run -it --net=kuryr-net0 busybox09:42
yedongcanltomasbo, limao:  ltomasbo's case is: 1.neutron create network 2.neutron create-subnet  3.kuryr create network with the same cidr with step two, this will hits There is already existing subnet for the same cidr. Please check and specify pool name in Options.09:42
ltomasboand exit the container09:43
limaoget it ltomasbo, hi yedongcan09:43
yedongcanltomasbo, limao: but if we pass another subnet in step 3, we will hit: Error response from daemon: NetworkDriver.CreateNetwork: Subnets hosted on the same network must be allocated from the same subnet pool.09:43
yedongcanNeutron server returns request_ids: ['req-55035146-bdf8-460a-8467-8be031968158']09:43
yedongcanltomasbo, limao: I just test another case: 1.neutron create network 2.docker create network using existing network  then I got the subnetpool_id09:46
ltomasboyep, but to me the interesting case is when there is already subnets (and VMs connected to) in the neutron net09:48
ltomasboI notice that, even if you include the -o and the --ipam-opt09:50
ltomasbothe subnetpool_id is not appearing in the neutron subnet-show net009:50
ltomasboalthough the port is deleted in that case09:50
yedongcanumm, that means subnetpool_id not update?09:51
ltomasbono idea09:51
ltomasbomaybe we do not update the subnet info...09:52
yedongcanumm, I will leave now, and will check that later.09:54
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apuimedoivc_: irenab_: vikasc: That's some intense early morning discussion (for eu tz)09:56
vikascivc_ dont sleep so thats the result09:57
apuimedoltomasbo: limao: only etcd/consul/zk is supported when using kuryr with docker swarm. Creating the same libnetwork net on each host is a way to die an early death due to stress10:00
ltomasbobut this is the case when you create it with neutron, and then just in 1 host for docker10:01
apuimedoltomasbo: if your one docker host engine is pointing to a cluster store, it will still go and define it in etcd10:06
ltomasboI'm just using docker, without swarm or kubernetes, so not using etcd at all (for now)10:07
ltomasbobut I fully agree, for a multi node etcd is a must10:08
apuimedowell, when you move to use more hosts, please use the cluster store :-)10:08
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limaoltomasbo: I think this is bug, when kuryr input existed network, the exist subnet do not have subnetpool id... when kuryr delete port, it will check subnet has subnetpool10:28
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limaoltomasbo: and I think maybe neutron subnet-update do not support update subnetpool id10:30
limaoltomasbo: so when after kuryr create subnet pool, it can't update the existed subnet..10:30
ltomasbook, anyway, even if that info does not appear in neutron subnet-list10:34
limaoltomasbo: or maybe when we release port if the subnet is in existed network, then we do not check subnetpool id.10:34
limaoltomasbo: yeah, I thought after subnet is created subnetpool_id is unchangable...10:35
ltomasboif the net is created with the ipam-opt it is accessible10:35
limaoltomasbo: I have to go now...  let's check more later :-)10:36
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ltomasbook, thanks!10:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: Temporary cleanup remove_container method in Rally job
apuimedomchiappero: ping11:53
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openstackgerritAntoni Segura Puimedon proposed openstack/kuryr-libnetwork: [WIP] Driver based model for kuryr-libnetwork
apuimedomchiappero: ltomasbo: I solved the nameless TODO in the patch. Now it should pass the pep811:55
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ltomasbogreat! I will rebase mine12:02
ltomasboand I will add unit tests too12:02
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apuimedothanks ltomasbo12:21
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openstackgerritvikas choudhary proposed openstack/kuryr-kubernetes: [WIP] Refactor for porting of binding drivers from kuryr-lib
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apuimedomchiappero: ping15:27
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mchiapperoapuimedo: pong16:40
mchiapperotoday I'm extremely busy, sorry :(16:40
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apuimedomchiappero: still around?20:20
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openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/fuxi: Enable use of constraints for all tox based jobs.
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